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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT2| Red Head Redemption




This guy's art is so good. I donate 5bucks on patreon and i have this in high res :D

Absolutely stunning
Not the one you asked but I'll answer you

It took me 65 hours to platinum it in very hard (played the first 20% of the game in hard mode) and I did everything. I was missing like maybe a dozen logs in total (those you're supposed to find by yourself throughout the map) but I got all the written logs and audio logs that matter (those about the story). I found the game to be a tad easy. Like in the last 1/3rd of the game I only died twice and once was during the last hunting ground mission.

I feel like those who finished the game in less than 50 hours just played the main campaign and rushed through the game and those who finished it in more than 70 hours took their sweet sweet time.

Not a big fan of the music. It sounds kinda messy. I feel like you should just have kept the original score. But the rest is brilliant. Love it !

I played on Hard and got the plat sub 40 hours. Listened to as many audio logs as I could find. Loved the game. No idea how it is taking a lot of people so long!
Anyone else run into bugs now and then?

I've seen very few bugs for a game of this scale.

I did hit a couple of bugs about 70-80% of the way through the main quests:

At the start of the fight with the corrupted behemoth in the sun ring, Aloy is wearing casual non-armour gear.
After one hit on a support for the central platform the behemoth started glitching straight through it. I couldn't figure out what to do and died.
The game restarted at the beginning of the behemoth fight, but Aloy was wearing her Nora brave gear. After the platform collapse she switched to the armour I had before she was captured.


I played on Hard and got the plat sub 40 hours. Listened to as many audio logs as I could find. Loved the game. No idea how it is taking a lot of people so long!

I like to take my time with games, and explore everything in peace. TLOU took me 19 hours on the first playthrough, Bloodborne and DS3 +80 hours both, which is the same Horizon took me. Why rush something you can only experience once for the first time?
I like to take my time with games, and explore everything in peace. TLOU took me 19 hours on the first playthrough, Bloodborne and DS3 +80 hours both, which is the same Horizon took me. Why rush something you can only experience once for the first time?

I am with you, I just feel like I didn't rush at all. Explored everything. I only ask because I wish it took me longer!


I am with you, I just feel like I didn't rush at all. Explored everything. I only ask because I wish it took me longer!

I probably put more time than necessary to back and forth travel, eventhough I used fast travel a plenty as well. I also tried to find a way to several seemingly inaccessible locations. When there was a mountain ahead, I just had to try to climb on top of it. There's still a lot left to explore, even after 83½ hours.


Finally 100%!

Almost missed the last side quest as it was not in any town lol.

This Acquired Taste quest is good though!
I feel like I have to be playing this game wrong or something. I'm playing a level 15 mission at level 20, and the human enemies absolutely melt me in a matter of seconds. Am I missing something, or is stealth absolutely required? I'm not exaggerating btw, I literally go down before I can even get a shot off.
There is an Platinum avatar just released on the PSN Store and not available to get. I think the only way to get it is by platinuming the game.


Just started the game and I have to say it's really great. The action and chaos going on screen at one time makes me feel like like there is a sense of danger when those big battles are going on. I have the dynamic HUD on and the little compass at the top is a perfect balance personally for me that allows exploration while trying to explore the world. I've found myself not looking at the map very often at all. I've literally just finished the mission with
the War Chief and her son
. Not sure how far into the game I am.

As for the graphics, they are just astonishing. Best looking game on the planet. I subscribed to the screenshot thread since it started but somehow the game looks even better in action. It's crazy


Finally 100%!

Almost missed the last side quest as it was not in any town lol.

This Acquired Taste quest is good though!

I was wondering why I was just at 99% when I beat the game and got the platinum! I looked all over the map and didn't see any green arrows. Where is this?
I was wondering why I was just at 99% when I beat the game and got the platinum! I looked all over the map and didn't see any green arrows. Where is this?

Middle of the map, southeast of the Zeta Cauldron. You'll have to walk a bit, it's at the foot of a mountain range, a cabin with a bonfire.

I'm level 30 Feels like it takes me so long to down big ass machines what gear should I be rocking GAF ?

It's less about gear and more about strategies.
Freezing them and hitting with blast/sticky bombs, especially if you've got a blast sling fully modded with purple damage + mods, tends to be fairly efficient against pretty much everything. Ropecaster for the fliers is also a good idea.
I feel like I have to be playing this game wrong or something. I'm playing a level 15 mission at level 20, and the human enemies absolutely melt me in a matter of seconds. Am I missing something, or is stealth absolutely required? I'm not exaggerating btw, I literally go down before I can even get a shot off.
That's not right, you should be the one melting human enemies. I find rattler useful against them since those idiots like to get up close. Blast slings are pretty handy too since it pretty much one shot a lot of them. Also setting up tripwires around chokepoints don't hurt also
Sniper elite tho...
Don't hate sniper elite tho; it's a good game but its inclusion in that list is a bit eh if I say so myself
Yeah I've never played a Persona before but 5 has caught my attention and I definitely want to play it. Plus the fact that it's like 100+ hours is pretty cool.
A bit warning though; it takes a quite a bit for the game to kick off and let you go loose. Also that 100+ hours is gonna fly by so fast


This is the first game in recent memory, where I can't move on and play something else, until I have platinum-ed it. This never happens to me.


Legitimately one of the best games I have ever played. Just incredible.

Agreed. It went straight into my all-time top 10, with Silent Hill 2, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Shadow of Memories, Resident Evil 2, and Journey. The only open world game that's managed to do that, unless BB and LoK:SR are counted as ones.


This is going to sound silly but OMG I've only just realised that the map is 2.5/3D!

BTW, how do you tell how long you've played the game ?


And the last side quest is done, and the game is truly completed. Loved what the Acquired Taste quest hinted at.

This is going to sound silly but OMG I've only just realised that the map is 2.5/3D!

BTW, how do you tell how long you've played the game ?

By looking at the time in the save file.


And the last side quest is done, and the game is truly completed. Loved what the Acquired Taste quest hinted at.

Maybe something has gone way over my head, but what did it hint at? Wasn't it just that the
guy was going crazy drinking machine oil?
Finished the game last night. Fantastic and a load of fun. I only have a couple nitpicks really.

- The climbing. Although it was pretty intuitive and worked well. I just wish there was more to climb. Many times i would find a really tall structure and circled around it looking for a way on top but could never find any. I even tried the Elder Scrolls jump up side of the mountain trick to not much luck. With the awesome photomode they put in the game it seems like a missed opportunity to me to be able to get on some really unique locations to take pics of the views. If not for even the simple ability to help navigate and look around.
There was also a few times id hit a waste high wall and couldnt jump on it. Id have to find the appropriate place to go up. Thought that was silly. Im not asking for BoTW climbing. But hopefully they tweek it to let us explore a bit more? Maybe a gun mounted grapple hook of some kind (ala hookshot?) So i hope they refine that in whatever comes next in the series.

- If youre gonna add stealth elements i think it would be handy if we can move the human bodies we kill so they cant be discovered. Just a quality of life thing. Doesnt make or break anything. Just would be nice.

- Some time of torch/flashlight would be nice for darker areas.

- Binoculars or a scope of some kind to view our surroundings.

Thats really all that i really want added i can think of at the moment. Pretty much minor stuff. Fantastic game. Highly recommended. A lot of fun.
Maybe something has gone way over my head, but what did it hint at? Wasn't it just that the
guy was going crazy drinking machine oil?

He hinted at a lot of things that happened in the game.
If you did the quest after you finished everything else it became pretty obvious and Aloy actually made a comment wondering about how he'd know these things.


He hinted at a lot of things that happened in the game.
If you did the quest after you finished everything else it became pretty obvious and Aloy actually made a comment wondering about how he'd know these things.

The mention of
Forbidden West
seems to point to events ahead.


Funny thing that happened on my play true was, me playing till level 15 or so, then going to a merchant and trying to sell stuff for the first time... I looked at the description and sold everything that said (sold to merchant for shards) not knowing that a lot of these things are also needed if you want to buy stuff in addition to shards... So i sell everything and want to buy a new bow :/ Don't have the other stuff needed...fucks sake. Well i start wandering about to collect some animal skin or what ever and jump onto a watcher form some hight, turns out that right behind this watcher is an entrance...
Just discovered my first couldron(?) had no idea what would await me so i go in... not a single enemy...right unit the end where i have to fight ....a Thunderjaw. :/ I have nothing on me to build stuff, shit bow, and do no damage at all. That fight was harder then any Boss fight in the Bloodsouls series... i tried like 40 times or more. I had to target one of his disc shooting bitch weapons, hope that it would fall down, manage in that tight space to pick it up and shoot him down to a point where i would be able to manage the fight. His swirl attack was an instant kill at that time. Don't know to this day if i could have just fast traveled out of there... What an awesome fight, now i kill these beasts in under a minute.
The mention of
Forbidden West
seems to point to events ahead.

Yep, it was basically
the only region outside the map that was mentioned multiple times. They also mentioned that there is an endless lake with sour water.
I assume they mean the sea with its salty water. With larger bodys of water we maybe get some more water based machines. Roboshark!

I think I read this is in a glyph or somewhere.
Most extraordinary of all are those reports of a lake one hundred times the size of the Daybrink-- so wide the far shores cannot be made out, and so deep that an entire city of the ancients stands drowned within. The water is sour to the taste, and sickening, and it is said to rise up and push back against those who attempt to cross.

Looks like the coastal cities have been consumed by rising sea levels.
So I picked up Persona 5, Cosmic Star Heroine unlocks Tuesday, and all I can think about is what comes next in the world of Horizon Zero Dawn.

Also, those clouds!



Made a bunch of time-lapse GIFs using footage I recorded for my "Stunning Apocalypse" video (which I made unlisted because RGB levels were incorrect).


Yep, it was basically
the only region outside the map that was mentioned multiple times. They also mentioned that there is an endless lake with sour water.
I assume they mean the sea with its salty water. With larger bodys of water we maybe get some more water based machines. Roboshark!

I think I read this is in a glyph or somewhere.
Most extraordinary of all are those reports of a lake one hundred times the size of the Daybrink-- so wide the far shores cannot be made out, and so deep that an entire city of the ancients stands drowned within. The water is sour to the taste, and sickening, and it is said to rise up and push back against those who attempt to cross.

Looks like the coastal cities have been consumed by rising sea levels.

That's interesting. I've either missed that, or forgotten it. I did miss several of the datapoints, glyphs included. I've been thinking about going back to get them all, if there's a good guide for them.
Many of the cutscenes throughout the game had odd glitches when moving from one scene to another. Instead of moving fluidly forward, they made an abrupt jolt to the next scene. In addition, during the last few cutscenes Aloy wasn't wearing the outfit I had equipped for her.
This didn't happen to me or I didn't notice it except the outfit reverting in the last missions

[*]The other collectables could have offered more to the story, like the Vantage Points, eventhough I enjoyed exploring and finding all Metal Flowers and Banuk Figures.
They do if you fid their merchants and talk to them. I found it funny how the mugs were considered much more. And the metal flowers surely have a deeper meaning in thei codes imo.

[*]If the best outfits had been granted earlier, you would have had more time to use them when progressing though the story.
I found this fine, the outfits aren't that special anyway, it's more about the mods. The shileld-weaver would have been really OP at the beginning, it still is at the end.

[*]The waypoint marker didn't often give the most direct route.

[*]The inventory reverted back to how it was, if you died after making changes to it since the last saving. That goes for items sold/bought/crafted, and gear equipped.

[*]The strict time limits in the Hunting Grounds, and the fact you couldn't restart them more easily.
Yeah the reset method was annoying, but the time limit was fine, wasn't that challenging after you figure out how to do them
Creeping into the mid-70 hour range and getting towards closing out this game. I will miss it when it's gone.

I just picked up the shield weave armor from the Bunker after going through GAIA Prime. Need to polish off a side mission or two and knockout those training dummies and I will be at the Platinum.


The origin of the 'braves' is fascinating and tragic. Was this mentioned during the whole braves controversy?

I was wondering that too.
I think out of the whole game, that section creeped me out the most.
Imagine being trapped in kindergarten for 20 years.
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