How far am I guys?
I've just entered the Zero Dawn facility, just after Aloy got through the door which blew air out and notified the guards
I think this is key to the game's success. They found a pretty good balance to the things they did and executed it all very, very well.
Yeah, it got towers, but there are just a few of them and they're fun to solve. Yeah, it's open world, but the world isn't so massive it's a chore to traverse - in fact, I almost didn't use fast travel at all because it wasn't hugely necessary. Yeah, it's got collectibles, but there aren't a lot of them and they're actually used to tell stories.
Even the trophies are so well balanced and sensible that you pretty much can Platinum the game without going all that much out of your way to do it, hence why we're seeing a larger than usual number of people getting the trophy.
How far am I guys?
I've just entered the Zero Dawn facility, just after Aloy got through the door which blew air out and notified the guards
So im 30ish hrs in and have barely touched the Carja Guard main quest. From what I played it was pretty bleh. Does it have any good moments? I played up toyou find it was his tribe who maybe kidnapped and didnt his sister in the satellite area
After beating Zelda, I had this and Mass Effect to play. I decided to try the first hour or so of both and make my decision which to play next. I went with Mass Effect.
My problem in the first hour of playing Horizon was what seems like a forced emphasis on stealth. After enjoying the complete freedom of Zelda, it kind of discouraged me to having to be mindful about where I'm going all the time. Is this really the case or did I not give it a fair shake? Can I play the game without stealth? Can I just melee with everything? I'm still going to play it but these were the reasons I went with ME first after Zelda.
You can play without being sneaky but you'll get fucked up. Horizon rewards you for planning and stealth.
You can play without being sneaky but you'll get fucked up. Horizon rewards you for planning and stealth.
Later in the game, as you get more skilled and obtain more powerful weapons, playing without stealth is a viable option.
I'd say it best you do that part to completion first. It's not bad by any means, it's just fairly disconnected from the 'main' narrative, so it might feel less compelling coming off developments on the other questline.
Is it worth unlocking Lodge weapons?
Is it worth unlocking Lodge weapons?
After beating Zelda, I had this and Mass Effect to play. I decided to try the first hour or so of both and make my decision which to play next. I went with Mass Effect.
My problem in the first hour of playing Horizon was what seems like a forced emphasis on stealth. After enjoying the complete freedom of Zelda, it kind of discouraged me to having to be mindful about where I'm going all the time. Is this really the case or did I not give it a fair shake? Can I play the game without stealth? Can I just melee with everything? I'm still going to play it but these were the reasons I went with ME first after Zelda.
Is it worth unlocking Lodge weapons?
The Tearblast launcher is the only weapon of it's kind, so yes. I think you have to ace all hunting grounds trials to get it, but it is worth the trouble. Plus the hunting grounds trials are pretty fun.
Pretty sure the Tearblast is a reward for a standalone quest in the Lodge. The Lodge versions of pre-existing weapons are the rewards for the marks.
Yeah, you'll be fine.Quick question about the end gameAfter I beat the main story can I still do side quests that I didn't finish?i wanna see how the story ends but I wanna do some of the side quests as well. Just want to make sure I won't miss anything if just go through the main story line. Also, no spoilers please!
The lodge blast sling ended up being my favorite weapon. So much so that I used up all my Blaze after getting it and was Blaze poor for the entirety of the rest of the game.
How or where do I upload photos from my PS4 to here?
That can't be right, can it? I just reachedProbably about 65% through the main story.
That can't be right, can it? I just reached. I thought I was near the end. I'm pretty sure my playtime is over 60 hrs already ��Sunfall
Godammit 😌 I still have Persona to play this year 😭It is right.
Edit: I'll say 70% just for the main story tho.
Really loving this game. Just slid down a mountain and as Alaykum reacted, her voice echoed. I thought that was a great touch.
The lodge blast sling ended up being my favorite weapon. So much so that I used up all my Blaze after getting it and was Blaze poor for the entirety of the rest of the game.
There are infinite amounts of Blaze at pretty much every merchant though. Towards the end, my game basically amounted to selling everything then holding down the buy button on Blaze until I got at least 60 of the bad boys.
After 200 hours when you can this easily down a TJaw,you know its time to take a break
4 freeze arrows and 10 precision arrows with x3 damage coils of 49%
ok, i just finished (and also platinumed) the game.
What a fantastic game ... my only issue would be the massive info dump missions during the last 10% of the game - especially when there's audio logs andSylens decides to have a conversation via Focus at the same time
kinda screwed up pacing.
Also, i didn't care for the first part of the final mission at all ...
I loved the information the game fed to me, but I didn't like how the holograms activated automatically when I went back to check if I missed something, and returned to where I was. There was no way to shut them off, and it drowned the dialogue between the characters.
One minor criticism I would have, for those mopping up trophies at least, is that the collectables seem to fall a little too often, on a cliff-top and the navigation of mountain terrain isn't really the game's strength. Trying to find a small climbing hand hold, in the dark, or with metal beats sniffing around, does get slightly annoying.
don't get me wrong, i love the information. But if you're giving me audio logs, maybe sprinkle them across the mission in such a way that i won't be standing there, waiting for one to finish so i can listen to the next one.
And yeah, i know, i can just listen to them at a later point in time from the menu. Still ... Rooms with 5 audio logs that are like up to 2 minutes each, that's just a big no-no imho.
edit: Just finished the credits. Platinum, 93.18% completion... cool. Not gonna go hunt for all those world-collectibles.
Found a pretty cool post-rock/post-metal cover to Aloy's Theme.
i feel like the only collectibles that are "up some mountain" are usually just the banuk figures, and those usually come with walls that have plenty of colorful wall paintings and flags to show you where you should make your ascend.
Chandler X Bing said:For her lover, I choose the legendary Thunderjaw, Redmaw.
CRUNT said:Elisabet Sobeck, that would be hot.
marzlapin said:Varl. Their babies would look like Beyonce and she actually seemed interested in him.
Posting replies for my locked waifu/husbando thread in here xD
Redmaw spoiler.
I didn't dislike the guy, and your comments re beutiful Beyonce lookalikes has me intrigued, but I wonder just how much Aloy was into him considering how some of his remarks toward the end seemingly fell on deaf ears.