I went through the *mid-story spoiler*
last night, and I don't think I've been this enthralled by a game's story in
years. Honestly, not since the first Mass Effect have I just devoured video game lore like this. I don't necessarily think the audiologs and text dumps are the best way of telling the story, but, well, I genuinely do want to know all the information they contain. Like, if I was Aloy, delving into these ancient ruins, I'd be standing there listening to the audiologs, too. It's not necessarily the most exciting gameplay, but god
damn is it a good story.
I'm at a point now where I desperately want to know how it's all going to shake out, but I don't want to just rush through all the story quests either. There are all these sidequests I want to see, Cauldrons I want to fight through and all manner of other stuff, but oh boy I can't wait to see how the main story goes.