Bloodborne's my number 1 by far. I guess 3 would be Until dawn or the Last of Us remaster.
It'll be almost unprecedented if Horizon straddles great character-action gameplay as well as good "action adventure" story and narrative.
Bloodborne's my number 1 by far. I guess 3 would be Until dawn or the Last of Us remaster.
Bloodborne's my number 1 by far. I guess 3 would be Until dawn or the Last of Us remaster.
It'll be almost unprecedented if Horizon straddles great character-action gameplay as well as good "action adventure" story and narrative.
Damn if Horizon beats out TLOU and is second only to Bloodborne it must be damn good. Witcher 3, Bloodborne, and TLOU(remastered) are my favourite games on PS4. I enjoyed Until Dawn but wouldn't put it up near them.
If I preorder on PSN will it preload? Also how big is the file size? I can't see an answer on the store.
The story is one of the best AAA big budget plots in years. It's detailed, consistent, emotional and very satisfying until the very end. That's important to me because most big budget scifi games have laughable stories when you compare them to good stuff like SOMA. Plus the collectible side materials like diaries and voice logs are also great.
Any word yet if there is a new game plus mode?
Any word yet if there is a new game plus mode?
No there is no game plus mode , although you can continue the game after the ending.
No there is no game plus mode , although you can continue the game after the ending.
Exactly, after playing the last mission the world gets 're-set' to before the last mission but you keep your experience points etcetera. So then you can go on with 100% the game.
New Game + can still be added via patch like Witcher 3 did.
Do it GG!
That will be a little bit tough or what should i say weird as the game opening for about 3-4 hours is quiet Narrative heavy/Linear and could feel drag to replay it again . this is no Soulsbourne type of game.
Not sure if anyone has asked this but if not, shame on you guys for the oversight lol but we know that there are supposedly 26 variety of machines in the game. Are variations of a machine used to bolster that number or are the 26 all completely unique machines? Secondly does that 26 include "boss robots"? Thanks to anyone who takes the time out to briefly answer my question.
It's 26 unique machines and then variations on top of that. Not sure about boss robots.
God is good! Thank you for the response. Is there arobot in the game?gorilla
Couldn't tell you. Haven't been keeping up with spoilers. That's just info I know from pre-release and what others have relayed to me that have seen the spoilery stuff.
That will be a little bit tough or what should i say weird as the game opening for about 3-4 hours is quiet Narrative heavy/Linear and could feel drag to replay it again . this is no Soulsbourne type of game.
Short impressions because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone even one bit: Horizon is simply my 2nd most favorite game on PS4.
For reference, I found all Ubi open world games since Black Flag boring as hell and always hated Killzone.
Bloodborne's my number 1 by far. I guess 3 would be Until dawn or the Last of Us remaster.
Quoting myself from the review thread. Chaos in there so it may go unnoticed.
How are the difficulties? Is normal too easy?
Do you guys recommend starting on hard?
The story is one of the best AAA big budget plots in years. It's detailed, consistent, emotional and very satisfying until the very end. That's important to me because most big budget scifi games have laughable stories when you compare them to good stuff like SOMA. Plus the collectible side materials like diaries and voice logs are also great.
So you love Bloodborne. Where's Nioh in your list?
How are the difficulties? Is normal too easy?
Do you guys recommend starting on hard?
Graphically it's gorgeous on a normal ps4. I don't see any performance issues at all, no slow down, nothing.
shame on you guys for the oversight .
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Guerillas meet white womenz
Like a nickname , kind of got ya.
My mains are Eurogamer and ACG, other than that I just read stuff from random sites and those reviews that people say are well written and shouldn't be missed.
I have an important question about the HUD:
Can you move it in order to have it closer to the screen edges and/or make it smaller? Because it seems to be too big and intrusive.
any words on game length ?
Hey, why do you shaming us???
Do you guys recommend starting on hard?
You can change the difficulty whenever. I've been playing on normal and I love it. Perfect for me.
Fuck work I need to stay home and finish thisssssss
That is all I wanted to hear!![]()
LOL, it's OK. Everyone was lost in the hype, so I had to step in and ask the important questions. You got the game early too, right?
¯_(ツBtw Lamp in the impressions thread I remember you saying that you really liked the side-quests.Maybe they weren't of W3 quality but they flesh out the world really well.
Most of the reviewers though didn't like them as much.
What's your take on this?
They're really restricted in gameplay style and get somewhat repetitive in that fashion (I haven't completed the game yet), but the reward for doing them is a lot of experience, great loot, and interesting characters and lore. They range from short to longer than an hour. They help me understand the lore and politics so I enjoy doing them.
They're not outrageously funny or creative, they're not going to greatly change the game for you or the gameplay.
Depends on where expectations lie I guess. My expectations were rock bottom for side quests designed by Guerilla. You're not going to turn into a robot in a side quest and attend a robot carnival. You're going to interact in a believably normal way with NPCs that could use your badass skills. And I was pleased the side quests weren't convoluted missable fetch quests strung amongst obscure items and NPCs that give you a super weapon.
I can describe several examples of side quests that fit this description. Other than that I can just say that I liked them and hope others do on launch, but they don't have to.
It's also possible that due to time, reviewers only did 1 or 2 side quests at the beginning of the game and judged the whole feature off that. Idk.
Good news, thenNot movable, but you can make them dynamic (appear only when needed) or turn every element off completely.