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Horror fan community.

Cutty Flam

Might watch Silent Hill: Revelations next. It bombed pretty hard, but I think it would be worth a watch for atmosphere alone. Plus, for some reason bad horrors like in the 4-5/10 range aren’t too bad. I’ve watched all of Troll 2, so I’m immune to bad taste in this genre now. It’s all interesting to some degree

Thanks. What would you rate it out of ten?
Might watch Silent Hill: Revelations next. It bombed pretty hard, but I think it would be worth a watch for atmosphere alone. Plus, for some reason bad horrors like in the 4-5/10 range aren’t too bad. I’ve watched all of Troll 2, so I’m immune to bad taste in this genre now. It’s all interesting to some degree

Thanks. What would you rate it out of ten?
8 out of 10



Finally picked this up on Blu-ray. Everyone should watch this one if they haven't seen it yet.

Rewatched the questionable Clive Barker effort Nightbreed.

The infamous theatrical cut, actually. I do like the look of the movie, Cronenberg is really fun, the effects are good and the first act is actually quite decent. After that the movie devolves into a choppy mess that seems to jump around and delve into partial incoherency. I know the movie had production issues but most of the issues are still present in the more recent director's cut so the movie is seemingly just broken. Still, not a terrible movie but I can't recommend it unless you have a certain taste and are ok with "bad but not without merit" type movies.


I just watched The Rental and I'd have a hard time rating it. I liked the premise and the movie was building up nicely to an interest conclusion, but it fell apart in the end...
why bother installing all the cameras and turning people against each other when you're going to attack them like in a cheap slasher anyway? the movie would be perfect if the killer didn't do anything and let the people in the house go after each other... and maybe appeared in the finale when there's only 1 or 2 left
Also the whole plot about a 'racist pos' house owner was just tiring. Feels like they had to include that to make someone happy by touching the topic of "bad racist white folks".
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this movie was great. watched it twice.

it straddles the line between thriller and horror, but there are definitely some horrific moments. highly recommend it.

I just discovered this thread! Really recommend this movie. It totally caught me by surprise.
The Ritual is probably best Netflix original from the horror genre.

As for non originals, I'd recommend Creep 1 & 2, Autopsy of Jane Doe, Train to Busan and Don't Breathe.

The Ritual is dope. A perfect blend of wilderness survival, Blair Witch, creature feature. People don't talk about it enough. Plus the movie has got some solid fun reading to do about the monster after the movie which always gets points in my book. If you are interested in lore after watching that means the movie was a banger.

Relic-very solid. fun alone or group watch flick. Crowd pleasure with a lil artsyness to it.

The Bay- Low rent boring bullshit, found footage nothingburger.

Come to daddy- pretty fun, worth a watch i'd say.

Sea Fever- eh, tries to do "the thing" but not effective at all. The characters are lame, the stakes of the sickness lame, not a lot of tension for what it's budget and script tries to pull off. SKIIIP

The Rental- solid crowd pleasure. basically a " the strangers" type movie. If you looking for something to watch with friends go for it. By yourself? eh.


I just finished watching Sinister for the first time and oh boy it's such an overrated flick based on its scores. The box scene is literally the only creepy one in the movie and the jump scares are predictable and weak (the final one literally made me laugh). It's also one of the movies where I'm bothered by the decisions of the main protagonist...
he shouldn't have waited 90 minutes of the movie's runtime to decide to escape from the house... or even before that he could have at least decided to send his family away
One thing the movie has definitely done right was the creepy and original soundtrack, but it deserved a much better horror flick than this.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
I just finished watching Sinister for the first time and oh boy it's such an overrated flick based on its scores. The box scene is literally the only creepy one in the movie and the jump scares are predictable and weak (the final one literally made me laugh). It's also one of the movies where I'm bothered by the decisions of the main protagonist...
he shouldn't have waited 90 minutes of the movie's runtime to decide to escape from the house... or even before that he could have at least decided to send his family away
One thing the movie has definitely done right was the creepy and original soundtrack, but it deserved a much better horror flick than this.

What killed that for me was the overstated reactions of the protagonist to the footage, like how are we expected to believe a true crime writer would cringe like a teen girl at nasty imagery? Its a field that practically demands a hardened mindset and tolerance for the darkest impulses of the human psyche.


Watched the first episode of Creepshow on Shudder. The first story (Grey Matter) was good, the second was a little boring (The House of the Head). They all can't be winners, so it seems promising so far.

Karma Jawa

Watched the first episode of Creepshow on Shudder. The first story (Grey Matter) was good, the second was a little boring (The House of the Head). They all can't be winners, so it seems promising so far.

I thought The House of the Head was one of the only memorable episodes.


Watched the first episode of Creepshow on Shudder. The first story (Grey Matter) was good, the second was a little boring (The House of the Head). They all can't be winners, so it seems promising so far.
As a huge fan of the original two movies, I barely made it through the first episode. I tried the second episode and gave up completely. Even by the low standards of the horror genre, the writing is awful and the effects are meh. Not something you want from a show ran by an old-school effects guru.

I guess I will look forward to the Books of Blood movie for my nostalgia horror fi-... Wait, Brannon Braga and Seth MacFarlane are producing it? Excuse me while I throw up in my hat...
All right guys everyone list what horror movie you watch while you're going to sleep at night, for me lately city of the living Dead

I don't really have a routine of doing so but The Old Dark House (1932 ver) is one I've fallen asleep to a few times. The persistent sound of rain and location with it's b&w photography really relaxes me and puts me at ease.

Also I love City of the Living Dead even though the final shot of the movie is...bizarre. 😋


Also I love City of the Living Dead even though the final shot of the movie is...bizarre. 😋

City of the Living Dead is one of my all time favorite horror movies.

I have a theory for the ending.

The original title is Paura nella citta dei morti viventi, and the direct English translation for that is Fear in the City of the Living Dead.
Fear attracts the monsters. There are many scenes where things are first about normal, then people start to become cautious and afraid of something, be it a news story, sounds, or something. The more they become afraid, the closer the monsters come.
-Look at the bar scene. The people in the bar become scared of what they hear in the news and what they tell to each other, then comes the sounds, then corpses appears outside the window, then people become more scared and then the ghouls suddenly appear inside the bar.
-Look at the scene with the kid in the alley (or wherever it was). He is confronted by the zombieghost of the girl. The girl comes closer and closer as the kid becomes more and more afraid. Then the man appears and he literally closes his eyes and focuses as much as he can to stay calm and the zombieghost disappears.
-Then there's the man who steals jewellery from dead people at the morgue. He is visibly cautious, nervous and clearly afraid someone could catch him. Then he gets bit by one of the corpses.

In the ending everything is feeling ok again, the boy starts running and without anything really happening yet, the woman starts to panic and starts to become afraid, then the effect comes to the screen and shows how fear is starting to turn things bad all over again.

Not everything can be explained by this though, but that's the closest I've been able to figure out and it fits with the original Italian title. It kinda explains the ghostly behavior of the dead and you could also say the tendency of them crushing people's brains kinda fits to that theme too (fear being a brain thing).


As a huge fan of the original two movies, I barely made it through the first episode.

Have you seen Creepshow 3 yet?
I have had it on my shelf for years, maybe even over 10 years, but still haven't gotten myself to watch it. I hear it's really cheap and very bad, and I would assume the new series must be better than that.
It's pretty cool that other people love that movie I probably prefer the beyond from Fulci but right now city of living Dead is the one on Amazon prime and I don't always feel like going to my Blu-ray collection and putting in a disc before I go to bed sometimes I just want to lay down with a controller and find something. For the longest time it was either the thing or alien both movies hit a point a ways in where it becomes hard to sleep during them and for alien that point is further in so it became a better choice for going to sleep basically with both films once the monster enters the film if I'm not asleep I usually need to switch it to something else. The more surreal films like city of the living Dead don't usually get to me that way though if I'm still awake during the vomiting seen the sounds from that can disturb me LOL. Other things I have used while going to sleep include the 4 hour version of the interstellar soundtrack on YouTube, the first Terminator movie, any album by the band dark space but I really liked their fourth album a little more than the others, not even joking at one point I used a nightmare on elm Street for about a week which seems like the weirdest possible idea but I did it, of course the beyond and house by the cemetery have been regulars for me maybe because of the nightmare logic the film's contain.
City of the Living Dead is one of my all time favorite horror movies.

I have a theory for the ending.

The original title is Paura nella citta dei morti viventi, and the direct English translation for that is Fear in the City of the Living Dead.
Fear attracts the monsters. There are many scenes where things are first about normal, then people start to become cautious and afraid of something, be it a news story, sounds, or something. The more they become afraid, the closer the monsters come.
-Look at the bar scene. The people in the bar become scared of what they hear in the news and what they tell to each other, then comes the sounds, then corpses appears outside the window, then people become more scared and then the ghouls suddenly appear inside the bar.
-Look at the scene with the kid in the alley (or wherever it was). He is confronted by the zombieghost of the girl. The girl comes closer and closer as the kid becomes more and more afraid. Then the man appears and he literally closes his eyes and focuses as much as he can to stay calm and the zombieghost disappears.
-Then there's the man who steals jewellery from dead people at the morgue. He is visibly cautious, nervous and clearly afraid someone could catch him. Then he gets bit by one of the corpses.

In the ending everything is feeling ok again, the boy starts running and without anything really happening yet, the woman starts to panic and starts to become afraid, then the effect comes to the screen and shows how fear is starting to turn things bad all over again.

Not everything can be explained by this though, but that's the closest I've been able to figure out and it fits with the original Italian title. It kinda explains the ghostly behavior of the dead and you could also say the tendency of them crushing people's brains kinda fits to that theme too (fear being a brain thing).

That's a pretty good interpretation as far as what we have to go on. :messenger_sunglasses:

There's also the rumour that the last scene was just something cobbled together after the part of the footage from the ending was damaged but I don't believe that's ever been substantiated.


There's also the rumour that the last scene was just something cobbled together after the part of the footage from the ending was damaged but I don't believe that's ever been substantiated.

I've heard that too and I think it's possible that the "fear" thing is what's going on in the movie and the original ending had something to do with that too, but as the footage was damaged Fulci had to figure out something and this was what he came up with in order to keep the fear theme alive for the ending too.

I'm going to say the beyond is the best ending for a Fulci film

Not only for a Fulci film but maybe even for any film. It's certainly among my all time favorite endings in the entire history of films.


Have you seen Creepshow 3 yet?
I have had it on my shelf for years, maybe even over 10 years, but still haven't gotten myself to watch it. I hear it's really cheap and very bad, and I would assume the new series must be better than that.
If I remembered that existed, I still wouldn't count it as an actual Creepshow movie! I have probably looked it up before and saw the cover and peaced out. I'm still not so sure the TV show is better than that, but I'm afraid to find out.


Does anybody own the 4k transfer of Zombie Flesh Eaters (Zombi 2)? I’ve ummed and aaahed about picking it up, as I already it on DvD and blu ray.

Astral Dog

The Rental was more suspenseful than i expected

Its a typical cheating story but it had my attention until the credits, those credits are creepy :messenger_fearful:


Gold Member
I'm going through 2019 movies that I missed. Watched The Wind last night. Nothing really special, just a small, well-made horror flick.


Gonna watch The Hole in The Ground tonight.
Watched Blood Quantum on Shudder, pretty good! Got some over the top gore but is pretty serious and somber and clearly has messages I don't always care about.

Also saw Summer of '84... eh... it's an okay Stranger Things/Disturbia type film that randomly decides to be
more hardcore than those for the very end



Gold Member
Watched The Hole in The Ground tonight. The premise has been explored in other films, but I found this one to be genuinely unsettling. Highly recommend it.


I love me some horror don’t care if its bad or good movie todays movie is

My favorite Carpenter film. I only saw it for the first time a few years ago.
Watched The Hole in The Ground tonight. The premise has been explored in other films, but I found this one to be genuinely unsettling. Highly recommend it.


My favorite Carpenter film. I only saw it for the first time a few years ago.
The movie is freaky especially the guy riding the bike and the lady with the guy chained to her foot What she becomes.


Didn't know this thread existed!

Not sure where these covers came from, but I enjoyed the looks of them when editing my Plex library the other day.


Also, anyone wanting to pick up the F13 collection better hop on the train now.

I doubt we'll see another one after this one's gone. If anyone else remembers, the last set that came with all of them went rare pretty quickly.

Anybody got any recommendations for something similar to Event Horizon?

Your message is old but a couple suggestions I have, some scifi/horror, cosmic horror etc.

Pandorum - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1188729/
The Void - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4255304/
Southbound - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4935334/
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I'm not sure people have to worry as much about this Friday the 13th set the reason why they became rare is because of a legal battle that ended this year.
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