Well, that was insanity in video game form on the vita sticks. Holding off on the plat until they patch it to fix the broken trophies.
whoa whats broken? i was about to pursue it!
Well, that was insanity in video game form on the vita sticks. Holding off on the plat until they patch it to fix the broken trophies.
Totally agree.
When that track plays I feel like I'm ON FIRE and going on a killing spree.
whoa whats broken? i was about to pursue it!
just checked. the ones they've said aren't working are: dog lover, let in some air, knife for pros, pitcher, and always on top.
I might be misunderstanding it but I thought thatOh snap. What was the deal with the masks, anyway?
I guessed they were all part of his unstable personality, or hallucinations from all the drugs, but that could be quite a naive view.
I'd like to hear peoples' takes onThat bit freaks me out. It seems very 'Fight Club'...the part where Jacket comes home to the guy in the rat mask.
Edit: Hold up, I'm pretty sure whenyou take out Jacket as Helmet, you don't just put him into that coma. I mean, you have a butcher's knife... I think you simply kill him off in that "alternate timeline" (as others have suggested), and the coma in Jacket's timeline could be caused purely by himself and all the madness he's been through.
I might be misunderstanding it but I thought thatthere are other people killing as well, some are the ones you see at the start owl dude and horse face you find some of them dead in the stages and collect masks from their corpses
Oh derp, of course. Dunno why I neglected that detail. I mean, I knowthere are other killers out there, but I never put two and two together.
Still not 100% convinced what the deal is with horse face, owl dude and chicken head. EspeciallySo confused...rat man. Isn't he the one that puts you into a coma?
Hah, I actually can't stand that track. Whatever primary synth//sound/key they're using in that song irritates me, lol! Miami Disco is my favorite track in the game. That stage with this music was the moment where the game clicked for me. I was digging it up until that point, but I "got it" when this shit dropped.
I think that chicken head is jacket, when ever there are flys on the screen its in jackets mind...I think
I can't get the "The sound of animals fighting" or whatever it's called trophy.
I've used them all. No avail.
"dog lover" and "let some air in" are unobtainable. i don't know exactly what triggers them but the other 3 are possible. i've been trying to get "always on top" but it just won't pop. "get a life" is also messed up as you can get it before getting all A+'s.
How is Get A Life bugged? Like what chapters do you need to complete in order to get it?
I think you just need to hit a random # of chapters in the vicinity of 14.
It popped for me after I finished Chapter 13 Assault. I may have had 1 A+ somewhere in the biker chapters.
It's 13. Complete 13 chapters with A+ and you get the trophy.
So it doesn't matter what chapters you choose (even the Biker and Bonus chapters) so long as it's A+?
I think I'm still missing knife for pros, somehow... :|
Definitely missing the 2 glitched ones and always on top too.
Makes Retro City Rampage look like pond scum. Level-based ultraviolent mindbending carnage.Knowing very little about this game, is it similar to Retro City Rampage? Top down, old school graphics, GTA throwback?
End game spoilers, I guess.
When you confront who I'm assuming are Hotline Miami's developers, I couldn't figure out which questions I was going to ask. I couldn't tell which option which highlighted and which wasn't. I'm surprised something like that made it to the final game.
Knowing very little about this game, is it similar to Retro City Rampage? Top down, old school graphics, GTA throwback?
End game spoilers, I guess.
When you confront who I'm assuming are Hotline Miami's developers, I couldn't figure out which questions I was going to ask. I couldn't tell which option which highlighted and which wasn't. I'm surprised something like that made it to the final game.
I might be misunderstanding it but I thought thatthere are other people killing as well, some are the ones you see at the start owl dude and horse face you find some of them dead in the stages and collect masks from their corpses
Thanks, guys. Also, in regards to this:
I must have missed this detail completely. What are some levels in which I can find this?
When I first played Loaded! back when it came out, I was really blown away. Just incredible.I also got a little bit of Loaded vibe, too.
Those aren't the devs and the questions get ou nowhere no matter what. There is a hidden ending that I rather enjoyed. It envolves finding a hidden item in each of the first 16 levels
Those aren't the devs and the questions get ou nowhere no matter what. There is a hidden ending that I rather enjoyed. It envolves finding a hidden item in each of the first 16 levels
beating the second floor ofseems really hard on vita, due to guns sucking so much on it. The touch screen aim is infuriating.the cop building
Use the square button. If you still have problems try the Peter mask.
...I'm not sure about that. I thought I got those masks just for beating the levels.
There is a technique that makes it fairly easy in my opinion. I just punched the two guys out there and killed them (you might have to get the guy to the left to follow you around the corner, otherwise he will just shoot you). This way no other enemy gets alerted. Then pick up the shotgun that one of the guy drops, go to the left, open the door and shoot the big guy. Dont enter the room with the big guy, but go a bit down instead. All the other enemies will come through the door, then you can either shoot them or punch them. This will not alert the guys on the right, even if you shoot. When you have cleared that side, you can go to the right side and take out the 2nd big guy using the same technique. It could be that you can start with the right side and take the left side last as well, i dont think i've tried that.beating the second floor ofseems really hard on vita, due to guns sucking so much on it. The touch screen aim is infuriating.the cop building
I don't know what all the fuss was about.
This game is just meh.
I can't get the "The sound of animals fighting" or whatever it's called trophy.
I've used them all. No avail.
Ugh am I missing something??? It's like I never unlocked the last weapons... I have never seen the brick, scissors and ninja stars in game, I know what they look like but I stopped unlocking weapons after the sledge hammer. I added my points up and I have about 950k so I should have them all unlocked...??? I already have a+ on all the levels on vita
I can't get the "The sound of animals fighting" or whatever it's called trophy.
I've used them all. No avail.
I havnt played the PC version, but i have no problem with the Vita controls at least. There is also a lock on mechanic that makes it easier to hit enemies.How are the controls? I played a little bit of the PC version, and am considering double dipping.
I did it like this and the trophy didnt pop for me :\ After that i completed a level with every mask and i got the trophy. However, i see that someone above here mentioned that he had to equip the Russel mask twice, maybe i only had to do that myself to get the trophy, because i think i got the trophy when i got to the Russel maskLoad any level, choose a mask, run up to the first enemy, die. Restart mission. Next mask.
Got my trophy like this.
When I first played Loaded! back when it came out, I was really blown away. Just incredible.
Then I played it again in about 2005. It was terrible. Horrible, horrible. Not enjoyable in the least.
Hotline Miami was nothing like that. At least, in my estimation. Hotline Miami is also clever and thoughtful in ways that I think Loaded! could only dream of.