I would take it further than that and suggest that some people are outright hostile towards others sense of accomplishment.Reward is given to those who work hard. That's the philosophy of from games. It's actually a prominent philosophy in Japanese culture. Hard work, discipline and respect results in reward, self discovery and accomplishment.
In the west everyone gets a participation medal. No one strives to excel because everyone wins. Reward is expected. No sense of accomplishment gained.
I've often felt that people who like to comment on games either professionally or just on social media do not like the idea that they can have these gaming opinions that they are so proud of but at the end of the day some spotty edgy little kid can be better at games than they are.
Folk are happy to beat others over the head with their faux intellectualism and are quick to resort to mockery when someone else has the "wrong" opinion. Tell them to "get good" though and they have a complete meltdown.
I am convinced that people have more of a problem with this made up perception of the smug, arrogant, cocky Dark Souls player who is apparently lording it over the gaming community than they do with the actual game. How many opinions on these games center around implying that people have no social life or just want to impress mommy or never go outside etc etc? It's not just one or two.
Most games already have difficulty options. Of the literally hundreds (maybe even thousands) of games released every generation there are really only a small few that offer this kind of challenge with no options.
On PS4 we had only 3 From Software games across the generation? Bloodborne, DS3 and Sekiro?
Yet, even just those THREE games out of ALL the available games is too much for some people and they just can't let it be.
"Games are art" seems to only apply to story driven games. If hipsters can sit around discussing the themes and characters forever then the game is seen as a true work of art.
As soon as the game offers a bit of challenge? Well you see consumers just want options and I just don't understand why a corporation would leave money on the table when more options for consumers would mean more money coming in.
I guess that means the next Horizon should have options to remove Burger Beast Aloy and replace her with a sexier character model that is preferable to the male gaze? It's just options after all and doesn't affect anyone who want to play as chubster Aloy! Right?
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