I honestly don’t get it, if it want to play a souls game your best bet it’s waiting a month. They’ll be guides on builds that make the game a cake walk. I loved Demons Souls but I practically speed ran it because magic in that game is so overpowered it’s retardedAn easy mode completely makes sense in the kind of cinematic gaming experience Sony produces for its hardware, for example.
The absence of an easy mode completely makes sense as a statement, as a manifesto and as part of your game's aesthetics if .you wish so - like the Dark Souls games did when they incorporated difficulty into the core experience - and the mystique - of the games.
You don't have to cater to the lowest denominator if you don't want to.
You can be as challenging as you want, as long as you keeps it fair.
You don't have to be "inclusive" because bullies told you so, or facilitate the gentrification of gaming by the urban/pseudo-leftist parasitic bourgeois class who need another economic domain to colonize with "reviews", "critical theory" and consulting jobs because they can't create anything by themselves.
Balancing a game around several difficulty levels is usually increased damage taken and enemies with more health. That's the laziest approach. Balancing a game the way you envision it being played is the best route.Not including easy mode is dumb as shit, let people decide how to play there game.
U want a hard experience, put the game on hard. done.
This is not like ND games with cinematic story and cutscenes, you spending most of time exploring and fighting with little bit of lore in between.Some people just want to see the story.
Balancing a game around several difficulty levels is usually increased damage taken and enemies with more health. That's the laziest approach. Balancing a game the way you envision it being played is the best route.
If people really want an easy mode in souls games, they should keep the difficulty how it is and just give players a god mode. Maybe disable achievements if matters to a lot of people.
I feel like broken record.....Let developers make what they want to make. At end of the day its your money if you think the game is not for you then don't buy it, there are 1000 other games out there with low difficulty if you want.Let people play how they want to play, these elitisme of u can only do it this way is fucking dumb.
I would guess because adding the easy mode does not take away the challenging mode for those that like it? Whereas the no easy mode does remove the option for them?
At the end of the day, I don't personally care. I have played and completed the souls games I liked and left behind the ones I didn't. I just think options for consumers are better than not. As I said before though, FROM and any other software company is allowed to make their choice. Me, as a gamer/consumer, would never criticize those that want access to the story and environment without having to play in a way that makes it inaccessible to them.
I honestly don’t get it, if it want to play a souls game your best bet it’s waiting a month. They’ll be guides on builds that make the game a cake walk. I loved Demons Souls but I practically speed ran it because magic in that game is so overpowered it’s retarded
You're right, in fact, we are all right and wrong at the same time. It's impossible to arrive to an agreement because we all have a valid opinion from our point of view.Alternatively, they don't agree with you, and they don't think the developer should have to waste time and resources tailoring his vision to the lowest common denominator when his games can clearly succeed without trying to be all things to all people. This is coming from someone who generally finds Souls games too slow and obtuse to be worth bothering with, not any sort of macho alpha (and the idea that anyone can be macho or alpha about games is hilarious, even though I'm sure it happens all the time).
Anyway, try not to make broad, sweeping generalizations that fail to consider any point of view other than your own.
i.e. Don't stroke your ego, use your head.
I don't agree. For me, Miyazaki's games are pure playable lore. A level of Dark Souls, even a boss, has more visible ingame narrative lore than a regular RPG with tons of text. More of that lore will occur unconsciously in your mind meanwhile playing but that's the magic of his games. At least for me.This is not like ND games with cinematic story and cutscenes, you spending most of time exploring and fighting with little bit of lore in between.
Not including easy mode is dumb as shit, let people decide how to play there game.
U want a hard experience, put the game on hard. done.
Some people just want to see the story.
But it does, like I explained in my last post, this is a type of game that community come together asking for advice or give advice to overcome challenge together and even summon someone to help them, with easy difficulty thats all gone.The main point here is: why is a problem to add something that doesn't affect your own experience?
Not every game is designed from the ground up with sliding difficulty modes in mind.Not including easy mode is dumb as shit, let people decide how to play there game.
U want a hard experience, put the game on hard. done.
Some people just want to see the story.
Let me ask you this. Since we have no confirmation either way, will it bother you if Elden Ring does have a difficulty setting to appeal to more people?It's nice to want things. Maybe if the Souls game were unsuccessful or losing steam and they were looking to gain more fans they would consider adding an easy mode. But that is FAR from the case.....so people need to stop demanding an easy mode and MOVE ON. The formula is proven and successful. If it's too hard for some BOO-HOO and too bad.
People who are not fan of the game in the first place it won’t make any difference. SMT Nocturne has merciful difficultly but most your average person won’t bother finishing the game......so pointless.Elden Ring does have a difficulty setting to appeal to more people?
People who are not a fan of the game in the first place are not asking for a difficulty setting. It seems there are some people interested in the games but not willing to sink time/frustration into them. My question is, if FROM does decide to add a difficulty setting is it going to turn those that are against it away? Just trying to figure out if A. Is it elitism? and B. Would FROM lose as many customers as it gained by adding and easier setting?People who are not fan of the game in the first place it won’t make any difference. SMT Nocturne has merciful difficultly but most your average person won’t bother finishing the game......so pointless.
Why does it need to appeal to everyone?Let me ask you this. Since we have no confirmation either way, will it bother you if Elden Ring does have a difficulty setting to appeal to more people?
Especially the fact Soul series already popular and got their fame exactly because the way they design their games.Why does it need to appeal to everyone?
People who are not fan of the game in the first place it won’t make any difference. SMT Nocturne has merciful difficultly but most your average person won’t bother finishing the game......so pointless.
These games asking the players to engage with its system and if players are not willing to do that then no amount of difficulty setting will help them.The absurdity of catering to non-nerd people who have zero interest for gameplay or tinkering with systems, in your nerdy system-driven or gameplay-driven game.
I feel like broken record.....Let developers make what they want to make. At end of the day its your money if you think the game is not for you then don't buy it, there are 1000 other games out there with low difficulty if you want.
Fun for this game comes from people asking each other for advice or give advice if they get stuck on boss or difficult dungeon, easy difficulty take all that away and for what? for people who don't like Souls series in first place? Is that reasonable?
Its like me asking FPS games have 3rd person option just because I don't like FPS games.
How about play the game as it was intended? If you're not skilled enough, then there's plenty of clickers and walking simulators out there for people to play.
Not every game is designed from the ground up with sliding difficulty modes in mind.
Not every game is made to appeal to the widest audience possible.
You want an easy experience, play a game with an easy mode. Simple.
Miyazaki directed titles are primarily known for their uncompromising game design. The story and lore are supplementary to the experience, not the main draw.
Hell, even the style of storytelling in his games are known for being more esoteric than conventional storytelling.
They generally require more effort and investment from the player and most would agree the experience is considerably more rewarding for it.
It's been a while how do I put a Laugh at your comment emoji?U guys have no argument man. Its not hard to form a argument why it can't happen. But u guys fail miserable at it.
The whole thing "its not intended that way, and u can't slide difficulty's guys" is just laughable at this point, specially if you actually played a bunch of games. ( the last guy sommnium seems to get it tho partly tho )
Difficulty is also subjective.
If you want to actually form a argument and actually want to know the REAL reason why there is no easy mode that u all don't seem to see ( besides the last guy somehow ). Is that the game has no content if people blast through the bosses because that is the content. They will have to introduce a ton of filler in order to get some gameplay hours going or flesh the game out more, for people to not refund the game the same day. The boss fights difficulty is there delay mechanic.
I see. So this is a ‘you cheated the game and yourself‘ post?Because the fucking developer has said for over a decade that he wants you to get satisfaction from overcoming a challenge. Have you never in your life achieved something that you had to put a lot of effort into, feeling extremely good but also relieved about it afterwards? You don't get that feeling by coasting through on easy mode - THAT'S WHY THERE ISN'T A FUCKING EASY MODE. It's straight out the director's mouth:
And have you ever been through a hardship in your life, say a difficult exam, but were able to talk about it with friends afterwards knowing they all experienced the same as you? That's another important feeling the game is trying to capture in the community:
I don't understand why all of this is so hard for smoothbrains to grasp. Maybe they never achieved anything worthwhile in their lives and never experienced these feelings. Maybe they have no concept of delayed gratification. Maybe they are the ones who don't actually treat games as an interactive art-form, preferring to just blindly run through, gawping at all the pretty colors and 'the story' instead of actually engaging with it - then onto the next game.
Honestly it says a lot about a person's immaturity when they keep demanding shortcuts in these games.
Not including easy mode is dumb as shit, let people decide how to play there game.
U want a hard experience, put the game on hard. done.
Some people just want to see the story.
I see. So this is a ‘you cheated the game and yourself‘ post?
And let’s get something clear. You’re not achieving anything. You are not richer, you are not smarter, you are not more famous, you didn’t do any good for anyone in the world. You played a fucking video game. If this is an achievement to you, you need to get some perspective.
I play video games to relax, but I am always worried about syncing too much time into them and missing out on the real world. A game that encourages you to dump hundreds of hours into it to ’get gud’ is The antithesis of this.
if you want to dump hundreds of hours into a Souls game so you can feel like you accomplished something, I guess that’s your choice. But don’t begrudge people who have healthier life outlooks than you who experience ‘feelings of achievement’ through something other than video games.
Metaphors are difficult and this isn’t a good one. Watching an action movie like John Wick can certainly be relaxing. You know going in it will be 2 hours to complete it.Saying you play games to relax but deciding that Souls games need to find a better way to be more relaxing so that you can play them is like saying you watch movies for the humour so the next John Wick needs to be a comedy.
No the metaphor (simile, really) works fine. In my example there's something about John Wick you don't enjoy. The only thing that sounds ridiculous is expecting the next movie to cater to your personal preferences.The only way this metaphor works is if to finish the John Wick movie you have to keep restarting earlier chapters over and over and over again for a hundred hours or more. At that point I wouldn’t find the John Wick movie all that relaxing.
You're really calling Souls fans losers that have nothing better to do? On a gaming forum? Stay classy.I see. So this is a ‘you cheated the game and yourself‘ post?
And let’s get something clear. You’re not achieving anything. You are not richer, you are not smarter, you are not more famous, you didn’t do any good for anyone in the world. You played a fucking video game. If this is an achievement to you, you need to get some perspective.
I play video games to relax, but I am always worried about syncing too much time into them and missing out on the real world. A game that encourages you to dump hundreds of hours into it to ’get gud’ is The antithesis of this.
if you want to dump hundreds of hours into a Souls game so you can feel like you accomplished something, I guess that’s your choice. But don’t begrudge people who have healthier life outlooks than you who experience ‘feelings of achievement’ through something other than video games.
Some of those players will be willing and able (able being the operative word here) to really master what this new adventure requires of them and push on. Others will not be so lucky. Do we really leave those people behind? Do we really tell players who are stuck on a ludicrously demanding boss battle that they don't get to explore anymore of this brand-new open-world game? One of the most-anticipated releases of 2022, at that? I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure about that at all.
Isn't that often a feature of videogames though? Revisiting levels and getting good at using the games mechanics etc.Metaphors are difficult and this isn’t a good one. Watching an action movie like John Wick can certainly be relaxing. You know going in it will be 2 hours to complete it.
The only way this metaphor works is if to finish the John Wick movie you have to keep restarting earlier chapters over and over and over again for a hundred hours or more. At that point I wouldn’t find the John Wick movie all that relaxing.
What's the difference between dumping 100s of hours into 1 game or spending the same 100s of hours on 20 games? Besides the financial difference?I play video games to relax, but I am always worried about syncing too much time into them and missing out on the real world. A game that encourages you to dump hundreds of hours into it to ’get gud’ is The antithesis of this.
if you want to dump hundreds of hours into a Souls game so you can feel like you accomplished something, I guess that’s your choice. But don’t begrudge people who have healthier life outlooks than you who experience ‘feelings of achievement’ through something other than video games.
the artist is not considering that option because the artist is choosing not to consider that option. it is antithetical to the goal and philosophy of the series to do so.You're right, in fact, we are all right and wrong at the same time. It's impossible to arrive to an agreement because we all have a valid opinion from our point of view.
But, for me, the main point in this discussion is that adding an easy mode doesn't remove the standard difficulty mode, so usual fans should not be affected. So then, why don't consider that option?
For me, the topic about easy mode in From games is the equivalent of Sony exclusives in PC. If a PC version of your game doesn't invalidate your console version, why don't reach more people and allow new players to enjoy the games you love?
Again, I feel it as some sort of elitism. You can say I'm making a generalization, but maybe the person that has an elitist thinking can't see it in himself, and then he will find other excuses.
The main point here is: why is a problem to add something that doesn't affect your own experience? I mean, if Miyazaki himself doesn't want an easy mode that's totally fair for me, I don't want that him changes his mind about his work. My problem is people that are not the creators and feel easy mode like an insult to Miyazaki's work, that can't even consider that possibility.
I really think that if Miyazaki adds an easy mode in Elden Ring there would be people that will feel as betrayed as when Sony released Horizon Zero Dawn in PC.