In the South, Fried Chicken is one of the four basic food groups, along with BBQ, Beer, and Cornbread. It is possible to have all four things in the same meal. When this happens, it is the Voltron of meals. If you grow up in the South, you are gradually introduced to the Fried Voltron meal and develop a tolerance for it over decades. If you are not from the South and attempt a Fried Voltron, you might die. Eat responsibly.
turns my mouth into an industrial grade vacuum.
If you don't approach fried chicken with sexual intent then you have problems.The jokes write themselves
I'm not ashamed to admit that I have eaten a 20 piece KFC bucket in one sitting more then once.
Mashed potatoes, gravy, fries, biscuits, cranberry sauce, etc.
This muhfuggah just turned his fried chicken into Thanksgiving dinner.
You only use cranberry sauce for holidays? Hell, I shower in that shit.
One of the things I found amazing from when I lived in Japan is that KFC somehow convinced everyone in the country that fried chicken is a Christmas tradition. Seriously. You have to pre-order fried chicken months in advance to have it at Christmas. As absurd as this was, I think it is nice that fried chicken got a special day. I mean, turkey sucks and it gets a four day weekend here.
In the South, Fried Chicken is one of the four basic food groups, along with BBQ, Beer, and Cornbread. It is possible to have all four things in the same meal. When this happens, it is the Voltron of meals. If you grow up in the South, you are gradually introduced to the Fried Voltron meal and develop a tolerance for it over decades. If you are not from the South and attempt a Fried Voltron, you might die. Eat responsibly.
Sure if your just eating scrawny and inferiror dark meat then you might need more than 2.
It was christmas tradition in my family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯One of the things I found amazing from when I lived in Japan is that KFC somehow convinced everyone in the country that fried chicken is a Christmas tradition. Seriously. You have to pre-order fried chicken months in advance to have it at Christmas. As absurd as this was, I think it is nice that fried chicken got a special day. I mean, turkey sucks and it gets a four day weekend here.
So this is what losing your virginity feels likeCool tag bro.
So this is what losing your virginity feels like
If only they spelled Fingerlickin’ correctly. This is gonna bug me.
Seriously.Seriously? But they invented karaage.
Now I want chicken.
Mmmmmmmmmm buttttttthooooolllleFried chicken is good but have you ever tried freshly washed butthole