The color of a persons skin is the last thing that would come between me and a person I love.
Tazznum1 said:My motto is:
"As long as it doesn't hurt anyone....it's all good."
Gay/straight/bi/interracial whatever.
But leave the animals alone...
norinrad21 said:The funny thing is when it comes to Gay people, its like the whole races are united in their stand. WTF is up with that crap?
eggplant said:One guy I know is interested in ONLY mixed people. I live in an area with a large immigrant population, and mixed couples are nothing exceptional... I would assume that the rest of the country will get used to mixed people sooner or later.
Error Macro said:Dating? Who cares?
Having children? That's a different story. I don't think it's necessarily fair to the child.
I hope you're kidding, freak.thorns said:I find it ironic that people here fap over blonde/blue eyed women and support interractial pairs having children.. If we all mix, there won't be any natural blondes or blue eyes in a couple of hundred of years. Basically everybody will be a brownish color with dark eyes, and like preservation of different cultures, preservation of different racial features is important.
levious said:My mother has the same opinion... but she was born in 1941, what's your excuse?
Error Macro said:I don't think being born in a certain generation has any relevance in this matter. Please read my other posts in this thread before you snap to judgements.
He's under the impression that his opinions aren't fallible.levious said:What's with assuming that someone who thinks you're an idiot didn't fully read your posts?
Mama Smurf said:Oriental mixed with caucasian is my personal favourite.
levious said:What's with assuming that someone who thinks you're an idiot didn't fully read your posts?
thorns said:I find it ironic that people here fap over blonde/blue eyed women and support interractial pairs having children.. If we all mix, there won't be any natural blondes or blue eyes in a couple of hundred of years. Basically everybody will be a brownish color with dark eyes, and like preservation of different cultures, preservation of different racial features is important.
Mama Smurf said:The only thing I've ever actually seen going on is if say an asian guy is dating a white girl, loads of asian girls will give her really dirty looks. That's not just restricted to asian people by the way, just an example.
norinrad21 said:For some strange reason i always feel like the chinese waiters are insulting me and calling my girl a traitor whenever we go to a restaurant![]()
IAmtheFMan said:Pretty much. It was a genuine WTF moment for me.
Phoenix said:Don't be surprised. There are plenty of black women who refuse to date black men... and vice versa. I have a very good friend who refuses to date black women. He was burned bad in a few relationships and said - 'fuck it'.
Tazznum1 said:Well once the aliens come in by the hundreds of thousands, we will be instantly best friends with everyone. We will all blend back to being humans and humans only.
mac said:FYI you're not supposed to say oriental. Oriental is used to describe foods, clothing and cultural artifacts, asians get offended when you say they are oriental. My new favorite is Thai girls. They are so damn small and cute.
I'm a white girl with an Asian boyfriendTho I have dark hair ad eyes and olive skin. Part Syrian, German, and Swiss. So I look pretty white but I'm not the Aryan blonde hair and blue eyed "standard"
As far as I know we've never recived any strange looks. We'll often eat in restaurants where I'm the only non Asian in the place and we're the only table speaking English. Ive never notcied any type of hostility. A few stares here and there but nothing terrible, no dirty looks. Maybe it's because I live in a fairly liberal city? Or maybe theyre trash talking in a language I can't understand? Or maybe it could be Im not really concerned with other people and if Im out with my boyfriend I'm probably paying attention to him and not the people around me.
As if Americans have to worry about being "open to" Christiantiy. It's pretty much shoved down our throats in this society, which is quite a bit different than acceptance of a black-white marriage.etiolate said:I like how we're discussing being accepting and open to different ethnic cultures and beliefs, but then pissing on Christian culture and beliefs.
Mama Smurf said:You get some damn good looking people from mixed race parentage.
mac said:For Jap/Chin/Koreans I usually use the actual country of origin.
As for the don't date Asian guys thing, she has said she can't see herself with an Asian guy anymore, her past few boyfriends have been white. Now this is coming from her and I am sure there are exceptions, but she says Asian guys are in general insecure and have this follow the pack mentaility, they group together and don't really branch out, plus they focus on the material aspect of life.
Co-Sign. As long as you have parents that love and understand you, it doesn't matter what other people may say- even if your extended family doesn't approve.Journeywalker said:Error, I think it's fine if you don't want to have children with someone of another race because you're thinking about a future child, but I think it's rediculous that you'd tell other people not to do it. As a gay man, I'm not sympathetic to the argument that children should not be born into a family that may be chastised by society. People have been brought up by same-sex parents. People have been brought up biracial. Generally, they have the same identity and angst problems that all adolescents have. I know a girl who is biracial, and she is one of the most beautiful, charismatic, balanced individuals I know. People can and do overcome adversity, regardless of whether its based on poverty, race, or sexuality. Honestly, if it's impossible to overcome racism against biracial people, how do you explain the success of Derek Jeter, Halle Berry, Vin Diesel, Tiger Woods, or Ben Kingsly?
Drinky Crow said:Even worse, according to an Asian female coworker of mine, is that Asian men have old-school families that expect the woman to quit her job and kowtow to the in-laws' every whim. Apparently, your Asian husband's parents and uncles/aunts will become your slavedrivers the moment you get back from your honeymoon (and possibly well before).
Journeywalker said:Error, I think it's fine if you don't want to have children with someone of another race because you're thinking about a future child, but I think it's rediculous that you'd tell other people not to do it. As a gay man, I'm not sympathetic to the argument that children should not be born into a family that may be chastised by society. People have been brought up by same-sex parents. People have been brought up biracial. Generally, they have the same identity and angst problems that all adolescents have. I know a girl who is biracial, and she is one of the most beautiful, charismatic, balanced individuals I know. People can and do overcome adversity, regardless of whether its based on poverty, race, or sexuality. Honestly, if it's impossible to overcome racism against biracial people, how do you explain the success of Derek Jeter, Halle Berry, Vin Diesel, Tiger Woods, or Ben Kingsly?