Mr. Nice_Guy
I read it for a while. At the time it felt like a good way to hear about what's going on the gaming world. However I wasn't very fond of the humor. I called it "Penis Arcade" because you were only ever a few strips away from a punchline that was penis-related. The whole comic banked too much on cheap shock value and wiener jokes.
What REALLY bugged me was Tycho's news posts. It felt like he was overcompensating for Gabe being the "talented artist", so he used overly-flowery language. It always felt like he was talking down to me in his posts as I stumbled through his smug purple prose. I wanted to just skip the news post, but too often the day's strip relied on it for context, which drove me nuts. Eventually I gave up on the comic. It wasn't making me laugh and there were better ways to find out what's happening in the gaming world.
Yeah I agree here. I minored in writing in college and have always had a pretty expansive vocabulary but he regularly used words in his posts that I had rarely to never heard; and he's writing to a crowd reading comics with penis as the punch line more often than not. I usually liked what he had to say, but he needed to ease back on the prose quite a bit.
Read them daily for years, fell out about the same time most people here did, around 2011-12. Still check it occasionally. Art is different but doesn't bother me. I find the change from dick jokes to more parental humor interesting since it mirrors their lives. So in that regard it's kind of cool to watch that evolution.