Authentic Mexican > Tex-Mex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taco-Bell/Taco Dinner night
Authentic Mexican > Tex-Mex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taco-Bell/Taco Dinner night
Authentic Mexican > Tex-Mex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taco-Bell/Taco Dinner night
Weve got this place called Coyote Blues that fuses Louisiana cooking with Mexican. Its amazing.
Taco Trucks are pretty dope. Especially the ones around here.
Damn man, I love cajun and mexican, do tell
apple pie is not apple strudel. Maybe you prefer strudel in your mouth. But I like pie.
The majority of people have terrible taste (see: tv ratings, music charts, movie box office, etc), so while America has countless small ethnic restaurants with wonderful food because we are such a diverse country, once those foods are accepted by the unwashed mainstream masses, we will of course get chains with Americanized bastardizations that are shit.
Of course no one HAS to eat at those places, there are still plenty of delicious authentic Italian/Mexican/Chinese etc restaurants out there for those with good taste, if they know where to look. I wonder what the next trendy chain with crappy fake ethnic food will be, perhaps Thai or Indian...
He's not just saying the food is different. He's saying that the melding of a food to a culture shapes both cultures and is a sign of acceptance. He's saying that the hybridization of foods is analogous the melting pot of our broader culture. That people adapt cuisines they're familiar with and that familiarity is a sign of cultural acceptance and integration, an acknowledgement of a people integrated into the fabric of society in a fundamental way. In other words, it's a sign that a culture is not "foreign" it is US.
The California Burrito incidentally is a perfect example of this phenomenon he's celebrating.
Never took a liking to Mexican cuisine. Too spicy for my palate. I've also come to discover that they just can't do sweet baked/fried goods either. All the "pan dulce" I've ever sampled at the local mexican bakeries I've been to tend to be absolutely awful, other than the churro which is quite delicious.
Thai food has already been hit with the rendy chain , I see thai places in my local malls here in jersey .
Indian food is never going to take off.
I love me some 'Americanized' Chinese Food. In all its fatty, fried and savory glory.
I've seen indian express places... butter chicken, naan, all those go down well with americans.
Guy Fieri has a restaurant where I live that combines barbecue and sushi.
Never been, but oddly curious.
Also, I dislike ALL fanboys, so I'm OK with fusion cooking, adapting ethnic foods to another group's palate, and fast food versions of ethnic food. It all tastes good and it means I get variety in my diet.
In a Tub is the most amazing fake, disgustingly delicious midwest taco chain