Thanks! I'll be emailing them tomorrow.
If you have success please let me know what you emailed, thanks!
Thanks! I'll be emailing them tomorrow.
So I'm having issues with my purchase. Playing dark souls 3 caused the computer to shut off almost like it lost power after about 10 or so minutes. I was using a MSI afterburner custom fan curve I copied from a few page back and thought maybe I messed something up with that so I went back to default..... Same thing happened.
I've installed a secondary hard drive, other than that it's all stock configuration. I'm thinking I must have a bad PSU? Any idears?
So I'm having issues with my purchase. Playing dark souls 3 caused the computer to shut off almost like it lost power after about 10 or so minutes. I was using a MSI afterburner custom fan curve I copied from a few page back and thought maybe I messed something up with that so I went back to default..... Same thing happened.
I've installed a secondary hard drive, other than that it's all stock configuration. I'm thinking I must have a bad PSU? Any idears?
So I'm having issues with my purchase. Playing dark souls 3 caused the computer to shut off almost like it lost power after about 10 or so minutes. I was using a MSI afterburner custom fan curve I copied from a few page back and thought maybe I messed something up with that so I went back to default..... Same thing happened.
I've installed a secondary hard drive, other than that it's all stock configuration. I'm thinking I must have a bad PSU? Any idears?
Is this supposed to have an internal speaker? How do I make that work?
Is that still a thing?
It can't make it through the steam VR performance test either.You've only had issues so far with Dark Souls?
I guess I should have waited, I ordered mine a couple months ago... my code. I had no idea this what apart of the deal
Just got a code for The Division via email. This HP deal just keeps getting better. Imma max that game out tonight.
I got a response from HP regarding my whine about the Division code. They said if i was eligible it would be emailed to me tomorrow 4/25. Gave me a link to the promotion. May try emailing any contact there.
I bit the bullet and just ordered one. It's got a shipping date of May 4. Now that I've ordered it, I have a couple questions.
I want to install a second hard drive. What's a good hard drive to buy? I haven't bought any internal hard drives in years.
What kind of cradle do I need add another hard drive? I've never had a computer that I needed a cradle to put in another hard drive.
My bedroom where the computer is going to be is very dusty. It doesn't matter how often I dust, there's always a layer on everything. Can I buy some dust filters and put in front of the air holes on the side of the case to try to keep some of the dust out or will that restrict the air flow too much?
I sent an email and got no response. So today I talked with someone in chat that told me to call the main HP support(800-473-4732) which I will do tomorrow morning. We shall see how that goes. Honestly at this point I'm just curious on what the eligibility period was.
Please post the results of your call!
By the way here's the link they gave for the offer
Thanks will definitely bring this up tomorrow morning.
To troubleshoot we would need to know what all of your graphics settings are set to and what options you have enabled in GeForce Experience. But from what I can tell maxing everything to Ultra settings, even at 1080p, will net lower than 60 FPS at times with a 980 TiOk guys... So I'm a PC noob when it comes to settings, but since a lot of people in this thread got the same computer setup that I do, maybe you can help.
I went with the 6700K/980Ti/16GB RAM setup on a 60Hz, 1080P TV. I got the free code for The Division and I'm having problems running it at a steady 60FPS. I mean, a lot of the time it is at 60, but I get drops to the 40s on many outside areas and occasionally into the 30s. I have put all of my settings up too high or ultra and kept Supersampling at 100%, running on my SSD. It's not horrible, but I definitely noticed when the frame rate drops. I honestly didn't believe that was a thing from 60 to 40 when I was Xbox only, but yeah it is lol
Any suggestions on settings to run 1080P locked 60FPS with no drops or is it just the game?
To troubleshoot we would need to know what all of your graphics settings are set to and what options you have enabled in GeForce Experience. But from what I can tell maxing everything to Ultra settings, even at 1080p, will net lower than 60 FPS at times with a 980 Ti
Thanks will definitely bring this up tomorrow morning.
Personally, I would never overclock with a stock cooler. If you're determined to do so I would invest in a cheap closed-loop water coolerAnyone take a look at temps who upgraded to the 6700k? Wondering if this thing is capable of OC without welding itself to the motherboard.
Did you make that call?![]()
Yeah I called that number and of course as I feared was connected to someone in India. I did the prompts and figured "order status" would be the correct route since my order isn't completed. After a couple of minutes I managed to get the rep to the page of the promotion and see that my order had the 980TI and he then wanted to transfer me to tech support. I said this isn't a technical issue, this is an order issue. Asked to speak to supervisor and none was available so just ended it.
So no dice. Going to send an email directly to HP Corporate and see what they tell me.
For sure get an SSD, completely worth it.
Just try and not put your PC on the floor or at the very least elevate it a couple of inches.
I paid the extra amount and got the 256gb SSD that they had as an option for the system. I want to get at least one hard drive to put in it to install software to and for storage.
It's going to be sitting on top of a dresser about four feet off the floor.
As for the HD, right now Newegg is selling 3TB WD reds for $107 which is pretty good. Even better if you don't get taxed. If not you can always wait around and look at deal sites and can pick up a 4-5TB external for roughly the same amount of money. Just yesterday Fry's was selling this so you might be able to jump in on it.
So Reds are good enough? I've never bought an internal WD hard drive before, so I don't really know the difference between the colors. Unfortunately, I do have to pay taxes. Taxes took the computer itself to over $1400. :/
Anyone have luck on division emails?
Still no email so I've written up a short email, but there's one problem - I can't seem to find an HP email that I should send it to. Does anyone know what the email address this type of complaint (no Division code despite promotion being advertised) should be directed to?