Hey, a VR developer! I have your game but I haven't played it just yet!
I have a question for you, kinda. When I was playing The Gallery: Call of the Starseed, I actually spent some time playing it sitting down, because I'd played a lot of VR games that day and was getting tired. It was mostly possible because of the way they let you rotate your view when you warped. But then I realized the game was obviously developed with the intent of being played standing, I'd be at eye height to tables and half submerged in water and such. And then I thought, I'm sure some kids' heads would probably be at the height mine was at when sitting.
My question is this: have you thought about/played around with the idea of scaling the world based on the player's height, or some sort of internal height option? I dunno, maybe this is something that all VR devs have already dealt with, I was just curious about developments on that front, and how hard it would be. People of a variety of heights are going to be playing these games, including children and little people, and you can't just raise the head height up because then their feet aren't on the floor, so I assume you'd probably have to scale everything.
And beyond that, picturing a multiplayer game that tries to be fair, for example a shooter with cover that is the perfect size for crouching behind...some people would be too big and others too small. A height slider that scales the world might be an interesting way to keep everyone on the same level, or even allow for some new perspectives if someone wanted to mess with it and make themselves short.