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HTC Vive Launch Thread -- Computer, activate holodeck

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Until I played Half Life 2 in a DK1. After 5 minutes I was so sick I had to lie down. I tried to acclimate myself by doing shorter sessions to build up. Every time resulted in nausea and hours of feeling awful afterwords.

HL2 might have been the single worst thing I played in DK1 in regards to motion sickness. Don't know exactly why it was worse than other FPS games, but it was by far. I could stand playing a quick and dirty Quake implementation for a good while, but HL2 could have me feeling uncomfortable within a minute or two.


I haven't done the grapple hook based game yet. I hear that one does ground plane translation and makes a lot of people sick.

Didn't make me feel sick, did give me the sensation of almost toppeling over every time I moved/stopped moving without the grapplinghooks.


Cool Smoke Luke
depending on how susceptible to motion sickness you are you might want to check out VORPX, it was just updated to support OC CV1 and Vive supported is planned

Alot of people that don't get motion sickness swear by it to get headset support for stuff like Fallout4 ect.
If you can handle the shortcomings and want more AAA titles now...it might be your answer
I don't understand the lack of real movement in games at all at the moment. The released games seem fine but why limit with the teleportation, even the Minecraft mod does.

You can walk with mine craft. Teleport is just to get there. It's better than it sounds . Better than original even imo

I'm 40 and in my time we called the best of these "tech demos" arcade games, and we played them for weeks.

So I'm not sure this is for you, at this stage.

41 here and COMPLETELY agree 😁

39 here and doesn't see the problem with too

There's some truth in this, yes. For myself (and my girlfriend) I found out that the best way to find the optimal position is to start from fixing the straps behind the head and then loosen the upper strap starting with the HMD from an upper position on your forehead until you hit that sweet spot in terms of clarity and weight balance. Once we tried it this she didn't complain anymore about the weight.

I saved this Reddit link todo this first thing when I woke up.
Hahaha the arcade game analogy is nice as I'm over 35 also and loved arcade games back then and love these vive games right now

So I just finished hosting my Vive at an anime convention. Three full days, about 200-300 demos served. Just non stop space pirate trainer.

What I learned: 200-300 demos = standing up and sitting down and giving a speech 200-300 times = my legs are sore and my voice is going out


Hahaha the arcade game analogy is nice as I'm over 35 also and loved arcade games back then and love these vive games rift now

So I just finished hosting my Vive at an anime convention. Three full days, about 200-300 demos served. Just non stop space pirate trainer.


can somebody please post the packaging box dimension and weight?
i'd like to ask a friend send it to me and would like to know approx shipping charges in advance

Thank You


So I have an extra room with an area of 4.1x3.7 m^2 which I plan to dedicate for VR. It's a little over 5.5m diagonally.

Am I good utilizing the full size of the room (minus a small corner for the PC of course)?


can somebody please post the packaging box dimension and weight?
i'd like to ask a friend send it to me and would like to know approx shipping charges in advance

Thank You

The box it ships in, or the Vive box? I've got scales, a tape measure and a Vive right here

outer box: 69cm x 53cm x 33cm @ 8.7kg

actual Vive box: 58cm x 42cm x 22cm @ 7.4kg (hm, maybe my scales are messed up - that's pretty big difference - edit: nope, triple checked and that's the weights)


The box it ships in, or the Vive box? I've got scales, a tape measure and a Vive right here

outer box: 69cm x 53cm x 33cm @ 8.7kg

actual Vive box: 58cm x 42cm x 22cm @ 7.4kg (hm, maybe my scales are messed up - that's pretty big difference)

yes, the box it ships in
alright thank you, i'll use it to estimate the shipping charges


Get onto a charging dock - see my previous post showing the HTC proto and the bottom of the controllers which are begging for adapters to covert USB to external contact connectors. Also there are 3D printing models out there already to base measurements off :)

Oh and yay for email from HTC in the middle of the night....asking for customer service feedback :(

Yeah, already had a brief conversation with Krejlooc about a contact pad based charging dock earlier in the thread. I have ideas, but I'd have to get my hands on a few micro USB connectors and the actual controller to get a real feel for how to proceed. Unlike the receptacles which are quite small, the plugs tend to have a bulky rear end that extends about a centimeter beyond the part that actually plugs into the receptacle. This eliminates the possibility of a flush mounting adapter. So then it's a matter of how keep additional protrusion to a minimum with the added bulk of everything else, and how to mold it to best fit the controller.

Somebody that does this sort of stuff for a living, or at least on a regular basis would be able to do it by measurements and virtual models alone. I'm an amateur at best, however, and I work best when I have something in my hands to play with and get a feel for things.
What's your concern about setup 1 - just the lighthouse tilt? The only have to tilt down 30 degrees to look directly below them, and that will still scan above horizontal to your ceiling so you should be fine.

Personally id go with 1 but possibly consider moving the right hand lighthouse down a bit if you can - unless that's the bottom corner of your intended space (looks like you could have a larger space if wanted)?

It's hard to tell, but those book cases against the window jut out kind of far. It's probably not a big deal though if the lighthouse range is as good as you say. I could move the lighthouse on the right wall farther back (towards the camera in the photo) for theoretically more space but that would be outside the 16' 4" recommended range between units. It sounds like a lot of people are having tracking trouble when they put them too far outside that. I would just test it out but I'll be screwing them in to the wall so it would be a pain in the ass if I had to move them.


The Birthday Skeleton
So, it seems that Mars 2030 will launch in fall, here's the article about it:

I extracted some tidbits below, but the whole article is interesting.

I’m fascinated with space, and by extension, Mars. I’ve seen Mars through a telescope. I’ve shot amateur astrophotos of Mars. I’ve looked at topographical maps of Mars. I’ve even gazed upon the real surface of Mars in VR, from a panoramic photo taken by the Curiosity rover and viewed through Gear VR.

But it wasn’t until Mars 2030 that I felt, however briefly, that I was actually standing on Mars.

It’s incredibly hard to describe, but anyone interested in space surely knows the feeling; that fleeting moment where for just an instant, you grasp the absurd scale of the cosmos and your minute role within it.


So what do you actually do in Mars 2030, other than being occasionally overcome with the feeling that you’re actually standing on another planet? I got a look at an early mission among several you’ll be able to undertake during your time on the Martian surface.

Starting at the base, my task was to explore an immense lava tube. It wasn’t terribly far from the site, but certainly too far to walk. Luckily there’s a rover parked at the base—identical to a prototype that NASA is considering sending to Mars; I hopped inside and began following a waymarker toward the lava tube. The path spiraled out from the base location and took me through surprisingly volatile terrain.

From what I gather after speaking with Reyes, Mars 2030 will launch initially for
free, but there may be more to come.

“For the future we’re thinking of putting out mission components where you’re able to extend the replayability of the experience… almost like episodes,” Reyes said. These extra missions might be paid DLC, which I’d actually prefer if it means a way to keep Fusion focused on growing this experience. Reyes also told me that a multiplayer component was part of the original plan for Mars 2030, but that feature is currently up in the air.

At launch, Mars 2030 will support the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with a gamepad. Reyes says the team would like to include support for motion input, though he refrained from making an outright promise.

I don't like how the SteamVR backgrounds work. 360 pictures, while having low performance overhead, are a shitty way to show off VR. I really hope we can actually have 3D rendered environments at some point.


I don't like how the SteamVR backgrounds work. 360 pictures, while having low performance overhead, are a shitty way to show off VR. I really hope we can actually have 3D rendered environments at some point.
Why would you use the SteamVR menu room to show off VR? Or are you just saying that it doesn't take advantage of VR?

3D rendered spaces are coming soon apparently.
Why would you use the SteamVR menu room to show off VR? Or are you just saying that it doesn't take advantage of VR?

3D rendered spaces are coming soon apparently.

I just want to, for example, hang out in the Normandy while I'm browsing the store or whatever. I find the 360 pictures really disorienting at times.


y'all should be ashamed
Just spent a whole day of VR with chums yesterday...gonna write something up later today I think.

Hahaha the arcade game analogy is nice as I'm over 35 also and loved arcade games back then and love these vive games right now

So I just finished hosting my Vive at an anime convention. Three full days, about 200-300 demos served. Just non stop space pirate trainer.

What I learned: 200-300 demos = standing up and sitting down and giving a speech 200-300 times = my legs are sore and my voice is going out

How was the general reception of it? Was everyone more or less impressed?


I don't like how the SteamVR backgrounds work. 360 pictures, while having low performance overhead, are a shitty way to show off VR. I really hope we can actually have 3D rendered environments at some point.

Some of them are rendered environments. The holodeck one, for example, is not a 360 picture.
Some of them are rendered environments. The holodeck one, for example, is not a 360 picture.
You're right, but the problem is still there because you're not positionally tracked within that space. I want 3D environments that are scaled correctly (the floor should line up, for one thing), and I should be able to walk around inside it as my room permits.
I would expect 3d rendered home spaces with workshop support will happen sooner rather than later.
It does seem like an obvious step for SteamVR. I hope they iterate as well as they did in the early days of the Steam Controller. That thing improved so much in the first couple of months software-wise.


Games like Audioshield would benefit heavily from Workshop support, I can tell already.
Audioshield is already completely mod friendly. Easily replaceable assets, game modes defined by Lua scripts, the works. Probably just a matter of time that workshop support wasn't in at launch.
Oh, update on my audio-through-displayport issue:

I never got it working that way, but apparently you can transfer audio through USB to the Vive. Quality seems good, so I guess I'll call it solved. Now I just need a short four-pole headphone cable since my three pole doesn't work.


The displayport audio thing is strange. Intermittently it works, then it doesn't for me. USB works 100% of the time, so I have settled on that for now.


I'm so glad I broke my promise to myself and bought a bunch of games, because my freebies still haven't come in and they're having to escalate my case to get them.

Must everything be difficult??


Neo Member
I'm so glad I broke my promise to myself and bought a bunch of games, because my freebies still haven't come in and they're having to escalate my case to get them.

Must everything be difficult??

You think they'd just throw a flyer in the box with a code. It's not like multiple big name game companies do the same thing with little to no issues.


Thank you first wavers for beta testing the fulfillment system. =P

I wouldn't make the assumption it will improve based on our feedback.

So, it seems that Mars 2030 will launch in fall, here's the article about it:

I extracted some tidbits below, but the whole article is interesting.


Looks great except it's only launching with gamepad support. What a shame. Is this the beginning of upcoming games not utilizing Roomscale and motion controls since Oculus didn't bundle them in?


All I wanted was motion controllers back when I played a bit of Fishing Planet. By the time I get my Vive, everyone else will be off exploring space while I'll just sit there and fish hoping I they don't bite while I take a sip of beer.
We do need tracked beverages.
Is everyone here unplugging their headset and cameras when not using it?

The headset gets really warm if it is in standby, so now I just keep it all unplugged. Even though on HTC's help site there are no instructions for doing so.


I wouldn't make the assumption it will improve based on our feedback.
Lol, I was going to add a spoiler tagged "Not that I think they'll manage to improve anything." at the end of the post, but work demanded my attention.

For everybody's sake I hope they do though. These things become less forgivable the longer they drag on.
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