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Hydro Thunder Hurricane coming to XBLA


Strap on your hooker ...
Leatherface said:
Even if was justifiable in some cases, you may want to direct your attention to the GIANT FUCKING MICROSOFT GAME STUDIOS LOGO directly preceding the trailer.
Why is this some random new game by unknowns and not Hydro Thunder or H2 Overdrive... :(

I mean, it looks like it might be entertaining for genre fans such as myself, but still. It takes only seconds of watching the video to make it quite obvious that it's no match for either Hydro Thunder (in anything apart from graphics) or H2 Overdrive (in pretty much anyway). It looks slow and dull compared to either of those games. Too bad...

GoutPatrol said:
MAT3 was worth it for the other games though (mostly Super Off Road.)

MAT3 was a horrible atrocity, pretty much all of the 3d games in it were badly messed up... but yeah, for a good version of Super Off Road I guess it was worth getting. Rush 2049, Hydro Thunder, Rush The Rock, Offroad Thunder, even STUN Runner, though... all so tragially broken!

I love Super Off-Road so I guess it was worth getting anyway, but still, it was a very, very disappointing collection, to say the least.


SuperPac said:
I dunno what you guys are talking about with muted colors. This looks like a 'supercharged' update to the original Hydro Thunder. I played a shit-ton of Hydro Thunder in my day and this looks excellent. :)

Super charged?

56k runs faster.

Graphics look great, but this thing is way, way too slow.

I'd much rather the port of H2Overdrive.

This whole situation is like Neversoft taking over Guitar Hero, while Harmonix went on to do Rock Band.


Monty Mole said:
It'd be like "360 please" in Uncharted 2 threads.

It's it's totally like that (not really at all). We all grew up with and played those Midway racers. Of course other people with other systems would like this too. It's not like it's a Halo game. If I wanted that, I'd own an Xbox. There's no reason for this to not show up on PSN.

edit. BAH- besides the fact that Microsoft is behind it. oh well :(


Shig said:
Even if was justifiable in some cases, you may want to direct your attention to the GIANT FUCKING MICROSOFT GAME STUDIOS LOGO directly preceding the trailer.

I didn't watch the trailer, ass.


Leatherface said:
It's it's totally like that (not really at all). We all grew up with and played those Midway racers. Of course other people with other systems would like this too. It's not like it's a Halo game. If I wanted that, I'd own an Xbox. There's no reason for this to not show up on PSN.

There is no reason any good game should be exclusive ... I don't see what your getting at.


Cahill said:
Looks pretty cool but REALLY needs to be sped up... especially when you watch the H2O vids.

Possibly, but the speed in the vid didn't bother me personally. If you're not boosting or if you're not in one of the faster boats in the original arcade game it isn't much faster - if it is at all.


ZZMitch said:
There is no reason any good game should be exclusive ... I don't see what your getting at.

I'm getting at this was a Midway game so I was hoping to see it on PSN? It's not ok to say such things?

sensitiva. put it on your clit. :)


Shig said:
That seems like one.

I know this now. I didn't at first. Why is everyone being such an asshole about this to me? Fuck get over yourselves. Congratulations. It's exclusive and I didn't know that until now. *golf clap*


Leatherface said:
I know this now. I didn't at first. Why is everyone being such an asshole about this to me? Fuck get over yourselves. Congratulations. It's exclusive and I didn't know that until now. *golf clap*



ZZMitch said:
What the fuck dude? Do you have issues or something? Seriously.

Sorry man. It's just everyone is jumping all over me because I mentioned that i hope this goes on the PSN. No reason to get hostile toward me or anyone else for saying that, but people were.

If you dish it out, be able to take it. For the record, I'm not really mad. A little disappointed is all. I love Hydro Thunder!


Leatherface said:
Sorry man. It's just everyone is jumping all over me because I mentioned that i hope this goes on the PSN. No reason to get hostile toward me or anyone else for saying that, but people were. And no offense, but you came off pretty rude as well.

If you dish it out, be able to take it. For the record, I'm not really mad.
The point he was trying to make is that no one on this forum goes into a Pixeljunk thread and begs for an XBLA version. It only happens in XBLA threads and after awhile it gets old.


Leatherface said:
Sorry man. It's just everyone is jumping all over me because I mentioned that i hope this goes on the PSN. No reason to get hostile toward me or anyone else for saying that, but people were.

If you dish it out, be able to take it. For the record, I'm not really mad. A little disappointed is all. I love Hydro Thunder!

I see your point but on the flip side you should expect a lot more Arcade games to be XBLA exclusive or at least timed exclusive.


EagleEyes said:
The point he was trying to make is that no one on this forum goes into a Pixeljunk thread and begs for an XBLA version. It only happens in XBLA threads and after awhile it gets old.

That's because Pixeljunk is a known PSN only dev. When I see "HYDRO THUNDER", I think MIDWAY, and as far as I know, Midway games are not owned by MICROSOFT. Plus I didn't see the trailer that, as someone pointed out so rudely in all caps, shows the game is being handled by Microsoft studios. I didn't know that.

Listen, I don't sit around and wait for Xbox threads to beg for games. So you guys can quit taking out your frustrations on me. I'm a big boy and can afford an Xbox if I wanted it. I just like the old school Midway racers and was hoping it would show up on PSN as well. There's nothing wrong with that since I'm a gamer and love some of these classics just like everyone else. People need to stop being so guarded over their fucking systems like they are CEO's of said company and realize that we're all gamers here.

It comes off a pretentious and childish and I have no problem flaming someone up if I get ripped on for a stupid reason. :\


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm entering this thread late, but just FYI, I played about 10 minutes, and it was absolutely AWESOME. The game feels great.


Looks good to me and as was mentioned Hydro Thunder wasn't blazing fast unless using boost.

So did MS buy the Hydro Thunder IP?


Dural said:
Looks good to me and as was mentioned Hydro Thunder wasn't blazing fast unless using boost.

So did MS buy the Hydro Thunder IP?

If they did I wonder what It would be like with Natal.
watership said:
I'm starting to get sick of psn begging in xbla threads. :
It's not begging and it's not derailing the thread. Stop being a fucking crybaby.

You know what's worse that port begging? Ban begging or constantly crying that this and that should be "ban worthy" just because you can't deal with or just ignore simple, innocent comments on an Internet forum without running to the mods like a crying child.


y'all should be ashamed
Lard said:

There's absolutely no reason for this to be download only.
Except for the fact that retail 360 games go through a different licensing/QA process than Xbox Arcade games. So for a small dev, yeah, it absolutely makes sense cost wise.

Publishers aren't in the habit of picking up small budget games and printing out a hundred thousand copies to sell worldwide if they're competing with the virtual version as well. How many on demand games have come out at the same time as their retail releases? Zero. Even Microsoft said this wont change in the near future.


chubigans said:
Except for the fact that retail 360 games go through a different licensing/QA process than Xbox Arcade games. So for a small dev, yeah, it absolutely makes sense cost wise.

Publishers aren't in the habit of picking up small budget games and printing out a hundred thousand copies to sell worldwide if they're competing with the virtual version as well. How many on demand games have come out at the same time as their retail releases? Zero. Even Microsoft said this wont change in the near future.

At the very least, MS and Sony should be releasing "Best of XBL and PSN" collections for people that want their games on disc. And this game should be on it.


Ninja Scooter said:
It's not begging and it's not derailing the thread. Stop being a fucking crybaby.

You know what's worse that port begging? Ban begging or constantly crying that this and that should be "ban worthy" just because you can't deal with or just ignore simple, innocent comments on an Internet forum without running to the mods like a crying child.

We need to get you out of Gaming Forum before we lose you for 2+ weeks. Can't have an NFL Draft without your meltdown when the Skins take Clausen


Lard said:
At the very least, MS and Sony should be releasing "Best of XBL and PSN" collections for people that want their games on disc. And this game should be on it.

You know, I can kind of see your point a little bit.

Think about it GAF. We purchase these games and think we have them forever. What happens next gen or the gen after? Will all these xbox live / PSN games carry over to the new online service? How long will we have access to the games we purchase and own? Forever? I doubt it. :(

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Monty Mole said:
I want to see videos and screenshots already.

Hydro Thunder ran at 30fps and 4:3 480P (640x480) on Dreamcast. It definitely needs HDing up.

That's where I screwed up. I meant 480p. However, I SWEAR I thought it was 60fps. Are you SURE it was 30fps???


y'all should be ashamed
Leatherface said:
You know, I can kind of see your point a little bit.

Think about it GAF. We purchase these games and think we have them forever. What happens next gen or the gen after? Will all these xbox live / PSN games carry over to the new online service? How long will we have access to the games we purchase and own? Forever? I doubt it. :(
Well I guess so. Sorry if I got angry there for a bit...I'm an indie DL-only dev myself so I take that sort of stuff personally.
I'm a huge fan of Hydro Thunder but I wish they would brighten the sequel up a bit. The first Hydro Thunder had that Sega Dreamcast era "sunny blue skies" look as I like to call it(even though its a midway game).

Also, I hope the trailers music is nothing like the in game music. It would really suck if MS tried to pull a "generic badass makover" with this series. And so far, it looks like that may be the case. :(

I'm just shocked that they didn't shoe horn in a generic bald headed space marine and tits. I really hate it when devs do shit like this.

And this "not your Daddies Hydro Thunder" crap? The Dreamcast era isn't old enough to be refered to that way. Leave that kind of labeling to the Atari era, please.
Leatherface said:
Think about it GAF. We purchase these games and think we have them forever. What happens next gen or the gen after? Will all these xbox live / PSN games carry over to the new online service? How long will we have access to the games we purchase and own? Forever? I doubt it. :(

After I reached a certain age I stopped trying to "collect" things so it doesn't really bother me that much. I play games from PSN/XBLA until I'm done/tired of them and then I delete 'em. However, if I were still in that mode this would concern me greatly. One of the things about PC gaming at least is that BC is pretty important to the Windows ecosystem (even when it hurts it), and even if they DO decide to make a clean break at some point somebody will get some kind of emulation working for the more popular games, at least.

Regardless of this OT discussion, the game looks pretty good and I want to try it out.


Strap on your hooker ...
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I'm a huge fan of Hydro Thunder but I wish they would brighten the sequel up a bit. The first Hydro Thunder had that Sega Dreamcast era "sunny blue skies" look as I like to call it(even though its a midway game).
oh shit i saw some shadows being cast what is this morose space marine bullshit

it has sunny blue skies and lots of bright colors what the fuck are you people watching
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