This thread was a fascinating read for me as an Anthropologist.
I think the moment you start calling a character your waifu or husbando, you are giving others the right to assume you are "involved" with or have feelings for said characters.I'm really concerned that people are thinking I'm getting involved with fictional characters, if my post came across as such, disregard it then. I'm not getting involved with any fictional character in anyway aside from enjoying their stories and personalities. I don't believe it'll ever transition into anything deeper than that.
I can't help but crack up whenever see this thread get bumped. Just rofl.
This thread was a fascinating read for me as an Anthropologist.
I think the moment you start calling a character your waifu or husbando, you are giving others the right to assume you are "involved" with or have feelings for said characters.
I do think there are traits that are good to recognize as abnormal, as it can be easy to just assume everyone feels the way you do when there's something actually not working correctly. I agree though, if OP is happy, nothing needing to fix.
Wow, this was certainly... a thread
Didn't know hb was banned
is it a perm?
Wow, this was certainly... a thread
Didn't know hb was banned
is it a perm?
Wow, this was certainly... a thread
Didn't know hb was banned
is it a perm?
This is serous stuff, if it matters, I've always been a mix between emotional (not highly) and not as emotional. I don't find any harm so far in being emotional and no one has yet to bring it up to me (family would be the first to tell me, no joke).
Right, I can see how the fact I enjoyed the sim aspects of the game can mean that I don't have a social life or have a deficiency, I'll let you know here and now that I live a slightly social life with friends and family and they all help me experience life more vividly.
I feel like that's pretty great. I do something similar, but not really with anime. Different ways for people to relax.
I know I've mentioned it before, but please don't mix HolyBaikal into the other anime stuff I wrote, that's not at all what Holy would like, I believe.
This is serous stuff, if it matters, I've always been a mix between emotional (not highly) and not as emotional. I don't find any harm so far in being emotional and no one has yet to bring it up to me (family would be the first to tell me, no joke).
Yes =(.
All that really matters is that 1. you enjoy the fantasy stuff and 2. You dont lose touch with reality in doing so. As long as you maintain a grasp of what is real or not, indulge in fantasy all you want I say. Just never forget that the fantasy world is an illusion.
And by all means hit me up in PMs anytime if you need to talk![]()
Do you... think your car is your wife too?
Do you.. do wife things with your wives?
Do you.. like your wives in a way most people like their wives?
Is this avi supposed to be ironic or? Just wondering because every time I see it I get a bit uncomfortable.
To be honest, I see nothing wrong with liking or even having a crush on an animated character. I just thought it was weird that you would would equate that to honoring and being respectful to women in general, since those animated representations in the media are/can be very problematic to actual women. I think its also a mistake to follow the idea that actual human women can't compare to animated women when you realize why that is.
I bet the anime character would appreciate us more than the other people who don't care about them.
I just read walls and walls of text and I'm still as confused as ever..
So, let me get this straight:
You feel guilty about insulting a certian subculture, so you make this thread to apologize.
That banned member that you are even referring to in your title (a bit of an obsession here) fits into this somehow. How exactly?
Oh, and the title of this thread. What?
I just read walls and walls of text and I'm still as confused as ever..
So, let me get this straight:
You feel guilty about insulting a certian subculture, so you make this thread to apologize.
That banned member that you are even referring to in your title (a bit of an obsession here) fits into this somehow. How exactly?
Oh, and the title of this thread. What?
Its not harmful per se.
There is a lot of good in it.Its a very complex topic ,but please don't think that I meant to address you in a bad way or diagnose you with anything.
It's not an unhealthy obsession if they make you happy.
Making you happy doesn't make it not unhealthy or not an obsession.Who are you to say what's healthy and what's not healthy for other people? "Nice" people told me to go out and meet real life people before, and I did. Which turned into a disaster most of the time. The times that wasn't a disaster were all pretty "meh" experiences and waste of times.
It's not an unhealthy obsession if they make you happy.
I bet the anime character would appreciate us more than the other people who don't care about them.
It's a GAF thread, where funny & strange things occur.
Thread title is very literal. HolyBaikal, the member of which I obsessed about, was the catalyst to my wanting to understand certain things. The links made in a certain game brought up issue in another game, I play other game and all is well.
Uh, wha- huh?
I just like Persona 3 man.
So.. Why do you like HolyBaikai so much?
I know, I think people are going off the beaten path assuming things about me because of my expressive thread, understandable really. I will always keep in touch if I need to talk, thanks a lot.
don't hope for it.
Your being mentally stable and difficult to manipulate emotionally is most definitely a huge advantage.
Well thanks for taking the time to indulge me and others about this. I just assumed there was bad light being spoken about me and wanted to correct it if I could.
Well if you are in firefox I think you can choose which picture to block, or just block me altogether if you want.
Even after reading the OP, the TLDR And many replies I have absolutely no idea what this thread is all about.
I lay here in my bed on Easter Sunday morning confused and scared.
Thanks for ruining my Easter.
Absolutely not.
I really appreciate the candidness with which you wrote this thread.
May you find a way to express your passionate energies to the world in the best way possible.
Regardless of whether others can share or understand that.
but where do you draw the line to what's a healthy and an unhealthy obsession?
Even after reading the OP, the TLDR And many replies I have absolutely no idea what this thread is all about.
I lay here in my bed on Easter Sunday morning confused and scared.
Thanks for ruining my Easter.
This thread should be shared with OT imo
And I don't see anything wrong with that. What do you think we are not respecting them? So "normal" people who don't care about them are respecting them?
=( I hope I didn't actually ruin Easter. Eat some chocolate and eggs, enjoy the day. I'm just getting things off my heart.
Oh no no its fine haha. I'm just still half asleep![]()
Obsessive behavior is generally unhealthy. I'll throw myself with that. I obsessively surf the Internet. It is unhealthy. I can tell it is a compulsion. It makes me happy, but it doesn't make me healthy.Healthy = improve your real life.
Unhealthy = opposite of healthy
Some of us can draw the line clearly. It's wrong to assume that we can't.
Healthy = improve your real life.
Unhealthy = opposite of healthy
Some of us can draw the line clearly. It's wrong to assume that we can't.
Healthy = improve your real life.
Unhealthy = opposite of healthy
Some of us can draw the line clearly. It's wrong to assume that we can't.
OP, I'm still reading through that massive first post, but if you want Persona OSTs/remix CDs, just shoot me a PM. I live in Tokyo,and can easily snag them for you.just a few blocks from Atlus' old headquarters where Persona 3 and 4 were made,
This thread kept popping up on my Twitter feed today and I've finally taken a look and...
what is going on.
I'm so confused right now.
Nah, normal people or whatever don't factor into this. Let's take some of the problems associated with moe. I just don't think respecting moe characters for example would translate to well to respecting or honoring/whatever actual women due to some of the problems associating with the idea women representing childlike innocence and being sweet and adorable. Like there's a difference between liking that character archetype and that translating over to respecting actual women.
Not sure if I'm explaining myself clearly at all though.
Basically, the OP was struggling with some things in his life and he encountered HolyBaikals posts and her ideals and it struck a chord and really made him think about his life and it changed him.
Nah, normal people or whatever don't factor into this. Let's take some of the problems associated with moe. I just don't think respecting moe characters for example would translate to well to respecting or honoring/whatever actual women due to some of the problems associating with the idea women representing childlike innocence and being sweet and adorable. Like there's a difference between liking that character archetype and that translating over to respecting actual women.
Not sure if I'm explaining myself clearly at all though.
Obsessive behavior is generally unhealthy. I'll throw myself with that. I obsessively surf the Internet. It is unhealthy. I can tell it is a compulsion. It makes me happy, but it doesn't make me healthy.
Person has an obsession with junk food, which is unhealthy, but it makes him/her happy. Does that make the obsession with junk food not unhealthy just because it makes the person happy?