Um, no. The person is at fault if they disagree with a lifestyle, but also project their negative feelings onto that group of people. You can think whatever you want, but to be judgemental towards others and not even try to understand is just rude. It's not about what you think is the correct way to live your life, it's about respecting everyone that lives their life the way they want. Including enjoying what they are interested in and whatnot. If you go out of your way to belittle a certain group, whether it has to do with religion, sexuality, looks, hobbies or whatever, that is rude. That was my point. OP got it, I hope you will too.
This is some deep shit man. Also, hope he makes it back. I enjoyed his contribution from time to time, even the hilariously Chris Hansen worthy posts.
Right?I'm shocked
I always just read the word and never made the connection.
Yeah, that's what I thought.No, I mean I'm shocked you just noticed lol.
Man, fuck anime.
Lol, if only we were so lucky.It's time to end anime, once and for all.
The moe you know.I also just realised that waifu sounds like wife. I'm learning so much today.
It's time to end anime, once and for all.
I dont find this true at all. Sorry.
Even living in the same dorm the P3 characters always felt like complete strangers bound to a mission.
Never seen the grandeour thing of investigation you are talking about in P4, and I compare it everytime to Scooby Doo, the investigation just was a thing to keep them as a group of friends doing something and discovering more on themselves.
Calling a female character a waifu just means that she's your favorite female character. It means that for me at least.
You're needed here more than you know.I get the impression I don't belong here
Not kawaii behavior
OP You sound like you need some help. How old are you btw?
Pretty much, and they're in a state of denial over the fact that Holy was a troll account. I don't know whether I find it pathetic, or sad. Either way, it's been a fun read.So this thread is confusing. Is OP obsessed with this Holy dude... Or what?
Lol and he didn't even say what game it was. Did a long ass rant out of the blue.Oh wow i fell for his troll really hard but i'm kind of relieved that it was just that because he always made some weird ass posts.
If they're ripping their eyes out then fuck yes they should ? LolWhat might seem like something meaningless to you could mean a lot to someone else. If your post, or anyone else's post in this thread similar to this one was made as a joke it's doesn't come off as one.
One year ago I watched people, kids and adults alike rip their eyes out crying in disbelief as "Die Mannschaft" humiliated Brazil in Belo Horizonte. It was a soccer match, and it clearly meant a lot to the audience watching. Does that mean that they should seek help for something they feel emotionally attached to? No. The same goes for this topic. I really hope OP got something good out of this thread, and judging by his replies it seems like he did, and I feel happy because of that. This was not meant to be an attack on you Vamp, I just used your post as an example to what some people have posted.
/rant over.
So this thread is confusing. Is OP obsessed with this Holy dude... Or what?
HolyB was the most dedicated troll we've ever had. Everyone fell for it.
Lol and he didn't even say what game it was. Did a long ass rant out of the blue.
I'm gonna go for it's a long winded troll. Both OP and HB seem too extreme.The style of the OP makes it seems like they are one in the same. Who knows though?
I was convinced when s/he said that whenever s/he tried to watch porn s/he'd feel sick and cry or w/e because all porn is rape porn and not happy enough or something like that.Oh wow i fell for his troll really hard but i'm kind of relieved that it was just that because he always made some weird ass posts.
Calling a female character a waifu just means that she's your favorite female character. It means that for me at least.
So, I actually read all of what the OP posted. Congrats on your self discovery.
I won't comment on the Holy Baikal stuff, or the LTTP on Persona 3 stuff, but I will answer a few questions you posted.
Don't limit yourself to the Atelier Iris games. In my personal opinion, the Arland Trilogy on PS3 is fantastic and all three games have that moe moe kyun you're looking for. The latter two have plenty of waifu material (I wasn't too fond of Meruru, but that's just me).
As for Persona, you'd be crazy to not play P4. I would even recommend just playing vanilla P4 on your PS2 if shelling out some straight cash homie on a Vita(TV) is too much of an expense for you.
Again, cheers and thanks for a good read.
P.S.: The Ar Tonelio games are pretty dope.
Oh my lord. Dude, they're idealized nearly flawless and borderline creepy portrayals of the opposite gender envisioned by men. There are plenty of reasons to live in this world. Namely, actual interaction with the opposite and same gender, specifically your peers. Who are likely infinitely more interesting than what a middle aged man thinks that a teenager acts like. Who also can't talk back.This is totally wrong. We are the one who respect, honor, and recognize women the most.
Women are not commodities to be fought over. We help them to get the care, love, and attention they deserve. This is not off putting or weird.
Animated women or not, some of them are the most amazing, sweet, caring, loving, and adorable people in the world. They made our life that much more meaningful and completed. Without them we have no reason to live in this cold and selfish planet. So what's wrong that we do a little to glorify our women who saved us?
Can I get a Lionel Mandrake's notes post, please. There's just too much going on here, even with the mod edit.
Oh hey, at it again. Keep the dream alive,This is totally wrong. We are the one who respect, honor, and recognize women the most.
Women are not commodities to be fought over. We help them to get the care, love, and attention they deserve. This is not off putting or weird.
Animated women or not, some of them are the most amazing, sweet, caring, loving, and adorable people in the world. They made our life that much more meaningful and completed. Without them we have no reason to live in this cold and selfish planet. So what's wrong that we do a little to glorify our women who saved us?
Just saying if we are all a bit more respectful or thoughtful or understanding our world would be a much better place. Waifu or not they are our guide and inspiration so we appreciate them, that's all.
I feel like this post needs more love.The moe you know.
Some of them already were, the investigation just made them closer.I never found the guys in Scooby Doo to be particularly good friends so I don't quite get the angle.
They glorified the investigation they felt special because of it and I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have become friends w/o it.
I feel like this post needs more love.
Nah, plenty of people saw through it and played along with it. Several continue to in this thread even.
Calling a female character a waifu just means that she's your favorite female character. It means that for me at least.
Is this anime porn?
Has there been a dramatic reading yet?
Has there been a dramatic reading yet?
Hmmm. Nice tag OP.
His posts were all about him not being able to handle reality and professing his love for the magical cute fantasy anime land that he thought life should be. And GOD FORBID you disagreed with him, or tried to tell him that real life had value too, or that he should come out of his bubble, because he would spend like three pages crying about life and how nobody should hate his idea of a rainbow unicorn utopia. He played the cute sensitive card (and he may have actually been sensitive, but still) but he would not ever back down from an argument, and he'd be really in your face about it, too.I always thought HB was an in-character troll.
Last post I remember was he....or she was wanting to live in a VR world instead of the real world, because people are too mean.
You wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a 3D yandere though. It's dangerous enough to have a 2D yandere waifu.Oh my lord. Dude, they're idealized nearly flawless and borderline creepy portrayals of the opposite gender envisioned by men. There are plenty of reasons to live in this world. Namely, actual interaction with the opposite and same gender, namely your peers. Who are likely infinitely more interesting than what a middle aged man thinks that a teenager acts like.
Oh no! Arcadius I prefer this thread to be serious, because you are touching a very delicate matter even if there is plenty who are making fun of it. I didn't have the opportunity to talk with HB much, but I'd like to think that if she reads your post she'll be very happy.Thanks for reading and posting a comment, means a lot to me. This probably would have been a great drunk thread, no lies, but alas, it was serious. The post about not all anime characters being waifus or anime girls one may love has cross my mind before, but on the internet it's so hard to know what's what. It may be wrong, but I seemed to have clumped all uses like that together in a waifu pile, it's wrong of me I know, and I'll take the comment into consideration, thanks again!