His posts were all about him not being able to handle reality and professing his love for the magical cute fantasy anime land that he thought life should be. And GOD FORBID you disagreed with him, or tried to tell him that real life had value too, or that he should come out of his bubble, because he would spend like three pages crying about life and how nobody should hate his idea of a rainbow unicorn utopia. He played the cute sensitive card (and he may have actually been sensitive, but still) but he would not ever back down from an argument, and he'd be really in your face about it, too.
Weird stuff he said that I remember, some of which other members in this thread have reminded me of:
-Life is too hard, we should all live in VR.
-He wanted anime eyes.
-Wanted to be transgender (which is fine) but would always bring it up at inappropriate times.
-Everything should be cute.
-Iris from Pokemon Black/White was basically Jesus.
-He would frequently derail threads and make them about his own thing. Example:
GAFfer: "Hey guys did you see the trailer for Street Fighter V!? Awesome, right?"
HolyBaikal: "No. I wish there were more strong sensitive female characters. More games need characters like this. I like characters like this. Chun-li is a strong character, but don't you think she is kind of cartoony? I want more realistic women. But they should be cute too. I wish I was like that. The world would be better if everyone was cute and sensitive. This trailer would be good if it had people like that."
There's plenty more stuff, but it's not his weirdness that people took issue with as much as it was his attitude.
Yes you are on point with his character summary