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I’m not vibing with Resident Evil 7

I initially tried to play it a couple of years ago, but I encountered some Dog Head glitch that didn’t allow me to advance the game and I just gave up.

I’m giving it another shot now, and… I’m not feeling it much. I’m like halfway through the Old House section.

1. Ethan feels so unbelievably sluggish. And also kind of short?

2. “Auto-aim”… what auto-aim? There is none. I’m sure I suck at aiming, but I have a lot of difficulty with it in this game.

3. I don’t like searching for items in first person mode. It’s not enough to be near something; I have to move the camera every which way to see if I missed something that’s on the ground in between two cabinets behind a trash can.

4. I feel like the molded have a lot of health. And the boss fights too, Jesus Christ.

5. No way to skip cutscenes makes playing the game more annoying. I’m constantly worried about dying because I don’t want to go through any unskippable cutscenes or segments again.

6. It’s more fear-inducing than other RE games I’ve played for sure, but there’s none of the RE charm here. Feels like an American company made this game honestly.

7. I’m obviously exaggerating but it’s annoying how an enemy slightly brushing against Ethan will result in a distracting blood splattering effect all over the screen even if you lessen the effect in the Options menu. That should maybe be reserved for very low health.

Who else didn’t enjoy their time with this game? I’m debating on just watching the cutscenes on YouTube and calling it a day. The gameplay is not fun and I don’t enjoy exploring in this game.
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Gold Member
Not too big on this direction. Especially village with those woman who constantly annoy you that you can’t kill. Give me RE4 or RE2 over this style any day.
You mean the daughters
that you kill within hours of meeting them? Or the Lady herself who you kill an hour after that? They are supernatural, higher on the order than just zombies/infected, and you have little to no weapons when you meet them, so yeah, it's kinda harder to take one down until you learn its weakness, then you can kill them just fine with bullets like in RE4. Village is often described as similar to RE4 and after you get through the Castle I'm starting to see why myself. It's basically just a huge open hunting range for you.


Gold Member
welcome to the club.
the most overrated RE game by far.

I'm glad they course corrected since tho.

RE7 is just a shitty version of RE1 imo

Resident Evil 7 is firmly in the Top 5 of "The Most Overrated Games of the Last Decade."
  • Stupid, derivative story
  • Extremely limited enemy variety
  • Game takes a HUGE nosedive in quality starting in the Wrecked Ship, transforming into a giant LOL in the Mines
  • The final boss is the worst in the series
Resident Evil 7 Gold is best enjoyed as a $19.99 or lower title. Anything more than that and there's a good chance you'll have buyer's remorse.

The only upside is that some of the DLC is enjoyable and clever.
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Totally agree. Bought the Gold Edition when it got cheap, and I felt like the DLC was better then the main game. It's a hodgepodge of weird ideas they just threw at the wall to see what would stick. And most of it just doesn't land very well.


As time goes on, I increasingly feel like it's one of the most overrated games of all time.

Begining is awesome and pretty scary, quality drops off a cliff around halfway through.

RE4 remake puts it to shame. More games in this MOLD please.


I played it, dropped it after couple hours.

Then I played it again years later and finished it no problem and had great fun. Finished DLCs too. And went straight to Village.

Luigi Mario

I’m giving it another shot now, and… I’m not feeling it much. I’m like halfway through the Old House section.

Who else didn’t enjoy their time with this game? I’m debating on just watching the cutscenes on YouTube and calling it a day. The gameplay is not fun and I don’t enjoy exploring in this game.
Believe me, it only gets worse after that section. You better take your own advice and watch the rest of the cutscenes on YouTube.
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I got the Gold Edition for 20$ and regreted it. The puzzles are easy, Ethan is extremely slow and the combat sucks (the game has 4 enemy types for God's sake).
Resident Evil 7 is firmly in the Top 5 of "The Most Overrated Games of the Last Decade."
  • Stupid, derivative story
  • Extremely limited enemy variety
  • Game takes a HUGE nosedive in quality starting in the Wrecked Ship, transforming into a giant LOL in the Mines
  • The final boss is the worst in the series
Resident Evil 7 Gold is best enjoyed as a $19.99 or lower title. Anything more than that and there's a good chance you'll have buyer's remorse.

The only upside is that some of the DLC is enjoyable and clever.

Agree, BUT, for me, the title goes to RE8 - a game that didn't know what it was exactly/wanted to be :

- Supernatural shit ? RE biohazard shit ? Well, let's use both !

- Gaiz, remember RE4 ? Remember the Euro-like atmosphere that you liked ? Well, here's the nostalgiaaaa ! Also, let's try to do that in 1st person now !

- Stupid, derivative "the princess is...errr, the pieces are in another castle" story.
The baby got chopped up in 4-5 pieces so you can experience different stages !
Absolutely horrid stuff...

- Sub-par and slow as molasses gameplay, absolutely 0 feeling to the shooting.

- Another game where it takes a nosedive after the later half of the game (factory) with a mind-numbing and idiotic boss-fight (Heisenberg).

- Idiotic characters completely out-of-lore for a RE game, vampires? Lycanthropes? really ?

By the end I was just going through the motions just to finish the damn thing, absolutely sleep inducing stuff, still regret the 50 that I spent on it, one of the most overhyped games of the past 5 years...

Besides, RE should never be again in 1st person it just loses something by doing so.
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
It's a good game, but it's not the RE I know and love. I understand that you need to change to survive, and I respect Capcom for that. But I don't have to like it..


The nicest person on this forum
Also personally more fan of 3rd person or even fix camera from original RER over first person. I hope RE9 goes back to 3rd person.
But that the case of all RE really, mediocre series overall.
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Inspector Q

I appreciate it for getting rid of the damned forced AI companions that were in 5 and 6....but it's still not really what I am personally looking for from an RE game.

The colorful cast of characters are like the heart of RE....and that aspect was completely absent from this particular entry. I guess the Bakers were pretty cool, though. But Ethan and Mia are shit, lol.

The Chris reveal should have been a cool moment, but I was just left scratching my head because he looked nothing like him.

So yeah, pros and cons with this game. Ultimately, I just prefer 3rd person for my RE games, though. I fell in love with the series when I first played the original and it was mainly those over-the-top characters as the reason:


Meanwhile, in RE7 we are stuck playing as the faceless mook, Ethan. I wish Capcom would take RE4 Remake and just use that as a template for a brand new game.
Unskippable cutscenes is always annoying but such is life.

RE7 used the original RE as a big inspiration point. Best to keep that in mind when playing it for the first time. It definitely feels limited/archaic at times.

About halfway through you largely lose all fear and just start mowing down fools. Subsequent playthroughs are even easier.

VR is damn terrifying though, even if you've already played the game.

My advice is to stick with it, you'll eventually suck less and it'll start to feel like a FPS (for better or worse).


Gold Member
Agree, BUT, for me, the title goes to RE8 - a game that didn't know what it was exactly/wanted to be :

- Supernatural shit ? RE biohazard shit ? Well, let's use both !

- Gaiz, remember RE4 ? Remember the Euro-like atmosphere that you liked ? Well, here's the nostalgiaaaa ! Also, let's try to do that in 1st person now !

- Stupid, derivative "the princess is...errr, the pieces are in another castle" story.
The baby got chopped up in 4-5 pieces so you can experience different stages !
Absolutely horrid stuff...

- Sub-par and slow as molasses gameplay, absolutely 0 feeling to the shooting.

- Another game where it takes a nosedive after the later half of the game (factory) with a mind-numbing and idiotic boss-fight (Heisenberg).

- Idiotic characters completely out-of-lore for a RE game, vampires? Lycanthropes? really ?

By the end I was just going through the motions just to finish the damn thing, absolutely sleep inducing stuff, still regret the 50 that I spent on it, one of the most overhyped games of the past 5 years...

Besides, RE should never be again in 1st person it just loses something by doing so.

So, I can dig what you're saying about 8...I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but I get the perspective if you're a true blue Biohazard fan. I think what propels 8, at least for me, WAAAAAAAAAAAAY past part 7, are the inclusion of some truly wonderful weapons and Duke. I quite liked the setting, too. It felt similar to RE4, which to be fair, does make it a wee bit derivative, but you know...at some point, everything becomes a little derivative when it's RE-related. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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I didn't vibe with re7 at all either, my brother loved it though. I enjoy Village and obviously re4 remake a lot more.


Like the series a lot, but I didn't vibe with 7 at all. The tonal shift and first person view both put me off I admire them for shaking up the formula but I was only too glad when things swung back towards classic RE in more recent entries.
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I was into it until you get your hand reattached with magic water. The boss fights are indeed rubbish and honestly the whole game falls apart in the second half.
RE 7 is just RE1 in first person. I found it very easy to get into.

And as fart town usa fart town usa has said, the blocking is very important. It looks flimsy as fuck and like it wouldn't do much, but it is very helpful. Ethan has strong as fuck forearms.
I definitely block with Ethan but enemies/bosses/chasers are still health sponges and backing up and moving around feels clunky. I just think the combat is terrible, and the aiming reticle sucks


Gold Member
I almost popped a fucking vein seeing the amount of "RE7 is overrated posts".

RE7 is a great entry in the series, and it literally saved the franchise. It brought everything back to it's Survival Horror roots, vibed with the fanbase, and helped Capcom turn things around. Even if the game ain't your cup of tea, respect the good it did for Resident Evil, because this series was in a very bad place for many years until it came out.

Buggy Loop

First part is amazing I think.

The tanker and moss enemies thought… fuck that. Worse turn of event in RE history
RE7 has a strong beginning that tremendously drops in quality during the latter portions of the game (the ship and mines). If you’re are not vibing with the game now, then you should drop it altogether.

As mentioned, the story is ridiculously dumb, which, to be fair, is pretty on par with the overall nonsensical plot of the franchise. Ethan is by far the worst protagonist of the entire franchise. It is mind boggling how he got a 2nd game in Village (which is a better game).

Re7 is excellent, however, in VR mode.

Astral Dog

One of the best games of last generation🙌 its not perfect, and its not an action game,it was a real return to survival horror,RE7 translated succesfully the classic RE1 gameplay to first person while delivering a fresh spin. it focuses on reclaiming that atmosphere the series lost with the campy action

We are now again with RE4 but RE7 will always be an awesome horror game


Gold Member
Bailed out after 5 hours, i know the feeling op.

The game start great but it gets worse pretty fast and it has the worse normal mob and protagonist in the entire saga.
A lot of criticisms about this game are similar to how I felt about that first person Original Xbox game called ‘Breakdown’.

Much like Breakdown though, I’m happier it exists because it took a big gamble and it might have influenced future games.
If this game was called anything except Resident Evil, it would have been fine for me. But it really is weak as a RE game.

I'll say this at least. I HATED it the first time I tried playing it, but then even the PC VR mod came out I gave it another go and absolutely loved playing it. Genuinely fun game and very scary in VR. The atmosphere is fantastic too.


Gold Member
A lot of criticisms about this game are similar to how I felt about that first person Original Xbox game called ‘Breakdown’.

Much like Breakdown though, I’m happier it exists because it took a big gamble and it might have influenced future games.
Breakdown combat was at least way more interesting than super clunky fps with shitty enemy.


Its a decent game in its own right but drops the ball once you get to the ship. Im 100% convinced it didnt start out as an actual resident evil game, was just made for PSVR and then they slapped the RE stuff on it towards the end to help with sales. Which is why Chris doesn't look like Chris etc etc.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Re7 is the scariest game I've ever played, that it was so hard going but I felt I wanted to continue really says something.

It's a great game, imo. The best parts are all on the Baker Estate, and the quality does take a dip with the latter sections, but that doesn't mean the game isn't a modern classic, imo.

After RE4, the best of the series, imo.


Enjoyed it but enemies lack diversity and it felt like tortue porn too often just for shock value but without adding much. Oh, look, this guy is hacking off his arm just for fun and laughs it off, how crazy and totally mad.

Didn't work for me, but overall I enjoyed the gameplay and setting.

Mr Hyde

Loved RE 7, even so much I platinumed it. It was such a breath of fresh air, coming from the bloated RE6. It had an interesting and more grounded story, and the Baker's was both terrifying and sympathetic, you actually felt for them once it was explained why they went nuts. It drew heavy inspiration from RE1, which is always a positive thing in my book and it was also damn scary, at least the first half, something that was completely absent in the later, more action packed REs. The only downside was the weaker second half and the final boss, which was downright terrible. Chris reveal was also botched, due to him not looking like Chris at all. Don't know what the hell Capcom was thinking with that one.


In order to get the most out of it you would have to go back to when it came out and remember how burned you were from the travesty that is 6. It's the Force Awakens syndrome. Everyone was just relieved it didn't suck like the prequels... but over time the realisation dawned that it was rubbish.

Only partly joking, RE7 isn't rubbish, it's just that it lacks a lot. If you don't like the house section - which is by far the best part of the game- you will probably hate the second half. Only two main enemies and the most boring bland map design of any RE. Plus first person, not a fan.


I liked 7 and 8 well enough (some things baffled me, but both games have some of the most genuinely creepy moments in gaming), but now I am playing 4 Remake and it just makes both games seem weaker in retrospect.
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