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I’m not vibing with Resident Evil 7


I didn't care much for it either. First person is a cheap way to generate tension. Narrow FOV and flashlights that extend a foot in front are more annoying than scary even if you get me for a jump scare. I couldn't connect with the character or the scenario. It just didn't grab me.

Kev Kev

I got past the “Mia flashback” tape and I’m kind of over it lol like how long is this stupid ship segment?


I enjoyed it but the best part by far was the first area which the demo had already kind of spoiled us on. Not nearly enough enemy types and the ones it has are difficult to hit and sponge-y, so combat just becomes a dull waiting game of blocking and making the most of your headshots against the same handful of enemies. A Four-Legged Molded can be near impossible to hit with anything other than a shotgun if you don't get a perfect pre-emptive aim on it and on madhouse they can one-shot you easily. Ethan sucks. Mia sucks. Lucas sucks. The boat and the mine are dull follow-ups to the Baker estate. The fact that they blatantly didn't have time to finish the game for release resulting in packaging the game's denouement as free DLC also contributed to the game's underwhelming appeal.

Village was vastly superior imo and did everything VII did well but exponentially better.

Oh also, BLOCK !

Yeah blocking is crucial. Also the game doesn't tell you that it has a just frame mechanic which negates damage entirely with a perfectly-timed block.

In order to get the most out of it you would have to go back to when it came out and remember how burned you were from the travesty that is 6. It's the Force Awakens syndrome. Everyone was just relieved it didn't suck like the prequels... but over time the realisation dawned that it was rubbish.

I'll take the prequels over TFA and I'd take RE6 over REVII, because I genuinely think they're both respectively, infinitely superior. But you're right, in both cases people let their 'the corporation listened to me!' sugar rush cloud their immediate judgement and exaggerate the temporary euphoria.
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I almost popped a fucking vein seeing the amount of "RE7 is overrated posts".

RE7 is a great entry in the series, and it literally saved the franchise. It brought everything back to it's Survival Horror roots, vibed with the fanbase, and helped Capcom turn things around. Even if the game ain't your cup of tea, respect the good it did for Resident Evil, because this series was in a very bad place for many years until it came out.
Sure, a huge upgrade on 6.

Not a bad game, but I think it gets a lot of hyperbolic praise just for being better than the turds that came before.

Just can't relate to people calling it one for the best games of last gen. Maybe it's one of the best opening hours.
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The house is a great one-off experience and the rest just isn't fun or memorable. Can't see me ever replaying it.

It benefitted greatly by following RE6 which was a disaster. Village and all the recent remakes are far better games.


Gold Member
Sure, a huge upgrade on 6.

Not a bad game, but I think it gets a lot of hyperbolic praise just for being better than the turds that came before.

Just can't relate to people calling it one for the best games of last gen. Maybe it's one of the best opening hours.

I've never seen people call RE7 a masterpiece or one of the best games ever. I don't understand where the "overrated' posts are coming from. At the time it was recognized as the first outright good Resident Evil in a decade, and that it was appreciated for bringing the series back to Survival Horror. It's also to this day touted as the scariest entry in the series, and the VR Mode was praised across the board. It's not flawless. Everyone knows the game's quality falls off in the last third, like many Resident Evils do. But the Baker House is pure Survival Horror goodness. The marketing for it was genius, releasing those three demos that everyone talked about. Trying to uncover the secrets within.


I've never seen people call RE7 a masterpiece or one of the best games ever. I don't understand where the "overrated' posts are coming from. At the time it was recognized as the first outright good Resident Evil in a decade, and that it was appreciated for bringing the series back to Survival Horror. It's also to this day touted as the scariest entry in the series, and the VR Mode was praised across the board. It's not flawless. Everyone knows the game's quality falls off in the last third, like many Resident Evils do. But the Baker House is pure Survival Horror goodness. The marketing for it was genius, releasing those three demos that everyone talked about. Trying to uncover the secrets within.

Yeah I'm super confused about it being overrated. Never seen a thread were people were raving about it.

For me, it's a 6/10 game. VR made it a 8.5/10. That was legit scary and an incredible ride. The non VR mode is laughably tame by comparison and does not feel right.
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Breakdown combat was at least way more interesting than super clunky fps with shitty enemy.
From a viewing standpoint yes it looked interesting, but in it’s own way when playing it, Breakdown was super clunky with bad enemies/enemy encounters for 3/4 of the game.

Just like RE 7 it felt like a really, really rough beginning. It just never went beyond that beginning.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm convinced they made a VR demo and as it was well received Masachika Kawata was ordered to make it a Resident Evil game to jump on the hype of the P.T demo.
And slapped something together.

I thought it felt.......for a lack of a better word (and repeating myself) slapped together.
The game is terrible without VR and even with that it relies heavily on something I wouldn't even call it jump scares because it made me roll my eyes.
The later half felt like it was made by the people who did Chris's Campaign in RE6(because it was)
And it seemed disconnected to the REworld and any connections it did have was ssooooo lite they was like they was added last minute.(probably because they was)
RE8 is much better but that's probably because they had a plan before hand.

I don't wanna discredit people who do generally find it scary, but I really don't see it.
There's literally 20 years of games that are more scary and some aren't even horror's
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This game certainly was made to a totally difference target. Nothing in it ever grabbed my attention.
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One of my personal scariest games ever. Then again the OG Chainsaw Massacre is one of my scariest films..


I only finished it once and never felt the desire to do it again, so idk, maybe you're on to something.

Although in my case I really dug the Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe that they were going for during the first two acts. It was gritty as fuck and genuinely unnerving. I was really happy to play a game that's like those walking simulator horror games but with actual gameplay. Walking simulators always excelled at creating foreboding atmosphere, immersive environemnts, and decent nerratives but to me, the minimalistic gameplay was always detrimental to the overall experience. And here we were, with a game that offers that kind of an experience but you could actually solve puzzles and fight things now.

Where it all fell apart to me was towards the end of the game during the flashback sequence which feels like we're going back to the usual Resident Evil tropes full of cheese and connections to the overarching lore, which was the absolute last thing that I wanted to think of when playing this game because I still had really bad taste in my mouth after RE6.
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It's a game changer in VR . One of the best gaming experiences I ever had. Playing the regular method I still had fun but it's just so much better in VR.

I do agree it goes a bit down hill after you leave the house . And yeah the ship part is a bit of a slog. I still would recommend it to anyone though.

Getting chased by Jack Baker in VR will be one of the scariest gaming experiences you'll ever have.
Only played it with a VR mod and while I agree with all your points, being there virtually smoothed it all over into an amazing experience.
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What time is it?
I really loved the first hour of the game until the point where you get a gun. It felt like a completely new direction for the series and was genuinely tense and scary. My enjoy decreased as my arsenal grew. The enemies were mostly uninteresting and the weapons didn't feel as satisfying to use as previous enteries.
RE7 is solid. The first half is pretty good classic RE-like sequencing and puzzles, but the tanker onwards is just railroaded and forgettable. Wish the whole game was as good as the beginning.

RE8 tries to be like classic RE and RE4, and misses the mark on both. The mansion/castle area is neat, but so easy to figure out where to go compared to classic RE games that it’s laughable. On top of that the cutscenes literally guide you on the critical path anyways. It’s babies first RE Mansion design.

The combat tries to be like RE4, but Ethan’s boring ass blocking doesn’t work to make faster paced fights interesting like the RE4 melee moves do. The Chris section was actually kinda fun because you can do melee moves. That being said that section and a few others end up being stupid because they throw so many enemies at you and you don’t know if you need to fight them all or just survive/escape (on a first playthrough).

Contrast that with the other half of the time where the game only throws 0-3 enemies at you at a time, and the gameplay loop/pacing just feels like a clusterfuck. Also it tries to have RE4 weapons/upgrades but every same type of gun is just a straight upgrade of the last, so there’s no real weapon experimentation.

The immersive atmosphere and the graphics in 7 and 8 are really nice though.
Just fired up RE7 today in fact. It's definitely got a different vibe to the others. It's more sinister, more creepy somehow. RE was always more like grand guignol type thing previously. I like it, but I can see why folks don't.


I preferred Village to 7 personally but i can see why someone would prefer either as theyre wildly different vibes
If you're not enjoying it you're not enjoying it. No matter what anybody says you should never try and force yourself to play through a game just because "it gets better". However I strongly disagree with the notion of RE7 being super overrated, I absolutely loved it, but kind of related, the first half of the game was clearly the best part, so maybe you've already played all the best parts


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Seems like a lot of the complaints are that you people are just bad at games.
How so?
RE7 is probably the easiest one in the series and in VR it's like your playing COD with how accurate the head tracking is for targeting.
RE8 is even better for this as you can actually dual wield as if you're John Wick
The Shotgun & Handgun combo is pure class.
And to think we're talking about Resident Evil here 🤔

The Cockatrice

Gold Member
How so?
RE7 is probably the easiest one in the series and in VR it's like your playing COD with how accurate the head tracking is for targeting.
RE8 is even better for this as you can actually dual wield as if you're John Wick
The Shotgun & Handgun combo is pure class.
And to think we're talking about Resident Evil here 🤔

You probably misread my post? Im saying OP's complaints sounds as if he is bad at the game same as everyone who complains about it. Cant aim? Cant find items in first-person? How are these "bad things"?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You probably misread my post? Im saying OP's complaints sounds as if he is bad at the game same as everyone who complains about it. Cant aim? Cant find items in first-person? How are these "bad things"?
Oh sorry I didn't pay attention to the OP.
After all...

But yeah I agree, probably one of those that can't dodge in Callisto Protocol.
Well I ended up beating it.

The ship segment annoyed the crap out of me because I couldn’t see anything and missed 3 things inside the elevator that I was supposed to use items for lol.

Overall, it was ok. I don’t see myself replaying it.
You probably misread my post? Im saying OP's complaints sounds as if he is bad at the game same as everyone who complains about it. Cant aim? Cant find items in first-person? How are these "bad things"?
There’s an aim assist but it literally doesn’t assist you. I ended up turning it off.

I said that items are annoying to find in this game because it’s not enough to be near an item; you have to be looking directly at it. I got used to it near the end of the game but I still found it irritating.

Perhaps my gripes are poorly worded, but at the end of the day, I didn’t find RE7 fun, and the amount of sluggish, scripted segments were annoying.

The game is also clearly super rushed.
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RE7, CV, are my favorite

RE7 is the most atmospheric and aesthetically pleasing RE game, I liked CV for the same reason, they both have great music, I like beautiful stuff and romance

Gameplay is passible, mainly for the horror and presentation.

This game is simply not for OP
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RE7, CV, are my favorite

RE7 is the most atmospheric and aesthetically pleasing RE game, I liked CV for the same reason, they both have great music, I like beautiful stuff and romance

Gameplay is passible, mainly for the horror and presentation.

This game is simply not for OP
I absolutely hated RE7’s setting! And I don’t find it aesthetically pleasing at all. That’s so interesting to me to hear someone say that (not saying you’re wrong).

I will say my opinion of it improved a tiny bit by the end, but yeah, it’s not something I love.

I will say that it’s by far the scariest RE; when I first played it I was genuinely scared out of my fucking mind and I didn’t even use VR.

I enjoyed RE2R far more (and RE3R, even though it was a disappointing follow up to RE2R).

Now onto Village.
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ChatGPT 0.1
The game mostly took placed in one location, the vr wasn’t that big of a deal, I liked the baker family too honestly a 9/10 game could be a 10/10 game.


I personally really enjoyed my time with the game, especially after 6, when the series started to feel dull and 7 offered a big change up that I think the series really needed at that point. It's the most frightening one of the series I have played (I haven't played village), even more so than the original RE as a teen. I do agree with a lot of the posts here, the ship segment is not the best, and felt a little rushed, but man the first two areas were great IMO, and make up for it.

Also a big shout-out to the family in this one, I love each of the members and each had a unique personality to them, and while you may hate them at the start, toward the end you feel sympathetic for them, because they are victims in all this. I feel like this game will be as divisive as Code Veronica (another RE I really enjoyed), but I think its a great entry in the series.


Gold Member
I think I'm starting to realize RE fans really are just like FF fans aren't they. Every entry is loved/hated, no matter how good or bad it may be.
I personally really enjoyed my time with the game, especially after 6, when the series started to feel dull and 7 offered a big change up that I think the series really needed at that point. It's the most frightening one of the series I have played (I haven't played village), even more so than the original RE as a teen. I do agree with a lot of the posts here, the ship segment is not the best, and felt a little rushed, but man the first two areas were great IMO, and make up for it.

Also a big shout-out to the family in this one, I love each of the members and each had a unique personality to them, and while you may hate them at the start, toward the end you feel sympathetic for them, because they are victims in all this. I feel like this game will be as divisive as Code Veronica (another RE I really enjoyed), but I think its a great entry in the series.
Isn’t Lucas actually evil? That’s one thing I was confused by. Jack was like “it’s all Evie” but didn’t Lucas kill someone as a boy? Did Jack somehow NOT notice or something? Or did I miss some files that gave more info/get something wrong?

That + Mia getting away with everything. Wtf
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It starts super slow but it does pick up and get better as you go on. There's definitely some totally over the top shit that happens and ends up being pretty hilarious, so I appreciate that. I feel like the tone of the game at the start is kind of misleading. It was very much a one and done game for me though.
RE8 on the other hand I enjoyed immensely and went straight to a 2nd playthrough after I finished the first.


the most overrated RE game by far.

What does this list look like, "most overrated RE games"?

Anyways, any series bouncing back from an entry as poor as 6 is bound to be overrated. Just not sure how much weight that actually holds... who cares, it's a clear, massive improvement from 6, what more can you realistically ask for?

I haven't dived into 8 yet, will get there one day. It took me a long time to play 7 too, because of how shit 6 was, and how wrong-headed 5 was -- those back-to-back soured me on the whole series. 7 reignited my interest, personally.
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In order to get the most out of it you would have to go back to when it came out and remember how burned you were from the travesty that is 6. It's the Force Awakens syndrome. Everyone was just relieved it didn't suck like the prequels... but over time the realisation dawned that it was rubbish.

Only partly joking, RE7 isn't rubbish, it's just that it lacks a lot. If you don't like the house section - which is by far the best part of the game- you will probably hate the second half. Only two main enemies and the most boring bland map design of any RE. Plus first person, not a fan.

This is the correct general sentiment...

RE7 definitely not rubbish, restored the horror in RE games, which hadn't ben around in a long time. And partially to blame for that is the all-action nature of everyone's beloved and ACTUALLY most overrated RE IMO... number 4.
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Gold Member
It’s not as good a game as some want you to believe. I think it’s a series low, once you are past the first 30-60 minutes.
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What does this list look like, "most overrated RE games"?

Anyways, any series bouncing back from an entry as poor as 6 is bound to be overrated. Just not sure how much weight that actually holds... who cares, it's a clear, massive improvement from 6, what more can you realistically ask for?

I haven't dived into 8 yet, will get there one day. It took me a long time to play 7 too, because of how shit 6 was, and how wrong-headed 5 was -- those back-to-back soured me on the whole series. 7 reignited my interest, personally.

I fail to see how 7 is an improvement over 6 tbh.
7 is just a wannabe re1 that had the worst enemy designs of any RE, the worst combat of any post og re1 RE, and boring level design.

it was only as popular as it was because RE purists hated the action oriented ones so much that they made themselves believe it's a better game than it actually is.

RE6 is a better coop shooter than RE7 is a survival horror/adventure game 🤷
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