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I’m not vibing with Resident Evil 7


Gold Member
I fail to see how 7 is an improvement over 6 tbh.
7 is just a wannabe re1 that had the worst enemy designs of any RE, the worst combat of any post og re1 RE, and boring level design.

it was only as popular as it was because RE purists hated the action oriented ones so much that they made themselves believe it's a better game than it actually is.

RE6 is a better coop shooter than RE7 is a survival horror/adventure game 🤷
This person gets it.


7 is just a wannabe re1 that had the worst enemy designs of any RE, the worst combat of any post og re1 RE, and boring level design.

It is much more focused on survival, and everything -- enemies, combat, areas (levels), boss encounters -- is overwhelmingly reflective of a horror setting rather than a more generic, expensive, globe-trotting action movie. That's what RE has done best... and that's why people didn't like 6. Among other reasons... I think the writing is also a main-series lowpoint.

it was only as popular as it was because RE purists hated the action oriented ones so much that they made themselves believe it's a better game than it actually is.

It's not about believing it's better than it is, it's about realizing it is a re-focus on what the purpose of the series, and serving that over the likes of action set pieces and fucking quicktime events. Atmosphere, vs action.

RE6 is a better coop shooter than RE7 is a survival horror/adventure game 🤷

I mean, I think this is probably debatable, but either way the only point that matters I'd think is that RE6 is an poor survival horror game.
So, there's no wonder it's a problem that it bears the name of the definitive survival horror series.
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A major thing I feel is going grossly unnoticed in this thread is self-awareness of the state of Resident Evil at the time that RE7 released in January 2017...a state which is still in effect today.

Resident Evil 6 was not just a terrible AAA title that did a lot of damage to the Resident Evil franchise's largely good name--it's storyline also completely broke the entire RE world in ways that Capcom still has not figured out how to move on from over ten years later. Since RE6 released, every game since has fit into one of these three categories:

1. An interquel to prior games set before RE6
2. A multiplayer only title
3. A remake of a classic title

The ONLY exceptions to those were Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and Resident Evil: Village. And those games share something much more in common than a protagonist and first-person perspective. As the only games set post-6, they take place in extreme isolation, each only transpiring over a handful of acres of real estate. Because having to deal with the larger RE world is something they still don't know how to do because of how utterly broken it is after the events of 6. Keeping these games in tiny little pockets that the rest of the world is barely able to touch allows Capcom to almost completely ignore 6 and what it did. Until they figure out some way to unbreak the world, we should expect that trend to continue.

Maybe 7 didn't "vibe" with you, but if you understand the exact state that the RE universe is in, it might help you connect with it a lot better.


I mean, I think this is probably debatable, but either way the only point that matters I'd think is that RE6 is an poor survival horror game.
So, there's no wonder it's a problem that it bears the name of the definitive survival horror series.

RE4, 5 and 6 weren't survival horror games whatsoever,
weirdly only 6 gets shit for it to a high degree 🤷 when IMO it's a way better game than RE5 in basically every way.

7 also isn't a survival horror game btw, unless you play it in Madhouse mode.
same with 8 where you have to unlock the Village of Shadows difficulty to have a mode that resembles a survival horror mode (barely)
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Gold Member
In terms of OP’s original list of complaints:

1. well, yes, Ethan has zero combat experience prior, so he’s going to be less capable than virtually all playable RE characters. Not sure why you think he’s short, though.

2. didn’t even know auto aim was a feature. Anyway, if one isn’t good at aiming, it’s not necessarily a fault of the game

3. nah, this was one of the few benefits of first person (I generally prefer RE to be third person), searching for items all over like a madlad was fun, plus you can always use psychostimulants to find stuff you missed. Village making all items extremely obvious was lame as fuck

4. I feel the molded had fair health equivalent for the difficulty they were on. And, come on, we’re complaining that bosses have a lot of health?

5. Eh, I feel they were usually good at having pre-boss cutscenes not be particularly long

6. none of the RE charm? In what way, it felt RE as fuck to me, with a bit of F.E.A.R. added in (makes sense as IIRC the writer of that series wrote RE 7). And it doesn’t feel that western to me

7. I don’t remember the blood being that overbearing on half damage. If you’re badly wounded, then well yeah, the game is telling you to heal yourself prompto

The game does have flaws though, just none of the ones OP listed I agree with. Enemy variety was low. The ship section is decent but a step down from what came before, and the mines are a boring hallway (with a pushover boss at the end). Ethan is dull compared to all prior RE leads, and Mia is a piece of shit who never faces any moral comeuppance due to being handed the “convenient amnesia” plot coupon. Having said that, roughly the first 70% of the game is solid, the Bakers are all great, and it was cool to experience RE survival horror in first person. Also some of the DLC, the Not a Hero one was just okay, but End of Zoe was pure fun, and 21 was entertaining (and I just find Lucas to be such an entertaining prick). Also that DLC in the basement area where enemies spawn constantly and you get money to buy upgrades, ammo, weapons, turrets, etc., that was fun.

I do prefer it over Village (which was still good) though. Village had a good start, and the Heisenberg factory was pretty good, but the castle was just okay to me, the puzzle house was good for the first time but terrible for any replay value, and the swamp area was just eh. Also Ethan became even more boring than he was in 7, and Mia became even more detestable when she criticized Chris, the man who, along with Sheva, SAVED THE PLANET, for shit that she was partially responsible for (though I feel the Shadow of Rose DLC might suggest Chris did seek some legal action against her, I mean he flat out sees the photo of her and Miranda with the rest of the Connections terrorists together), like fuck off already. Also, Heisenberg was the only interesting of the four people under Miranda, as Lady D was okay, Donna was barely developed, and the swamp guy….existed. Though Village does have an actual legit final boss fight, also the Chris section was cool especially with that music playing.


RE4, 5 and 6 weren't survival horror games whatsoever,

Yeah, and is there confusion on why the third in a string of "doing something different" in a franchise gets the most flak?

weirdly only 6 gets shit for it to a high degree 🤷 when IMO it's a way better game than RE5 in basically every way.

RE5 also gets/got a lot of justified shit at the time, and is also not a very good RE game... RE6 just came at a point where people who wanted a more conceptually faithful RE were that much closer to the end of their ropes, I think.

7 also isn't a survival horror game btw, unless you play it in Madhouse mode.

The degree to which it succeeds is obviously subjective, but in many objective ways it's re-dedicated in multiple ways to a completely different thing than what 5 & 6 (especially), and even 4, are doing, primarily. So, agree to disagree more, I guess. 🤷‍♂️


7 is just a wannabe re1 that had the worst enemy designs of any RE, the worst combat of any post og re1 RE, and boring level design.
No its not, its an improvement over RE1 in every way, except for the nostalgic factor. RE1 was one of my favorite but RE7 rekindle my love for the franchise and for many people as well.
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Sounds like you've got rural America-phobia lol

I guess? For some reason those examples really trigger some deep rooted fear for me.

I'm fairly sure it's the context mostly but I won't deny there's something about those run down isolates places that touched me in a way only Con_Z_ǝdʇ Con_Z_ǝdʇ and Maiden Voyage Maiden Voyage could..

Get Back Here The Texas Chainsaw Massacre GIF by filmeditor


(Not so fun) Fun fact:

I had a nightmare around the age of 4 (could be 4 and 24 days) involving chainsaws. Surely doesn't help I reckon.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Horror GIF by filmeditor


If you go into a Resident Evil game expecting good stories, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
This series has probably some of the worst writing in the history of entertainment.
Thank Christ they're videogames because as a TV show they'd be season 8 of The X-Files.
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The only only knock on 7 for me is the lack of enemy types. It's all mold people with a few bugs sprinkled in. It has some very memorable moments. It's just the time spent between these moments does not inspire much replay.


Gold Member
I'd genuinely love to see what Resident Evil story you consider "smart" and "original" then lol.

You've obviously got a point. RE is dumb, dumb. dumb.

For me. there's just something really, really stupid about Part 7, and I can boil it down to:
  • The setup.
    • Mia going out of city/state for a babysitting job (WTF!), and Ethan being okay with it?
      • The whole setup just seems flimsy, stupid, unlikely, and implausible.
        • Is Mia a world-renowned babysitter? Are there no babysitting jobs locally?
      • If your girlfriend has ever told you the same, then it's likely someone else is buttering her muffins.
In terms of it being derivative, it borrows heavily from:
So while other RE installments might not be sterling examples of plot and originality, I prefer their campy charm to what RE7 delivered.
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You've obviously got a point. RE is dumb, dumb. dumb.

For me. there's just something really, really stupid about Part 7, and I can boil it down to:
  • The setup.
    • Mia going out of city/state for a babysitting job (WTF!), and Ethan being okay with it?
      • The whole setup just seems flimsy, stupid, unlikely, and implausible.
        • Is Mia a world-renowned babysitter? Are there no babysitting jobs locally?
      • If your girlfriend has ever told you the same, then it's likely someone else is buttering her muffins.
In terms of it being derivative, it borrows heavily from:
So while other RE installments might not be sterling examples of plot and originality, I prefer their campy charm to what RE7 delivered.
Fair enough. To me it felt more thought out than basically every Resident Evil before hand, more grounded.

Playing Resident Evil 4 and its remake again, and that game has essentially zero story, awful, barely there villains (especially in the remake with Saddler), no character motivations, zero lore etc. etc. (Luis is improved in the remake tbf). IMO, if any RE game deserves shit for its "story", its 4 hahah.
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Gold Member
7 is great, up until the later part of the game. That kind of fucked up what was otherwise a return to form imo.


Resident Crybaby
As someone that didn't touch a single RE game until about 2 years ago, and has now played through RE2 Remake, RE3 Remake, RE4 Remake, RE5, RE6, RE VII, and RE Village....

RE VII is great.

Not that it doesn't have flaws. Enemy variety sucked, and yes the last 3rd of the game was the weakest part of the game, but the puzzle designs, family boss fights, and vibes brought back RE to it's roots after the disappointments that were RE 5 and 6. It's also arguably the scariest game in the series.

As someone with no nostalgia for the franchise, I'd rank the games I've played as such:

  1. Resident Evil 2 Remake
  2. Resident Evil Village
  3. Resident Evil 4 Remake
  4. Resident Evil VII
  5. Resident Evil 3 Remake
  6. Resident Evil 5
  7. Resident Evil 6
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I am very curious what exactly a RE5 Remake would be, it would be odd for Capcom to stop at RE4 so it's safe to assume it's gonna happen.
But will they keep it the same?
They seemed to be rewriting the story and lore.
After all it has more problems then RE4 and they seemed to have fixed that with the Remake, but RE5 needs a lot more work a lot more to be overhauled.
and if they do Remake it.
And then you gotta ask, what about RE6


I wish they’d make a new game in the mold of the RE4 remake. 7 and 8 are nowhere near as good.


The coolest part was the first house. I think the lack of enemy variety was what dragged it down for me. Yes there are variations in the monsters themselves but you can just boil it down to one black blob. I wish there were more variation in actual look.
The coolest part was the first house. I think the lack of enemy variety was what dragged it down for me. Yes there are variations in the monsters themselves but you can just boil it down to one black blob. I wish there were more variation in actual look.
I love it, brilliant vibes, but enemy variety is totally an issue.


What I didn't like about it, is that it feels sluggish and clumsy to play. Would love that same vibe, but with a more responsive gameplay.

Although it might be the reason why I actually don't enjoy horror games too much, since most of them resort to this in order to make the player feel weaker.
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I did not stick around after I heard there was like 1 magnum ammo in the whole game... I was already spooked...

I gave up after finding the magnum and heading out of the mansion; it was too much for me for some reason... I'm not saying it's bad, maybe it was even a little too good and I could not do another stressor... Loved that 8 felt a lot more lighthearted to me...

Definitely scariest, maybe even best game in the series from that angle; just not my cup of tea.
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Gold Member
RE7 is meant to be played in VR if you ask me.

Really felt like a game changing experience when I played it.

Same with 8 probably, but I'm not dipping a PSVR2.
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