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I don't see anything changing in the near future -Miyamoto


GAF's Bob Woodward
Laurent said:
People aren't idiots, they just know what they want. They want games that PS2 and X-Box offers.

You weaken your argument by mentioning Xbox. PS2, sure, but GC has been selling as well, or almost as well as Xbox overall.

Nintendo has done a better job this gen of bringing more massmarket appeal in, imo. The GC has far more of the "playstation" types of games than N64 ever had. There is room for improvement, definitely, but hopefully they see that. I think they do.


gofreak said:
You weaken your argument by mentioning Xbox. PS2, sure, but GC has been selling as well, or almost as well as Xbox overall.
Maybe. After all, I only have a PS2 and a GCN...

gofreak said:
Nintendo has done a better job this gen of bringing more massmarket appeal in, imo. The GC has far more of the "playstation" types of games than N64 ever had. There is room for improvement, definitely, but hopefully they see that. I think they do.
I couldn't agree more. That's why I don't exclude the fact that Nintendo has to advertise more. But the fact that PlayStation 2 is popular has nothing to do with stupidity. A majority of people don't want Kirby's Air Ride...

The GameCube is so much better 3rd party wise than Nintendo 64. Unfortunatelly, N64's performing at the opening made people leave the show...


Making a phenomenom of the scale of GTA (or even bigger, Pokemon) is not a straight task. Otherwise all companies would do it.

Rockstar never did GTA with the idea in mind they would sell millions of copies. Even more, before GTA3 release, they were not much supported and if you asked people, they would not have said that they wanted to play GTA games before they tried it. Same thing for Pokemon, which was a dead case on a dead platform before all those young japanese kids start buying the games to the big surprise of every analyst and game expert.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Kirby's Air Ride is a low blow :p One could as easily point to Pokemon or Zelda or Metroid or Mario.

Nintendo are actively seeking the next big thing, whomever will buy it. They hit on one in the not too distant past with Pokemon, and it's very possible they'll find another. They're always talking about the fact that the next Pokemon (or GTA or whatever) could be anything (as wazoo points out..no one knows a phenomenon before it happens).

Speaking of which, they still need to leverage Pokemon better on home systems ;)
If Nintendo followed the trend of creating <whatever's popular at the minute> they'd be another Activision or worse. Just because GTA is popular doesn't mean copying that will bring instant mega-success on the same scale: look at Digimon, Yu Gi Oh and other post-pokemon games. They have nothing sales-wise on that monster. Likewise these GTA me-too games like True Crime and Spiderman 2: they're not in the same league.

Going online would be a plus, but not the kind of mega-plus that would see sales of Nintendo consoles skyrocket. Broadband has been doubling in the most developed parts of the world for the past two years, and yet the percentage of console owners actually taking their consoles online is still relatively small. I've no doubt people take online options into consideration when buying a console, even if they never use them though. And games like SOCOM and many others wouldn't have sold as well as they did without the feature, but console Online gaming is not yet (and probably never will be) the kind of must-have killer app that could put a behemoth like Nintendo out of business through its abstension. Broadband penetration will be immense next generation: I have no doubt going online will become attractive to Nintendo soon.

IMO, Nintendo just needs to keep making strong franchise games, creating things like Pikmin and Wario Ware as well as coming up with new hardware ideas that actually affect gameplay like DS. They need to reach out to third parties in the west like they have with Namco, Capcom, SEGA and others. This generation has been such an improvement over N64 Nintendo, and it's a shame that couldn't be reflected in the sales thanks to the new competition. Hopefully the improvement will continue.

You mean how people have already said what I've said about GTA-clones and such? I know. It's not a reply to anyone else, it's just my take on Nintendos situation.

From Nintendo or whoever: I'd like to see a Takeshi's Castle game - kind of like a 3d mix between Athens 2004 and Wario Ware. Or an action/adventure drama type thing with some kind of Beat Takeshi involvement.


force push the doodoo rock
radioheadrule83 said:
You mean how people have already said what I've said about GTA-clones and such? I know. It's not a reply to anyone else, it's just my take on Nintendos situation.

No, the original quote is about himself, not nintendos direction.
Ah I getchya. Yeah, I did see the talk of his kennel, the band with the wife n' stuff -- I must still be tired or something! :p People railroaded the thread into a conversation about Nintendo itself, so I just threw in my 2 cents.


radioheadrule83 said:
p People railroaded the thread into a conversation about Nintendo itself, so I just threw in my 2 cents.

We all know that he was talking about himself. Only troll would see that as a comment on Nintendo. It does not change the fact that we do not have anything special to say about Miyamoto private life.. So we change the subject.


force push the doodoo rock
wazoo said:
We all know that he was talking about himself. Only troll would see that as a comment on Nintendo. It does not change the fact that we do not have anything special to say about Miyamoto private life.. So we change the subject.

how about making a new thread?


sp0rsk said:
how about making a new thread?
If that thread is going to die anyway, might as well talk about something people are interested in...

When you have a conversation with a friend, do you constatly bring him back to your original subject when he has nothing else to say about it? Do you go away and come back to make a new conversation?


force push the doodoo rock
Laurent said:
If that thread is going to die anyway, might as well talk about something people are interested in...

When you have a conversation with a friend, do you constatly bring him back to your original subject when he has nothing else to say about it? Do you go away and come back to make a new conversation?



Zenny said:
If Miyamoto himself doesn't see any big changes at Nintendo in the near future.
Does this mean they will continue on their current downhill slide ?

Taken from the context of the interview, I beleive Miyamoto was talking about his role at Nintendo not changing in the near future, not that Nintendo won't be changing. One of the prior questions asked him how his role has changed at Nintnedo over the years. In fact, he called Nintendo a company in transition.


Zenny said:
The only thing that's got me pumped is VGA out.

And isn't that, like, the only thing that we know about Revolution? Congratulations, you're excited about 100% of Revolution's announced features!


I think Miyamoto will be with Nintendo for GCNext / Revolution's lifecycle. meaning a normal console lifecycle of 5-6 years.


Oxymoron said:
And isn't that, like, the only thing that we know about Revolution? Congratulations, you're excited about 100% of Revolution's announced features!

Yes., and I'm sure Xbox2/PS3 will both have them as well.
That's alot to be excited about :p not.

And as someone said, pretty much Myamoto ='s Nintendo, and I agree.
With him gone, will you still feel the love for Mario ?


Zenny said:
Yes., and I'm sure Xbox2/PS3 will both have them as well.
That's alot to be excited about :p not.

And as someone said, pretty much Myamoto ='s Nintendo, and I agree.
With him gone, will you still feel the love for Mario ?

What's the guy responsible for WW? Anouma? Or something like that, there's alot of people that were trained under Miyamoto, and Anouma (i know im spelling it wrong, but please forgive me) is an example of that. Young talent that has the Miyamoto touch.
Zenny said:
Yes., and I'm sure Xbox2/PS3 will both have them as well.
That's alot to be excited about :p not.

And as someone said, pretty much Myamoto ='s Nintendo, and I agree.
With him gone, will you still feel the love for Mario ?

okay, you don't read like someone who's remotely interested in Nintendo so why the hate?

I said Miyamoto = Nintendo only because he's had a tremoundous impact/influence on its game design philosophy and he is the father of DK, Mario and tonnes of other Nintendo characters.

You wanting to take that literally is pretty obvious that you don't know Nintendo. The company has plenty of great designers waiting to surface; the zelda chap (eunoma?) is doing a real excellent job with the zelda franchise; mm and ww (sailing aside) were extremely well done.

One man can't truly channel the direction any company takes - shape yes. Miyamoto is well respected and he does a lot for Nintendo but the company will more than survive after he leaves. The gaming philosophy that makes up Nintendo's game design etc, is in place. Its not like Miyamoto is the one dictating "we don't make that sort of games"; I think its safe to say that a lot of people in Nintendo don't want to make GTA type of games - Iwata pretty much said the same.

so.. yes. After he leaves, I will still love mario. :rolleyes:

* you proclaimed to have baited some of the people in this thread; isn't that trolling? I see you above post as more of the same.
I say they let them go at it like Sega of America did back in the 16-bit days.

There there we dont want to see NOA drag the whole of Nintendo into the red corner, you're basically saying waste money and go 3rd party, then get your ass kicked by EA not to mention on another console not made by Nintendo, lets get real here. IF NCL left NOA to do what they want Nintendo would have ended up in the red a long time ago


TheGreenGiant said:
okay, you don't read like someone who's remotely interested in Nintendo so why the hate?

I said Miyamoto = Nintendo only because he's had a tremoundous impact/influence on its game design philosophy and he is the father of DK, Mario and tonnes of other Nintendo characters.
After Walt Disney died, did you feel the same way about Mickey Mouse.
And as for the Nintendo hate that you keep insisting on there is none.
Sure, there is disappointment but no hatred. My gamecube just sits there waiting for a title
worthy of purchase. Sure they will come, but they a very far and few between.
Any seemly negative comment in regards to Nintendo always passes as trolling on this board and that's just plain sad. Everyone knows the state of the market, and as far as consoles go Revolution is pretty much their last chance imho, and that be the opinion of many here.
I want Nintendo to succeed, I want them to come up with something totally original that changes the way we play and appreciate our videogames and good luck if they do.
Revolution just better not be more of the same. They are on a downslide as far as their consoles are concerned defend it all you want, but it is fact.
Look at the shelf space for Nintendo software shoved in a corner somewhere still with launch titles on the shelves.
Zenny said:
After Walt Disney died, did you feel the same way about Mickey Mouse.
And as for the Nintendo hate that you keep insisting on there is none.
Sure, there is disappointment but no hatred. My gamecube just sits there waiting for a title
worthy of purchase. Sure they will come, but they a very far and few between.
Any seemly negative comment in regards to Nintendo always passes as trolling on this board and that's just plain sad. Everyone knows the state of the market, and as far as consoles go Revolution is pretty much their last chance imho, and that be the opinion of many here.
I want Nintendo to succeed, I want them to come up with something totally original that changes the way we play and appreciate our videogames and good luck if they do.
Revolution just better not be more of the same. They are on a downslide as far as their consoles are concerned defend it all you want, but it is fact.
Look at the shelf space for Nintendo software shoved in a corner somewhere still with launch titles on the shelves.

troll. the gamecube is selling almost neck to neck with xbox ww. and they make profit. Any real Nintendo fan would at least know that. And what's wrong with launch titles on shelves? Halo is still selling. As is SSMB


Wasn't it reported recently in the media that they are losing $10 ~ $20 now per console ?
I'm sure I saw it here on GAF and also magicbox. Someone confirm.



"Japanese stock newspaper, Kabushiki Shimbun, ran an article regarding Nintendo and the game industry on their web column "Analyst Kabuka Shindan" recently. The article revealed that the new memory media which will be used in DS software can cost 30-70% less than the current GBA cartridges. It was also noted that Nintendo are currently losing 20 billion yen each year on Nintendo hardware, but that this loss will be reduced by reusing the production plants for the next generation of hardware. A closing comment was made that if Nintendo could reach an operating profit of 150 billion yen for the year, the stock price could well rise to 20000 yen (it is currently around the 12500 mark).

Source: Kabushiki Shimbun (via Quiter) "

:) It's not the quote I was looking for, but it will do.
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