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I feel like my love for Nintendo games is fading


It would help if they advertised these games.

Advertising can only help new IP's so much. There's a reason why this industry relies on sequels and franchises so much. Without having a financial cushion from these you can expect to have 0 games like The Wonderful 101.
To me, I feel like all I want to play anymore are games made by Nintendo. I just feel like Nintendo games don't try to be anything other than fun, well put together games, and I feel like they succeed more than anyone else.
Nintendo games are amazing to me and I can't see that changing, but their hardware is another story. It feels increasingly subpar next to what the competition offers with each new generation. It's not really a matter of $600 hardware either. Just the little things like ethernet ports, mic support, a built in HD and extra unnecessary (and expensive) additions like 3D or the Gamepad.

I do like that "Nintendium" quality they got going, though. I've never had a single Nintendo machine fail on me and I've bought all their consoles since the N64. The only other hardware that can boast a record like that is my white dreamcast from launch.
Happy to say i don not feel the same way. And i love playing games on other consoles/ formats. Not just a Nintendo-nut.
I do still think the hardware could have been stronger/ more powerfull. Basicly for the same price (long term thinking).
I've been there OP. I felt like my Nintendo (and video games in general) passion was dying. You just have to make the time and just go for it. After months of playing nothing but my 3DS, I finally just chose a game from Wii backlog, Kirby Epic Yarn and just played it whenever I had the chance. When I was done I moved along to Dragon Quest Swords, then Excite Bots and now I'm playing Xenoblade. For me Excite Bots just want fun, so after few hours I just stopped playing it, so don't be afraid to do the same.


Junior Member

Nintendo has become one of my refuges from the bloated, homogeneous, overly scripted AAA blockbuster games that have taken over consoles. Nintendo is one of the last places I can go for games that actually let me feel like I'm playing a game.
Nintendo aren't the gold standard that they used to be (other than the 3D Mario games which are still the best games around) but they're still essential for me. I've never really relied on a Nintendo console as my go-to since the NES, so I don't really bored of them, they're just part of a healthy video gaming diet


Play other games. It'll help you value Nintendo's stuff even more. Being a super fan of something is usually unhealthy imo.
Nintendo games are amazing to me and I can't see that changing, but their hardware is another story. It feels increasingly subpar next to what the competition offers with each generation. It's not really a matter of $600 hardware either. Just the little things like ethernet ports, mic support, a built in HD and extra unnecessary things like 3D or the Gamepad.
Oh yeah, while I think their games are largely fine I can easily agree their hardware nowadays is fucking abysmal. Right down to the OS-level where there still isn't proper account support and they're the only console maker still implementing region-locks.

The tablet while fun enough didn't remotely justify how weak the Wii U is, and I think the 2DS is proof enough alone Nintendo knows the 3DS's 3D functions was a flash in the pan fad they shouldn't have built a system around.


I lost my love for Pokemon after Diamond and Pearl. I realised that I had my perfect team and there was nothing else to do apart from completing the Pokedex... so I stopped. I skipped Black and White and their sequels because I felt they were the same old things just with more Pokemon and a few gameplay changes. Then comes X and Y and I'm hyped as fuck for them.

It was the same for Sunshine. I love SM64, but Sunshine didn't appeal to me. Then Galaxy comes out and my love for 3D Mario games was revitalised.

I could mention many more anecdotes, but I won't since it'll be too long to read. The point I'm trying to make is that sometimes you just need to have a break and come back later so that you could "rediscover" the wonder you've once had for franchises that you've loved for such a long time.


I've felt the same, but keep giving them more chances.

Kid Icarus was pretty great, Xenoblade is amazing, and the Mario galaxies I liked, but...

NSMB2 left me disappointed, as did skyward sword, and many of the later Nintendo entries.

And yeah, for me - Nintendo's on thin ice.
Advertising can only help new IP's so much. There's a reason why this industry relies on sequels and franchises so much. Without having a financial cushion from these you can expect to have 0 games like The Wonderful 101.
Fair enough. I just feel like it's unfair to blame the consumer, but it's also unfair to blame the whole thing on Nintendo. Thought I'd like to think that with the money they make from their popular franchises like Mario, Pokemon, etc. they would be able to take a few hits but I have very little understanding of how the industry works.


Go find stuff that excites you OP

That said, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3 all are among some of the best stuff they've put out IMO
Just sounds like your tastes have changed. With the Galaxies, Skyward Sword, Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus, Black and White, NSMBU, etc, I feel their output is just as good if not better than it's ever been.


I'll always be a Nintendo and Sega fanboy. Even if I'll eventually have to end up importing their games to play them. (I already do with PSO2 and the Yakuza series, from Sega...)


Neo Member
No mention of Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire Emblem Awakening or Luigi's Mansion 2 by OP?

OP would do well to check out those games. A Link Between Worlds also looks to be awesome and I'm excited to see how the whole rental system works out. Yes, Nintendo has been more conservative/derivative as of late but the quality is most definitely still there.
I used to love Nintendo games from NES to NGC but by that time my tastes for videogames started to change, I went from funny gameplay focus enjoyment to more mature story driven games (thanks The Twin Snakes). I guess I grew up with gaming and Nintendo no longer provide games for my curent prefferences so I move.


Being a fan of any console maker can be extremely frustrating, especially if it's Nintendo. That said over the years I've found myself only growing more attached to certain franchises instead of the hardware itself. If it weren't mostly for Zelda I would've stopped buying into Nintendos vision long ago...I don't think I've ever really been that invested in the Nintendo magic outside of a few titles that really shine to me personally. Funny thing is, I can't imagine playing what little of their games I enjoy on any other platform, and no one else does what they do better it seems. It's partly why I curse them I guess, especially with Wiiu right now because I want to see even more value for the box outside of a handful of rare third party games. It'd be nice to know I'm buying Wiiu for more than Zelda and Mon Hun.



Nintendo has become one of my refuges from the bloated, homogeneous, overly scripted AAA blockbuster games that have taken over consoles. Nintendo is one of the last places I can go for games that actually let me feel like I'm playing a game.

This is how I feel too.


Mine faded around about Wii time.

I almost managed to rekindle it with the 3DS, but there wasn't enough to feed the flames.

I grabbed a WiiU , but once Pikmin3 was finished my eyes wandered away again.


I totally know how you feel.

Every now and again, they do still release a game that reminds me of how awesome they used to be.

Mario Galaxy, 3Dland and most likely 3Dworld are those games that will make you believe again.

Just stay away from the likes of NSMB, Mario Kart, Zelda etc. Those series are creatively bankrupt and just cash grabs right now :-(


Junior Member
Okay more seriously:

A lot of this is subjective, especially in regards to Zelda.

Since Ocarina, nobody agrees on which Zelda games are better anymore. It's reached a point where each game has a camp that'll glorify it and another camp that'll shit on it at every opportunity. Since Ocarina I've enjoyed every 3D Zelda game except Majora's Mask, and I know people will think I'm crazy for that. Even more since I enjoyed both of the DS Zelda games.

And how the fuck do people think of Mario Galaxy as inferior? Galaxy 1 and 2 are some of the best games this gen. As for Brawl, I still can't explain why I dropped that game. While playing it I actually was blown away at the amount of content in the game and I had some really good online matches, but can't explain why I just... stopped playing it.

I think Nintendo has been in beast mode with the 3DS though. Fire Emblem is probably one of the best games on the system right now. 3D Land was just fabulous, and I actually find myself wishing they did DLC for that game. That second 3D World trailer looks goddamn amazing.

qq more

I've mentioned this in the Smash Bros thread the other week but while I still love Nintendo games, it's hard for me to get excited by them anymore with a very few exceptions. It really doesn't help that they've been burning me with disappointing titles like Sticker Star, Pokemon Black, Star Fox Command, Partners in Time, etc.

And while I'm not calling 3D Land a bad game... I was kind of disappointed in it too. And as much as I've enjoyed the NSMB series, I'm really tired of how safe they are.

On the flipside, I've really enjoyed Animal Crossing New Leaf and Kid Icarus Uprising (the latter could be a bit better though). And I'm hoping 3D World lives up to its promise, same to Smash Bros 4.

I want to try out Dream Team but one of my pet peeves with game design is senseless padding and I've heard a good chunk of the game towards the end was unnecessary :/


I personally feel that they've put out a lot of their best stuff in recent years, with games like Kid Icarus: Uprising and SMG2 quickly becoming some of my favorite games of all time. But if you're not having fun then you probably shouldn't try to force yourself. At the very least it sounds like you really have an aversion to alternative control schemes, and you may care about presentation more than you think, so maybe start there in narrowing down what you like and don't like? And as I'm sure some other people have said, feel free to branch out, try other consoles/publishers/whatever.

Edit: And I'm pretty sure I've discussed this in a Pokemon thread before and I think you may have even been one of the ones responding, but I still say that the Stadiums were always cashgrabs and never particularly "good" games, so I don't think PBR coming in sub-par is so awful. Also, in listing stuff like Pokepark are you talking Pokemon spinoffs in general? Because THAT is something I can get behind. They really should bring back Pinball/TCG/Snap (proper, though Online has gotten better). The spin-offs nowadays rarely feel like they're worth paying attention to.
I've always had a mixed opinion on Nintendo, which I think is pretty reasonable, since they make so many different games. I'm not one to think they peaked years ago or when I was a kid, or they're at their best right now; some franchises were better than, some are better now. Comparing Wii to GC, I think Galaxy 1/2 are MUCH better games than Sunshine, which honestly I think is a bit crap. TP is kinda a wash, but I definitely think Skyward Sword has WW beat, with much better dungeons, the best 3D combat in the series, my favorite collection of NPCs since MM, and an dense underworld that's a lot more fun to explore than sailing ever was. I'm in the Anihawk/Mark Pacini camp of Metroid Prime 3 being more fun to play than MP1/2. Donkey Kong Country came back and it was one of the best 2D platformers of all-time. Punch-Out came back and it was awesome, too. Somehow Treasure convinced Nintendo to fund a Sin and Punishment sequel and that was one of the best action games of the generation.

Of course, there were the disappointments. I don't think Brawl holds a candle to Melee for a variety of reasons. Super Paper Mario was pretty wack after Thousand Year Door. And no Star Fox, Wave Race, F-Zero the entire generation still kills my soul.

GBA vs NDS is a bit more in favor of GBA(Minish Cap >>>>> the DS Zeldas, Advance Wars 1/2 > Dual Strike/Grimdark, Metroid Zero Mission/Fusion >>> Hunters, etc), but I did feel Canvas Curve is the best Kirby game, and Bowser's Inside Story the best in that respective franchise, so its really not all black and white.

Its just as its always been nowadays. Pikmin 3 was the most refined entry in that franchise's history. Dream Team was waaaaaaay too long and pretty disappointing after Bowser's Inside Story. Sticker Star was just trash. Wonderful 101 was awesome. NSMBU bored me to tears. SMB3DW looks great. LttP2 could be very well be my new favorite 2D Zelda. I've lost all interest in Pokemon a decade ago, and nothing I've seen is asking me to go back. I'm very much looking forward to DKCTF and Bayonetta 2 and hope Smash Bros has found a happy balance between Melee and Brawl. So yeah, its business as usual over here.

The main thing I've learned after living through the N64 as my sole console; NEVER has Nintendo as your sole console. Sooooo much variety out there you'd miss if you depend on them as your only game-maker(and the occasional third party exclusive that slips through the cracks), playing shovelware during drought months in-between releases while others are on The Last of Us and Guacamelee and shit. Plus, it kinda puts a lot of pressure on Nintendo to deliver all the time, and that's bound to lead to disappointment. They're good for at least 3 great games that'll end up in your top 10 at the end of the year, but one can not live off their franchises alone. I've owned every major console during both of the previous generations, and i'll probably do the same here. Not having any huge expectations for them to constantly deliver makes it much easier to accept when they don't, and much sweeter when they actually do.


My issue are the Nintendo systems. Instead of offering quality entertainment across a range of genres apealing to various demographics instead we have systems swimming with candy color games. I would love some variety. Imagine a system where you can find Nintendo's finest IP's and AAA mature titles.



Nintendo has become one of my refuges from the bloated, homogeneous, overly scripted AAA blockbuster games that have taken over consoles. Nintendo is one of the last places I can go for games that actually let me feel like I'm playing a game.

Not sure how videogame development goes, but I always felt like Nintendo teams have like actual game designers. While other game developers probably have like really talented programmers and 3D animators that also double as game designers...


I'm in a bit of a different boat than you, OP. I had a youthful lack of appreciation for Nintendo games. I played them, obviously, but my love was in other titles. I was a diehard SEGA and Square-Enix fanboy. I played all JRPGs that I could get my hands on. I quit gaming around 2005 and started up around 2011. During that time period, all of the gaming companies that I enjoyed have fallen apart. I look at Nintendo and they're still chugging on, doing what they've already done. Nintendo is even the company making the big name JRPGs now, as the previous kings have decided that they were fine with making action games instead. I think maybe you followed them a little bit too closely and your unrealistic expectations got the better of you, OP. Just give them a break and take a refresh.

I feel exactly the same way.


That's alright, man. Take some time off of Nintendo, don't force it.

I felt like that a while ago, except it wasn't Nintendo, but drumming, which I love just as much as gaming - if not more. I practiced almost every day, but more and more I felt that my heart just wasn't in it. Then I gave up, and didn't touch the sticks for two weeks. Maybe it was a month?

Anyway, when I eventually sat down behing the kit again, not forcing myself to pull off all my old chops, just playing for fun, I did just that: I had fun.

Maybe don't play at all until A Link Between Worlds and Mario 3D World come out. Then invite some friends over and play the latter in co-op. Then start ALBW in bed and see if it does anything to you.


I felt the same way after the Wii launched. I picked one up but sold it after a few months. I just didn't care about the Nintendo franchises anymore. I guess I was just burnt out on them.

Fast-forward a few years and here I am enjoying the Wii U. Basically I just needed to sit out a gen and give myself a break from Nintendo.
That stinks, but there is nothing wrong with it. If you are growing away from it, there are plenty of other things to play. Just get whatever interests you, from whatever company it may be. No obligation required, only good games you will like to play.


Okay more seriously:

A lot of this is subjective, especially in regards to Zelda.

Since Ocarina, nobody agrees on which Zelda games are better anymore. It's reached a point where each game has a camp that'll glorify it and another camp that'll shit on it at every opportunity. Since Ocarina I've enjoyed every 3D Zelda game except Majora's Mask, and I know people will think I'm crazy for that. Even more since I enjoyed both of the DS Zelda games.

And how the fuck do people think of Mario Galaxy as inferior? Galaxy 1 and 2 are some of the best games this gen. As for Brawl, I still can't explain why I dropped that game. While playing it I actually was blown away at the amount of content in the game and I had some really good online matches, but can't explain why I just... stopped playing it.

I think Nintendo has been in beast mode with the 3DS though. Fire Emblem is probably one of the best games on the system right now. 3D Land was just fabulous, and I actually find myself wishing they did DLC for that game. That second 3D World trailer looks goddamn amazing.
I didn't like Galaxy that much when I played it. I could see the craft, but it wasn't that much fun. There were too many boring planets where you run around, kill acouple guys, go to the next planet, jump on a switch, go to the next planet, kill acouple more guys... They were too infatuated with their gravity mechanics, the hub was boring, and they reused the same levels too often without enough changing. In Mario 64, each level was more or less a playground you could totally mess around in, and could (generally) support having alot of different goals within a level.

Galaxy 2 on the other hand... that game to me is perfect. They trimmed the fat, the variety is so much greater due to there only being about 3 stars per level (not including the green stars after you beat the game once), there was generally more mechanical variety, Luigi was available relatively early on as opposed to "Now you can do it all again... AS LUIGI!" I felt it was a much much better game.


I feel the opposite, tbh. My love for Nintendo games faded in the GameCube era, and was revived tremendously thanks to the Wii. The Wii has one of the best first party libraries of all-time, IMO. Right now my love for Nintendo is stronger than it's ever been.


I'm like you in many ways.
I'm almost at the point where I enjoy collecting Nintendo games/consoles more than playing them.

You don't have to love every game, wait for something that excites you or really makes it worth your time.
It isn't worth it to play through something you aren't enjoying just because you previously liked the series.

I wouldn't give up on Nintendo though, the 3ds is the best handhold system & I love the wii u.
I think games like new mario bros and the upcoming 3d mario world are designed around multiplayer, if you don't have time to get 3 friends around and play them that way then they lose a lot of the fun and don't/won't work as well as a single player experience.
Even having the wife play on the gamepad and assist me as I play through the levels is a much more fun experience.


The main thing I've learned after living through the N64 as my sole console; NEVER has Nintendo as your sole console.

This is pretty much my opinion. However, Nintendo machines have always been my go to complimentary systems. If third parties didn't exist at all, I'd probably choose their lineup over Sony's. Microsoft's first party doesn't even rank for me personally. With third parties in the equation (and ignoring PC for the sake of argument), it's harder to recommend a Nintendo console as your primary/only game console.



Nintendo has become one of my refuges from the bloated, homogeneous, overly scripted AAA blockbuster games that have taken over consoles. Nintendo is one of the last places I can go for games that actually let me feel like I'm playing a game.

Go find stuff that excites you OP

That said, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3 all are among some of the best stuff they've put out IMO

Both these posts perfectly capture my sentiments on the matter, but the OP might want to try a few completely different types of games every now and then. Keep things fresh and see if you end up coming back to old favourites or move on to new ones.


I like Nintendo games, I just dislike the fact they're being held back by the company's own bullshit.

The more I play on rival systems, the more of an eye opener it becomes. I'm also worried for some franchises. Like, if there will ever be another Advance Wars.
Had the same thing a few years back with Mario Galaxy 2 and NSMB Wii. MG2 just felt like an expansion pack for MG and NSMBW felt like a port of the DS game. My interest started to slide big time with only Monolith's Wii games keeping me interested.

Mario 3D Land was the straw that broke the camel's back for me though. It felt more like an isometric NSMB than a proper 3D Mario title, nothing felt 'new' or creative like Galaxy 1 or even Sunshine. Needless to say I was not pleased and that was the last Mario game I bought, then Kid Icarus was the last Nintendo first party game I bought with my own money(Or that might have been Skyward Sword... not sure if it was after or before 3D Land... Either way, SS I never even finished because of the awful controls, same with Kid Icarus), and nothing I've seen since (outside of X) has made me miss it. Way too much mascot nostalgia pandering.

It was seriously at a point where every release felt like going through the motions rather than actually enjoying anything I was doing. Just outgrew it all I guess.


My interest in Nintendo games will never wane. So much of what's available to play today is dark and serious in tone, that I welcome Nintendo's colorful worlds.

They have a special place in my gamer heart, that no other company could fill, because no one else makes the type of games they do.


Your love for Nintendo games survived the Wii generation? That makes one of us. I do miss them, but SM64 was the last Mario game I liked.

EDIT: Zelda all over my face forever though.


They're good for at least 3 great games that'll end up in your top 10 at the end of the year, but one can not live off their franchises alone.
Ehh, it really depends on how many games you have the time to play in a year. I've only owned Nintendo systems until the Wii generation and never really felt like I was missing out on anything except for GTA.
I felt this way when I was around 14 to maybe my 18's (I'm 25 now). I still played Nintendo games but I wasn't enjoying them as I did in the past/as I do now. I stopped playing every game they did, stopped getting them on launch, for example, took my time with their games, skipped a few even (that I eventually got back to them) and now I'm in love with them again, mostly because I don't feel this... gaming fun, in other games. I couldn't explain it, but it's the kind of fun that only Nintendo seems to be able to make me feel. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of fun with other games, they just "taste" different.


I'm actually in the reverse position. I have rekindled my love for Ninty after a long departure. I haven't personally owned a Ninty system since the N64. My gf owns a Wii for Just Dance and Donkey Kong. Over the years I have spent quite some time buying older Wii games as thier price goes down and I am realizing that had great output this past gen. SMG 1 is a phenomenal game
that I need to finish lol
. That limited time i have spent with the system has helped me remember how pure gameplay centric and how beautiful the artstyle of Ninty games are. After a gen spent on PS3 it has been refeshing. Can't wait to get a WiiU soon as well as a PS4.
This is pretty much my opinion. However, Nintendo machines have always been my go to complimentary systems. If third parties didn't exist at all, I'd probably choose their lineup over Sony's. Microsoft's first party doesn't even rank for me personally.

Right, I think they are wonderful complimentary systems, as Nintendo has probably the most consistently great first-party devs in the business and I can't imagine missing out on SMG1/2, DKCR, Sin and Punishment, etc. Some of my favorite games of the whole generation are only found on the Wii.

but on the flip side, if I was Nintendo only, I'd been way late to the party on Mass Effect, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Portal 2, Uncharted 2, Arkham Asylum. Never experienced some of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had with Team Fortress 2, Street Fighter 4(lol 3DS version), Gears of War 3, Left 4 Dead 1/2, Halo 3. All those brilliant smaller titles like Pac-Man Championship Edition, Outland, Splosion Man, Geometry Wars Retro Evolved, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Journey, Mark of the Ninja. Can't imagine missing out on Bayonetta, Crack in Time, Rayman Origins that wasn't in a gorgeous 1080p...

call me greedy, but I love video games too much(and have way too much spare time) to limit myself to just one console. I want the full spectrum. Nintendo's included, but they're only a small but essential part of it, in the grand scheme of things. And if I could only pick one console, it damn sure wouldn't be a Nintendo one, sorry to say Iwata.


Neo Member
A lot of people seem to feel like that these days. For me, Nintendo games have always been the very defintion of what video games should be like. I do enjoy gaming on other platforms but 99% of the titles on these platforms seem to be missing something, which I can not really express in words. Games like NSMBU, PIKMIN and even TW101 (to name some recent examples) however keep reminding me why I fell in love with gaming in the first place and it seems that 3DWorld will be another awesome game to follow those. It is really rare that I get this feeling while playing on my Playstation(s), my VITA or my PC.
It's a mixed bag. I honestly consider Black and White to be the best Pokemon games, for instance. It had some of the best music in the series, and by far the best enemy organization. 2 was disappointing for me.

Also, Mario Galaxy should not be on a list of inferior games.

As for Smash, Brawl was absolutely a step back compared to Melee. It looks like they are fixing some of those things with the new game though. Tripping is gone, the game is faster, and the art style is significantly better.

As loved as the Galaxy games are, they have always felt like a step back from Super Mario 64 and Sunshine.

The Wii did the same thing to me as it did the TS. It really weakened the pull of Nintendo games for me, but I have high hopes for Smash and 3D World on WiiU. NSMBU is the best 2D Mario they've made. Maybe when the games start rolling out we'll see that this is actually the best Nintendo console to date.


Right, I think they are wonderful complimentary systems, as Nintendo has probably the most consistently great first-party devs in the business and I can't imagine missing out on SMG1/2, DKCR, Sin and Punishment, etc. Some of my favorite games of the whole generation are only found on the Wii.

but on the flip side, if I was Nintendo only, I'd been way late to the party on Mass Effect, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Portal 2, Uncharted 2, Arkham Asylum. Never experienced some of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had with Team Fortress 2, Street Fighter 4(lol 3DS version), Gears of War 3, Left 4 Dead 1/2, Halo 3. All those brilliant smaller titles like Pac-Man Championship Edition, Outland, Splosion Man, Geometry Wars Retro Evolved, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Journey, Mark of the Ninja. Can't imagine missing out on Bayonetta, Crack in Time, Rayman Origins that wasn't in a gorgeous 1080p...

call me greedy, but I love video games too much(and have way too much spare time) to limit myself to just one console. I want the full spectrum. Nintendo's included, but they're only a small but essential part of it, in the grand scheme of things.
I feel Steam/PC + Nintendo is the best route. You get the best first-party output and the multi-platform games with the masterful Steam infrastructure.
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