Lost interest since the DS and the Wii you say?
Personally, I lost interest in gaming when I entered my teenage years. I didn't have as much time and had other hobbies. The GameCube and the PS2 didn't grab me much. The DS I thought was awful hardware. I bought a PSP and I don't think I ever truly enjoyed a game all that much on it. Again had other hobbies when the Wii came out so I must have only ever played one multiplayer race of Mario Kart with my brothers on it.
When I started college, I was living alone in a rented room and wanted a blu-ray player. The PS3 was on sale so I was like eh, why the hell not. Like the PSP, I never really had all that much fun on it apart from Sonic All Stars Racing and re-playing Crash Bandicoot on PSN. It pretty much just became my blu-ray/Netflix player.
Then halfway through my studies, I found out the 3DS had just released. I had vaguely heard about it. I try a demo unit with Pilotwings Resort on it and the 3D blew me away, and I found the graphics very appealing. I quickly went to my campus library to check out more info on it and liked what I saw, so I ordered one and it completely rekindled my love of gaming. I haven't enjoyed gaming that much since the SNES/N64/PS1/Dreamcast/GB/GBC/GBA.
The Nintendo brand is synonymous with high-quality standards and polish to me. I enjoyed every single one of their 3DS games. Even those that didn't particularly grab me enough to get me to see them through the end, I had mad respect for the Nintendo touch and quality standards.
It might also be a reaction to what gaming has become. I feel like Nintendo is the only one of the big three who kept pure gameplay at the core of everything. Some would see that as a negative, but at the core of it I think they haven't changed, when Sony, Microsoft and a lot of big third-party publishers did. I don't understand why the industry went in the direction it did, it's been increasingly bothering me for a decade, and the 3DS seems to be shielded from that. And to be clear, I'm not one of those guys who only play Nintendo games, far from it, but the great majority of the games I play are tailored for the 3DS (meaning either exclusives or timed exclusives).
Of course I enjoy other things, like Wipeout or Need for Speed, but those series actually date back to the PS1 era which I thought was fantastic. The only thing completely unrelated to Nintendo systems, the PS1 or the Dreamcast that I really thought was brilliant was Gravity Rush.
So I don't know, OP. There's a world outside Nintendo and it depends how attracted you are to it. I'm maybe an anomaly because I like Nintendo for their hardware. I thought the GameCube was a boring system that only improved on what the N64 could do graphically. The 3DS is different, and I'm very interested in the Wii U because it's also different. The Vita, PS4 and Xbox One are clearly trying to go in the direction of PC's, and I never cared for PC gaming. 3DS and Wii U are going in the direction of Nintendoland, where the farthest thing from your mind when you're playing it is PC gaming. It's a bubble, and maybe you can make the argument they're not as good as they used to be (I personally don't think so, I think they got better), but maybe one of the reasons it's getting increasingly harder to love Nintendo for you is because they're so far removed from what all the other major companies are doing. That's a double-edged sword for Nintendo.
Or it could just be Iwata. If so, please understand.