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I finally beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake


I'm playing it right now. As a game, it has absolutely nothing to do with the original. But I like it as a fancy looking cheesy action game from the FF universe. Chapter 6 rn after 5 hours.
Is there Avalanche? Does it take place in Midgar? Do you play as Cloud, Barret, and Tifa? Do you blow up reactors and deal with Don Corneo and generally things are Midgar, but with a bit of extras? Yes

That is such a hyperbolic statement to make, and one that I can’t understand as someone who grew up with the original and likes both.


It is one of the most drawn out games ever

Filler, filler, filler. Forced slow walking, squeezing through cracks and being foced to retread areas

I would REALLY have enjoyed it as 12-14 hour focused experience. Now - it is 50% a chore

Still enjoyed the good parts .. 7/10 in total imo
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Can’t Git Gud
Yeah I’ll never play this because there’s no chance I can tolerate the cringe dialogue and padding. I just know it. Plus, people I trust all say it’s meh.

Thems graphics is sick tho.
try it yourself.
it is cringe 1000% but it's refreshing and fun.
If You are all-serious-tight-adult.. hard sell lol. I might have some early mid-life crisis but I love this


Gold Member
Im waiting for a good discount price on the Intergrade Edition. Was thinking of getting an RTX 4090 to play it more smothly.


The nicest person on this forum
I recently finished my hard mode playthrough with both base game and Intermission, including beating all super bosses but even so I'm still thinking replaying the game when Rebirth is closer to release date.

I loved this game, to me it has one of the best action combat in RPG.

Say what you want but I admire the risk SE took, they knew they going piss off some fans but took anyway and I like it.


Game looks awful and I never liked the original. This is an easy skip honestly.

Nowadays developers can't just keep it simple. They need to have you waste your time to make games that last for 40 hours.


Can’t Git Gud
Game looks awful and I never liked the original. This is an easy skip honestly.

Nowadays developers can't just keep it simple. They need to have you waste your time to make games that last for 40 hours.
looks awful?!
nana changing GIF

can't keep it simple? It's the simplest game of the last decade lol.
I guess you mean bloat


World’s Biggest Weeb
I like how after the reactor bombing they’re just riding around on the train with a giant sword and a dude with a machine gun for an arm. Then they get into an argument with some random salaryman Shinra employee when he criticizes Avalanche.

That would be like riding around on the New York subway on 9/12/2001 wearing a bomb vest and a turban, arguing with someone after you overhear them criticizing Al Qaeda


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I share all of your criticisms. The obvious padding, even early on, is rough. I've tried to finish it twice.

I was actually thinking about giving it another go last night while I was watching some footage of Crisis Core Reunion on the IGN channel on Pluto TV. I remember how much I loved Crisis Core on PSP and thought "maybe I should finally finish Intergrade then pick up Reunion and relive my youth".
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I share all of your criticisms. The obvious padding, even early on, is rough. I've tried to finish it twice.

I was actually thinking about giving it another go last night while I was watching some footage of Crisis Core Reunion on the IGN channel on Pluto TV. I remember how much I loved Crisis Core on PSP and thought "maybe I should finally finish Intergrade then pick up Reunion and relive my youth".

My only recommendation is skip all side quests . All you need to succeed is the starting weapons upgraded whenever possible, and a heal material on every character.

The game is ape easy. I think if you were to skip all cut scenes you could get the game done in 24-25 hours .


I haven't played the remake yet, it's beyond desire, I just don't want to kill the nostalgia I have for the game.
I've only done it once, and that's fine. I prefer to keep it as a good memory, whether the remake is good or not.

Maybe one day... I have to say that the new musical compositions have turned me off and the "Advent Children-Nomura" look, I can't stand it anymore...


Gold Member
I played it for a few hours but I wasn't ready to make the commitment to actually finishing it. One of these days maybe.
I agree. I tried playing it again on PS5 from the start and instantly started thinking back to the section where you have to infiltrate the club (which was boring and long), the Shiva fight which was bollocks and then the part where you are running around the platforms.

Bad game, much rather play the original.


Reseterror Resettler
I share all of your criticisms. The obvious padding, even early on, is rough. I've tried to finish it twice.

I was actually thinking about giving it another go last night while I was watching some footage of Crisis Core Reunion on the IGN channel on Pluto TV. I remember how much I loved Crisis Core on PSP and thought "maybe I should finally finish Intergrade then pick up Reunion and relive my youth".

The padding initially seems egregious when you're coming off of Memories of the original, with Midgar being a masterclass of pacing on the PS1, containing like ~1/3 of the script in the first six hours of the game. It's very front loaded with establishing events, new characters, new mechanics, intrigue, comedy, The whole shebang, and it's essentially the prologue.

The sooner you go into it without the baggage of the originals pacing, it becomes a lot better. People go into this lamenting that they won't see the Nibelheim incident, or the Cargo Ship, or the Temple/City of the Ancients, and take it out on the extended sections.

Let's break it down here: Spoilers ahead.

Events that are consistent with the OG:
-Intro, second scene on.
-Mako Reactor 1
-The train escape
-arrival in the slums
-Seventh Heaven and Beginner's Hall visit
-Guy admiring the Pillar
-The two bickering Guards
- the corkscrew tunnel
- the plate interior
- Mako Reactor 5
- the fall/episode in Cloud's head
- Meeting Aerith and Reno
- Aerith's house/sneaking out
- the collapsed expressway
- Wall Market/cross dressing
- Don Corneo's Mansion/Sewers
- Train Graveyard/Pillar
- Aerith's house II - The Reckoning
- The Climb/Shinra HQ
- The G-Bike chase/escape

Events that WEREN'T consistent with OG:
- Shinra blowing the Reactor
- some MP recognizes Buster Sword
- Sephiroth appears super early
- Promise flashback is moved
- Sidequests (did you know there's one with a cat? JFC WORST GAME EVER)
- Jessie's scenario
- Sector 7 is bigger.
- the Corkscrew tunnel, Plate Interior are turned into proper dungeons as opposed to three screens.
- Reno fight, WHISPERS
- Rude introduced early, fought early
- Wall Market glow up.
- Cross dressing is now more fabulous and PC.
- Sewers and Train Graveyard are extended into full dungeons.
- Whispers, one OG casualty survives.
- Additional dungeon
- The climb is changed from a bullshit PS1 prototype of a QTE to an actual chapter.
- Heli Gunner fought early.
- Some mini games were removed from Shinra HQ
- An additional dungeon is added, with two parties, a la old FFVI dungeon design. People hate this, too, though, because it sucks, or something.
- Chapter 18 and the DLC
- Is Genesis in this game? No? Fuck it, I'm counting it against the game because fuck Genesis and fuck this Remake.

NOW THEN, let's break this down in autistic levels of detail here. The big complaints about this game are:

- Sidequests
- Padding
- It's not a 1:1 Remake
- I was touched by someone who made anime grunts as a small boy and now I must protest the inclusion of it in everything in which it may appear until my face is as blue as majestic sapphire.

Lightning round!

- sidequests - you hate them? Fucking skip them.

- Most of the padding is extended dungeons. If you split the dungeons up, I count ~9, without the DLC counter. 9 dungeons in a full length RPG. Oh no. The horror. The OG had like 35, and for all this uproar, if one room is removed from those 35, it will be ARMAGEDDON from the fanbase, but as for now? 9 is too God damn Many.

- Nomura, Kojima, Hasan, Tom Hulett, Spencer, Ryan, Quinn, Sarkeesian, we all have our Hitlers.

-Nothing is a 1:1 Remake, anymore. Furthermore, if we look at other media, shot for shot Remakes in say, cinema, are usually looked down upon as derivative. But nah, we all have social disorders, so any change Ruins our day/game.

- Ngh! I completely *pants* understand why that would *nods* MHMMM, bother you.


I liked the parts of the game that actually related to the main characters and the main plot. Top tier stuff; best work Square's put out in years, and I'd say they pulled of something that equaled REmake and REmake2. Unfortunately, that's only about half the game - and the rest is just pointless, boring, badly made padding. It's all actively terrible and killed the game for me. Add on all the "changes" they made for the "ending", and I don't think I'll ever replay it - and I doubt I'll be continuing the next entries. They had one chance to get it right, and they decided it tinker with it at the 11th hour. To quote Advent Children: "Stay where you belong... in my memories."


Eh, would heavily disagree on the "elaborate" part.
If anything, games are getting even less elaborate and formulaic due to rising development costs.
Making games play like movies and having a cutscene every 10 minutes or so definitely kills any music though.

Unfortunately even Demon's Souls Remake got an orchestra fart soundtrack that ruined the original. All for the sake of "epicness".

Demon's Souls got hit big with the soulless baton. It's like they got instructions to make epic music with little consideration as to why the original sounded the way it did. Pretty rough listening.


Awful writing, awful cringey voice acting on top of the god awful dialogue. Side quests are a joke. Servicable but forgettable combat.

Nice to look at though.


75% of the game is padding, slow as molasse walking/climbing/squeezing through gap/sitting down to heal. Endless cutscenes with the characters mostly grunting, a turn based game "upgraded" to real time with brain dead AI teammates that basically just auto attack. Truly a game that is designed to milk the fanboys dry.


I feel you OP. For my gf and I it was a bummer, but I kind of expected that. What we wanted was not delivered, a simple remake of some kind of the classic original but its clear they didn't want to. Instead we got Nomura being Nomura, which at least he'll be kept busy there. My girl never had the chance to play the OG so she was completely lost and didn't like it save for a few parts. We personally prefer turn-based over action and the battle system here felt bare bones. Its crazy despite the vast wildly different budget we enjoyed Trials of Mana far more. The music was awesome as is expected and the character models with some special effects were ace but otherwise kind of bland. The PS4 version had those nasty textures though(we also have the PS5 version+ Intergrade) and the level design was so flat and linear it hurt the immersion imho.

I'm just thankful that now there are so many better alternatives to FF. It lost me sadly whereas other games deliver better stories and content while staying true to themselves. For me personally I'd give it a 5 or 6 out of 10. Not something I ever have the desire to play through again unfortunately. At least 16 looks fairly coherent though the Devil May Fantasy gameplay is a major turnoff for me, giving me flashbacks to 15. This notion that FF wouldn't sell is bull in my opinion. They just need to have realistic expectations and budget accordingly but that isn't Squeenix's forte.

Despite my complaints they do release a ton of other games I buy day 1 though.


I didn't have huge expectations, I was fine with a reimagining of the game. This game is bad and most people are able to see that once you break down what doesn't work.

However, for some fucking reason that escapes me, most people seems to still love it.

Things that are bad:
The game is padding with some game around it
The level design is bad
The dialogues are pure shit
Sephiroth everywhere from the start cause MEMBER SEPHIROTH?
Side missions straight out of 2005

Things that are good:
Combat system
The first hour or so.

It's a slog, I hate it with all my heart and want Nomura to be arrested for crimes against humanity.


I haven’t played the original ff7, but I loved the remake.

The combat is so good. The dialogue is anime-like and I like a few animes including this one.
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I think this is a bad game, with good graphics, combat system, music and nostalgia. FFVII R has its moments, for example walking through Don Corneo's mansion which looks exactly like it did in the original game but now in full 3D with todays tech. Some things are the same and its cool to experience.

But the level design is awful, and its extremely drawn out. Here it takes hours just to get to the Airbuster boss, and you'll be send on a goose chase by Leslie who is a fairly terrible character. Or what about that SOLDIER dude on the bike. Its all padding. Hojo's lab was awful as well. And I especially hated that chapter with the lights on the plate.

But I did buy Intergrade on sale way back and had fun with Yuffies scenario, her battle gameplay is pretty damn good. I also beat the game on Hard mode and that was very good too, very tactical and challenging. The boss battles were great but the tresholds sucked, you could waste a limit break. Also no way to change loadout except for restarts. On HM though you know your enemies and you have all slots, you can generally plan ahead. There is something cool about this game, the fact its FFVII with modern technology. Actually all characters play distinctly different. Aerith can nuke from range and heal, Tifa can use martial arts and is a monster with stagger bonus building. Barret is a ranged tank, and Cloud sort of an all rounder, pressure fighter with cool swordplay. Yuffie can use all elements on her main weapon, has good air game and she can build meter with evasion.

But they fucked up. And I don't even mind the altered storyline, I know the original, now its uncertain how it will unfold. Its just how they handled Midgar. I would hope Midgar would be some sort of big hub like Deus Ex, with exploration and more immersive. But its all FFXIII tube design and mainly the slum sectors. Topside is being undercooked, you're there for a stupid mission once and its fully linear too. Yeah I hoped for something different, better side quest design, more interactivity and exploration. Not a completely linear game that extended 5 ish hours to 40 with a lot of new stuff that didn't work.

I do have faith in Part 2, because it won't be padded out as much. We'll get 3 parts, so at least we'll get to see a good part of the planet in the second game. Kalm is a given, the chocobo ranch, mythril mines and Junon too. idk how far it goes, it could stop after the boat or it could go on to Nibelheim or something. If there is 3 parts, I actually expect the third game to pick up at disc 2 which is the ancient city. I am hyped for the latter, the Ancient City is my favourite area. Cries of the planet is my fave track. There is something eerie about that place and you know whats going to happen there.


aka IMurRIVAL69
the OST and graphics are great but everything else stinks. it did inspie me to install a bunch of mods for OG FF7 tho.
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I was really worried. I put off playing it but eventually I decided it was time to witness the travesty.

Turned out to be pretty good. The only thing I didn't like was that they couldn't help themselves with the frequent sephiroth cameos. The best thing was actually the gameplay. The battle system and balance have some eyebrow-raisers but that's what you get with something that is actually a little different than the norm.


FF7remake is what FF13 was supposed to be, game design wise....but Nojima and other writers have absolutely lost the magic regarding the story and character


Neo Member
I absolutely hated it as someone who loves the original. Why call it a remake when it's not that. It's a re-imagining and it's cat shit.


I didn't think the level design was great but my gauge for bad level design has probably been broken ever since I completed Final Fantasy XIII. :(

I mean there's linear....and then there's "a narrow straight line" like XIII

Yeah I’ll never play this because there’s no chance I can tolerate the cringe dialogue and padding. I just know it. Plus, people I trust all say it’s meh.

Thems graphics is sick tho.

If you ever play it stick with the japanese voices.

Its not some weeb thing... It's just that not understanding the language helps with the cringe.

I think voice acting is one of the reasons writing in JRPG felt like it got worse in the early 00's. Its not that the older games necessarily had better writing, it's that reading it isn't the same as hearing it spoken out loud.


One thing I really hope is fixed in part 2 is the enemies serious lack of impact from being hit... Cloud and his sword which is the size of a house whacking things that just stand there or flinch a bit is ehhh?

Tifa is like pillow fists it kinda sucks...


Loved the original and love the Remake. They're separate experiences so not one to get hung up expecting it to be or feel 1:1 - it shouldn't. It was a good step up from FF13 and 15 in overall quality (which were largely duds), but not up there with FF6-12.

Very excited for Rebirth and hope they give it a proper reveal soon given it's a year from release.
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Is there Avalanche? Does it take place in Midgar? Do you play as Cloud, Barret, and Tifa? Do you blow up reactors and deal with Don Corneo and generally things are Midgar, but with a bit of extras? Yes

That is such a hyperbolic statement to make, and one that I can’t understand as someone who grew up with the original and likes both.
Silent Hill Shattered Memories took the characters and the plot premise of Silent Hill 1, I wouldn't call them the same game either.
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I haven't played ff7 remake.

But I do wish they remade the original game, even if they just improved environments with higher quality art and then used the ff7 remake models for combat encounters.

& Made some new character models for map/exploration etc.

I really like what they have done with crises core reunion remake/remaster, it looks leagues better but it is faithful to the original.

I do wish they improved how annoying it is to 100% the DMV though on crises core reunion.

Cloud stuck at 90%, Genesis stuck at 10% and not even summoned Tonberry or Cactuar yet 😔


World’s Biggest Weeb
If you ever play it stick with the japanese voices.
Its not some weeb thing... It's just that not understanding the language helps with the cringe.

I think voice acting is one of the reasons writing in JRPG felt like it got worse in the early 00's. Its not that the older games necessarily had better writing, it's that reading it isn't the same as hearing it spoken out loud.
Plus all the grunting and sighing is actually louder in the English dub. Someone was like “crank it up to 11, the westerners love that shit!”

Lol but yeah I usually use Japanese audio in games with lousy writing, at least then it’s harder to tell how bad it is.

And while JRPG writing has always been pretty questionable, I do think it got a lot more verbose. Can’t put my finger on it but I think maybe the trend started with Star Ocean series, Tales of series, and Golden Sun where they just overloaded it with talking. Characters yapping on and on, giving you their reactions to every little thing, pointing out obvious things, and talking about their inner thoughts and feelings at great length. Like more talking = more character development.
I haven't played ff7 remake.

But I do wish they remade the original game, even if they just improved environments with higher quality art and then used the ff7 remake models for combat encounters.

& Made some new character models for map/exploration etc.
You're in luck. That's what SE is doing.


As a F2P mobile title with lootboxes.


Gold Member
FFVII remake is the first FF game i played, enjoyed, and completed (except the yuffie dlc).

thought it was brilliant but a little slow/tedious at times. once i finished i knew i had to go play the OG.

the original is so much better but to be fair the Remake only covers like the first few hours of the game. i really hope Rebirth takes us to all the places seen in the original like the chocobo farm, kalm, junon, gold saucer, costa del sol etc.

with the amount of padding Remake has i dont know how they are going to manage to fit all that in if Rebirth is the same. A third game doesnt seem like it'll be enough. Could need a 4th game....unless a lot of it is cut.

i think they'd need to change the approach with Rebirth. instead of having a linear game they could just make it entirely open world with all the locations. a lot of the could be optional areas to visit.

i know its not a 1:1 remake so things definitely will be different. ill wait until Part 2 + 3 are out before making my mind up. i dont mind them changing things but i hope they dont go too crazy.

I seen it and was pretty excited till I saw it was a mobile game :/

Stupid Sqaure Enix.
ill still be playing it
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