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I give up - Here's the Project Cafe (Wii 2) Mockup Thread (2400 baud warning)

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Wow. I really like this one the best. It reminds me of GBA Micro even though i don't own one. It sends chills down my spine!!!
Jade Knight 08 said:

Wow. I really like this one the best. It reminds me of GBA Micro even though i don't own one. It sends chills down my spine!!![/QUOTE]Right analog needs to be switched with the diamond buttons and the screen needs to be bigger. That might make it look less awesome.


Persona7 said:
People still use 56K? Even my friends who live way out in the country have had broadband for years now.

I played Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis and Marble Blast Ultra over dialup.
With all these mockups, has there actually ever been any report/rumour that the screen is a) widescreen, or b) going to be in the landscape format and not portrait? I haven't seen any mockup yet with the screen in portrait orientation. Would be a heck of a lot easier to hold as it would be a lot skinnier.


codswallop said:
With all these mockups, has there actually ever been any report/rumour that the screen is a) widescreen, or b) going to be in the landscape format and not portrait? I haven't seen any mockup yet with the screen in portrait orientation. Would be a heck of a lot easier to hold as it would be a lot skinnier.

The problem with the width if it's 6" and 16:9 is solved by having the screen sitting on a separate surface from the analog sticks/face buttons.
Zeliard said:
The problem with the width if it's 6" and 16:9 is solved by having the screen sitting on a separate surface from the analog sticks/face buttons.
But most of these mockups have a controller that would be so wide it would surely be uncomfortable for extended periods.


Why 6 inch? That's pretty big and is going to cost a lot to manufacture. Why couldn't Nintendo go with the DS screen size?

qq more

Jade Knight 08 said:

Wow. I really like this one the best. It reminds me of GBA Micro even though i don't own one. It sends chills down my spine!!!
...Why is the 2nd analog above the face buttons?! If whoever made the mock up just put the analogs at the bottom then it'd look pretty good actually.


codswallop said:
But most of these mockups have a controller that would be so wide it would surely be uncomfortable for extended periods.

I completely agree, which is why I think the screen will sit on a separate surface, with the controller more vertically-oriented. :p Something like this mockup:

Fernando Rocker said:

I don't know if it'll look like that but I think that may be more in the right direction.

If you have a screen of that size on the same surface as dual analogs/d-pad/face buttons, with the latter sitting beyond the horizontal edges of the screen, then you're going to get something that's quite large in your hands for what's supposed to be, at its most basic function, a controller pad.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
If there is in fact going to be a screen in the controllers, I hope the layout is similar to these mock ups. No more remote shaped controllers, plz.
Something I think people tends to forget is the fact that those controllers are going to be hold by kids, starting from as young as 3 y/o. Some mock-ups are waaaaay too big for that. (But they're still great!)
Zeliard said:
I completely agree, which is why I think the screen will sit on a separate surface, with the controller more vertically-oriented. :p Something like this mockup:
I think that would still be difficult to hold. Try holding an iPad with just the section below the screen. Sure, it's embellishing what it'd be like, but that's the idea.

If you took the regular Wii pads, and chucked a portrait-oriented screen on top (it would stick out a lot and be easy to break like this), that would make more sense I think.


tenchir said:
Why 6 inch? That's pretty big and is going to cost a lot to manufacture. Why couldn't Nintendo go with the DS screen size?
Do you have an iPad? It's just a giant iPod Touch, but the big screen improves the gaming experience tenfold.


codswallop said:
I think that would still be difficult to hold. Try holding an iPad with just the section below the screen. Sure, it's embellishing what it'd be like, but that's the idea.

Well ideally in Nintendo's actual controller you'd have some sort of grips/handles jutting out of the back or bottom.

The reason typical dual analog controllers work well as far as general comfort (outside of shooters) is because of the way your hands grip them. Your thumbs are naturally positioned right at each analog sticks with convenient and relatively quick access to both d-pad and face buttons, and your index fingers are naturally positioned right on the triggers/bumpers while also gripping the sides, and the rest of your fingers are gripping the handles.

If you're going with dual analog that's how it should be done.

I never bought the Wii classic controller but apparently you had to buy grip handles for it if you wanted them. Hopefully Nintendo won't go that route again. :p
Zeliard said:
Well ideally in Nintendo's actual controller you'd have some sort of grips/handles jutting out of the back or bottom.
With grips and a screen it'll have stuff jutting out of it like the N64 controller!


That was a revision though, right, with the grips touted as some new feature? The original was gripless and it shouldn't have been. :p But hopefully Nintendo will continue on with that sort of design.

Most important thing about the next controller though, more than the screen or the design or anything else, is it better not mean the end of the IR pointer.


CoffeeJanitor said:
Right analog needs to be switched with the diamond buttons and the screen needs to be bigger. That might make it look less awesome.

Just think about it for a minute. Mis-matched sticks works on the 360 pad because it's deep (sideways) into the controller so you can extend your thumb and use it comfortably, it wouldn't work here.

Have you ever used a PSP? Try playing a game that uses the analog stick. Your right thumb is up top to use the face buttons, but you need to bend your left thumb almost double to even reach the analog stick, let alone use it. Seriously, it's terrible and you're advocating the same layout (albeit switched l/r) for the cafe controller *shudder*


Utako said:
Do you have an iPad? It's just a giant iPod Touch, but the big screen improves the gaming experience tenfold.

Will you be looking at the controller screen or the TV screen when you play a game? Making the screen that big is a bad idea because it will cost more per controller and that you wouldn't be looking at the touch screen most of the time.
tenchir said:
Will you be looking at the controller screen or the TV screen when you play a game? Making the screen that big is a bad idea because it will cost more per controller and that you wouldn't be looking at the touch screen most of the time.
If it streams content the way IGN says it does, you will likely look at it quite often.
abstract alien said:
If it streams content the way IGN says it does, you will likely look at it quite often.
I just don't get why this is a good idea. With the DS it's OK, because the two screens are always right next to one another.

Try playing a DS while watching TV, you can't really concentrate on both well enough to full understand either.


codswallop said:
Amazing that out of all 150+ of them, almost none are portrait.

Because the thing is supposed to stream video from the console, so you'd want it in 16:9 landscape format. Now yes you might just say "well you can just turn the controller 90 degrees when streaming," except then you'd potentially lose access to the dual analog control config unless the screen itself is what is flipping. So I dunno.
codswallop said:
I just don't get why this is a good idea. With the DS it's OK, because the two screens are always right next to one another.

Try playing a DS while watching TV, you can't really concentrate on both well enough to full understand either.

Yet millions use game portables this way. Millions.
codswallop said:
I just don't get why this is a good idea. With the DS it's OK, because the two screens are always right next to one another.

Try playing a DS while watching TV, you can't really concentrate on both well enough to full understand either.
But it will also be streaming games independent of the TV as well(according to IGN again). It would be extremely good in that case.

Wolves Evolve said:
Yet millions use game portables this way. Millions.
I do lol
Zeliard said:
Because the thing is supposed to stream video from the console, so you'd want it in 16:9 landscape format.
They haven't exactly same what it streams, but I suppose that is a good point. I just don't know who Nintendo are aiming this thing at. Doesn't seem aimed at casuals, and they've pushed away a lot of hardcore, and weird control schemes certainly won't bring the casuals along for the ride...

Wolves Evolve said:
Yet millions use game portables this way. Millions.
Playing a portable while having the TV on in the background isn't the same as playing using two distinct screens which are not close to one another. If it's the same data on the screen and TV, or supplementary information like inventory or something, it could work, but if you're expected to pay attention to both simultaneously it doesn't sound like a good idea at all.

You just can't pay full attention to two distinct things at once.

abstract alien said:
But it will also be streaming games independent of the TV as well(according to IGN again). It would be extremely good in that case.
Could be useful if someone wants to start watching the TV, I suppose, but that would also indicate a possible hit in graphics for games where multiple people are playing simultaneously.


These are some of my favorites from the website with the mock ups linked above. Though most of them have the same issue of the analog placements not being moved in enough so as not to get in the way of your hands when you use the face buttons. And the other problem is that they are all too rectangular, not comfortable like a controller needs to be. But still nice.


This one is particularly funny, I wonder where the design came from?



qq more said:
...Why is the 2nd analog above the face buttons?! If whoever made the mock up just put the analogs at the bottom then it'd look pretty good actually.

I think because the analog would get in the way of the thumb towards the screen. It's prolly not that bad; the problem with the symmetric dual shock is that the sticks are put on the secondary position; here they'd be on the primary position for FPSs, and you'd hover you finger to press the face buttons. Of course the buttons themselves are in the secondary position for other game control styles, but overall, not blocking access to the touchscreen is more important.

Anyway, a 6" screen means the whole thing will be around the size of a kindle, which is on the limit of the comfort zone. I guess kids will actually have problems with it.

Maybe Nintendo will reduce the screen a little before going for mass production.
codswallop said:
Could be useful if someone wants to start watching the TV, I suppose, but that would also indicate a possible hit in graphics for games where multiple people are playing simultaneously.
Yeah, but the ability to play the game away from your TV is a huge asset, especially for those time when you are stuck on a puzzle, or settling down for bed, etc. Even if the graphics take a hit, you gain something interesting, unique, and actually useful in return. The screen does have its purposes, its all about designing to its advantage, just like the wiimote. The real question really sits with exactly what it has the ability to stream(if it even streams).

Nintendo never designs controllers without an actual gaming concept to push it forward, so I'm sure they will show exactly what its used for and why its necessary.


What are the chances we may get OLED screens on the A/B/X/Y buttons?

The reported price range of the unit would allow for it and it would be a pretty cool way to make the buttons contextual since you're already going to be looking down at the controller's screen anyways.


I think the most likely design is something that screams NINTENDO, so all the space age sexy tech designs on page 1, probably not going to happen.

What I see is something closest to the mock-up posted that was basically a wiimote with a screen on the right, on the furthest right side I see a detachable nunchaku adapator. Even this idea has problems though, if this controller is backwards compatible with wii software the wiimote would need to remain easy to swing about, attaching a touch screen to the side of it would make it the opposite.

It's kind of strange to me how 2-3 months ago when contemplating the future of nintendo's home consoles, I'd given thought to a screen being on the controller. I just couldn't think of anything else you could put in there - wii motion plus level movement controls, wireless nunchaku , slightly slimmer wii mote design and somewhere a screen, possibly 3d , maybe a camera ?

Here we sit though and the new controller is basically an ipod with actual buttons. I think the end look of this thing will most closely resemble something like a 3DS with an analog on the left side and a camera stick on the right side , if there are grips they'll be closer to a dreamcast controllers then the ones on the "advanced virtual console gamepad".

I suspect the biggest hurdle that I have - backwards compatibility with wii games will be solved by simply allowing the use of a standard wii-mote, there's just no way to make a bulky screen attached to a controller small an ergonomic enough to hold with 1 hand with a nunchaku in the other hand doing gesture controls the whole time. Especially with games like no more heroes where the accelerometer in the wiimote and nanuchaku are typically moved in opposing directions.

The only workaround I see otherwise is , going back to that first idea - make the screen detachable , you'd simply have a slimmer wiimote that'd latch onto 1 side of the screen, it'd also have an analog stick on it and a wireless nanuchaku that could just click into the right side of the screen, that seems too complicated for most users though, anti- nintendo design too.

mango drank

abstract alien said:
I'm at a loss. Is that the console? And the two shapes are for gamecube disks, a the bigger is for wii-cafe disks?

I think one is for your finger, and one for your weiner. This is a males-only game system.

I'm 99% this is what the final system will be. Spot on.
abstract alien said:
Yeah, but the ability to play the game away from your TV is a huge asset, especially for those time when you are stuck on a puzzle, or settling down for bed, etc. Even if the graphics take a hit, you gain something interesting, unique, and actually useful in return. The screen does have its purposes, its all about designing to its advantage, just like the wiimote. The real question really sits with exactly what it has the ability to stream(if it even streams).

Nintendo never designs controllers without an actual gaming concept to push it forward, so I'm sure they will show exactly what its used for and why its necessary.
Yeah, there are definitely interesting applications, though I don't think they're anywhere near as interesting as the new control scheme the Revolution could have offered... and then just turned into mostly pointless waggle.
codswallop said:
Yeah, there are definitely interesting applications, though I don't think they're anywhere near as interesting as the new control scheme the Revolution could have offered... and then just turned into mostly pointless waggle.
It's always going to be like that. Hell, even designer today still fail at utilizing an analog stick or button layout correctly for a 360/ps3 pad, and they have literally been around for generations basically. Good designers will show their stuff, mid level designers will follow their lead, and bad ones will screw up whatever they touch lol
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