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I know this thread hasn't been tried before. Take your pick: Wanda or Zelda?


The thread title says it all.

Which game will be better? Which one will sell better? Which one will be scored better? And ultimately, which one (if either does) has the better chance of winning GOTY 2005?


Bad Art ™
Sell better : Zelda

About the quality, it is hard to say at this point. Both will be good, i'm pretty sure of that.
I know i'll enjoy both of them :)


Oh, sorry. There is so little information about the two that I'm obviously not talking about a serious comparison.

I'm just saying basically "Which one are you behind to be the better game?"


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Why even bother?

Zelda will sell far more and some people will prefer it while Wanda will likely sell next to nothing and some people will prefer it. That's pretty much that.

As you might have expected, I'm more interested in Wanda and think it will be a more original and emotionally charged experience. I want the new Zelda title as well, though, but I do so hope that it is more memorable than Wind Waker was.

I also support Inafune's team more simply because they are the underdog here. People are more likely to poke fun at Wanda while worshipping Zelda. ICO may have seemed popular on GA, but the general public didn't care one bit.

This just seems like a dangerous idea for a thread. The fans of ICO and Zelda are both fairly rabid and will defend one or the other to no end.


Console Market Analyst
Speevy said:
I'm just saying basically "Which one are you behind to be the better game?"


Why, God, must bad threads exist? Why!?


dark10x said:
This just seems like a dangerous idea for a thread. The fans of ICO and Zelda are both fairly rabid and will defend one or the other to no end.

I've found that the residents of GAF are much more mature than that. What I find disturbing is that some folks are afraid of a good debate, as evidenced by the "ibl" in topics that aren't in any way violating the TOS.


Goreomedy said:

Why, God, must bad threads exist? Why!?[/QUOTE]

Is a bad thread one that doesn't follow the typical newswire format of this forum? It's just a question, no more controversial than the top 10 list thread.


I wonder: Which couple of old games will Wanda rip off for unsatisfying gameplay? And what gimmicky item will Link use in the next Zelda to transport him between different worlds?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Speevy said:
I've found that the residents of GAF are much more mature than that. What I find disturbing is that some folks are afraid of a good debate, as evidenced by the "ibl" in topics that aren't in any way violating the TOS.

Alright, I'd love to have a serious argument about them...

What would you like to discuss? Make a few points first.


Console Market Analyst
You aren't structuring any type of healthy debate here, Speevy. You're starting a Sissy Boy Slap Party for your own amusement. If you want to poll prejudgement and franchise/system loyalty, maybe GameFaqs will better suit you?

And Dark, I think you ask too much. :D


Okay, I'm backing Zelda because I'm a huge Nintendo fan, and because I love the series. I think Nintendo has really started to get serious for the end of this generation as evidenced by the superb Pikmin 2, and I think Jungle Beat will be awesome as well. I think the next Zelda game will take advantage of the Gamecube hardware in ways that previous Nintendo efforts haven't, just as Sony's is obviously using the PS2 hardware. Although I don't expect either to revolutionize the way we play games, I expect polished and beautiful efforts from both companies. In other words, I expect Zelda to be as good as Zelda can possibly be, and Wanda to be as good as I've heard ICO described and more. And with that as my guide, I'll bet on Zelda.
Which game will be better? IMO, Wanda....General concensus, Zelda.

Which one will sell better? Zelda, no question

Which one will be scored better? Zelda, no question

And ultimately, which one (if either does) has the better chance of winning GOTY 2005? Zelda.

This world is Zelda country...but I liked ICO better than any Zelda game, so going off that, I'll probably like W&C better than the new Zelda.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Speevy said:
Okay, I'm backing Zelda because I'm a huge Nintendo fan, and because I love the series. I think Nintendo has really started to get serious for the end of this generation as evidenced by the superb Pikmin 2, and I think Jungle Beat will be awesome as well. I think the next Zelda game will take advantage of the Gamecube hardware in ways that previous Nintendo efforts haven't, just as Sony's is obviously using the PS2 hardware. Although I don't expect either to revolutionize the way we play games, I expect polished and beautiful efforts from both companies. In other words, I expect Zelda to be as good as Zelda can possibly be, and Wanda to be as good as I've heard ICO described and more. And with that as my guide, I'll bet on Zelda.

Hmm, you've haven't played ICO. I had forgotten that...

Well, I'm betting on Wanda based on my experiences with ICO (naturally).

The game was simple and polished, but the impact it managed to leave on me was something I have yet to forget (and probably never will). It was an emotional experience the likes of which I have yet to encounter in another game. There was virtually no dialog, but the interactions between the two characters was priceless.

There is also the castle itself, which is one of the most awe inspiring environments you'll find in a game. The sense of scale in incredible and the atmosphere conveyed within is quite unreal. From beginning to end, there was a sense of mystery and discovery that just has to be seen to be believed.

Wanda seems like a more abstract concept and Inafune has a vision and purpose behind his game. His recent speech confirmed his ideals in terms of game design. I'm sure they are well aware that the game will not sell particularly well and I fully believe that the team working on it have their own personal goals standing behind it. Basically, I believe the philosophy behind the creation of Wanda to Kyozou is something special and will result in a work of art that won't soon be forgotten.

Zelda, on the other, really DOES seem like a game where Nintendo is "getting serious". However, I believe the game will play out very much like a standard Zelda game with a few twists and I also believe the style change has more to do with money and market share than artistic vision (which directly relates to "getting serious"). The game will likely consist of a mulitude of dungeons, each with a puzzle based boss waiting at the end, a unique item to be found per dungeon, and an overworld to explore in between those dungeons.

Basically, although there are some news ideas abound (based on the little information we have), I do believe that we can already map out the basic game design that will be in the final product. In other words, I already have a good idea of what to expect with this new Zelda product. It isn't that I'm not expecting a good game or anything (quite the opposite), it's just that when you combine the fact that I am not a huge fan of the series with the preconcieved ideas of what the game will be like, it just isn't a terribly exciting prospect. Zelda games have never had an emotional impact on me nor have they ever really left me with tons of great memories (which I know is not the case for many people). Also, being a huge fan of game music, the fact that I have no enjoyed the last several Zelda soundtracks also brings little anticipation.

I am expecting a very inspired and unique game with Wanda that will leave a huge impact on me while I am simply expecting "another" Zelda game from the other side. Both should be excellent titles, but I'm just more interested in the type of experience that I believe Wanda will provide.

The memories that you are left with when you put the controller down are an important part of each gaming experience, so my anticipation tends to follow the teams which have previously delivered something memorable.

Hopefully my view of the new Zelda does not offend you, as I meant nothing of the sort. That is simply how I feel at this point. Zelda will be a quality "product" while Wanda should be a work of "art"...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bluemercury said:
Like MGS3, GT4, GTA4 will?

Yes, also like Halo 2, Half-Life 2 and Metroid Prime 2.

Well known frachises tend to see small boosts in their score. This has always been the case...


I agree with Goreomedy--this isn't a constructive thread. In all likelyhood it will end in a rumble between Nintendo and Sony fans. IBL.
I'm going to have to go with:

Zelda for sales (duuhhhhh...)

and Zelda for quality, but just barely. I have a simple rationale, too:the new Zelda title essentially is a guaranteed seller and has whatever budget it wants whereas Wanda doesn't have that luxury. Nothing saying spending more money developing a game will necessarily make it better, but then we're talking about EAD here, and those guys know what they're doing when it comes to making a great game.

I'm expecting Wanda and the Colossus to be fantastic, of course. But I just expect more game out of Zelda in terms of length and overall content which will almost certainly put it a nose ahead, even though it'll follow a more "tried and true" path for sure.


hyperbolically metafictive
wanda will inevitably be the better game. because it's so manifestly new. you can already see that it's as imaginative as games come, but it's not the fevered, arbitrary imagination of anime: its imagination is tempered by restraint and fine sensibilities. i can't wait to see the ico team's "reductive design" style and considerable artistic talents applied to an action game.

zelda, on the other hand, has become so deeply mired in formula and convention that it can't even make an impression anymore. there's no joy left in it. it's creatively over. and it isn't encouraging that the new one is a conscious attempt to recreate ocarina of time. but i guess a lot of people are content with games that just reference old pleasures.

there's only one solid point of comparsion so far: the horses. and with one shake of his head wanda's horse has made zelda's horse look chintzy.


What the flying hell is Wanda?

Besides, everyone knows the only game that can equal the might of Zelda is Shenmue, so why even ask


Wanda looks more innovative, but Zelda looks more appealing (to me). Nintendo got the exploration and dungoens down perfectly, the combat needs alot of work. TWW combat felt weak and unsatisfying.


Considering how much I thought Ico sucked,I'll go with Zelda ;)

Takes alot more than "Oh the game was so emotional for me,the castle was awe inspiring!! *jizzes all over themselves*" for me to like a game.The combat sucked,and packin Yorda around with me wasn't exactly fun either,meh.

Not that WW was perfect,it was too easy and the Tri Force hunting sucked balls,but the newer one reminds me more of OoT/MM which blew any of the games mentioned in this thread away :p :D
I disagree with the consensus that "ICO was better than any Zelda game." If you liked Zelda before playing ICO, then you're basically biased to the new kid on the block. I mean I loved ICO to death and that single day I spent finishing it could rank as one of the best days of my life but you're denying all of Zelda's history when you say that ICO is better than all the games in that series.

Generally speaking, if ICO was a series which started out on the NES and continued over the years and Zelda had just hit the market, you'd be saying Zelda was better, because it's "new" and more original.

Now, if you're saying ICO was better than Wind Waker, than that's something else. But other than that, go back and play Link To The Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and then tell me if ICO is better than all of that.


dark10x said:
Hmm, you've haven't played ICO. I had forgotten that...

Well, I'm betting on Wanda based on my experiences with ICO (naturally).

The game was simple and polished, but the impact it managed to leave on me was something I have yet to forget (and probably never will). It was an emotional experience the likes of which I have yet to encounter in another game. There was virtually no dialog, but the interactions between the two characters was priceless.

There is also the castle itself, which is one of the most awe inspiring environments you'll find in a game. The sense of scale in incredible and the atmosphere conveyed within is quite unreal. From beginning to end, there was a sense of mystery and discovery that just has to be seen to be believed.

Wanda seems like a more abstract concept and Inafune has a vision and purpose behind his game. His recent speech confirmed his ideals in terms of game design. I'm sure they are well aware that the game will not sell particularly well and I fully believe that the team working on it have their own personal goals standing behind it. Basically, I believe the philosophy behind the creation of Wanda to Kyozou is something special and will result in a work of art that won't soon be forgotten.

Zelda, on the other, really DOES seem like a game where Nintendo is "getting serious". However, I believe the game will play out very much like a standard Zelda game with a few twists and I also believe the style change has more to do with money and market share than artistic vision (which directly relates to "getting serious"). The game will likely consist of a mulitude of dungeons, each with a puzzle based boss waiting at the end, a unique item to be found per dungeon, and an overworld to explore in between those dungeons.

Basically, although there are some news ideas abound (based on the little information we have), I do believe that we can already map out the basic game design that will be in the final product. In other words, I already have a good idea of what to expect with this new Zelda product. It isn't that I'm not expecting a good game or anything (quite the opposite), it's just that when you combine the fact that I am not a huge fan of the series with the preconcieved ideas of what the game will be like, it just isn't a terribly exciting prospect. Zelda games have never had an emotional impact on me nor have they ever really left me with tons of great memories (which I know is not the case for many people). Also, being a huge fan of game music, the fact that I have no enjoyed the last several Zelda soundtracks also brings little anticipation.

I am expecting a very inspired and unique game with Wanda that will leave a huge impact on me while I am simply expecting "another" Zelda game from the other side. Both should be excellent titles, but I'm just more interested in the type of experience that I believe Wanda will provide.

The memories that you are left with when you put the controller down are an important part of each gaming experience, so my anticipation tends to follow the teams which have previously delivered something memorable.

Hopefully my view of the new Zelda does not offend you, as I meant nothing of the sort. That is simply how I feel at this point. Zelda will be a quality "product" while Wanda should be a work of "art"...

It sounds to me that you think Wanda game will be a work of art, and that the new Zelda, while probably good, will amount to a work of desperate necessity.

I can't tell you how much I disagree. I don't think of games as art pieces. Games are the meat and bones of the experiences. You can show me a pretty picture all day long, and you can run through an interactive movie that's beautiful and polished in its execution, but until you run around the sort of world that just isn't present in the adventure-ish "sets" of a game like ICO, you don't know the true worth of the game. Do I think Zelda looks better than Wanda? Not really.

The artists over at Sony are obviously top notch, and I commend them. And since Zelda has no soundtrack as yet, I'll also give that to Wanda at this point. Are those two things all there is? Is playing the interactive equivalent of a poem or piece of art the only thing that matters to you? See, there's a reason why Zelda: OoT won the game of the year award in 1998, and ICO didn't 3 years later. (aside from Halo, of course) Zelda doesn't try to tug at your heart strings with an overblown sense of greatness. It just is what it is, and you either like it or you don't.

Take the art direction away from Wanda, give it standard architecture, and would anyone have even started a thread about it? Compare that to Zelda's graphics, which while nice to look at now, offer few technical bells and whistles and few ideas of what the whole game's general art direction would be like. Yet Zelda got what was probably the biggest response in E3 history. You don't like Zelda. You like sequels even less. And you probably think Nintendo is overrated as well. This I can understand. But let's get one thing clear. Nintendo has made some stupid decisions, many of them this generation. The company doesn't fold to fan pressures. If that were the case, Nintendo's entire corporate structure would be based around providing games for the other two consoles. In short, Nintendo is very much an artist in its own right. You didn't offend me with your comments, but I think your ideas or more applicable to EA, Rockstar, Capcom, or Konami.


I wonder which one, between Zelda and Wanda, will have the bestest revolutionary soundtrack ever.

(Just kidding)


Console Market Analyst
Society said:
Is this due to a horse connection?

Yes. Speevy latched onto that comparison in the Wanda Homepage thread(which really wasn't a comparison of the games, but of that particular animation), and hasn't let go since.

Speevy, since you haven't played Ico, having admitted yourself to a "diconnect", what made you think you could lead a debate like this? Was it just an overwhelming urge to defend Nintendo and their golden franchise?


Goreomedy said:
Speevy, since you haven't played Ico, having admitted yourself to a "diconnect", what made you think you could lead a debate like this? Was it just an overwhelming urge to defend Nintendo and their golden franchise?

I'm not leading anything. Threads should lend themselves to discussion, otherwise you're just taking on everyone. And think whatever you want about Nintendo or Zelda. I find Wanda both beautful and interesting. I haven't seen a bigger response from an announced game since Zelda. That's pretty much where the similarities between the two games are drawn. There are probably more Zelda-esque games than Wanda coming out. Just none this pretty and by such a respected developer.
drohne said:
wanda will inevitably be the better game. because it's so manifestly new. you can already see that it's as imaginative as games come, but it's not the fevered, arbitrary imagination of anime: its imagination is tempered by restraint and fine sensibilities. i can't wait to see the ico team's "reductive design" style and considerable artistic talents applied to an action game.

zelda, on the other hand, has become so deeply mired in formula and convention that it can't even make an impression anymore. there's no joy left in it. it's creatively over. and it isn't encouraging that the new one is a conscious attempt to recreate ocarina of time. but i guess a lot of people are content with games that just reference old pleasures.

there's only one solid point of comparsion so far: the horses. and with one shake of his head wanda's horse has made zelda's horse look chintzy.

Thank god you will be wrong...phfeeww


I'll say one more thing--I think some are selling the new Zelda a little too short. Having played the hell out of Pikmin 2 in the last few weeks, I feel like EAD is more than prepared to make a fundamental shift in the Zelda series. Pikmin 2 feels like a different game when compared to the first, and I believe that should be consider a good sign by people who are worried that this is will be OOT part 2. It remains to be seen whether or not that will happen with this new Zelda game, but I don't think they are incapable of taking a different direction. They did it fours years ago with MM and I think that there is still room for them to expand in different ways without compromising key elements of a Zelda game.


As awesome as Ocarina of Time was, after Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, I became very uninterested in 3D Zelda games. So, I can't say I'm really looking forward to the new Zelda, although I am interested in it.

I do want to hear more about this Wanda game, though.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Zelda will sell better. The rest just depends on what type of fanboy you are.
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