rocK` said:
didnt get much feedback. I know I need a PSU/dvd drive, I'm debating whether a 750w is good enough
For the dvddrive just buy a cheap one, does it even matter nowadays?
With regards to the psu, 750W is fine for one gtx 580 but doesn't really leave any headroom if you plan to go SLI in the future.
Things like psu and motherboard are almost always worth it to put out a little bit more cash to get better/higher quality products, seeing as you'd want to upgrade those as little as possible.
Stuff like ram or like storage you can always buy more at a later time.
edit : what I'm trying to say is that if you even have the slightest feeling of wanting to go SLI do yourself a favor and buy a more powerful psu, '(~1000W)
edit 2 : the rest of the build looks bitchin, though I'll ask the standard question when people say they're going 2600k , " Do you plan to use the hyperthreading in any application or are you just going for a gamingrig? " If no, then a 2500k will suffice.
edit 234325 : do you really need that much ram? Because you could save like 100$ by going to "just" 8gb ram for ~100$ instead of those 16gb for twice as much.
edit 34534566 : I'm stupid.... just saw that you already got some of the stuff. Fuck I'm tired