Well, I have an entirely strange and infuriating problem with my newly built PC. I built it about three days ago, and ran it for about 7 hours, it posted, installed, and worked like a charm during the first and second days I had it running. The temperatures seemed fine, and all the fans were running well. The third day rolls around, and I'm trying to edit some footage for a friend, when the computer just up and turns off, without any notice. After opening it up and trying to get it to turn on again, it does, for a short time, and then turns back off. Now, when I try to turn it on, neither power button, on the case, or the motherboard works. I've fiddled with screws, tried my best to ascertain if there was a short in the cables, looked for cracked connectors on the motherboard, and looked for bulging resistors. I've tried reseating everything on the board, redoing every cable, and I thought I solved it when I pressed the power button and it started up after that, and also when it ran after trying to remove and replace the CMOS battery, but the problem is, everything on the computer runs, but no signal is being sent to the monitor, and my DRAM_LED is on. If I hold it for three seconds, it blinks, and then turns back off, refusing to post more than once after that long pause with the CMOS battery out. It seems the longer I have it off, the more time it runs without stopping.
I'm at the end of my rope, I only hope someone here might have some suggestions for things it might be. I'm hoping the motherboard or PSU might be to blame, rather than the CPU overheating, which is what my friend said it might be. To that end, I've tried reseating the fan, making sure there was a good amount of thermal paste on it, and rotating it to make sure it was level on the CPU.
Here's a picture of the motherboard when it runs. If I turn it off, or press the MemOK button, then try to turn it back on, it won't for quite some time, either with or without the CMOS battery. And the QCode in the picture isn't the only one I've had. I also had 20.
F3 supposedly means "Recovery firmware image is found"
20, which I guess is between 19-1C in the guide is "Pre-memory PCH initialization is started"
EDIT: I should also say that normally when it's in the state where the power is on, but it won't start, the Power and Reset buttons on the motherboard are lit up. That's what made me think it wasn't the PSU.