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"I need a New PC!" 2011 Edition of SSD's for everyone! |OT|

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Hey guys

Can someone tell me how good is my PC for gaming purposes? I can still run most games I've tried on max or high settings but how will it be able to keep up with the games that are coming in the next year or so?

OCZ 2048MB (1024MBX2) DDR2 800 CL 4-4-4-15

If I wanted a better PC, would you recommend replacing some parts or building a whole new PC, considering I'd have to replace the motherboard for the new generation of CPU's?


Ok so I built my new rig last night.

Gigabyte p67a-ud3-b3 mobo
Corsair 1x4gb ram 1600mhz
His hd 6850
Intel 2500k
Ultra 750w psu
Seagate 7200rpm sata 6 drive

Power up, and it begins a continuous series of beeps and eventually cycles. No vid output. Tried reseating everything, tried booting without hdd, tried another psu and vid card and still nothing. Any other tests I can run at the moment to narrow down the problem?


The Lamonster said:
My 24" monitor is now slightly buzzing near the top heat vents. Is this bad?

not sure if this is any indication of pending failure but my old gateway 22" monitor started buzzing a week or two before it died.


Nafai1123 said:
Power up, and it begins a continuous series of beeps and eventually cycles. No vid output. Tried reseating everything, tried booting without hdd, tried another psu and vid card and still nothing. Any other tests I can run at the moment to narrow down the problem?

if it's a pattern of beeps your mobo manual should tell you what they mean


Seeing as how SATA I SSDs are difficult to find, is there an easy way to find out if a SATA II SSD has the jumpers on it to allow for SATA I operation?

I'm taking a page from someone earlier in the thread who mentioned throwing in a SSD into an older laptop (mine is a Vostro 1500, C2D 2.0 GHz, 4GB DDR2) and thought that sounded like a good idea. Machine has held up for I think 3 or 4 years now but I wouldn't mind investing for a SSD somewhere between 50-100GB.

Any recommendations on which might be worth looking at?


Saren is Bad said:
Yay my machine is built. Will put up pics soon. Only thing I'm not too happy with is 44 C degree CPU temps...is this good or bad?

Is that in bios? If so, bios temperatures are notoriously high, not that your temperature is cause for concern or anything. It matters more what your temp is under load.


Corporate Apologist
Doing a defrag of my Partents old PC, the Master File Table looks far to big, any way to shrink it?

Kalnos said:
Is that in bios? If so, bios temperatures are notoriously high, not that your temperature is cause for concern or anything. It matters more what your temp is under load.
Haha yes those are BIOS temps.

Also, Windows is installed on a C300, but I also have a 1TB drive plugged in as well. The BIOS and even Device Manager see it, but when I click on My Computer, all I see is my C300 listed. Any tips? I'm sure I'm missing an intermediary step here.


Saren is Bad said:
Haha yes those are BIOS temps.

Also, Windows is installed on a C300, but I also have a 1TB drive plugged in as well. The BIOS and even Device Manager see it, but when I click on My Computer, all I see is my C300 listed. Any tips? I'm sure I'm missing an intermediary step here.

You have to format the drive.

Start -> right click computer -> manage. Then in the drop down... storage -> disk management and format the drive.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Okay, it's time to replace everything. According to the OP, this is how I need to get some help with a build. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Basic Desktop Questions:
Your Current Specs: AMD Phenom 9750 Quad/ 4GB DDR2 / I have no idea/ MSI Radeon 6950
Budget: 1,000
Main Use: Gaming
Monitor Resolution: 1360x768
List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: The Witcher 2, max/Skyrim
Are reusing any parts?: MSI Radeon 6950
When will you build?: Next week if possible
Will you be overclocking?: Maybe (This means yes)
Other: Would like a very quiet case, if possible.


Anyone know of a good program to display pc games nicely? Kinda like the steam library but more customizable. And not xbmc lol.


Make a folder with shortcuts.
Download Boxart icons from deviantart.

That's what i used to do but got tired of it and just play the games without giving a shit about the icons.


Scaley member
Windam said:
Hey guys, is my fan arrangement safe here, with all four of them being connected together like this? I never had the front two intake fans connected before, but I just connected them. Here are two pics that I took to show you what I mean.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Anyone? D:
Btw, I got a Freezer 13 with MX-4 pre-applied. Temps have dropped down already by a lot. Still have to test BFBC2, but it's a lot quieter than the stock AMD cooler, as well. Pleased with it so far (except the packaging... hate that clam shell stuff).


Hey guys... my new PC has been running great for a week now. I'm really happy. My case (R3) came with two fans and I have one at that back (top) and one and the front (bottom). I also have one on my Hyper 212+. I think my mobo has a place for one more. Is that right? Where would be the best spot to put one? On the other side of the 212+? On the top of the case blowing down? Also, what is a good fan to buy (similar to the ones supplied with the R3?
Thanks again!


Question about cases for laptops. The X220 has a 12.5 inch screen diagonally but a length of 12.1 inches. So do I get a 12.1 case or a 13 case?


WanderingWind said:
Okay, it's time to replace everything. According to the OP, this is how I need to get some help with a build. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Basic Desktop Questions:
Your Current Specs: AMD Phenom 9750 Quad/ 4GB DDR2 / I have no idea/ MSI Radeon 6950
Budget: 1,000
Main Use: Gaming
Monitor Resolution: 1360x768
List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: The Witcher 2, max/Skyrim
Are reusing any parts?: MSI Radeon 6950
When will you build?: Next week if possible
Will you be overclocking?: Maybe (This means yes)
Other: Would like a very quiet case, if possible.
Uh, are those your current specs or what you'd like to get? Because a quad cpu + 6950 is already way overkill for 1360x768 (unless you plan on getting a new monitor). Skyrim's only going to be DX9 IIRC, as is TW2.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
dwebo said:
Uh, are those your current specs or what you'd like to get? Because a quad cpu + 6950 is already way overkill for 1360x768 (unless you plan on getting a new monitor). Skyrim's only going to be DX9 IIRC, as is TW2.

Well, I just bought the 6950, but wouldn't you know it, it barely fits in my case and my power supply doesn't have enough cables to power it. So, I'm looking to upgrade everything but the video card.

Unless there is something I can do with my current hardware to get it to work?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Your Current Specs: CPU / RAM (DDR2/DDR3) / Motherboard / GPU: It's a laptop with a Geforce 9300MS, 4GB of Ram, Intel Duo 2GHZ...feel free to mock. W7 Ultimate

Budget: Price Range + Country:My wife wants 400, I want 600. If you could get 400 with what I want I'm fine with it.

Main Use: Light Gaming, Gaming, Emulation (PS2/Wii), Video Editing, 3D work, general usage (Word, Web, 1080p playback):Gaming, General Usage. Maybe some DVD to mobile format video conversion, but its not a key reason to bump up price.

Monitor Resolution: What resolution will you be playing your games at? Are you going to upgrade later?: I'm just going to us my 40in Samsung TV it can do 720p or 1080p and I'm fine with 1280X720 for better FPS. I'm sure I can find a super cheap if I need one later on. So I will need HDMI out.

List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: Self Explanatory Civ 5, Deus Ex, Duke Nukem, Skyrim and Battlefield 3, although those can be medium range as long as its good FPS. I'm used to playing some games with 15-30 so I want good FPS for once. lol

Are reusing any parts?: List make and model (e.g. Corsair 520HX 520W): Windows 7 is a student edition I bought so I have no need to pay for an operating system. Maybe I can get 100 to 200 to salvage my old laptop...though I am a bit nuts with insuring no data is transferred so I might just keep it for emergencies.

When will you build?: When do you want your computer, do you need it in a week, can you wait a month or two?: I'd prefer sooner than later (since school loans kick in at the end of the month), so I can pay it all off quickly.

Will you be overclocking?: Yes, No, Maybe (This means yes)
Maybe, but that's only if I feel good after the building process.

I have never built a computer before so I am really nervous about trying this, but I figure I need to learn at some point. I'd also like to be able to finally upgrade with this unit (I've only gotten prefabs before), so I don't mind starting out a little weaker, but free to build on later.


What currency are you working with when you say 600? I am gonna assume Dollars so a little bit over £400

I would suggest:

Processor: Core i3 2100 (£90)
Mobo: Cant recomend a brand but I see some H67 based chipsets going for £80
RAM: Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1333 4GB (£40)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 460 (£130) or if you can afford it AMD Radeon 6870 (£150)

The rest for case, monitor etc. But that will cut your budget very fine and I am also unsure if the Core i3 will cut it for Battlefield 3.

leng jai

The Witcher 2 is out soon so I'm going to pick up an EVGA GTX570 Phantom edition.

I'm not gonna lie, I based the choice purely on looks:


Fresh build. Only took 3 hours, and was my first time. Thank God nothing went wrong. Downloading all my Steam shit now.

- Are those read/write speeds on the C300 good? I've been reading on firmware updates but it sounds like a huge pain in the ass.
- Are the CPU temps good? Have a Hyper 212, and was hella nervous about thermal paste and all that.
- Follow to 2nd question, I only want to overclock to 4.3-4.4 GHz, is that stable and easily done? (If so, how? :p)
WanderingWind said:
Well, I just bought the 6950, but wouldn't you know it, it barely fits in my case and my power supply doesn't have enough cables to power it. So, I'm looking to upgrade everything but the video card.

Unless there is something I can do with my current hardware to get it to work?

Could save yourself some dough and just buy a new power supply. Use the monies to buy me a present, daddy needs a brand new bag!

@Ivybridge wait: nay!
Saren is Bad said:
Fresh build. Only took 3 hours, and was my first time. Thank God nothing went wrong. Downloading all my Steam shit now.

- Are those read/write speeds on the C300 good? I've been reading on firmware updates but it sounds like a huge pain in the ass.
- Are the CPU temps good? Have a Hyper 212, and was hella nervous about thermal paste and all that.
- Follow to 2nd question, I only want to overclock to 4.3-4.4 GHz, is that stable and easily done? (If so, how? :p)

- Anandtech review of the C300 http://www.anandtech.com/show/3812/the-ssd-diaries-crucials-realssd-c300/3

- Look OK but your CPU is at 1600 mhz try stressing it with Prime 95 for an hour or so and then look at temp

- Man builds kick ass system and without playing any games on it wants to overclock - PC gamers SMH! :)P)


WanderingWind said:
Well, I just bought the 6950, but wouldn't you know it, it barely fits in my case and my power supply doesn't have enough cables to power it. So, I'm looking to upgrade everything but the video card.

Unless there is something I can do with my current hardware to get it to work?
What's your current psu? You may be able to use some molex to pcie cables to cover what you're missing - your card probably even came with some. Otherwise, if you don't plan on buying another 6950, a 400-500w psu is plenty.

Buy a new monitor after, though. That'll make a far greater difference in visual quality than anything you could upgrade internally.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
dwebo said:
What's your current psu? You may be able to use some molex to pcie cables to cover what you're missing - your card probably even came with some. Otherwise, if you don't plan on buying another 6950, a 400-500w psu is plenty.

Buy a new monitor after, though. That'll make a far greater difference in visual quality than anything you could upgrade internally.
Appreciate it, and I apologize in advance for the upcoming stupid question, but since my last card didn't need anything plugged into it, I'm a bit confused. Is the pcie cable the one with a white plastic end and a 3x3 black end?


Anyone know what could be causing artifacting for the first few minutes of any game?

It's almost like the card (6950) is "warming up", it will artifact for ~2 minutes then run perfectly for hours on end.


iSimon said:
Anyone know what could be causing artifacting for the first few minutes of any game?

It's almost like the card (6950) is "warming up", it will artifact for ~2 minutes then run perfectly for hours on end.
Is the card overclock? Did you unlock shaders? If yes, shaders only or by using 6970 bios?
dwebo said:
What's your current psu? You may be able to use some molex to pcie cables to cover what you're missing - your card probably even came with some. Otherwise, if you don't plan on buying another 6950, a 400-500w psu is plenty.
Thanks for the power charts! Came on to ask if my build would be okay with a TX-650 with 460SLI so it looks like the SLI doesn't take up as much power as I thought.

i5 2500k
ASUS p8p67 PRO
8 Gig of GSkills
SSD once I choose one
2x 460gtx
Xonar DG soundcard
Corsair TX-650?


reptilescorpio said:
Thanks for the power charts! Came on to ask if my build would be okay with a TX-650 with 460SLI so it looks like the SLI doesn't take up as much power as I thought.

i5 2500k
ASUS p8p67 PRO
8 Gig of GSkills
SSD once I choose one
2x 460gtx
Xonar DG soundcard
Corsair TX-650?
You'd probably want to go with the TX 750v2 if you plan on SLI just to have the headroom.
Misanthropy said:
Wait for Ivy Bridge: yay or nay?
Considering I can wait one year.
Lower power draw, in addition to other improvements. Since you can wait, you'll be able to compare/contrast Sandy Bridge-E, Bulldozer and, likely, AMD's second gen Fusion desktop parts, to see how all relevant parts stack up. Plus, patience means you may also be able to avoid any early growing pains with the upcoming tech.

WanderingWind said:
Well, I just bought the 6950, but wouldn't you know it, it barely fits in my case and my power supply doesn't have enough cables to power it. So, I'm looking to upgrade everything but the video card.

Unless there is something I can do with my current hardware to get it to work?
You can try overclocking, but only if you have a solid motherboard. Even still, your GPU is going to be held back greatly by the other components in your current rig. Unless the upcoming titles run enough well for you, it may be time to start planning for future upgrades that will better match your GPU.

WanderingWind said:
Appreciate it, and I apologize in advance for the upcoming stupid question, but since my last card didn't need anything plugged into it, I'm a bit confused. Is the pcie cable the one with a white plastic end and a 3x3 black end?
Male power connectors look like this:


Your GPU has two sets of 6-pin female connectors, which both need to be connected, and they look like this:



What is the most you guys would pay for this PC? A friend of mine is selling it. Trying to figure out a good price.

AMD Athlon II X4 630 Propus 2.8GHz Socket AM3
G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)
ASUS M4A77TD AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard
EDIMAX EW-7728In 32bit PCI Wireless 802.11n Draft 2.0 PCI Card
OCZ ModXStream Pro 500W Modular Active PFC
What is the most you guys would pay for this PC? A friend of mine is selling it. Trying to figure out a good price.

AMD Athlon II X4 630 Propus 2.8GHz Socket AM3
G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)
ASUS M4A77TD AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard
EDIMAX EW-7728In 32bit PCI Wireless 802.11n Draft 2.0 PCI Card
OCZ ModXStream Pro 500W Modular Active PFC
would say between 450 and 500 wouldn't be too bad, does it also come with windows already?


Mr Nightman said:
would say between 450 and 500 wouldn't be too bad, does it also come with windows already?

450-500 is far too generous. That's nearly full price.

I'd say $350 at most.

AMD Athlon II X4 630 Propus 2.8GHz Socket AM3 $80
G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) $40
ASUS DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS Black SATA 24X DVD Burner $20
ASUS M4A77TD AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard $100 (though ATX is unecessary, therefore I would value this closer to $70)
POWERCOLOR PCS+ AX5770 1GBD5-PPG Radeon HD 5770 1GB $100 (though the GTX 460 768MB is far more attractive and just $20 more, so I'd value the 5770 closer to $80)
EDIMAX EW-7728In 32bit PCI Wireless 802.11n Draft 2.0 PCI Card $25
OCZ ModXStream Pro 500W Modular Active PFC $45
Totalled up, the components equal around $410. Add Windows and you have $510. This price should be brought down considerably for 2 reasons:

1) Some items may be unecessary to you (ATX instead of the cheaper mATX), Wireless N card

2) Some components may simply not be as desirable today as they were when the PC was purchased: Athlon 630, Radeon 5770...since not many people would buy these components new today, I would consider their market value even lower.

edit: you're missing the case in there. That will add around $50 probably, making the PC worth around $560 brand new. $350 is a fair price for a friend.
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