Micro Center is the land of milk and honey when it comes to Intel CPU prices. They also have great deals on cases, HSFs and some other accessories from time to time. They rarely, if ever, have anything worthwhile on GPUs, ram, and PSUs that you can't find elsewhere for equal or less.
AMD CPU + Motherboard Bundles
$180 - Intel Core i5 2500K
$280 - Intel Core i7 2600K
Aside from any great deals you may come across at Fry's, I wouldn't rush that PSU purchase just yet. Take your time to find a good 500-600/650W unit, and then compare prices between Fry's, MC, Newegg, Amazon, etc.
700W or higher really isn't needed if you aren't running multiple CPUs and/or GPUs. Also, don't fall for any of those 750W for $40 type deals as the vast majority of them are trash.
You should be looking to get a quality PSU (doesn't have to have an exorbitant price) that can carry forward to your next PC upgrade. I doubt that your motherboard has much in the way of overclocking (even if it did, the power delivery is lacking), and your case isn't well suited to higher end GPUs. You can pick up a good PSU just to try out the 6950, but you really should start planning to get a new CPU, board, memory and case at some point. AMD's new CPUs will be out in roughly four weeks, so you'll see how they stack up to your current chip, and Intel's s-1155 offerings. Again, if the 6950 + old components give you good enough performance at your resolution, then you can put off a new build for a while longer. Either way, you really should have preliminary parts in mind for when you move on.