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"I need a New PC!" 2011 Edition of SSD's for everyone! |OT|

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Shambles said:
If they've been doing nothing than why can't Intel offer a compelling product in the sub 150$ price segments? K8 is just a name. Like the source engine it is constantly evolving and changing but the name stays the same. If they started to call it by some other name it doesn't suddenly increase its capabilities. All of this is nothing but PR mind games, all that matters is what performance can I get for how many dollars. Even in this thread many people aren't looking to spend over 400$ for the CPU/Motherboard alone.

Because Intel hasn't had a reason, they have the enthusiast market on lock and their processors are used by manufacturers. K8 is more than a name, it's their entire microarchitecture the they've been jerry rigging. There haven't been any significant advances with K8 since they introduced it. Then we have Intel on the other hand who in that same timeframe have released 3? new microarchitectures, Core 2, Nehalam and now Sandy Bridge with revisions in between all of those.

This would be akin to Nvidia using the 8x00 architecture up to this day but AMD is steady pumping out new GPU architectures. Just doesn't work in the technology field. THAT is why AMD can offer a compelling product in the sub $150 range.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy the fruits of AMD's inability, but I only call them as I see them. (My current rig is a AMD for the simple fact my Phenom II x6 will work on a AM3+ board.)

Also you can get a Sandy Bridge + Mobo for $315. :p


So I've decided I may be in the early stages of overhauling my rig, rather than simply upgrading it as I had planned.

First, let me say that I am extremely patient with building PCs: I'm willing to wait for sales and willing to wait if price significant price drops are expected soon for key components (obviously you can't wait too long, or you'd never actually build a PC. But I am patient). Second, while I am perfectly capable of shopping for parts already released, I have made virtually no attempt to keep up with speculated generational leaps for any components.

Intel is doing their processors now, and the new group seems like a good bunch. I may put my EVGA GTX 460 in to SLI rather than buy a whole new card: I am under the belief that 460s SLI quite well and that 2x 460s provides better performance than a 570 or 580. Any disagreement with that? Is there a new generation of NVidia cards coming soon? I was also under the impression that a new generation of SSDs may be on the horizon. If true, what sort of pricing changes can I expect?

All of those specific questions are salient, but I can also ask this more generally: are there any parts that are likely to get significantly cheaper, or have a generational upgrade, any time soon? Let's say I'm willing to take 6 months to build a new PC, or even wait and build the whole thing next Christmas when the enthusiast level Sandy Bridges come out. What would be the GAF consensus on an appropriate strategy?
So i need a new pc, and I'm not bob the builder when it comes to them either. I'd like to get a pre built pc with moderate power, been looking at an alienware, cause I heard great things but I know their prices are through the roof.

Me being a noob at the pc game, would this be an ok pc to get? Alienware AAR2-1222CSB Desktop (Cosmic Black)? Looks good to me, or is it already out dated? any recommendations would help....
Got all my hardware in the mail today. And apparently the Asus P8P67 Pro has no EIDE ports on it. Gotta run to the store tomorrow to pick up a new DVD drive. Oops.

Am I the only person to run into this? Was I just not paying enough attention?


Opiate said:
So I've decided I may be in the early stages of overhauling my rig, rather than simply upgrading it as I had planned.

First, let me say that I am extremely patient with building PCs: I'm willing to wait for sales and willing to wait if price significant price drops are expected soon for key components (obviously you can't wait too long, or you'd never actually build a PC. But I am patient). Second, while I am perfectly capable of shopping for parts already released, I have made virtually no attempt to keep up with speculated generational leaps for any components.

Intel is doing their processors now, and the new group seems like a good bunch. I may put my EVGA GTX 460 in to SLI rather than buy a whole new card: I am under the belief that 460s SLI quite well and that 2x 460s provides better performance than a 570 or 580. Any disagreement with that? Is there a new generation of NVidia cards coming soon? I was also under the impression that a new generation of SSDs may be on the horizon. If true, what sort of pricing changes can I expect?

All of those specific questions are salient, but I can also ask this more generally: are there any parts that are likely to get significantly cheaper, or have a generational upgrade, any time soon? Let's say I'm willing to take 6 months to build a new PC, or even wait and build the whole thing next Christmas when the enthusiast level Sandy Bridges come out. What would be the GAF consensus on an appropriate strategy?

Personally I am waiting until the end of the year. Hopefully AMDs Bulldozer chips perform well enough to pressure down the price of the cpus/motherboards of the 2500K-esque chips. Hopefully we'll be finally seeing GPUs on smaller processes which should be a decent jump in performance and value although large price changes might not happen if they die shrink in the middle of their GPU generation. I expect SSD prices to deflate gradually and performance to increase gradually. Intels drives are expected to be on the new 25nm process this quarter especially. Watch for memory bottoming out. It's quite low right now, supposedly going lower still but it might increase down the road but I doubt we'll see a price inflatation like we did after the last collapse/rebound.

Of course this is all speculation and anything can happen but most of the 'hold on and wait' mentality is what has been going on the past few months, jumping in anytime during this year seems pretty good but of course you can always wait longer to get something better etc...


Confusatron said:
Got all my hardware in the mail today. And apparently the Asus P8P67 Pro has no EIDE ports on it. Gotta run to the store tomorrow to pick up a new DVD drive. Oops.

Am I the only person to run into this? Was I just not paying enough attention?
Just a warning, Asus P67 boards seem to have problems starting on cold boot. It would start for a few sec, shutoff and repeat. Clearing the CMOS fixed the problem for me.

And, here's a good video showing you how to overclock the board: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vBN-cBPs98
^^^Just got my new setup up and running today. Had the final shipment of parts waiting for me(plan to post pics later...too tired and posting for my iPad currently)

I didn't have anyroblems with my ASUS Pro. I was actually excited when it booted the first time :D

Now my question I pose to you all regards SSDs. My Windows install suddenly somehow has gone corrupt this week. So I wasn't planning on getting a new SSd quite yet, but the tming fits my needs. I was looking at some of the proposed specs on the next gen stuff from Crucial, OCZ, Intel, and Corsair and have been left underwhelemd with the dates, prices, and performance numbers being tossed around.....

what is your opinion n picking up one of the current SSDs out there? I'm actually only considering the Crucial RealSSd C300 since it's the only SATA III SSd currently out there (128gb = approx. $260)


TheExodu5 said:
So I ordered an Asus Xonar Essence STX from Amazon and received it today:

While it's definitely better than onboard, the difference isn't mind shattering. The soundstage is a little more real, and the bass is definitely better, but not to the extent that anyone but the diehard audiophiles will care.

This is with the Sennheiser PC350 by the way...which is basically the 595 drivers in a headset. I could have tested it with my Ultrasone HFI 580, but I don't think I'll bother.

For the tune of over $250, it's going back.

You won't notice much of a difference on a headphone like that. The Xonar is designed to amp headphones that are difficult to drive, usually 300Ohm and up. The biggest gains will be noticed by using it with something like an AKG 701/2 which doesn't open up its soundstage unless properly amped. If you mainly use the Senns... yeah, not worth it.


4.6GHz at 1.33V seems stable so far...though it's only been 5 minutes of running Prime95.

Temperature readings with Real Temp are all over the place...one core is at 57C, the other is at 65C.


MikeE21286 said:
^^^Just got my new setup up and running today. Had the final shipment of parts waiting for me(plan to post pics later...too tired and posting for my iPad currently)

I didn't have anyroblems with my ASUS Pro. I was actually excited when it booted the first time :D

Now my question I pose to you all regards SSDs. My Windows install suddenly somehow has gone corrupt this week. So I wasn't planning on getting a new SSd quite yet, but the tming fits my needs. I was looking at some of the proposed specs on the next gen stuff from Crucial, OCZ, Intel, and Corsair and have been left underwhelemd with the dates, prices, and performance numbers being tossed around.....

what is your opinion n picking up one of the current SSDs out there? I'm actually only considering the Crucial RealSSd C300 since it's the only SATA III SSd currently out there (128gb = approx. $260)
My deluxe started right up in beginning too. Boot problem only appear a few hours later. Probably has to do with me messing around with bios settings. Thus, clearing bios seems to fixed it.

As for SSD, I went with 60 GD OCZ Vertex 2 Sandforce. I am not a very patience person, and waiting for 2 or more months, no way I can stand it. The Read on OCZ is not as fast as the Crucial C300, but write is much faster. The size is good for me. It still has 22.5GB free after putting the OS and my most use programs on it. I have Raid 0 74GB Raptors for games / other programs and 2TB WD Green for storage.

Right now, I am running 4.5GHz @ 1.248V running Prime95. Hope, my voltage will go lower.


TheExodu5 said:
4.6GHz at 1.33V seems stable so far...though it's only been 5 minutes of running Prime95.

Temperature readings with Real Temp are all over the place...one core is at 57C, the other is at 65C.

Nice. The wide gap between core temps appears to be a quirk of Sandy Bridge. Most of the reviews I've seen have had a similar difference.


Had a poke around the box today and cleaned everything up. Compared to my old PC it's managed to maintain a respectable level of cleanliness, thanks to filters on all intake fans. I managed to finally squeeze the 24pin EPS through the allocated management hole. The P180 mini keeps surprising me, I discovered the bottom filter for the PSU cold be installed externally for easy cleaning!

I also bought this magnetic fan filter


for the rear fan, I have an H50 and want to turn the fan into an intake. Last time I did that there was a huge amount of dust between the Fan and Radiator. This should fix that for the most part.
I have been wanting a decent replacement case since mine has no cable management throughout. Has anyone had any experience with the cooler master haf 912 mid tower?


Been eyeing it for a bit, seems pretty sweet.
KeioSquad2 said:
So i need a new pc, and I'm not bob the builder when it comes to them either. I'd like to get a pre built pc with moderate power, been looking at an alienware, cause I heard great things but I know their prices are through the roof.

Me being a noob at the pc game, would this be an ok pc to get? Alienware AAR2-1222CSB Desktop (Cosmic Black)? Looks good to me, or is it already out dated? any recommendations would help....
Seriously should consider building your own still, a couple of years ago, I built my very first pc and had everything work perfect off the start. All I did was watch some youtube tutorials and researched a bit. If you still are not comfortable with building your own, odds are you have a friend who does know how. I just want to see you get the best bang for your buck. For the price why not get something just as powerful at a fraction of the cost?

EDIT: just looked up that desktop, and the graphics cards are pretty weak for that price def check out the recommended builds post


Mr Nightman said:
I have been wanting a decent replacement case since mine has no cable management throughout. Has anyone had any experience with the cooler master haf 912 mid tower?
Been eyeing it for a bit, seems pretty sweet.

Just watched a review and there is nothing that would make me not recommend this case. It'd Buy two 200mm fans and put them on the front and top to max air flow and reduce noise. I don't see much else in this price range that can offer the features (cooling, cable management etc) the haf 912 does.

Here is the coolermaster 200mm (R4-LUS-07AR-GP) it's slower which means it's quiet.


The Antec 'Big Boy' is nice (I have one in my rig)


This NZXT (FN-200RB) is faster, which means it will be louder but nothing can stop you putting in an inline potentiometer.

AkIRA_22 said:
Just watched a review and there is nothing that would make me not recommend this case. It'd Buy two 200mm fans and put them on the front and top to max air flow and reduce noise. I don't see much else in this price range that can offer the features (cooling, cable management etc) the haf 912 does.

Here is the coolermaster 200mm (R4-LUS-07AR-GP) it's slower which means it's quiet.


This NZXT (FN-200RB) is faster, which means it will be louder but nothing can stop you putting in an inline potentiometer.

Yea, I am pretty impressed with what it offers for 50 bucks. If I did get one, I would def get a couple 200mm fans, but figured until I do would prolly just take the 120 out of my current case to mount on top, and keep the front and rear in as well


Mr Nightman said:
Yea, I am pretty impressed with what it offers for 50 bucks. If I did get one, I would def get a couple 200mm fans, but figured until I do would prolly just take the 120 out of my current case to mount on top, and keep the front and rear in as well

No dramas man, at least you have the option to do it in the future.

And When I was cleaning out my case I noticed there was enough space on the back of the Motherboard panel to fit my 2.5" drive. This will let me free up a slot in the actual tray (there's only 3) for another 3.5" HDD. Being a mATX case HDD slots are at a premium.



Mr Nightman said:
I have been wanting a decent replacement case since mine has no cable management throughout. Has anyone had any experience with the cooler master haf 912 mid tower?


Been eyeing it for a bit, seems pretty sweet.

My suggestion is the 922, not only because it is what I have, but the 5.25 bays are far easier to use, you get a top exhaust fan as well, and the looks of the front are a bit better.


After three hours of work last night (while trying to avoid twitches as my wife screamed through the TV at her Tarheels), I got my computer assembled and POSTing. I didn't get a beep, but that's because I don't think I had the little case speaker plugged in (4 pin job with the little can on the end, right?). I only had enough time to do a test boot to where it asked to go to setup and I powered down, as I had no keyboard plugged in. Some observations from the process:

- Intel's stock fan can blow me, because it isn't blowing my CPU. I was going to go with the stock fan, but only 2 pins of the fan would click in place. Took it off, rotated it, and tried it again. Again, only 2 pins would 'lock'. Eventually after 20 mins of tense work I decided it could go fuck off, cleaned off the paste on the CPU with a Q-Tip, and thanked the good Lord that I had the forbearance to order a Hyper 212.

- Cooler Master must have blind dyslexic monks write their instructions. I'm serious, for the installation of the Hyper 212, I get one tiny set of diagrams written on a grain of rice and a series of 3 or 4 one line sentences and that's it. All for a heat sink with a back supporting plate and a crossbar support that doesn't screw into the sink itself. Lest ye think I am being facetious, the manual for the 922 case was less detailed that for my new Norelco shaver, which was cheaper. It was alright for how to install hardware, but installing hardware into the case is pretty straightforward. I'd rather have more discussion about the wiring. Its funny that all my worry about thermal paste, it actually was the easiest and most straightforward thing I did with the cooler.

- As much as I bitch about Cooler Master's instructions, their case is gorgeous, easy to work with, and the fans (including the 212) are goddamn whisper quiet. Easily makes up for the rest.

- Corsair is so far worth every penny. Just presentation-wise, the fabric bag with velcro with all my cables was a nice touch.

- Asus has also been top notch, with an absolutely stellar manual as well. If anything, it served as the best reference for building my rig.

One leftover question I have: Currently, with the exception of my Hyper 212, all my fans are NOT plugged into my mobo, but are tied together with the power. They are all working and on, and appear fine. Is it necessary to plug them individually into the mobo, or is there anything wrong with just leaving them running as is? Power usage doesn't bother me if constantly on, and the sound certainly doesn't. Only question is if it'll harm longevity or the system.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Weird troubleshooting issue. 2TB dedicated game install drive, WD Caviar Black. I notice that since I moved from a 1TB game install drive I've been having intermittent stuttering in games. I diagnostic everything related to my PC and it all turns up clean (virus scan, memory test, cpu stability test, hidden processes, etc.), then I move a game to one of my media drives and playtest it extensively and there's no stuttering when the game is on my media drive, but there is on the 2TB game install drive. I do a full scandisk and it's clean, HDTune comes up normal too.

I replace the drive. I copy the contents over and run a game on the new drive. Stuttering. I upgrade to Sandy Bridge, too (unrelated). Still stuttering, so not the SATA controller or the sata cables or anything, which are different now.

0% fragmentation on both drives. Both drives test clean for any problems and have read/write rates testing faster than the media drive that doesn't cause games to stutter. We're talking about any game, high end or very simple.

What the hell's going on? Any ideas? Windows 7 x64, btw.
Is your HDD doing extensive work when the stuttering occurs? I have had problems before where games will stutter if it is loading crap off the HDD slowly while I am moving around the game world (ARMA II or Oblivion for example)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Eaten By A Grue said:
Is your HDD doing extensive work when the stuttering occurs? I have had problems before where games will stutter if it is loading crap off the HDD slowly while I am moving around the game world (ARMA II or Oblivion for example)

Nope. As mentioned, it's with any sort of game, from Team Fortress 2 to League of Legends to Starcraft 2, as long as it's on one of the 2TB drives.


In what UDMA mode are the hdds set to?

Check in hardware profiles or bios.

I had an issue with my boot os drive on win xp a long time ago were the shit stuttered like crazy because it somehow got auto set to udma mode 2.

Changing it to udma mode 5 fixed it, in your case it would be 6/7 since I'm speaking of my old system that's sitting in a corner.

bring back the face_laugh smiley if this fixes your problem :(


TheExodu5 said:
4.6GHz at 1.33V seems stable so far...though it's only been 5 minutes of running Prime95.

Temperature readings with Real Temp are all over the place...one core is at 57C, the other is at 65C.

I've had the same disparity under load, I just wasn't OC'ing as much as you are. I had 49 on one core, 57 on the other.

But yeah, 4.0 at 1.29 vcore is pretty awesome. And it's not hot at all.

You probably already know this, but just in case, make sure you manually lock your BCLK at 100. Don't let ASUS knock it up to 103, which it will do if you let it Auto overclock for you.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
TheExodu5 said:
Temperature readings with Real Temp are all over the place...one core is at 57C, the other is at 65C.
I've got mine running at 4.6GHz, three of the cores are at 58ish and one is nearer 70. Hopefully it's just an issue with how the thermal paste has been applied, I'll open it up over the weekend and re-apply it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I'm using AHCI. My two 2TB Blacks are on different SATA controllers at the moment and both drives are stuttering, but the other drives on the same controllers aren't.

Just tested for stuttering using Starcraft 2 on every drive.

-Both 1TB Caviar Blacks, no stuttering
-2TB 5400 RPM Caviar Green, no stuttering
-80GB X-25M SSD, no stuttering
-Both 2TB Caviar Blacks have game stuttering.


Almost finished my build. I forgot how important it is to get a case with good clearance on the back side of the motherboard for cable routing. I did a pretty damn good job of cabling and it was still incredibly hard to get the case closed because there were so many damn wires. I just ended up pretty much sitting on the thing and then sliding it closed. Sheesh.

Now to flash my 6950 to a 6970, assuming that's still a safe thing to do...


relies on auto-aim
Teknopathetic said:
My motherboard finally got moving again. Delivery tomorrow. Then we can build this bitch.
My CPU should come in tomorrow. Yessssssssssss.
EviLore said:
I'm using AHCI. My two 2TB Blacks are on different SATA controllers at the moment and both drives are stuttering, but the other drives on the same controllers aren't.

Just tested for stuttering using Starcraft 2 on every drive.

-Both 1TB Caviar Blacks, no stuttering
-2TB 5400 RPM Caviar Green, no stuttering
-80GB X-25M SSD, no stuttering
-Both 2TB Caviar Blacks have game stuttering.
Can you try disabling NCQ (By going to IDE) and see if that works. Try turning off SMART monitoring as well.

That is an odd problem for sure.
*Also watch the GSL games tonight. Do not miss out on those.


JoeBoy101 said:
One leftover question I have: Currently, with the exception of my Hyper 212, all my fans are NOT plugged into my mobo, but are tied together with the power. They are all working and on, and appear fine. Is it necessary to plug them individually into the mobo, or is there anything wrong with just leaving them running as is? Power usage doesn't bother me if constantly on, and the sound certainly doesn't. Only question is if it'll harm longevity or the system.
No, that isn't a problem, and power usage wise it'll be even better (although negligible) unless your motherboard somehow throttles them...


Knch said:
No, that isn't a problem, and power usage wise it'll be even better (although negligible) unless your motherboard somehow throttles them...

Excellent, Thanks. I figured as long as my CPU fan gets plugged into my board, the case fans can take care of themselves.

BTW, I'm with you on the LED fans now, Teknopathic. I'm not against light usage on the case, even for ostentatious reasons, but the disco lights on the case fans are rather bleh.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Hazaro said:
My CPU should come in tomorrow. Yessssssssssss.

Can you try disabling NCQ (By going to IDE) and see if that works. Try turning off SMART monitoring as well.

I don't think I can go back and forth between IDE and AHCI without causing boot problems in Windows 7, yeah?

Disabled SMART monitoring, no difference.

Listening closely to the drive, basically any time data is accessing on the 2TB Black during a game (after it's fully loaded) the game momentarily locks up until the drive access is complete, usually less than a second.


EviLore said:
I don't think I can go back and forth between IDE and AHCI without causing boot problems in Windows 7, yeah?

Disabled SMART monitoring, no difference.

Listening closely to the drive, basically any time data is accessing on the 2TB Black during a game (after it's fully loaded) the game momentarily locks up until the drive access is complete, usually less than a second.

Hey Evilore, sorry I haven't read all of your posts in more detail, but I've read most of them. Have you tried configuring the Windows 7 power saving options to never put the hard drive to sleep?

I had a similar problem and it was because W7 was aggressively putting the hard drives to sleep too often, so there'd be a stutter and a lock-up each time they were awoken.

Power options > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings > Hard disk > Try setting to 0?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
rabhw said:
Hey Evilore, sorry I haven't read all of your posts in more detail, but I've read most of them. Have you tried configuring the Windows 7 power saving options to never put the hard drive to sleep?

I had a similar problem and it was because W7 was aggressively putting the hard drives to sleep too often, so there'd be a stutter and a lock-up each time they were awoken.

Power options > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings > Hard disk > Try setting to 0?

Yeah, forgot to mention, I double checked my power options. I have it set to never put hard drives to sleep so that's not it.


irfan said:
You missed such good oppurtunities;

Pricematch CPU + Mobo "PRO" bundle to Newegg and save $27
Pricematch XFX 6950 to TD and save $20
Buy Mushkin instead of OCZ and save $20


I can't seem to find the CPU + mobo bundle on Newegg's site, can you link please ?



I just noticed NCIX gave me the P8P67 Pro instead of the regular P8P67 that I paid for. Even though the differences are negligible, still kinda neat, bonus!


CaLe said:
I'm getting an almost similar rig than rabmw's, what would you change in that setup ?:

Nice build ;)

The only thing I might change would be to add the OCZ memory kit that was offered in the "specials" section instead of the Mushkin. I believe the memory was a 2x4gb kit for 39.99 when you buy the mobo/cpu that you (and I) bought. The ram you added was also in that section I believe, but the timings on the OCZ are very slightly tighter. It won't make a difference, but it'll also save you a little bit of money.

Also just a word of warning, don't panic if the radiator on the H50 doesn't fit the height of the fractal R3. The instructions indicate the piping can be at the top/bottom, but to make it fit you'll have to rotate it 90 degrees. It doesn't make any difference since the mounting holes are square shaped.

Also, prepare for a decent amount of frustration when cabling inside the R3 case. The rubber grommets around the cabling holes are EXTREMELY easy to knock off, and annoying to put back on. They aren't attached to the case at all, and are very loose.

Besides that I like your build :)

Edit: Nevermind, I see you're paying them the 50 bucks to build it. Probably not a bad idea, let them deal with the rubber grommet frustration :)


rabhw said:
Nice build ;)

The only thing I might change would be to add the OCZ memory kit that was offered in the "specials" section instead of the Mushkin. I believe the memory was a 2x4gb kit for 39.99 when you buy the mobo/cpu that you (and I) bought. The ram you added was also in that section I believe, but the timings on the OCZ are very slightly tighter. It won't make a difference, but it'll also save you a little bit of money.

Also just a word of warning, don't panic if the radiator on the H50 doesn't fit the height of the fractal R3. The instructions indicate the piping can be at the top/bottom, but to make it fit you'll have to rotate it 90 degrees. It doesn't make any difference since the mounting holes are square shaped.

Also, prepare for a decent amount of frustration when cabling inside the R3 case. The rubber grommets around the cabling holes are EXTREMELY easy to knock off, and annoying to put back on. They aren't attached to the case at all, and are very loose.

Besides that I like your build :)

Edit: Nevermind, I see you're paying them the 50 bucks to build it. Probably not a bad idea, let them deal with the rubber grommet frustration :)

Thanks ! Your feedback is really appreciated :).

Hopefully they'll do a good job of building it, so that I won't have to deal with the rubber problem that you mentionned :p

I looked at the OCZ's review on the site and they didn't seem favorable at first, which is why I didn't add it. I'll go ahead and replace them then.

I feel bad for copying your rig though :p


CaLe said:
Thanks ! Your feedback is really appreciated :).

Hopefully they'll do a good job of building it, so that I won't have to deal with the rubber problem that you mentionned :p

I looked at the OCZ's review on the site and they didn't seem favorable at first, which is why I didn't add it. I'll go ahead and replace them then.

I feel bad for copying your rig though :p

I know someone mentioned they didn't really like the H50, but I've been very pleased with it so far. Good idle temps that equal the results of the best air coolers, haven't tested it under load yet though.

Edit: And yeah, don't just take my word on the RAM, I like mushkin stuff also, so if your research indicates that is better, then go for it :) At the end of the day as long as it's stable, the timings really will make very little difference. I only suggested it because it'll save you 30 bucks for a very similar kit. *shrug*


rabhw said:
I know someone mentioned they didn't really like the H50, but I've been very pleased with it so far. Good idle temps that equal the results of the best air coolers, haven't tested it under load yet though.

Edit: And yeah, don't just take my word on the RAM, I like mushkin stuff also, so if your research indicates that is better, then go for it :) At the end of the day as long as it's stable, the timings really will make very little difference. I only suggested it because it'll save you 30 bucks for a very similar kit. *shrug*

Advice taken, I'll definitely take another look at the OCZ's.

Thanks again for coming up with this rig, I'm sure it will perform great.
Took forever to realize i needed to unplug my 3 other hard drives to get my SSD to properly load windows.

Now im Humming along at 4.5 ghz 55ºc Vcore at 1.28x SSD upgrade was an amazing last minute decision. Holy Fuck its fast. Surprisingly i finally got my cable management down pretty decent with the Antec 300. Will post picture later.

Only thing left is to plug in my other drives again, and plug my 120mm fan straight into my power supply.


Mr Nightman said:
I have been wanting a decent replacement case since mine has no cable management throughout. Has anyone had any experience with the cooler master haf 912 mid tower?

Mine is currently in the mail, as are two 200mm fans. I primarily bought a 912 because its footprint and overall size are relatively small for a mid tower. I have high hopes for this case, though I really wish the 912+ was offered in North America. Sadly, it's not. :(
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