God damn im loving my 6970, this thing is destroying
Clear Sky DX11 Maxed ?
Your system crushing but awesome sun rays are system crushing no more !
Metro 2033 DX11 Options On Very High ?
Stunning, down right stunning, you are now playable at these settings bastard !
Mafia 2 Maxed Out @ 60 FPS ?
Just a simply visually stunning game (which i enjoy too !), now at 60 FPS looking buttery fine.
Fucking love this card, drivers do need some work though (Crysis has some wierd frame drops at places which lesser cards at the same settings didnt have). Bad Company 2 absolutely flies on this thing, having all the crazy gun fire and explosions and smoke going on around you at a mostly 60 FPS is godlike, love it love it LOVE IT.
If anyone wants me to do some benchmarks on this thing just ask if interested for comparison/purchasing decisions etc. Right then im gonna stop nerdgasming for a bit .....