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"I need a New PC!" 2013 Part 1. Haswell, Crysis 3, and secret fairy sauce. Read da OP

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Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Hmm...I am not really familiar with this area of building PCs...how easy would it be to have a separate hard drive for things that I don't need/want to load fast?

My current computer has a 500gb hd, and a 250 gb external...would moving things around be as simple as it is with that?


@Koroview - You still need some fan recs? Price range?

Hmm...I am not really familiar with this area of building PCs...how easy would it be to have a separate hard drive for things that I don't need/want to load fast?

My current computer has a 500gb hd, and a 250 gb external...would moving things around be as simple as it is with that?


@Koroview - You still need some fan recs? Price range?


No, but thanks :)

The fans I'm using aren't particularly fancy (Antec fan, fan that came with the case, and fan that came with the cooler), but they seem to be getting the job done. Don't have a whole lot of room left for additional fans after installing the Hyper 212 :x
Hey guys,

I'm looking the enhanced build, and it's working out at around €750, which is alright.
Does anyone have any suggestions for it? - http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/zU4b

Currently rocking:
Core 2 Duo Q8300
XFX ATI 5770
Corsair VX 450W
Budget: Debatable. Below €1000 definitely.
Main Use: Gaming, streaming video to Xbox and browsing
Monitor: 1080p
Games I want to run well: Dark Souls
Willing to ReUse: Maybe, but will probably give my gf the 5770. Could reuse the PSU at least, maybe put that money towards a mechanical keyboard?
When will you build?: Willing to wait, if necessary, but would like to do it over the next month or two
Will you be overclocking?: I'd like to.


Hey guys,

I'm looking the enhanced build, and it's working out at around €750, which is alright.
Does anyone have any suggestions for it? - http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/zU4b

Currently rocking:
Core 2 Duo Q8300
XFX ATI 5770
Corsair VX 450W
Budget: Debatable. Below €1000 definitely.
Main Use: Gaming, streaming video to Xbox and browsing
Monitor: 1080p
Games I want to run well: Dark Souls
Willing to ReUse: Maybe, but will probably give my gf the 5770. Could reuse the PSU at least, maybe put that money towards a mechanical keyboard?
When will you build?: Willing to wait, if necessary, but would like to do it over the next month or two
Will you be overclocking?: I'd like to.

Swap out the RAM for low-profile Samsung sticks (you will need the clearance for the Evo cooler!), add an SSD, and pick a different brand for the video card...MSI and Gigabyte = quality with solid RMA. Sound card probably isn't necessary. Go with Seasonic, Antec or Corsair for the PSU. XFX has lousy RMA. Steer clear.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Do most people only buy an SSD for their operating system?

I have a 128GB SSD for my OS (W7) and most used applications (Waterfox, iTunes, Office '13, CS5, Picasa, and all my overclocking utilities).

I then have a 300GB 10K RPM drive for all my games, and a 60GB SSD for what my "Game of the day" is - ie: whatever I'm playing most right now.

And then a 2TB WD Green for media.

What I hope to do with my next build is:

128GB x2 RAID0 for OS/apps
512GB for games
4TB for media

... but we'll see how prices look when it comes time.
Swap out the RAM for low-profile Samsung sticks (you will need the clearance for the Evo cooler!), add an SSD, and pick a different brand for the video card...MSI and Gigabyte = quality with solid RMA. Sound card probably isn't necessary. Go with Seasonic, Antec or Corsair for the PSU. XFX has lousy RMA. Steer clear.
Cool, thank you Koroviev!
Will make those changes and look at the price.


The 8350 only outperforms the i5 on heavily multithreaded applications really. Single thread performance is more important with emulation. (at least with Dolphin and PS2) So I would definitely go with the venerable i5 3570k.

Then the i5 3570k will be the CPU I obtain in March, and I will grab the MOBO that I see in the OP that day as well. I appreciate the assistance!

Maybe now I can actually play Shogun Total War II!

Edit: This CPU is fine for someone who doesn't overclock right?


Spikes seem to happen with every game, but don't bother me that much. Thick lines with the frame time constantly changing however makes the game feel really jerky.

This is how Skyrim used to look. Cut the top because there was one 466ms which possibly showed up because a cutscene ended, but either way it felt really laggy.

I've a feeling the spikes could actually be the bits where the benchmark in the game loads up a brand new area, looks like it anyway.
Swap out the RAM for low-profile Samsung sticks (you will need the clearance for the Evo cooler!), add an SSD, and pick a different brand for the video card...MSI and Gigabyte = quality with solid RMA. Sound card probably isn't necessary. Go with Seasonic, Antec or Corsair for the PSU. XFX has lousy RMA. Steer clear.
Implemented, your suggestions, bumps to €790, which is good really, getting in SSD seems like a good idea.


Shall eye my bank balance and think about it.

Thanks Koroviev (and Hazaro and co of course).


Wow, that was frustrating. I tried to delete my old Steam directory, but I could not for the life of me get it to accept the new permissions scheme. As it turns out, Windows Defender was holding the Left 4 Dead chainsaw sound in limbo...wtf. Stopped the anti-malware service and was able to delete the directory without issue. Looks like the process restarted on its own and everything is working fine again...weird.


I have to stop myself from going overkill with certain parts. I was going to get that Intel hexacore, but it's so unnecessary for my needs. I do want to upgrade from my i5 2320 so I can over clock. The biggest improvement I can make at this point is that and getting a SSD to make programs load quicker.


Waiting for next-gen reveal\Haswell price drop before upgrading. In the meanwhile i'm scouring for parts.

I'm pretty settled on the 3570K but trying to find the most affordable and capable Z77 motherboard to pair it up with. I would like the option to overclock. I think i narrowed it down between Gigabyte Z77-D3H and MSI Z77A-G43. From what i gathered, seems the Gigabyte one is better?


All this router talk is awesome. I'm pretty unhappy with my DIR-655. What's the go to router these days?

I dont know of a "go to" as its the same as pc parts - whats your budget?

The one amrod has is almost $200 (which seems is the newer version of the one im looking at)
Im looking to get the Asus RT-N66U Dark Knight Double 450Mbps N Router which is around $160

I always see ppl talking up the air ports so...

how much you wanna spend?


Waiting for next-gen reveal\Haswell price drop before upgrading. In the meanwhile i'm scouring for parts.

I'm pretty settled on the 3570K but trying to find the most affordable and capable Z77 motherboard to pair it up with. I would like the option to overclock. I think i narrowed it down between Gigabyte Z77-D3H and MSI Z77A-G43. From what i gathered, seems the Gigabyte one is better?

I would have had a hard time not springing for the latest and greatest had I waited to upgrade.


I would have had a hard time not springing for the latest and greatest had I waited to upgrade.

Probably because i'm not able to afford the latest and greatest :p . And for my uses i didn't find a reason to bigger on the MOBO front.


Probably because i'm not able to afford the latest and greatest :p . And for my uses i didn't find a reason to bigger on the MOBO front.

It's less about spending the most money and more about just staying current. My motherboard doesn't permit overclocking, for example...because I'm not overclocking anything for a while.
Then the i5 3570k will be the CPU I obtain in March, and I will grab the MOBO that I see in the OP that day as well. I appreciate the assistance!

Maybe now I can actually play Shogun Total War II!

Edit: This CPU is fine for someone who doesn't overclock right?

Yeah, it just gives you the option to overclock. Even stock it is a great value and in a few years when it starts feeling slow maybe you will try overclocking to get some extra life out of it.


A current Z77 board should be current enough for me down the line i think. That's why i'm waiting to see Next-gen and what that would mean for building a capable PC to play those games (though ironically i'm going to stick with my current GFX card, which should be the weakest link in my future build).


So I'm getting the 890FXA-GD70 mobo off of a friend, listed here and I'm looking for a good graphics card to complement it. I have just over $100 of Dell credit and I am limited with my options. The motherboard only supports PCI Express 2.0 (possibly 2.1, but I couldn't find anything solid on that) so that also limits my options. I'm looking for a gaming card, not a productivity one.

Here's the list of Dell-sold graphics cards.

I don't mind spending over around $50-75 out of pocket, but the choices Dell has are strange. Some cards listed are even DD2 and some are less than 1GB of RAM. I'm leaning towards the VisionTek Radeon HD6570 SFF (good for when I eventually build a SFF machine later this year) or the AMD Radeon HD 6850.

Thoughts, GAF? I appreciate it :)


So I'm getting the 890FXA-GD70 mobo off of a friend, listed here and I'm looking for a good graphics card to complement it. I have just over $100 of Dell credit and I am limited with my options. The motherboard only supports PCI Express 2.0 (possibly 2.1, but I couldn't find anything solid on that) so that also limits my options. I'm looking for a gaming card, not a productivity one.

Here's the list of Dell-sold graphics cards.

I don't mind spending over around $50-75 out of pocket, but the choices Dell has are strange. Some cards listed are even DD2 and some are less than 1GB of RAM. I'm leaning towards the VisionTek Radeon HD6570 SFF (good for when I eventually build a SFF machine later this year) or the AMD Radeon HD 6850.

Thoughts, GAF? I appreciate it :)

That 6850 is overpriced in terms of capability and manufacturer.


Finally building a new computer. First new one in about 6-7 years and am looking for some feedback. I'm not a huge gamer, primarily just use the PC for light gaming, watching videos and general productivity stuff.

Parts I already have:
RAM - Patriot Signature 4GB PC3-10600 X2 (8GB total)
CPU Cooler - Antec Kuhler H2O 620
PSU - Antec NEO ECO 620C

Part still to purchase:
CPU - Intel I5 2500K
Motherboard - ASRock Z77 Extreme 4
Case - Bitphoenix Shinobi or Fractal Designs (Define R4 or Arc Midi R2)
HDD - 120-130GB SSD (Samsung 840 Pro or Intel 520 Cherryville or Crucial M4)
GFX - To be determined

Any thoughts or potential recommended changes?


Finally building a new computer. First new one in about 6-7 years and am looking for some feedback. I'm not a huge gamer, primarily just use the PC for light gaming, watching videos and general productivity stuff.

Parts I already have:
RAM - Patriot Signature 4GB PC3-10600 X2 (8GB total)
CPU Cooler - Antec Kuhler H2O 620
PSU - Antec NEO ECO 620C

Part still to purchase:
CPU - Intel I5 2500K
Motherboard - ASRock Z77 Extreme 4
Case - Bitphoenix Shinobi or Fractal Designs (Define R4 or Arc Midi R2)
HDD - 120-130GB SSD (Samsung 840 Pro or Intel 520 Cherryville or Crucial M4)
GFX - To be determined

Any thoughts or potential recommended changes?

Unless you are pursuing a used one, the 2500k is about the same price as the 3570k...so get the 3570k.

If you can find one for a good price, I would go with the 840 Pro since it's the newest.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
How many brass motherboard standoffs I'm I supposed to have with a Bitphenoix Ghost case. I think I got ripped off an only got 2.

I'm pretty sure I need 5 or 6 with a p8z77 board. Do I need to run to microcenter?


Oh dear....well, I started out with a 120GB Corsair drive about two weeks ago, then read that the controller was a disaster waiting to happen, so I switched to the reliable 128GB Crucial M4 drive. It was fine...but it was too small. Realizing that 240/256GB SSDs were only marginally more expensive, I decided to upgrade to the 250GB Samsung 840 non-pro. I thought that was it, but then yesterday Newegg had the 256GB Samsung 840 Pro for a mere $200, so I went and exchanged my non-Pro drive for the Pro version. And now I'm done. I think <:T

I should note that I like keeping a small library of games installed and that I find swapping them out frequently to be rather annoying.

Edit: Hmm, well I'm going to venture a guess that I did actually manage to install the Hyper 212 correctly...CPU currently idling at 26C and it's not even especially cold today <:>

Only complaint is that having two fans mounted to it + a rear case fan set to high is kind of loud....the sound of thermal success ;)

I hear hardly anything with my 212 inside my Fractal Design R4 XL.

By the way, I will not be buying any other brand of case after this. Fractal Design are the god-kings of all casedom. Holy shit.


I have a GTX 260. I am looking to upgrade within the next six months. What should I be looking at? Nvidia doing a new launch any time soon?


I hear hardly anything with my 212 inside my Fractal Design R4 XL.

By the way, I will not be buying any other brand of case after this. Fractal Design are the god-kings of all casedom. Holy shit.


I have a GTX 260. I am looking to upgrade within the next six months. What should I be looking at? Nvidia doing a new launch any time soon?

It's probably just the design of my case. I'm wearing headphones, so I don't really notice it. I could turn down the speed on the rear fan...but again, the noise isn't a big issue for me.


hide your water-based mammals
How many brass motherboard standoffs I'm I supposed to have with a Bitphenoix Ghost case. I think I got ripped off an only got 2.

I'm pretty sure I need 5 or 6 with a p8z77 board. Do I need to run to microcenter?

Hmm, the case itself doesn't already have some standoffs? My 500R comes with at least 4 already on the case.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Hmm, the case itself doesn't already have some standoffs? My 500R comes with at least 4 already on the case.

There was one directly in the middle and 2 in the bag with all the other screws and such hold on a sec I'll take a pic with my phone.

Edit here is the one standoff that was already in the Bitfinex Ghost case. It's circled crudely because I'm posting from my chromebook.



hide your water-based mammals
2 sounds a little light. Your motherboard should come with it's own standoffs as well as the case (if you buy a decent case that is).


i've been begging for over 5 years.
2 sounds a little light. Your motherboard should come with it's own standoffs as well as the case (if you buy a decent case that is).

The P8Z77 V-LK didn't come with any standoff's that I can find. Only and I/O plate and 2 6gb sata cables.
I hear hardly anything with my 212 inside my Fractal Design R4 XL.
By the way, I will not be buying any other brand of case after this. Fractal Design are the god-kings of all casedom. Holy shit.


To be fair that case has sound dampening material so it should be doing its job.

Definintely a contender if i'm gonna build a new PC.


Need some help. My girlfriend moved in with me tonight and she has a macbook laptop and is using Safari for Web Browsing. She was able to connect to my home network using the provided password I gave her. She is able to get on the net and go the majority of her websites with no issues, however, Facebook, Yahoo and Comcast.net etc. will just not load. We reset her computer and the same issues and only with these websites.

Prior to moving in with me she had Comcast Cable which is the same ISP that I use. I have used her laptop at her place and was able to visit these sites with no issues, but here at my place they just sit trying to load until she gets an error that page does not load. When this happens, I am able to go to those sites on my laptop connected to the same router etc.

Can anyone provide any ideas on how to fix this?


Anyone have any input on the above issue?

Anything I should check for?


hide your water-based mammals
Are those nipples elevated? You might not need any standoffs

Could be. Especially with padding.

Check the case and manual or even the forums for that product. A simple google search may be in order. I don't think your MB or case would not ship with the proper screws. Your MB should definitely have the things you need if your case doesn't so that's odd to read. My 500R has everything I need and then some in terms of screws.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Could be. Especially with padding.

Check the case and manual or even the forums for that product. A simple google search may be in order. I don't think your MB or case would not ship with the proper screws. Your MB should definitely have the things you need if your case doesn't so that's odd to read. My 500R has everything I need and then some in terms of screws.

They are elevated and I did notice that I have little rubber square thing-a-ma-bobs so I think I'm supposed to stick the rubber do-hickeys on the elevated elevated hard nipples and then drive my screws into those.

I read through the manual and sadly nothing about mobo installation only about adding extra fans and where the dust shields are located and other obvious stuff. My google-foo is coming up empty I tried that before coming to grovel to GAF.

Here goes nothing.

edit: Hey just upgraded to a green belt in google-foo found this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzCJSmxoLfE

The mobo standoffs are those little nipple things in the case. I'm not used to building in higher end cases so it was a miss by me.


Do you guys have a recommendation on a good place to get inexpensive printer ink? I don't want to spend more on a single replacement cartridge than what I spent on the entire printer to begin with.
How many gigs of storage are you likely going to use? Do you plan on overclocking? Are you actually going to use the optical drive?
A lot of it probably, my current 1tb is almost full (As an aside S.M.A.R.T. has been giving me a failure warning on it for 2 years now :-O)
I'd like to yes, especially in the &#8364;600-800.
I think so.

I could pull the optical drive out of my current pc. I'm not sure what I want to do with my pc after the new one.


A lot of it probably, my current 1tb is almost full (As an aside S.M.A.R.T. has been giving me a failure warning on it for 2 years now :-O)
I'd like to yes, especially in the &#8364;600-800.
I think so.

I could pull the optical drive out of my current pc. I'm not sure what I want to do with my pc after the new one.

Do you frequently access most of the data on your HDD, or has it simply accumulated over the years? Going a little spartan on the storage could save some money, at least in the short-term...personally, I would swap out the 64 GB SSD for a 128GB model (double the space and faster) and the 1TB HDD for a 500GB model, but I don't know if you do media work or anything of that nature.

Would you be overclocking right off the bat? If not, you could go with a cheaper, non-overclockable motherboard for the time being and later purchase one with that capability as you start to feel less satisfied with your processor performance.

And I don't have an optical drive installed atm...I would like to get a blu-ray drive at some point, but I very rarely watch movies and I never buy physical copies of PC games. To install the OS, I've simply used a friend's PC. So, if you could work out something like that, you could ditch the optical drive...or just use your old one. You can also install the OS from a USB, but I've been too lazy to create one.

All of your other parts look very solid and it would be remiss of me to suggest alternatives.
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