Definitely considering building a PC using the template from the OP, somewhere around the $800 range.
But, before I do that, could someone who knows what they're talking about tell me if the Lenovo IdeaPad Y410p laptop(specs below) would be able to handle LoL on High Settings at 60-90 FPS?:
4th Generation Intel Core i7-4700MQ Processor (2.40GHz 1600MHz 6MB)
Operating System
Windows 8 64
14.0" HD+ Glossy LED Backlit with integrated camera 1600x900
8.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3L SDRAM 1600 MHz
Hard Drive
1TB 5400 RPM
Optical Drive
DVD Recordable (Dual Layer)
Network Card
Intel Centrino Wireless N-2230
Bluetooth Version 4.0
One year
Pointing Device
Industry Standard Multi-touch 2 button touchpad
6 Cell Lithium-Ion
I'm asking specifically because LoL is basically the only game I play on PC, as a lot of my friends play it and it provides a great way to hang out since we're all in college and very busy all the time. I am mainly a console gamer (PS3 and Xbox 360) and I am also purchasing the PS4 upon release.
I need a laptop for school anyway, so I really hope this will handle my needs. If not, what kind of specs would I be looking at with this laptop? Of course, if it can't handle my needs, I'll gladly drop some cash to build a PC, and save up to buy a laptop sometime in the near future - but this would be my #1 option if it can, in fact, handle it.
EDIT: I know there is a gaming laptop thread but I wanted to post here for a quick answer to my question and if it won't work out, I would begin to build my own PC by posting in this thread periodically for guidance and advice.