Hey folks!
I am looking at potential upgrades for my rather old HD4850 videocard, which got its job done, albeit not too spectacularly with every new release that I played.
My question is simple: which would you prefer from these candidates:
-Ati HD7750 1gb gddr5
-Ati HD7770 1gb gddr5
-Nvidia GTX650 2gb gddr5
Now, I am no power gamer, and my cpu will be (in a few months, hopefully) an FX-6300. Currently using a Phenom II 550 @ 3.0ghz.
The games I am looking to play with the cards:
- Diablo III
- Path of Exile
- StarCraft II and its upcoming expansion
- World of Warcraft's newest expansion
....and maybe Grim Dawn and some DOTA2/LOL/Heroes of the Whatever.
I am just about to get an 1680*1050 monitor (used, cheap, yo
), so that is the target resolution. I am currently leaning towards the HD7750 or the GTX, the 7770 seems to be a bit of an overkill for my purposes. Any recommendations as to which one to choose? Also, I wonder whether that 2gb gddr5 on the gtx will ever be used when I am playing sub-1080p.