My 3570K running at 4.1 mhz for the past year on my Sabertooth mobo with a Corsair 860 just failed to post with a warning that my system OC was too much. I've never had one problem in over a year and this happens.
The only change I made to my PC was to move it slightly while it was turned off. I just checked all of the connections and dusted it out. I'm now running it on stock and will run Prime for the next 24 hours to test it out.
What could have caused this? Could a torrented video cause this? My volts were at stock FYI too and I have a corsair 212 and 780GTX TI in SLI. Please advise.
IMO remote is the best way. I use Logitech harmony for my living room equipment and it's very convenient. Also means the whole family can use it without complications.
The IR range works just as your other appliances such as TV, Blu Ray player work. It usually needs line of sight although it reflects too. You may find some IR Receivers work better than others, that's where CIR comes into it's own since it works like a real appliance in terms of range.
My 3570K running at 4.1 mhz for the past year on my Sabertooth mobo with a Corsair 860 just failed to post with a warning that my system OC was too much. I've never had one problem in over a year and this happens.
The only change I made to my PC was to move it slightly while it was turned off. I just checked all of the connections and dusted it out. I'm now running it on stock and will run Prime for the next 24 hours to test it out.
What could have caused this? Could a torrented video cause this? My volts were at stock FYI too and I have a corsair 212 and 780GTX TI in SLI. Please advise.
I also sometimes get this message. My stability is fine though in day to day use. I'm assuming it's just is a bug on my mobo. Does your PC eventually boot though? And does this happen every single time?
PS. hope you're running 4.1 Ghz though![]()
I was half joking, but nice. Did you buy the 280X back when the price was being artificially inflated by retailers?Link to the imgur album I just created. The actual rig is nothing to look at it being that the case is a generic 200r but it games.
Here is the pcpartpicker list for my setup along with the inaccurate prices from the site. I also have a Msi R9 280x and XFX 550w psu that I purchased brand new that I am not using so that was kind of a waste of money.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.89 @ DirectCanada)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.79 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97-HD3 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($118.50 @ Vuugo)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($94.79 @ DirectCanada)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($116.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Storage: Hitachi Travelstar 5K1000 1TB 2.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($79.98 @ Newegg Canada)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX Titan 6GB Video Card ($0.00)
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case ($55.35 @ DirectCanada)
Power Supply: EVGA 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($129.99 @ NCIX)
Monitor: BenQ GL2460HM 60Hz 24.0" Monitor ($159.00 @ Canada Computers)
Keyboard: Rosewill RK-8100 Wired Gaming Keyboard ($55.75 @ Amazon Canada)
Mouse: Cooler Master CM Storm Xornet Wired Optical Mouse ($19.99 @ Memory Express)
Total: $1090.02
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-09-12 00:27 EDT-0400
I found out that the motherboard in my computer is a Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD3H.
It doesn't seem like it have a CIR port but I'm no techy, so I'm not sure.[/MG][/QUOTE]
Yeah doesnt have CIR so will have to be USB IR Receiver and RC6 Media remote.
Ok guys, I don't know where else to ask this and I'm pulling my hair out so here goes:
Situition: I'm trying to get my Vita to play nice with my PS4 on my network for remote play. I have a small place and I'm in a very remote area so interference is probably not an issue.
Things I have tried:
-settings a static IP for both PS4 and Vita
-port forwarding the necessary ports for both
-direct connect between Vita/PS4 and internet connect
It's shit connection even when I'm 4 feet away between the devices and I can't figure out why. i started tooling around with more network settings to see if there was something I could clean up and I suddenly realized I know far less about networking than I ever thought so now I have some questions. First, I just realized that BOTH my modem and my router were broadcasting wireless signals but I can't figure out how to shut off wireless on the modem if that's even possible. I also realized that i don't know whether i should be port forwarding on the modem or on the router. On the router the settings for port forwarding seem to be greyed out and I've been doing it on the modem itself all the time.
For reference, I have a wireless Netgear MODEM (DGND 3300) and a Netgear Router (WNDR 4400v2).
I have some basic "I'm dumber than I thought about networking" questions that I'd appreciate any answers to that could help me out:
1. It seems that my model currently occupies both and on my network. Is this normal? Maybe this became a thing in recent years but it seems weird to me.
2. My router meanwhile is apparently Is this how I should have it set up?
3. Which device should be handling my port forwarding? If the modem, does it matter whether I forward to or since both seem valid? Should I be setting the Primary DNS to my router address instead of the modem?
4. There doesn't seem to be a way to turn off the wireless signal from the modem's internal wireless in the settings as far as I can tell. Am I missing something?
5. I'm assuming I actually WANT to use the router's wireless because I believe it's a newer/better model but I could be mistaken.
6. Would I be better off just getting some new hardware altogether? Is there some good all-in-one solution perhaps? Are my router and modem potentially the problem? I don't think they are that old tech wise but I could be wrong.
What is a decent mechanical KB with reds that includes n-key rollover?
You're also not great at embedding them Cola![]()
Maybe it's my internet here at work. When I quote you I can see the URL and open it that way.
We need to talk about cable management...![]()
Maybe it's my internet here at work. When I quote you I can see the URL and open it that way.
Seriously everything was fine until the psu, I had zipties and it was neat and tidy and then the psu gets put in and i cry.
Do we dare talk about overclocking :3
Never done it before, not sure I need to given I have such limited uses for extra power
The PC I built with the help of GAF (Specifically Kharma45)
Im not good at pics, but here we go
Looks to me like the memory sticks are not in the correct slots. Check the manual for your motherboard.The PC I built with the help of GAF (Specifically Kharma45)
Im not good at pics, but here we go
Looks to me like the memory sticks are not in the correct slots. Check the manual for your motherboard.
Oh, you must be on the new mini-mini-mini-mini-mini ITX platform because your computer is so tiny I can't see it in that picture you posted.
jk, looks a little messy but you should be proud!
Looks to me like the memory sticks are not in the correct slots. Check the manual for your motherboard.
On the panels I put them in slots 1 and 2
Does it matter? Computer tells me its installed.
So I just move one to slot 3 and itll be fine? (The other is already in slot 1)
Check the manual![]()
Hmm I'm gonna see if I can find anything on Amazon.Yeah doesnt have CIR so will have to be USB IR Receiver and RC6 Media remote.
Guys, gamingwise, should i install Windows 8.1 in my main build (all games) and windows 7 in my alt build (just World of Warcraft)? Does it change something?
Yep, G4me Zero. The G4me Ones are open like the 363Ds, Zeros are closed.Besides that, is there a headset that is as good or close to being as good as the Sennheiser 363D and is also cheaper?
I need it for playing games and want surround detail in my atmospheric games and also for a little bit of voice chat.
Whatever you want. Doesn't really matter either way.Guys, gamingwise, should i install Windows 8.1 in my main build (all games) and windows 7 in my alt build (just World of Warcraft)? Does it change something?
If it's a fun tweaking project you want to do, go for it.
Also my CPU is delidded on top of the other facts.
I use 8.1, and I feel like I've had less trouble on it than I did when using Windows 7. 8.1 certainly hasn't made things worse.
Whatever you want. Doesn't really matter either way.
What does it mean being closed or open? Is it the headphones on the headset that can be replaced if it's open?Yep, G4me Zero. The G4me Ones are open like the 363Ds, Zeros are closed.
Whatever you want. Doesn't really matter either way.
Just looked up what delid is and... hell no I am not doing that. Not with my shaky hands.
What does it mean being closed or open? Is it the headphones on the headset that can be replaced if it's open?
Yeah, check out the G4me Zeros then.Hmmm, now I'm not sure which headphones to get anymore then heh.
It's said the Sennheiser D363 is a very good pair, but I'm not sure I would like outside noise to be heard. I also love bass in my games.
I will be living in a small 46m2 apartment this coming month, so if the HDTV and surround speakers are going, I'll probably hear that when I game PC.
Yeah, check out the G4me Zeros then.
Isn't it possible to use the Apple remote?Yeah doesnt have CIR so will have to be USB IR Receiver and RC6 Media remote.
That's even more expensive.
I might have to go with the D363 then.
Here, the Sennheiser 363D is £180 and if I want to import the g4me zero it'll be more than £210.
Isn't it possible to use the Apple remote?
I was half joking, but nice. Did you buy the 280X back when the price was being artificially inflated by retailers?
You can but its not a great way to do it since all keys are translated by software like EventGhost. And this isnt 100% reliable setup imo. Also not sure about wake from sleep here.
I rather use a Microsoft IR Receiver with RC6 remote as it is plug & play, no config whatsoever.
Should I get something like this?