UK People, cross post from buy sell trade thread:
Selling my Gigabyte GTX 780
Location United Kingdom/London (can pickup if your close)
Price £215 + Delivery (welcome to negotiate).
This card has the unlocked Bios flashed meaning it will not downclock under power constraints nVidia enforced unless you tell it to do so. That means much higher performance than stock cards.
Its clocked 901Mhz core, 3000Mhz memory at stock, but will happily bench Valley at 1200Mhz core, 3600Mhz memory at 1.21v. And for my daily overclock i use 1071Mhz core, 3200Mhz memory at stock volts (1.16v).
At bench clocks it gets 77fps in Ultra HD preset Valley bench at 1080p.
And i did a Tomb Raider benchmark against my friends GTX 970, i scored 117fps average with my daily overclock, he scored 126fps average with his daily overclock. So very competitive card for the price difference.
I have original invoice to provide and original BIOS file so that warranty can be claimed. Around 1.5 years warranty left, i got the card close to GTX 780 release date.
If you want more benches let me know, i have Batman Arkham City, Metro LL, Unigene Heaven and probably a few more on hand.
Card is obviously in mint condition, and i have dismantled the heatsink shroud to give it a clean only recently. That did not require removing the heatsink, so thermal paste and pads have not been touched.
I have original box too.
So if you cant push to get a GTX 970, then this is a good buy!