Luck of the draw, picked the wrong (or right) vendor at the right (wrong) time.
I remember ordering a GPU from, MSI 7950 TF3 was a hot commodity since it had the 7970 PCB and a 8+6pin connector, clocked like crazy. Ordered the first time, paid with paypal, was told my address was uncorfirmed yet my paypal page checks out fine. Had to call paypal to make sure it wasn't a typo or some BS like that, after a record on hold time, everything fine. Order again, this time via phone to make sure the rep checks my info, everything was fine until half an hour later when i got the unverified address cancellation.
The card was flying in and out of stock everywhere, so I figured I'll try a CC. A forum buddy swore on his firstborn that there are no cancellation fees if an order falls through. Had to get the card on Amazon when I saw they restocked it. The ncix order of course fell through again after a few days:[IMG]
Never got that firstborn. At least the Amazon GPU was a golden sample, 880MHz to 1250MHz with a minor voltage bump.[/QUOTE]
Haha, that's rough stuff man.
I was super close to asking them to cancel the order so I can look elsewhere.
The problem is I feel like doing that at this juncture, when the stock is critical everywhere, is going to be the Office Space equivalent of changing lanes during rush hour only to find your previous lane opened up.
Patience, I guess.