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"I Need a New PC!" 2014 Part 2. Read OP, your 2500K will run Witcher 3. MX100s! 970!

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Quoting for the new page. I could be wrong but the first one could be disk errors I think?
Thanks. What card would you recommend for SLI that would be within my budget? 770?
Does it have to be sli? If you are sticking with the 560ti you have then you have to get another one I think.

Why not go with one powerful card? You have the PSU for it.
Don't bother going sli. Just get a 780 or 290.
What he said. is that R290 for $300 in the buy/sell thread still a good deal?


NoRéN;119553422 said:
Quoting for the new page. I could be wrong but the first one could be disk errors I think?

Does it have to be sli? If you are sticking with the 560ti you have then you have to get another one I think.

Why not go with one powerful card? You have the PSU for it.

What he said. is that R290 for $300 in the buy/sell thread still a good deal?

I'd like to get a new card. Although SLI allows me to have a second monitor right?


Yo guys, I just got a 350d windowed, gene 7 mobo, 4690k and h100i. Still waiting on my cpu and will post pics :p Cant wait >.<

I'm upgrading from a q9550 3.8ghz and nforce 790i. I want to get my new cpu as close to 5ghz as possible :D


Oh cool. Should I get a new card then or wait another year?

In regards to the disk corruption, I'm not sure what that means. My HDD is going?

Too little information to be certain. It could just be file system problems which can be recoverable.
Do the following. Find a shortcut to Command Prompt in your Start Menu/Screen > Right-Click > Run as Administrator.

At the prompt, type:

chkdsk c: /r /f

You will need to reboot and let the check run.


Modern cards like those mentioned can run many displays. In fact your current card would manage it fine.

Too little information to be certain. It could just be file system problems which can be recoverable.
Do the following. Find a shortcut to Command Prompt in your Start Menu/Screen > Right-Click > Run as Administrator.

At the prompt, type:

chkdsk c: /r /f

You will need to reboot and let the check run.

Great. Thanks for the help. What should I be looking for when I do a chkdsk check?


Great. Thanks for the help. What should I be looking for when I do a chkdsk check?

Just let it run through. If it finds problems and can repair them, it'll do so, then boot into Windows automatically.

Results will be logged in your event viewer. To run event viewer, press Windows Key + R and enter eventvwr in the run dialogue box. The event should be in the Application log and the source for the event will be Chkdsk, as in this example:


EDIT: Correction, if chkdsk runs at boot, the event is logged with source as Wininit.


Has there been much discussion on ultra wide monitors in this thread or any others? I'm thinking about biting the bullet and getting the Asus one.
Overclocking goes well with emulation if you want full speed on some titles.

'Great' build with a better PSU step up is perfect for you.

thanks but which one is the 'great' build? all I see are excellent, enthusiast, and good, for different builds :/


Didn't get any answers on the previous page, but I've done some more testing. Screen is blank, can't reach the BIOS, the computer ends up in an endless loop of cycling power off and on again immediately after I press the power button.

So I think the CPU heatsink or fan isn't doing its job. If I push down on it hard while it tries to spin up, it does so, and keeps spinning, for a bit at least. I don't push on top of the motor so I don't think it's something in there that causes this. If I let go while it's spinning it stops instantly. Normal for overheating?

When I put the heatsink down the legs made clicking sounds. The four legs seem to be properly secured. The whole heatsink feels like it's properly stuck to the motherboard when I pull on it from different angles. It seems like it should work, but I haven't seen a heatsink fastening design like this before. Will buy a cleaning kit and thermal paste tomorrow if I get no better ideas.
It is. Try to keep the volts to 1.2v and below ideally. 1.25v is as high as is safely recommended iirc.

It's fine, just watch the temps and voltage. Increasing clocks without increasing voltage can't do any harm.

Thanks. I ran Unigen Valley at 1075MHz and had no issues, so I increased to 1077MHz. The driver keeps stalling and needing to restart, so I dropped it back down.

Now I'll see what I can do with the memory.

Edit: Tried to run Valley with the RAM clocked at 1600MHz, system reboot. 1555MHz seems fine though, I'm happy with that considering I really don't know what I'm doing.


I know monitors are monitors especially in the 24" range. I am just getting a cheap one but I found a Samsumg S24D390HL which oddly is about 120 dollars cheaper over here in Taiwan. Wondering if anybody has any personal experience with it? I saw it in person and its pretty decent.


Mionix Avior 8200, great sensor, terrible shape. I guess its the best for lefts but its uncomfortable to use compared to a shaped mouse. Buttons are good too but poorly placed. Would not buy


Windows could be faulting and restarting the system. In some cases, a monitor will lose sync and not restore sync until after the fault message has been and gone and the system is rebooting.
I suggest you set Windows to not restart after a fault. If you can get a look at the message, it can give you an idea about what component is the problem.

Go to System Properties > Advanced System Settings > Startup and Recovery > Settings > System Failure. Uncheck Automatically Restart.

If Windows produces one, it's also possible to grab a program that can read the MEMORY.DMP file. Again, this can lead you in the right direction to identifying the problem.
Well I got home and it looks like the culprit is a bad graphics card. One of them doesn't work regardless of what PCI-e slot it is installed into.


I started to read this thread and immediately got overwhelmed, any sites where I can pick the parts, someone slaps it together and I just pay for it? I know this sounds extremely lazy and ridiculous


I started to read this thread and immediately got overwhelmed, any sites where I can pick the parts, someone slaps it together and I just pay for it? I know this sounds extremely lazy and ridiculous

Honestly it's childs play, watch a few YouTube builds to get yourself acquainted with what's what. You'll save yourself a few hundred bucks/pounds/euro's & have a better build for it, Most of the pre builds charge a fair old premium but skimp on parts/specs.


After failing at finding a stable overclock on my 4670K when I got it back in January, think I have it stable (still need to verify) at 4.2Ghz @ 1.25v.


So any thoughts on that monitor? I think its a pretty good deal.
If you've seen it and it looks good and you like the price then get it. It's only when you get to the high end do you really need to pay attention to monitor specs, etc etc.
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