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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 1. Read the OP and RISE ABOVE FORGED PRECISION SCIENCE

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Still have to put in quite a few drivers, but I will say that with the internet connected to it today that my first build was a success!

It'll probably take too long to download or run any major performance hogs (Metros, Witcher 2 or 3) to leave me time to actually see how things perform, but so far pleased by the speed of navigating everything, downloading (via power line adaptors), and installing.

Also was very pleased that Super Biiz came around and sent me a code for Arkham Knight.

Today was a good day. Don't have much in the way of pictures, but can leave these (Apologies for potato-cam and no image host):




Should be getting my 970 within the next 15 hours or so.
Currently rocking a 7950. Just to be clear. All I have do is uninstall the AMD software and I should be good to go to install the 970? Don't have to mess with anything in the Bios or with Windows 8.1?

Parts if it matters


Maybe not the right place to ask, but it should be fine.
I've been thinking of hooking up my pc to the tv and use Kodi on it, but I need some wireless keyboard and mouse hybrid, any suggestions?


Should be getting my 970 within the next 15 hours or so.
Currently rocking a 7950. Just to be clear. All I have do is uninstall the AMD software and I should be good to go to install the 970? Don't have to mess with anything in the Bios or with Windows 8.1?

Parts if it matters

Yep, that's all. If you really want to be thorough, run Display Driver Uninstaller to clear out everything.

Maybe not the right place to ask, but it should be fine.
I've been thinking of hooking up my pc to the tv and use Kodi on it, but I need some wireless keyboard and mouse hybrid, any suggestions?

Anandtech's done a series of articles about various HTPC keyboards with built in mice. The best known and most widely available models would be the Logitech K400 ($25) and the Microsoft All-in-One Media Keyboard ($25).

Aside from a more normal sized keyboard, there are also small handheld options like those remote control sized Rii thumb keyboards ($15?) with a small touchpad for mouse control, they're nice if you don't need to type very often and want something compact.


Yep, that's all. If you really want to be thorough, run Display Driver Uninstaller to clear out everything.

Anandtech's done a series of articles about various HTPC keyboards with built in mice. The best known and most widely available models would be the Logitech K400 ($25) and the Microsoft All-in-One Media Keyboard ($25).

Aside from a more normal sized keyboard, there are also small handheld options like those remote control sized Rii thumb keyboards ($15?) with a small touchpad for mouse control, they're nice if you don't need to type very often and want something compact.

Do I uninstall it while the 7950 is still attached to the motherboard or after I've removed but before installing the 970?


Do I uninstall it while the 7950 is still attached to the motherboard or after I've removed but before installing the 970?

Still attached. DDU will make it so that Windows won't automatically reinstall old drivers for the 7950 after running through its cleaning process, so no worries about that. After removing the old drivers, you can open the DDU program again and click on the option to re-enable automatic driver installation if you want.


AMD Press Conference at Computex Taipei 2015

"AMD would like to cordially invite you to our press conference at Computex 2015. You will get the opportunity to see AMD’s latest products and leading-edge technologies, while experiencing immersive visual, computing, and gaming demonstrations. During this event, AMD executives and special guests will be introducing new, comprehensive details on AMD’s 2015 product lineup."

Date: June 3, 2015, Wednesday
Press Conference Reception: 9:30 a.m.
Press Conference: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m
Venue:BELLAVITA (B1 Floor)
Address:No. 28 Song Ren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, 110)
AMD Press Conference at Computex Taipei 2015

"AMD would like to cordially invite you to our press conference at Computex 2015. You will get the opportunity to see AMD’s latest products and leading-edge technologies, while experiencing immersive visual, computing, and gaming demonstrations. During this event, AMD executives and special guests will be introducing new, comprehensive details on AMD’s 2015 product lineup."

Date: June 3, 2015, Wednesday
Press Conference Reception: 9:30 a.m.
Press Conference: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m
Venue:BELLAVITA (B1 Floor)
Address:No. 28 Song Ren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, 110)


I reckon. Each time I have recently got an itch to spend $250 on a new GPU (upgrade the trusty flashed 6950), I think 'but AMD are about to do something' and talk myself out of it. I've nearly bought GTX960 about a dozen times this last month!
Good on you for waiting. Not that the 960 is a bad card, there's just better value out there.


Good on you for waiting. Not that the 960 is a bad card, there's just better value out there.

Should clarify that I mean $250 Aussie dollars. The only card that compares is the 280 and they're certainly overpriced too, I think. A 970 is $450+, there's very little in between them :/ Just a bad time to be buying a new, stop-gap or partial upgrade GPU at the moment, really, unless you go all the way. So I'll keep on waiting (helps I'm not playing any particularly demanding games at the moment, though I wouldn't mind a reduction in noise!)


Should clarify that I mean $250 Aussie dollars. The only card that compares is the 280 and they're certainly overpriced too, I think. A 970 is $450+, there's very little in between them :/ Just a bad time to be buying a new, stop-gap or partial upgrade GPU at the moment, really, unless you go all the way. So I'll keep on waiting (helps I'm not playing any particularly demanding games at the moment, though I wouldn't mind a reduction in noise!)
I hear ya brother. Pretty much the same situation in Canada.


Looking at the Elgato HD60's requirements, this should be very capable for your needs.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($316.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock Z97M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($75.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2400 Memory ($98.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($97.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 290 4GB Tri-X OC Video Card ($253.98 @ Newegg)
Case: Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($43.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ NCIX US)
Optical Drive: LG UH12NS30 Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer ($34.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($86.88 @ OutletPC)
Monitor: Acer G236HLBbd 60Hz 23.0" Monitor ($109.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $1196.76
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-18 20:10 EDT-0400

There's still a few ways to save money. If you have no desire to overclock, then you could get a 4C/8T Xeon processor like the E3-1231 V3 ($242) and a cheap H81/B85 motherboard in the $40~50 range instead. Getting the slightly more expensive K model processor is recommended as overclocking will extend the usable life of your processor before you will need to upgrade again, though. If you want to save money on the OS, Windows 7/8.1 licenses can be bought from reddit's microsoftsoftwareswap for $20 or less. These are most likely legitimate keys that are resold from educational programs like Technet or Dreamspark. However, you are dealing with a person instead of a retailer, and informal Windows keys sales are not approved by Microsoft and probably breaking some licensing agreement to be clear, but it's not illegal. The risks involved are that the person could be selling you a fake or used key, or that Microsoft may deactivate your license and refuse to reactivate it, although it's somewhat unlikely, usually only if the seller and their list of sold keys was caught. We've had people here using those keys without issues for a long time and others who say Microsoft deactivated their key after several months.

It's also possible to further cut costs by going with a cheap graphics card, but the R9 290 works very well for Sony Vegas, it's faster than a GTX 980 in that regard. There are also cheaper power supplies available like the EVGA 600B ($40) which is more than enough for that PC build, but it lacks features like modular cabling.

Edit: Do you also need a keyboard and mouse?

Thanks. This looks very reasonable. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to DVI vs. HDMI? And yes I have a keyboard and mouse already so I am good there.


Junior Member
So someone I know is selling me a computer for $500. He's trustworthy. Here's the setup:

Core i5 3570k
ASUS Z77 Sabertooth
16GB (8GBx2) Corsair Vengance
NZXT Switch 810
HIS Radeon HD7870 GHz Edition
XFX Core Edition 850w 80+ Bronze

Here's what I currently have:

Phenom II 965 (x4)
Gigabyte GA-770T-USB3
8GB DDR3 1600
Full size case with 5 120mm fans
PowerColor Radeon HD 6850 1GB
600W PSU Offbrand

Should I go through with the deal? Will the i5 3570K hold up for a few more years or is it already obsolete? Any advice would be appreciated.

ACE 1991

So what is considered a safe max temp for the r9 290? I have the ASUS Direct II OC model which got very loud while playing The Witcher 3, to the point where I had to stop playing. The fan (set to auto) was at about 45% and 75 degrees. I want to set up a custom fan curve to trade noise level for heat, but I'm not sure how far I can push this without damaging the card and/or causing my other parts to fry since the GPU is pumping out so much heat.


Neo Member
So someone I know is selling me a computer for $500. He's trustworthy. Here's the setup:

Core i5 3570k
ASUS Z77 Sabertooth
16GB (8GBx2) Corsair Vengance
NZXT Switch 810
HIS Radeon HD7870 GHz Edition
XFX Core Edition 850w 80+ Bronze

Here's what I currently have:

Phenom II 965 (x4)
Gigabyte GA-770T-USB3
8GB DDR3 1600
Full size case with 5 120mm fans
PowerColor Radeon HD 6850 1GB
600W PSU Offbrand

Should I go through with the deal? Will the i5 3570K hold up for a few more years or is it already obsolete? Any advice would be appreciated.

Looks like a good deal to me.


So what is considered a safe max temp for the r9 290? I have the ASUS Direct II OC model which got very loud while playing The Witcher 3, to the point where I had to stop playing. The fan (set to auto) was at about 45% and 75 degrees. I want to set up a custom fan curve to trade noise level for heat, but I'm not sure how far I can push this without damaging the card and/or causing my other parts to fry since the GPU is pumping out so much heat.

75 is fine. Low 80s is fine. Wouldn't want much more than that. 290's run pretty hot IIRC.


So what is considered a safe max temp for the r9 290?

Reference 290/290Xs throttle at 94c, which many reach during a normal gaming session.

So, i'd say that the limit would be 94 or above in the case of your 290 as well, unless the manufacturer states otherwise.
Keep an eye on your VRM temps though, depending on how those are cooled, the CU II might have to spin pretty fast in order to get airflow over those, but i don't really know.

ACE 1991

75 is fine. Low 80s is fine. Wouldn't want much more than that. 290's run pretty hot IIRC.

Reference 290/290Xs throttle at 94c, which many reach during a normal gaming session.

So, i'd say that the limit would be 94 or above in the case of your 290 as well, unless the manufacturer states otherwise.

Ok, that is what I just read after posting in this thread. I'm going to screw around with custom fan curves to see if I can make the GPU stay under 85 with 35% fan speed, as the noise at this speed is tolerable.


So what is considered a safe max temp for the r9 290? I have the ASUS Direct II OC model which got very loud while playing The Witcher 3, to the point where I had to stop playing. The fan (set to auto) was at about 45% and 75 degrees. I want to set up a custom fan curve to trade noise level for heat, but I'm not sure how far I can push this without damaging the card and/or causing my other parts to fry since the GPU is pumping out so much heat.

75 degrees is fine really. My old 470 used to hit 90 degrees under heavy load.


Kind of a silly question (but then, this is my first time actually building a computer myself >.>)

Still looking for some feedback on the below. Gotten one suggestion, but that's been it so far. Probably going to be doing it next week, so more thoughts on anything are appreciated!


I'm looking to put together a relatively inexpensive desktop as a backup to my main computer
(which is a laptop hooked to a trackball, keyboard, and monitor >.>)

Next week I'm getting the following parts, thanks to a trade with an awesome GAFfer:

M5A78L-M LX PLUS Motherboard
AMD Phenom 2i Processor
Cooler Master Thermal Sink
GT640 2GB Graphics Card

So, I think that leaves...
A case
Power Supply
Hard Drive
Am I missing anything else?...

I got a 400W ATX power supply (Dynex. As I said, this is a budget build)
I should be able to get Windows 8 through my school...
And, I have a couple of 240GB Seagate 600 SSDs that I could use for the hard drives...

So, that leaves:
A case
Anything else?

Hoping someone can link me to some decent parts that I can use to complete the build for around $100...
As well as make sure I don't run into any issues with the wattage or size or configuration or such.

Thanks a bunch =)

Now, I'm not planning to overclock anything at all..
And, obviously the lot that I'm getting includes a thermal sink already...

Do I need to buy anything in particular cooling-wise?
Paste, fans, anything else like that?

Also, if anyone has more thoughts, I'm probably going to be ordering the rest of the stuff today, so just let me know =)

Also, I'm thinking to go with this case
That should work fine, right?


Oh cool thanks. Is there any motherboard that can do x16/x16?
As an additional point of information, you can always look at motherboards with PLX chips. Those essentially multiply PCI-E lanes. They're also only found on very expensive motherboards ($300+).

Even then, a 4790K + motherboard with PLX is still cheaper than a 5930K + X99 motherboard.
So, would it be stupid to upgrade my GTX 670 to a 970 or 980 at this point? I'm willing to wait for the 980Ti to drop, either for that alone or price drops, but I'd love to be able to play Witcher 3 maxed for the most part.

How long we looking at for new cards to drop?


So, would it be stupid to upgrade my GTX 670 to a 970 or 980 at this point? I'm willing to wait for the 980Ti to drop, either for that alone or price drops, but I'd love to be able to play Witcher 3 maxed for the most part.

How long we looking at for new cards to drop?

I'm yet to dip my feet into Witcher 3 but I did upgrade from a GTX 670 to a GTX970 4G and with selling the 670 the upgrade only cost me £150 + in terms of gaming I can say it was well worth it.
Also, looking at the Witcher3 benchmarks I'd say go for it.
It's about time for me to get a new monitor. The only problem is that my desk / gaming space is pretty small, so I really need something less than 24", but I still want 1080p, great quality, and low response time.

Any suggestions, GAF?


Junior Member
It's about time for me to get a new monitor. The only problem is that my desk / gaming space is pretty small, so I really need something less than 24", but I still want 1080p, great quality, and low response time.

Any suggestions, GAF?

Get the Asus VH238H 23 inch gaming monitor. 11 ms input lag. $160.
So that NewEgg monitor I posted last week went out of stock and my order was cancelled (still out of stock). Looks like there might be room in my budget for a Gsync monitor.

Preferred size is 24" and under $500. Is there anything good?

If not, I'm thinking of buying two BenQ EW2440Ls.






Well, I guess for now I'm going to go with this setup... It's just a back-up computer for my wife and myself, just in case, and so hopefully won't be getting used for extended periods of time... And obviously I could always upgrade it later...

But, just let me know if there's any glaring issues with it before I order the stuff (the stuff that I'm ordering is surrounded by * *, the other stuff are things that I already have)

M5A78L-M LX PLUS Motherboard
AMD Phenom 2i Processor
GT640 Graphics Card
64GB Crucial SSD
240GB Seagate 600 SSD
Cooler Master Thermal Sink
400W Dynex PSU (yeah, yeah, I know >.> Will it at least power the system? >.>)
Windows 8 (license through my school)
Already have a monitor, keyboard, and input device, so those aren't an issue

*This case*

*8GB of This RAM*

*This wireless adapter*

*This DVD drive*

So, as I said, I know it's not the best, and there are many things that could be upgraded...

1) Did I get everything I need, or am I missing anything?
2) Will that all function together properly?

Thanks =)
so i ordered an i7 4790K and cancelled my order shortly after. i received a delivery for the processor i was refunded. id like Skylake instead but $300 saved? mhmm


Hey guys, I would like to buy a prebuilt gaming PC for the TV.

I have been looking into the VenomX SYBER and was wondering what kind of specs I would need in order to play current generation games like The Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight. I do not know much about specs as I have only played games on a laptop (and of course consoles). If you can click the link and come up with specs that would let me play at 1080 60fps min (do not care about 4K or 60fps+), that would be wonderful.

Thanks for your time!

EDIT: Oh right, forgot to mention a budget. How about less than $1,500?

Also if you think there are better, cheaper prebuilt gaming PCs out there, please let me know!
I did not get any suggestions on this yet, but to make it easier, I want to base the Syber around the GTX 960 4GB. Somewhere around the 1000 - 1100 USD price point would be great. Only 1080/60fps High (or Med) for Witcher 3 and future titles. Thank you!
Hi all,

Just about to order my PC build, which some fellow PCGaf reps helped me pick out a few pages back. One quick question: do I need to use thermal paste with my CPU (i5-4690K)? I don't plan to overclock in the immediate future and will be using the stock cooler until then. Thanks!


Hi all,

Just about to order my PC build, which some fellow PCGaf reps helped me pick out a few pages back. One quick question: do I need to use thermal paste with my CPU (i5-4690K)? I don't plan to overclock in the immediate future and will be using the stock cooler until then. Thanks!

The stock cooler comes with thermal paste already applied.


Uninstalled Catalyst Control Center through the uninstall wizard thing using the express method
Restarted it like told me to
Right clicked once I was back to desktop to see if it was still there. It wasn't
Left for a few minutes and I checked it again. It was back
Once again attempted to uninstall it via the control center only this time the uninstall wizard didn't appear but CCC disappeared from my right click menu.
Is it gone or not? lol


Hello, I have a question. A few months back lordfuzzybutt created the below build based on my necessities:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (€235.00 @ Amazon Espana)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-U14S 55.0 CFM CPU Cooler (€68.00 @ Amazon Espana)
Motherboard: MSI Z97-G55 SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€119.90 @ Amazon Espana)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Z Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2133 Memory (€153.83 @ Amazon Espana)
Storage: Crucial MX100 512GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€186.00 @ Amazon Espana)
Storage: Toshiba 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€102.60 @ Amazon Espana)
Video Card: Gainward GeForce GTX 980 4GB Phantom Video Card (€609.92 @ Amazon Espana)
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case (€118.46 @ Amazon Espana)
Power Supply: SeaSonic G-750 750W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (€135.83 @ Amazon Espana)
Total: €1729.54
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-03-26 00:43 CET+0100

I did not buy the parts yet because I decided to wait for the GTX 980 Ti, but i've recently found a Titan X for a good price here in Europe. My question: Does a Titan X fit in well with the build? And I would probably go for a i7 4790k instead of the i5, what do you guys think?
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