The only thing I kind of wish would happen if we do get a new action RE (I hope we do!) is that they make the co-op completely optional. So if I am playing solo I don't have to be stuck playing with an AI partner.
If I recall, if you played RE6's Ada campaign solo, she wouldn't have an AI partner at all. But if you played it co-op they would add a playable soldier character for the second player to use.
I would love a system like that so the people who wanted to play the campaign with a friend can still do so and those like me who want a completely solo experience don't have to be shackled to an AI partner character.
I like the way the old RE games handled partner characters. They would only be with you for short spurts during the campaign. So for example, if you were playing RE1 as Jill, there would be short sequences where you had Barry with you and it actually felt refreshing. He would own pretty much all the enemies, especially the Hunters, with his Colt Python. Then all of a sudden he would leave and his absence would really be felt as you were suddenly left alone to deal with all the Hunters yourself.
So those short partner sections helped to relieve some of the tension during the long campaign. But then you have RE 5 and 6 where you always have a gun toting partner at your side throughout the whole campaign and you are just destroying everything. No real tension at all. I think the one section in RE5 that was really well done was the swamp with those Crocs who would one shot you. That was a great section, but other than that the game was a big disappointment for me.
So yeah, sorry about the co-op rant. I know a lot of people enjoy that stuff, but I would definitely love if it was optional. It's the main reason I vastly prefer the RE4 campaign to 5 and 6.
Either way, I definitely want to see another action RE sooner rather than later. Co-op or no co-op. I'll take what I can get at this point.