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I think it's time we paid more for our hobby, this feels unsustainable.


Gold Member


Yup. Jack them prices up in the US. Im sick of them raising prices everywhere exceept there.

Jack up the prices in the US because the price in Canada is $95?

Tell me you don't understand exchange rates without telling me you don't understand exchange rates.


Edit: By the by, I know that there are markets where the costs vs. exchange rate are out of hand. Brazil, for example. Canada is not one of them. Canadians are paying the same amount as their southern neighbors for the same games with the cost difference being exclusively the difference in currency rate.
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Gold Member
This, I dont need super expensive graphics in my games, FROM makes AMAZING games with beautiful aesthetics without over spending on the graphics....

This is something movie industry also needs to learn...

Elden Ring cost less than Spider Man 2 and sold more.

The problem isnt the price of gaming, it's overbudging and corpo greed.

Not everyone is willing to pay $70 on games, specily if they suck or are Live Service.


No he is probably a person with some sort of brain that knows it isn’t the consumers job to please the company that makes the product, it is theirs. It isn’t my job to pay more for someone to have a job, it is theirs to properly manage their manpower, financials, etc. These companies do not care for you or anyone else, they care about profits and they are making them.

When did we have this shift that we are supposed to support a company that their sole job is to make us want their product?

There are plenty of games which you and the market wants, it's just apparently that a lot of people don't think they should have to pay a fair price for it. You think you should be able to get static or discounted prices even while the world situation means prices of everything else keep rising. You don't take your car into the shop for a repair and insist on paying the same price you would have paid in 2005, you'd be told to fuck off.


Truth be told, I really don't give a damn what new games cost because I RARELY buy new games. I am an older gamer and have moved in my casual/normie phase. I can easily wait for the deep sales.

I just started my first playthrough of Cyberpunk 2 weeks ago, and when I finish that, I have Witcher 3 up next. Do it like that, and you'll be winning, just like me :messenger_grinning:

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
The cost of making games has gone up, this is true. The quality of games being released (in general) have not gone up. In fact, many would even argue that game quality has been going down and most of our time in games is spent doing monotonous tasks that serves as filler to elongate the time we play but not necessarily the amount of fun we have.
This is why I hate people measuring value by how many hours a game is "I'm not paying $60 for a one and done 15 hours game!"


No he is probably a person with some sort of brain that knows it isn’t the consumers job to please the company that makes the product, it is theirs. It isn’t my job to pay more for someone to have a job, it is theirs to properly manage their manpower, financials, etc. These companies do not care for you or anyone else, they care about profits and they are making them.

When did we have this shift that we are slipped to support a company that their sole job is to make us want their product?
Well duh.

Although, tbf, console gaming might be much more expensive in the long run. So raising gameprices on PC wouldn't be so bad.

Unless PC gamers aren't that hardcore audience that love gaming so much they'd love a healthy industry?
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Honestly it means I would buy less games or less games at launch and wait for sales. I would end up spending the same amount of money on the hobby, just more spread out across time. Other expenditures have rapidly gone up in price, I wouldn’t be able to justify major price increases on video games. Just a reality.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Only for Playstation PC releases.

You know, for extra revenue.
Sony already has a huge lead, healthy software sales and tons of supplementary income from 30% of all sales on the console. If they can't fix their own development pipeline they deserve to be wiped from the industry. Every 3rd party publisher alive today that sells on PS makes due with no supplementary income, and have to forfeit 30% to Sony. If they can't work within a budget they are a endlessly growing cancer.


People are still wired to beat a number of exclusives and few other 3rd parties, you can't engage someone to buy 50 indies, that's unheard of, well, to make it practical and reach a common ground we should ask ourselves why many devs have decided to go solo? There is no prove that they'll earn the recognition that they're used to when they worked with publishers, no matter how s these publishers, I'm sorry, they earned their name from all that, they made it happen, it's part of who they are, these devs, who are talented, are ignorants, if we don't put the right cause and name it the right way in the right place, this mess wouldn't happen in this industry.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Jack up the prices in the US because the price in Canada is $95?

Tell me you don't understand exchange rates without telling me you don't understand exchange rates.

I understand exchange rates. I dont care about them. Yes im being salty. Yes I know it'll never happen. Yes I know it makes no sense.

I don't buy a $100 game in Canada and think "oh wow! great deal, the dollar is _____ "

I say 100 fucking dollars? For Avatar? We're getting fucked up here
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Gold Member
What kind of reasoning leads someone to believe that the issue with gaming right now is that gamers are at fault for not subsidizing the bloat and waste of AAA development?


It's amazing to me in this economic climate that anyone would suggest paying more for absolutely anything. The videogame industry will adapt.

Yes it will, but not necessarily in ways we like. If we aren't prepared to pay the price of big budget games like TLOU2 for example, we won't see a sequel. Not everyone cares about that but it would be a loss for those who do.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
There are plenty of games which you and the market wants, it's just apparently that a lot of people don't think they should have to pay a fair price for it. You think you should be able to get static or discounted prices even while the world situation means prices of everything else keep rising. You don't take your car into the shop for a repair and insist on paying the same price you would have paid in 2005, you'd be told to fuck off.
Simple, I don’t go to that shop or anywhere else I don’t agree with the prices. You do know you can give patronage to anywhere you feel, correct? I don’t get on my knees for any company much less a gaming company.

If I like the game I’ll buy for what price I want to, not what they want as I couldn’t care less about their company, their games, their people. Their job is to please me, not the other way around.


In a technology driven industry, I get the (probably naive or ignorant) feeling that its not used enough to help. You constantly hear about engine changes and the like. Also, I think devs fall into the trap of bloat.

I'll consider paying more when I stop hearing about Bungie taking days to compile a rudimentary change and projects being shelved after years of development.


How about not pushing the most cutting edge graphics for every new game (since it barely interests most of us), and instead making smaller, more focused 10-20 hour games for less money, less crunch time, less marketing and more heart?

Of course it won't happen. They want us to buy the latest graphics cards, and sell us the illusion that the industry is always moving forward. The industry is already using DLC and micro transactions to increase revenues.

So no, I don't agree with that argument. I understand the desire to support the developers, but higher prices usually benefit the big publishers, and incentivize them to make games always bigger, with more missions, more time sinks, more nondescript characters and stories and overdone game mechanics designed by committees and AI to mimic whatever the latest successful game does (like most open world games these days)


Simple, I don’t go to that shop or anywhere else I don’t agree with the prices. You do know you can give patronage to anywhere you feel, correct? I don’t get on my knees for any company much less a gaming company.

If I like the game I’ll buy for what price I want to, not what they want as I couldn’t care less about their company, their games, their people. Their job is to please me, not the other way around.

In the case of the car repair industry, you aren't going to find people (who you'd trust to do it right anyway) charging 2005 prices. Their labour rates have gone up, the price of parts has gone up, and so the price you pay goes up, just like your own income no doubt has since 2005. Insisting on being tight-fisted will simply result in the industry collapsing, or at least shrinking to the point where only simpler games are made.


Sony already has a huge lead, healthy software sales and tons of supplementary income from 30% of all sales on the console. If they can't fix their own development pipeline they deserve to be wiped from the industry. Every 3rd party publisher alive today that sells on PS makes due with no supplementary income, and have to forfeit 30% to Sony. If they can't work within a budget they are a endlessly growing cancer.
I just think it's funny how some PC gamers port-beg, act like Sony needs to release on PC because "lol low profits", but the moment we talk increased prices for games on PC suddenly Sony is very healthy and PC-ports are dodgy and not worth higher prices?
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advanced basic bitch
I just think it's funny how some PC gamers port-beg, act like Sony needs to release on PC because "lol low profits", but the moment we talk increased prices for games on PC suddenly Sony is very healthy and PC-ports are dodgy and not worth higher prices?
There's still literally no reason to charge more for a game on pc than console. The opposite is true. You're trolling.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

budget of $225 million

budget $13 million
Literally the more bloated and big budget it is, the safer it is, the more mainstream it is, the more risk averse it is, the more loaded with DEI initiatives it is since they also had to borrow money from people pushing that. Big budget almost always comes at a huge cost that makes the product worse. And people want to pay more for this?


There's still literally no reason to charge more for a game on pc than console. The opposite is true. You're trolling.

Sony games on Steam do cost more than they do on PSN FWIW. The price will be determined by market forces, what people can and also are prepared to pay.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
In the case of the car repair industry, you aren't going to find people (who you'd trust to do it right anyway) charging 2005 prices. Their labour rates have gone up, the price of parts has gone up, and so the price you pay goes up, just like your own income no doubt has since 2005. Insisting on being tight-fisted will simply result in the industry collapsing, or at least shrinking to the point where only simpler games are made.
Then they will close like a lot of businesses are doing. It isn’t my job to care at all. If you want that, good on you. There is plenty of room to save money on development costs. Their manpower, their pay wages, voice actors, etc.

There are also plenty of mechanics and you can also do most work yourself. I don’t need to be a patron at any company, they have to entice me.


I am fine with $100 games and $1000 consoles but it has to be a game I want to play which neither MS nor Playstation has delivered to me that game I need in my life
In a purely hypothetical scenario this would force them to at least be more sure of what projects get the green light versus throwing crap at the wall just to see what sticks.

Pedro Motta

Fuck no. Every company can die before I consider $120 a game lol. What an absurd strategy.

You're funding rich west coast devs going to knitting clubs lol. Keep your money.

This is why I love Gamepass. I literally would be fine with indies and backlog. It can all die.
Your opinion and loving Gamepass says it all. You should just quit gaming.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I just think it's funny how some PC gamers port-beg, act like Sony needs to release on PC because "lol low profits", but the moment we talk increased prices for games on PC suddenly Sony is very healthy and PC-ports are dodgy and not worth higher prices?
What PC gamers have been doing works. They have the lowest prices of anyone, and everyone puts their games on PC now. Think about that. It's not your job to support a company that is gouging you. You already pay almost $700 over 7 years just to take your console online. Wake up man. They literally just did a +30% hike on PS+.
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advanced basic bitch
Sony games on Steam do cost more than they do on PSN FWIW. The price will be determined by market forces, what people can and also are prepared to pay.
I doubt the cost of porting these games is substantial though. The PC market is supplemental income for Sony. Their bread and butter are always going to be consoles. Besides PC gamers have been conditioned for decades to pay less. If you start charging more they aren't buying.


Even if you ignore in game monetisation and the pay to play online, the ‘$70 in 1970 plus inflation’ argument still makes no sense.

New and emergent mainstream technology always costs a lot initially and then comes down over time as more players enter the market and the technology matures.

In 10 years time you’ll be able to get technology that’s better than the Apple Vision Pro at less than half the price. You’d be a clown to say ‘well the Vision Pro cost £5k in 2024 so it should cost £9k in today’s money’.

Music CDs cost between $15 and $20 in the 90s and early 00s. That doesn’t mean they should cost £50 today. But what about production costs? Said no one ever.


*old man voice*

In 1995, I paid $100.00 here in New Zealand a game for my SNES, today in 2024, I paid $100.00 here in New Zealand for a game for my Switch...I didn't feel like I was being ripped off in 1995, so why is it a rip now to adjust?

Also, not all games have those wretched things you describe, and the live service games that are doing it right? (nudge nudge HD2), they are charging bugger all - they need all the $$ they can get to buy servers the size of the Kink.com building.

A VHS tape cost about £10 minimum back then in the UK, and a CD was like £15.

How do you even compare having one crappy video with 2 hours of content to access to about 10k x that amount via Netflix for the same amount per month? The world is totally different now.

I get that it's not as simple as that, and costs may have risen disproportionately in development, but gaming ultimately still competes for our time with those other forms of entertainment. You can't just do a crude analysis based on general price inflation. What other factors are there? Cost of delivery? Market size? Etc


What PC gamers have been doing works. They have the lowest prices of anyone, and everyone puts their games on PC now. Think about that. It's not your job to support a company that is gouging you. You already pay almost $700 over 7 years just to take your console online. Wake up man.
Unless what PC has been doing isn't really working anymore.

Maybe that cheapskate mindset is part of why the industry is suffering.


I doubt the cost of porting these games is substantial though. The PC market is supplemental income for Sony. Their bread and butter are always going to be consoles. Besides PC gamers have been conditioned for decades to pay less. If you start charging more they aren't buying.
Just hypothetically speaking, if the industry decides to raise prices on PC releases, what are PC gamers going to do?
Play webbrowser games while consoles get all the great games?

Or are they going to jump ship to consoles, or quit gaming entirely?


Even if you ignore in game monetisation and the pay to play online, the ‘$70 in 1970 plus inflation’ argument still makes no sense.

New and emergent mainstream technology always costs a lot initially and then comes down over time as more players enter the market and the technology matures.

In 10 years time you’ll be able to get technology that’s better than the Apple Vision Pro at less than half the price. You’d be a clown to say ‘well the Vision Pro cost £5k in 2024 so it should cost £9k in today’s money’.

Music CDs cost between $15 and $20 in the 90s and early 00s. That doesn’t mean they should cost £50 today. But what about production costs? Said no one ever.

Not everything can get cheaper indefinitely, you end up getting diminishing returns and then hitting a wall.


I would perfer if the scope of game were lowered instead of trying to increase the price to the customer.

I don't think it's the customers fault a company can't balance a budget.

Also, I've actually been paying less for games since they have gone up to $70. Just waiting on sales, or buying AA games instead of buying games day one or pre-ordering.


In the case of the car repair industry, you aren't going to find people (who you'd trust to do it right anyway) charging 2005 prices. Their labour rates have gone up, the price of parts has gone up, and so the price you pay goes up, just like your own income no doubt has since 2005. Insisting on being tight-fisted will simply result in the industry collapsing, or at least shrinking to the point where only simpler games are made.

You keep harping on 2005 prices.

The standard price (at least in the US) for new release games until late 2005 was still $49.99. High speed internet was still very geographically limited. Only a handful of games got full priced "expansions". Expansions to successful games were usually full blown sequels. Most games were still feature complete out of the box. Online games that got constant updates like Halo 2 were outliers, not the norm.

Since late 2005, the base cost of games went from 49.99 to 59.99 to 69.99. They have added more "revenue streams" than they could have ever imagined in 2005 with DLCs, micro- and macro-transactions, the online passes of the late 2000s, season passes, GaaS, digital-only cost reductions, et cetera.

They're already charging a LOT more than 2005 prices and the end result has been a gradual decline in overall quality.
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advanced basic bitch
Unless what PC has been doing isn't really working anymore.

Maybe that cheapskate mindset is part of why the industry is suffering.
Why are you putting any amount of blame on pc gaming? Sony is a console-first company. This isn't ms that puts games out day and date.


Games have basically zero marginal costs. Every extra copy they sell is almost entirely pure profit. The best way to increase income is to sell more copies. Higher prices will do the opposite of that. If they want to spend absurd amounts of money on a game, they'll need to grow the market. If they want to make something niche, keep the budget in check. It's not fucking rocket sciene.
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