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I think the N64 is Nintendo's worst machine and era


My order for Nintendo consoles is N64>SNES>GC>NES>Wii U>Wii

I value first party Nintendo games above all, so the lack of third party support or JRPGs or whatever on the N64 never really bothered me. I take a console with Mario 64, Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time and the Rare games over anything else.
Sunshine was pretty wack. And Windwaker was fetch quest city. Melee was great as was Prime. But I found the GC first party efforts incredibly weak.


Zelda: OoT
Perfect Dark
WWF No Mercy
WWF Wrestlemania 2000
WCW vs. NWO World Tour
WCW vs. NWO Revenge
Super Mario 64
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instinct Gold

Console was amazing.


I don't know how you could have been a kid or early teenager when the N64 came out and not love the shit out of it. I also don't know how you could have been a teenager or older when the Wii came out and not think it was a giant piece of shit.


Wave Race has aged fantastically. It's still great fun, and the water still looks absolutely gorgeous, which is remarkable considering the technological progress since then.

That was better than good. Great. Much better than mario kart 64 which followed. Waverace is not just playable today but unmatched in some ways.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
The analog stick was such a piece of shit. Everybody had at least one controller with a fucked up analog stick. Mario Party was a controller destroyer.


I don't know how you could have been a kid or early teenager when the N64 came out and not love the shit out of it. I also don't know how you could have been a teenager or older when the Wii came out and not think it was a giant piece of shit.
Keep stroking dat Wii hate GAF.


I will agree that pretty much all N64 games have aged pretty bad, even the great ones, but Mario 64 is still amazing. I just refuse to believe this statement because there was legit nothing available at the time that looked and performed like Mario 64 when it came out. Unless i have subconsciously blocked something out that i cant remember if so what was it?

Quake literally released 1 day earlier. I was just more impressed with that. I thought Mario 64 looked and played well for a console game but growing up and reading EGM and the magazines before the release, the buzz made it seem like the system would have graphics on the level of the Coca Cola bears commercial and the Killer Instinct arcade. My expectations were just too high.


The top of the library featured 15-20 really great games, but after that things got REALLY thin.

The PS1 probably had twice as many "great" games. IMO anyway.

Ranger X

It was pretty bad. But I still got more great games out of that system than the GameCube.
GameCube era is my personal Nintendo's worse gen.
Okay so I understand some folks having different standards for what makes a console good to them, and so the N64 isn't the worst console for many.

What I'm surprised is how many are saying it's better than SNES in this thread. It's shocking honestly. Did more people here simply just have an N64 and never a SNES? Very different libraries and quality of titles


Okay so I understand some folks having different standards for what makes a console good to them, and so the N64 isn't the worst console for many.

What I'm surprised is how many are saying it's better than SNES in this thread. It's shocking honestly. Did more people here simply just have an N64 and never a SNES? Very different libraries and quality of titles

Different people like different things. It's all a very subjective opinion.
Different people like different things. It's all a very subjective opinion.

You're right. Let's not be too critical. :|

I'm shocked how many people feel this way, though. Not that they simply exist. I also think it's alright to wonder why exactly so many people here lean towards that opinion.


Always makes me sad to see the Wii get so little respect.

System has such an underrated library.

I love the sheer amount of variety available on the platform. A little bit of everything and more.

But folks just see the shovelware and games with terrible motion controls and ignore everything else. Whatcha gonna do?

The Beard

I agree. The controller was an abomination. They were trying to reinvent the wheel with that thing.

The console was ugly as hell, and the library was ass.


Neo Member
I agree and I would even say that it shouldn't be controversial, that it's somehow natural that the N64 is Nintendo's worst console.

Looking back to that console, it is the one with the worst controller, and the only console ever released that is technically weaker than the competition in such a way that it is game-breaking. (Technically weaker Wii, Wii U, NDS, 3DS were never game-breaking. Out of this batch excluding the N64 the by far worst other offender is the 3DS.) The game library is tiny and innovative games can be counted on one hand. (While other Nintendo consoles flourished with innovative games.)

Some people may have deep emotional attachment to the console due to their own personal story, maybe they got it for Christmas and played all the time with their brother who they grew apart from later in life or something like that, but leaving out all the emotional, the N64 emerges as a clear misstep by Nintendo.
Gotta disagree with this. N64 had 4 controller ports, which wasn't common at the time without use of accessories, which made it the go-to multiplayer system for my friends and me. Particularly with games like Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Smash, Mario Party, Mario Tennis, etc.

Gamecube or WiiU eras were the worst imo. SNES was the best.
The N64, to me, was a console with like, < 10 really good games, and a small handful of absolute classics.

The problem was the ps1 just utterly buried it in games. While most of my 64 owning friends walked out of the gen with 5-7 of mostly the same games, my ps1 friends were easily in the 30-50 game range with a pretty huge variation.

And yeah, the n64 controller was horrid. Need three hands to use all the buttons easily.


Okay so I understand some folks having different standards for what makes a console good to them, and so the N64 isn't the worst console for many.

What I'm surprised is how many are saying it's better than SNES in this thread. It's shocking honestly. Did more people here simply just have an N64 and never a SNES? Very different libraries and quality of titles

Keep in mind that many of us were young at the time so we didn't really have complete access to these libraries or the internet so what we personally played shaped how we felt about these consoles. Approaching a console as a current owner and approaching it as an analyst/collector are very different and the former is where the emotional connection tends to form.

By any reasonable metric the SNES was the better system but the N64 despite all its problems had this big event feel to it. From those days of playing Super Mario 64 demos before launch, the crazy anticipation for Ocarina of Time, Starfox coming with the rumblepack, the vulgarity of Conker, to the built in multiplayer and all those crazy nights of Goldeneye, the Aki wrestling games, Mario Kart, etc you really have these big moments that shape the N64's life. The SNES had some of those moments but I don't think they leave quite the impression the N64 did and it's experiences are inherently more subdued due to the relatively single-player nature of the machine.

Of course, the N64 having the droughts and limited third party support that it did certainly play into each release feeling more important than they probably were. In that sense though it isn't too far fetched that N64 probably played a larger percentage of the consoles best games than many SNES owners did.

It also doesn't hurt that the N64 was sexy as hell with those curves compared to that boxy monstrosity that was the SNES.


You're right. Let's not be too critical. :|

I'm shocked how many people feel this way, though. Not that they simply exist. I also think it's alright to wonder why exactly so many people here lean towards that opinion.

N64 was basically for a new generation of players. SNES and therefore Capcom, Square and Konami acolytes would be better off hoping to the PS1 bandwagon

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member

That's good bait, but mines better.



Now I'm not saying that this means that everyone should agree that this is the greatest Nintendo console or anything like that. Opinions on individual entries are subjective and many of these titles got stuck in one or two regions but saying Nintendo should be embarrassed or that it's unequivocally their worst console is just spiteful nonsense.

Hell, you put up this kind of rundown without telling people it's for the Wii and most people would be all over it or the very least not putting it dead last in terms of Nintendo consoles.
Sorry but you could make lists like this for every nintendo console and both the wii and wiiu would come in towards the end of any nintendo console list even though the Wii and Wii U have some great games.


Kind of cool that a dentist office had such an old system hooked up. Perhaps it's been there for years.

Speaking of the N64, is Ogre Battle 64 worth playing?


It always makes me die a little on the inside whenever I hear/read people say that Goldeneye hasn't aged well. I still dig out my old N64 and play the single player campaign once in a while and can still have fun with it. Just like I can pop in a modern FPS like COD for example and have fun with it as well. I just wish people weren't so spoiled by modern FPS games these days.

Same goes for Perfect Dark, but that game at least has that XBLA remake going for it, so less people are inclined to say the game hasn't aged well because they can play it on their Xbox.

Anybody else still play GE and PD on their actual N64 machine? I can't be the only one, right?


I don't agree, first of all, there are allot more worst consoles out there.
Beside that, it did got a good library of games, not so hugh like some consoles.

Beside that, games like banjoo,007 and zelda are just amazing looking games.

The controller is still one of the best comfortable ones

Also, n64 made the standards from what all consoles are using today.

So i'm not agree with you.
OP is crazy. I remember when that N64 JPN console poppud up in an import store nearby and me just walking in randomly at age 14. The first time I saw SM64 and holding that controller made my jaw drop big time. Ran home, took all my savings, bought it with SM64 and PW64 and forgot the real world for the next few months; and then Wave Race 64 happened. lol

Overall I still love the system and the controller and I was very satisfied with the games I've bought for it. I think even to tjis day I like the N64 controller the best, alone for the SM64 experience. That was smooth as hell.

Sure, we can have a discussion about how the games have aged, since then but to me personally that didn't change a bit. I pretty much don't care about graphics and nowadays standards since I can enjoy old games, go game over and start again without getting annoyed by that. But that's just me I guess.
GoldenEye and the AKI Wrestling games were the only reason to own it. I don't even like SM64 or OoT. PS1 and Saturn were way better consoles that gen IMO. N64 is just a step above Jaguar/3DO-tier consoles IMO. Let's not even start on having to buy a ram cart, rumble paks or the crappy memory cards.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
N64 is just a step above Jaguar/3DO-tier consoles IMO.

Okay you can get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Let's not even start on having to buy a ram cart, rumble paks or the crappy memory cards.

You mean the ram cart that didn't come until years later and was only required for 2-3 games and was literally given away with one of them?

Oh no not the optional rumble pack that was given away free with a game! Heaven forbid people have an option to buy it or not.

What's this? Memory cards? Heaven forbid a console from the mid 90's have those. It's a good thing N64 had some games with built in save slots though right? Not like a certain system where you basically need one if want to continue playing anything at all.


I agree about the blurry graphics (didn't even have RGB output in Europe ffs) and limited library but Majora's Mask, Mario 64, OoT, Shadowman and both Banjo games put it well ahead of any hardware released by Nintendo since. Nintendo has been a steady decline this century.


Okay so I understand some folks having different standards for what makes a console good to them, and so the N64 isn't the worst console for many.

What I'm surprised is how many are saying it's better than SNES in this thread. It's shocking honestly. Did more people here simply just have an N64 and never a SNES? Very different libraries and quality of titles
Replay some SNES games. Most of them have aged TERRIBLY especially RPGs. Final Fantasy 4, Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire 1, Breath of Fire 2, Tales of Phantasia, Illusion of Gaia, Lufia are almost unplayable now. Castlevania 4, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country, Star Fox, Super Mario Kart, even A Link to the Past are showing its age. And tbh I think Chrono Trigger isn't that great outside its combat mechanics.

The SNES might be the most overrated console of all time.


Mmmmh... Wii U is worst than Nintendo 64, library-wise.

Nintendo 64 had WAY more variety, along with nice 3rd party support.


I think the most damning thing about the N64 is revealed through the list wars. All of the N64 lists, proving the greatness of the console, start strong, but they get highly dubious really quickly.

Beyond that, even some of the most cherished games were still essentially just glorified proofs of concept. Golden Eye was always a little janky. It hasn't aged well. It was a great time, but there were always problems.

I think the fact that it had four controller ports, and the fact that Nintendo's first party games really nailed the multiplayer component, is the one saving grace. However, it is hard to see the console as a huge success when you consider how few games there were, how many genres were essentially just absent, and the quality of it's competitors lineup. As a teenager, the system basically forced me to buy a Playstation. At the time that was something I REALLY didn't want to do, as Nintendo was home to me.

I feel if you compared Square and Capcom's output on the PS1 to the entire N64 lineup, the PS1 would probably have more killer titles.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
Don't be so rude LOL. I think he wasn't talking from a technical standpoint.

There's nothing technical about what he said. In fact I doubt he's even played those systems to make such a ridiculous statement. It's just plain insulting to put it in with those two.
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