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I think the N64 is Nintendo's worst machine and era


Neo Member
Madden Football (was better on N64 than Sony for a couple years)
Griffey Baseball
Mario Sports games
WWF No Mercy
NBA Live

Nintendo was a great place to play many sports games, after the N64 there was a major decline in quality of the 3rd party console games.

I still enjoy:
Ogre Battle 64, Blast Corps, Bomberman, Smash Bros

Good for the time:
Jet Force Gemini, Mario Party, Rogue Squadron

I'd still prefer the N64 library to the Wii that shall not be named.
Super Smash Bros Melee blows every multiplayer game on the N64 out of the water.

Though you are certainly right that not pushing online multiplayer ended up hampering them that generation.

Yeah, I know there's a ton of love for Melee, but I spent a lot more time playing games like Mario 64 and Goldeneye. But it's really just a matter of opinion in that case. The only issue, as you noted, was just a huge mistake. I do wonder how things would've played out that generation for Nintendo had they moved Perfect Dark to the GC and released it at launch with online play. What impact would that have had in HALO becoming the multiplayer shooter of that generation?


I could take this thread remotely seriously if it wasn't for the Wii U. It trounces the N64's library? Give me a fucking break, OP.

I mean depending on your perspective it kinda does. It's not that farfetched.

Third Party support on the N64 was absolutely atrocious. Wii U is bad, but due to indies and partnerships it at least has something. I don't think there's any third party game that I'd want to play on the N64. If you didn't like collectathons and shooters (my position) the N64's library also went to a couple notches. The Wii U on the other hand has Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, SSB4, and THe Wonderful 101 among others.


By that logic, the Wii U had the first proper 4-player 3D platformer, I'm not seeing a lot of differences here, the only thing the N64 has over the Wii U is that it was first with 3D gaming. We are probably never going to experience something like that switch in dimensions again, not any time soon at least.

Better fits a racing game tbh.

Salty Hippo

It does. Sad but true.

The N64 made me swear off Nintendo consoles for a decade.



It sure does.

That's not even taking into account how revolutionary the very best N64 games were. The Wii U loses under any metric imaginable other than wild personal taste. Saying it "trounces" the N64 is laughable.

I mean depending on your perspective it kinda does. It's not that farfetched.

Third Party support on the N64 was absolutely atrocious. Wii U is bad, but due to indies and partnerships it at least has something. I don't think there's any third party game that I'd want to play on the N64. If you didn't like collectathons and shooters (my position) the N64's library also went to a couple notches. The Wii U on the other hand has Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8, SSB4, and THe Wonderful 101 among others.

I can easily list you over 50 retail third party games on N64 that were very well received critically (80+ averages). Can you do the same for the Wii U?

Just because you didn't want to play those games (and likely don't even know they exist), it doesn't mean the games weren't there.


3D World is better than 64
Super Mario 64 is still the better game today.

Mario Kart 8 is better than 64 (which is arguably the worst console MK game)

Mario Kart 64 added 4 player multiplayer and skid boost. What exactly did Mario Kart 8 add that wasn't in 7?

and there are a ton of shooters on the Wii U that are better than GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, come on.

These were the first ever FPS games made exclusively for consoles and were very innovative at the time. There are zero shooters on Wii U that even came close to having the same impact these did.


Yeah, I know there's a ton of love for Melee, but I spent a lot more time playing games like Mario 64 and Goldeneye. But it's really just a matter of opinion in that case. The only issue, as you noted, was just a huge mistake. I do wonder how things would've played out that generation for Nintendo had they moved Perfect Dark to the GC and released it at launch with online play. What impact would that have had in HALO becoming the multiplayer shooter of that generation?
Halo 1 was all about LAN. It was Halo 2 where online multiplayer became a major component of the series' success.

Also, consider Time Splitters 2 came out a year after Halo and provided most of the same things the Rare N64 shooters did. Didn't stop the Halo juggernaut one bit.
3D World is better than 64, Mario Kart 8 is better than 64 (which is arguably the worst console MK game), and there are a ton of shooters on the Wii U that are better than GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, come on.

I'll give you Zelda and Rogue Squadron.

Wii U doesn't have any shooters (besides Splatoon). What are you talking about?

N64 has Turok 1-3, Rage Wars, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and ports of Doom, Duke Nukem, and Quake as FPS for examples. It also has some solid TPS and rail shooters, too.

You really have poor understanding of the N64's library going by your posts. I don't have a problem if you don't want to explore the library, but don't spew false information.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It didn't age well, but I at least enjoyed it at the time.

Wii was their worst console for me.

Motion controls that I ended up loathing.

SD graphics in the HD era.

Terrible online features when online gaming was exploding.

Too many casual, party games that don't interest me at all.

Meh. Don't get me wrong, it had some great games like the Mario Galaxies, Metroid Prime 3 and what not, but overall I was hugely let down by the system.


sparkle this bitch
You're not wrong, but I would like to point out that entire era aged horribly. N64, PS1, and Saturn. Each being the companies worst system.

Piss poor framerates, terrible controls, horrible load times, etc. Some great games but something like Xenogears is virtually unplayable without mods on PC.


You're not wrong, but I would like to point out that entire era aged horribly. N64, PS1, and Saturn.

Piss poor framerates, terrible controls, horrible load times, etc. Some great games but something like Xenogears is virtually unplayable without mods on PC.

PS1 has aged the worst by far, those low count polygons man.


The N64 has given me my best non-LAN local multiplayer memories. For that reason alone, it's one of my favorite consoles ever -- second favorite Nintendo console behind the SNES.

Wii is my least favorite Nintendo console. I didn't really care for much on it outside of Boom Blox.


N64 didn't age well, and I didn't even like it much at the time. The vaseline smear look to everything was pretty disappointing after seeing what PCs were starting to offer at the same time. Even then, early 3d is just a look I'll never like. At the time, and now I was more interested in quality sprite work, or in the case of 3d, I'd take quake any day over the n64 fps games. That's not even touching on the games with complete dogshit frame rates.

Mario 64 still holds up for me, but spawned a legion of lesser knockoffs (banjo? DK? BLECH). I love Ogre Battle 64, but I can't say anything else gives me any interest in plugging my 64 in.
I love that Howard Lincoln's "quality over quantity" mantra is still alive and well today (I know he didn't coin the phrase, but from 1996 - 1999 he owned it). It's practically a reflex for any Nintendo fan of that era, myself included.
Nah. So many major Nintendo IPs were either born or reborn with the N64.

You've got Mario 64, perhaps the most influential game ever, for all intents and purposes created full 3D gameplay/world design, and which is still phenomenal. Ocarina of Time, which was revolutionary in its own right. The birth of Smash Bros. The birth of Paper Mario. The birth of Animal Crossing. Mario Kart 64, which exploded the series into one of Nintendo's all-time largest. Most of the best Pokémon spin-off games. The first hugely successful console FPS. The centerpiece title of the Star Fox series. Some of the best Mario sports and Mario Party titles. Not to mention being the best local multiplayer console ever.

Nah. Wii U is without a doubt worse. It had some great games for sure, but outside of Splatoon none of them have been anywhere near as significant as those. And even then, Splatoon doesn't come close Mario 64 or OoT in terms of impact.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Might have to agree with you on this OP.

For me anyway I only was interested in 4-5 games. 3rd party was lacking significantly on it too. Not really that but decisions Nintendo made caused some 3rd party games to go to other systems. Metal Gear and FF 7 not being on the N64 was a major mistake.
Overall the library on the N64 was lacking.

I mean its the last home console they did that did cartridges when the entire industry shifted to disc. (before Switch obviously) Back then that was a huuuuuge issue.
I left Nintendo when Final Fantasy and haven't looked back.

Nothing on their consoles interests me or impresses me.

N64 did have some great games though.

The Hermit

It was a local multiplayer dream, had Ocarina of Time, Mario 64 and Goldeneye.

But I agree. The software droughts ere looonggg and I bough a bunch of games I wouldn't even touch today.

Gamecube and WiiU were much better, even though I never bought a GCN


I love the N64 but you're still not wrong. Think about the home consoles Nintendo has put out and try to convince yourself any of them were worse than the N64. You can't.

Gamecube by a mile was worse. Not even close. Even the goddamn Mario Kart on that console was ass. As was Mario Sunshine. They couldn't get shit right on that console.

and there are a ton of shooters on the Wii U that are better than GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, come on.

LMAO @ saying this with a straight face as if GE and PD on the N64 didnt straight up lay groundwork on how to successfully sell a FPS on consoles. Prior to Goldeneye showing the industry that it could be done right we were wallowing in Quake ports and shit that no one freaking bought.

To even compare that to todays FPS while not making mention of the brickwork GE/PD laid that helped make those fps you play today POSSIBLE is hilarious.
It's not exactly a bold statement. Though it might have one of the best ratios of good games to bad games released, next to the TG-16.

If you were a fan of 2D platformers and rpg's, then you definitely needed to stay away from it.

I think at the time, it had quite a few worthwhile games and some of the ports it shared with PS1 favored the N64(The World is not Enough, Rainbow Six, San Francisco Rush, Shadowman, NFL Blitz and a few others).

Resident Evil 2 on the N64 was a massive achievement at the time and still a pretty damn good port aside from muffled sound and blurry CG cutscenes.

N64 shined being a multiplayer console and having some fantastic exclusive games(Turok series, the four Star Wars games, Goemen games, so many others to list).

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was actually mind blowing at the time of release and was an exclusive for over half a year until the PC release. By that time, Goldeneye 007 raised the bar.

and of course the system had it's innovations, some of which were not necessarily new, but not standard:

Four controller slots, rumble pak, expansion pak, memory card slots for each controller, analog movement, transfer pak.

The Hermit

The wii is the most boring nintendo console.

I love neogaf

To me the Wii was Nintendo's best system ever.

It was the first time I could play all Nintendo games in one System ( now WiiU has that crown and apparently for ever since the Swtich is not backward compatible)

The Wii was tiny, compact, had excellent controllers, Gamecube support, three Mario platformers, two Zelda games, two Metroid games, two Kirby games, Donkey Kong Country Returns, the better Mario Kart, the better Smash Bros, one of the best RPGs ever, and the ability to play a backlog of Nintendo games including the best of the N64's library and yet people are saying the N64 is better?

Thank you

Wii was my most played videogame ever


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Gamecube by a mile was worse. Not even close. Even the goddamn Mario Kart on that console was ass. As was Mario Sunshine. They couldn't get shit right on that console.

LMAO @ saying this with a straight face as if GE and PD on the N64 didnt straight up lay groundwork on how to successfully sell a FPS on consoles. Prior to Goldeneye showing the industry that it could be done right we were wallowing in Quake ports and shit that no one freaking bought.

To even compare that to todays FPS while not making mention of the brickwork GE/PD laid that helped make those fps you play today POSSIBLE is hilarious.

Gamecube had IMO a better overall library. And had arguably the 'definitive edition' of some 3rd party games. Metal Gear Solid is one.

That same game that didnt make it to N64...

Yea there were some iconic games on the N64 but the library overall....
If you've only got 4 of its games you've missed out on some of the best games ever produced, simple as that. Graphically it hasn't aged well (neither has PSX) but the gameplay is still there.

I meant that the gameplay hasn't aged well. The graphics were blurry in addition to that.


The controller is shit (use a gamecube controller if at all possible to play these) but the gaming library is arguably nintendo's best, some of the greatest games of all time came from this console.

List of good exclusive N64 games. Bolded IMO are in discussion for the best games ever.

Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64
Starfox 64
Paper Mario

Sin and Punishment
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Pokemon Snap
Super Smash Bros.
Killer Instinct Gold
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Michief Makers
Majora's Mask
Donkey Kong 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Body Harvest
Blast Corps
Wave Race 64
1080 Snowboarding
Mystical Ninja Staring Goemon
Goemons Great Adventure
Pokemon Puzzle League
Perfect Dark
Harvest Moon 64
Jet Force Gemeni
Kirby 64 and the Crystal Shards
Mario Kart 64
Pilotwings 64
Dr Mario 64
F Zero X
Turok 2
Ogre Battle 64
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Space Station Silicon Valley
Star Wars Episode 1 Battle for Naboo
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
WWF No Mercy
Yoshi Story

Im sure there are more that I am forgetting.

What in the world! That list is fantastic and you still missing gems like star wars shadows of the Empire.


...Not really?

If anything, the "gold standards" all came earlier.

Super Mario Bros 3
A Link to the Past
Yoshi's Island
Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country 2

Every new Mario/Zelda/Yoshi/Metroid/Donkey Kong game is inevitably compared to those titles. Virtually every discussion on a Yoshi game past the first will talk about the game's quality compared to Yoshi's Island. Those games also set the "blueprint" for what people expect from the series. The New Super Mario Bros series is really the New Super Mario Bros 3 series.

Let's use Metroid as an example. Say Metroid Prime didn't come out and we went straight to Metroid Other M. Would Other M be well received? Well no, because Other M wasn't just being compared to Metroid Prime, it was being compared to Super Metroid, just like every other Metroid game made since 1994.

Yeah, no.

Ask a Zelda fan what the best game was, you'll get OoT or Majora's Mask.

Ask a Mario fan what the best game was, they'll say 64 or Galaxy, which has a play style heavily influenced by 64.

Ask a Metroid fan about Other M and you'll hear "why couldn't they just make another Prime?", not "why can't they just make another Super Metroid?", for reasons that should be pretty apparent.

Yoshi's Island was great, yes, but as I mentioned, games that didn't get a groundbreaking entry on N64 struggled for years afterward to re-discover what made it great, like the original Yoshi's Island never happened. Couple that with the fact that later YI games have more in common with Yoshi's Story for inexplicable reasons.

And again, DK64 was too much of a trainwreck to become the new standard of DK excellence, which is why the franchise suffered for years until Retro decided to take a swing (oops, unintended pun).

I'd honestly prefer if Nintendo took more cues from the SNES era for all these years. But I know from what they have given us that it isn't the case.
I think Gamecube is Nintendo's worst era because when I think of Gamecube games by Nintendo that really stick in my memory, the only one is Melee. Sunshine and Wind Waker were both a bit tepid, relative to the rest of their series. The best games on the GC were from Capcom, of all people.

The Wii barely manages to edge the GC out because Mario Galaxies are so fantastic




It sure does.

That's not even taking into account how revolutionary the very best N64 games were. The Wii U loses under any metric imaginable other than wild personal taste. Saying it "trounces" the N64 is laughable.

I can easily list you over 50 retail third party games on N64 that were very well received critically (80+ averages). Can you do the same for the Wii U?

Just because you didn't want to play those games (and likely don't even know they exist), it doesn't mean the games weren't there.

According to Metacritic there are 57 third party Wii U games with 80+ averages and only 20 third party N64 games with a 80+average. I don't see why they have to be retail. A key part of my argument was that a reason that Wii U's third party library is better than the N64s was because of indie and downloadable games, which are no less real games than the N64's retail games (Here are the lists so you can double check my math, http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/release-date/available/wii-u/metascore and http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/release-date/available/n64/metascore).

The point I was trying to make is that a question like this depends on a person's subjective tastes and opinions. I'm aware there were third party games on the 64 (I knew the existed) but I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't want to play any of them (I reviewed the entire list of N64 games before typing that because I figured there had to be at least one). Depending on the day I might prefer Super Mario 3D World to Super Mario 64 and Bayonetta 2 to Ocarina of Time. At the same time I realize that some people really liked Goldeneye, Rare Games, and Collectathons (I didn't) so I can understand why some people really like the N64. Your tone seems to suggest that "wild personal taste" is an unacceptable metric and I would disagree with that.
I think Mario 64 and those Zelda games are enough to put it over the Wii tbh

I think Gamecube is Nintendo's worst era because when I think of Gamecube games by Nintendo that really stick in my memory, the only one is Melee. Sunshine and Wind Waker were both a bit tepid, relative to the rest of their series. The best games on the GC were from Capcom, of all people.

The Wii barely manages to edge the GC out because Mario Galaxies are so fantastic
Melee, >>>Metroid Prime<<<, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Resi4, REmake, and Thousand Year Door make up for it. And that's if you don't consider Wind Waker to be tied for best Zelda game along with Majora.


Gold Member
Can't agree with the OP.

I had all the main systems at the time: N64, PS1 and Sat, and my friends and I often came back to the N64 for one reason or another. It earned its greatness with great games, like most other Nintendo systems. It was the place to be if you cared about local multiplayer.

Also, OP, you trashed the the system before getting the GameCube? Doesn't even make sense. Resale value has always been good for Nintendo stuff, so even if you despised it, why would you dump it?
As a huge Nintendo fan, the N64 was the most disappointed I've ever been (the GBA comes in at a close 2nd though).




what does anyone look fondly from that console other than mario galaxy and wii sports?

No More Heroes 1&2
Red Steel 2
Sonic Colors
Sky Crawlers
House of the Dead Overkill
Dead Space Extraction
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Truama Center Games
Mario Galaxy 1&2
Metroid Prime 3
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Batalion Wars
Mario Strikers Charged
Monster Hunter tri
Excite Truck and Bots
Murumassa: The Demon Blade
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Wario Land Shake it
De Blob
Boom Blox 1&2
Super Paper Mario
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Endless Ocean 1&2
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom


It's all perspective, for me the N64 was at that right age that I was still a kid but old enough to enjoy the games fully and it's that magic combination that will make no future console better than it and even older consoles as much nostalgia as I may have for the SNES/NES.

The Hermit

I think Gamecube is Nintendo's worst era because when I think of Gamecube games by Nintendo that really stick in my memory, the only one is Melee. Sunshine and Wind Waker were both a bit tepid, relative to the rest of their series. The best games on the GC were from Capcom, of all people.

The Wii barely manages to edge the GC out because Mario Galaxies are so fantastic

You see, I never had a Gamecube, but it had so many great games it wasn't even funny

And thanks to "skipping" that gen I managed to play everything on the Wii. So it was 2x more awesome.

I think this thread should have a poll
No More Heroes 1&2
Red Steel 2
Sonic Colors
Sky Crawlers
House of the Dead Overkill
Dead Space Extraction
Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Truama Center Games
Mario Galaxy 1&2
Metroid Prime 3
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Batalion Wars
Mario Strikers Charged
Monster Hunter tri
Excite Truck and Bots
Murumassa: The Demon Blade
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Wario Land Shake it
De Blob
Boom Blox 1&2

Super Paper Mario
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Endless Ocean 1&2
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
Come onnnnnn

Some of the ones I left unvolded are extremely generous, but the ones I bolded? No way.


The point I was trying to make is that a question like this depends on a person's subjective tastes and opinions. I'm aware there were third party games on the 64 (I knew the existed) but I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't want to play any of them (I reviewed the entire list of N64 games before typing that because I figured there had to be at least one). Depending on the day I might prefer Super Mario 3D World to Super Mario 64 and Bayonetta 2 to Ocarina of Time. At the same time I realize that some people really liked Goldeneye, Rare Games, and Collectathons (I didn't) so I can understand why some people really like the N64. Your tone seems to suggest that "wild personal taste" is an unacceptable metric and I would disagree with that.
That is true and a good point but I don't see any metric that the vast majority will say that the wii u had a better lineup than the N64. It's simply not true plus with how revolutionary the games for the n64 were at the time really says something.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
No More Heroes 1&2
Red Steel 2
Sonic Colors
Sky Crawlers
House of the Dead Overkill
Dead Space Extraction
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Truama Center Games
Mario Galaxy 1&2
Metroid Prime 3
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Batalion Wars
Mario Strikers Charged
Monster Hunter tri
Excite Truck and Bots
Murumassa: The Demon Blade
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Wario Land Shake it
De Blob
Boom Blox 1&2
Super Paper Mario
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Endless Ocean 1&2
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

A FEW of these are really good, most are lackluster.

Source: Reality
I think Mario 64 and those Zelda games are enough to put it over the Wii tbh

Melee, >>>Metroid Prime<<<, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Resi4, REmake, and Thousand Year Door make up for it. And that's if you don't consider Wind Waker to be tied for best Zelda game along with Majora.

Don't forget Twilight Princess, I love the dungeons in that game, it still counts as both a GC game and a Wii game IMO.


lmao no it doesn't. I love my WiiU but the n64 had much better games. Not even up for debate really.

Such an odd thing to say. Doesn't the fact that a fairly large part of this thread seems to be dedicated to debating that very issue make it debatable by definition, otherwise what have we be doing since the last page or so.


Come onnnnnn

Some of the ones I left unvolded are extremely generous, but the ones I bolded? No way.

If anyone, anywhere is allowed to put Mario Kart 64 and/or Conker on a good games list in 2016, then they can have whatever they like on a Wii list.
Halo 1 was all about LAN. It was Halo 2 where online multiplayer became a major component of the series' success.

Also, consider Time Splitters 2 came out a year after Halo and provided most of the same things the Rare N64 shooters did. Didn't stop the Halo juggernaut one bit.

That's true about TS, but while it was developed by some former RARE members, it really didn't look like Goldeneye. And it obviously didn't have the same developer/publisher combo to get the additional attention. In PD's case it also had some major things working against it on the N64. The obvious one was timing. The Dreamcast had already launched and the PS2 was already available in Japan. So people were already seeing and playing the next generation, which made all of PD's technical issues stick out that much more.

That's why I wonder if things could've been different. If it launched on the GC at a locked 30fps (or 60fps) framerate and online multiplayer. It would've had all the hype of being GE's spiritual successor and on a completely new platform with online play. That seems like it would've garnered a ton of attention.


For me the worst era was clearly the beginning of the Wii/360/PS3 generation, all those middle studio dead, everything going more and more expensive, being disappointed by Nintendo and stuff like that... Really, the digital market saved us all for me.

For me it will still be the worst era for Nintendo by a large margin. Found Twilight Princess boring, disliked a lot Galaxy 2 (found Galaxy 1 amazing though), Super Paper Mario was a mixed bag of awesome stuff and boring moment, Mario Kart was VERY disappointing to me, Metroid Prime 3 even if it was better than Prime 2 felt very stale to me, a criticism i have often seen at the time but which is forgotten today.

Only the end was good to me (Xenoblade, Zelda Skyward Sword...)... Of course, i'm ONLY talking about Nintendo input, Wii have awesome game by other developpers like Muramasa, Zack & Wiki, House of the Dead 2&3 (Overkill was fine too), Fragile Dreams, Last Story, Pandora's Tower, there is a lot of hidden gem to love here !

But the N64 ? Rare input alone was worth the console but Factor 5 was here too ! And awesome game from Treasure ! And Nintendo of course ! Blurry texture were not that bad in my cathodic Television and i certainly prefer it over pixel texture like in a lot of Playstation game.

Is the PS1 better ? Well yeah ! But really, it was a good era were everything had to be invented again with a lot of creativity from developpers... I like that.
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