The problem with Wii U was that they didn't know how to promote the damn thing. That's why it failed.
Wii was so successful cuz if it's marketing for casuals like older people etc. It was marketed as an exercise machine with motion controls and less so as a hardcore gaming device.
They can make another and modern home console, they just won't cuz this outdated pos is so popular even 5 years later. We'll have PS7-8 a few decades from now and they'll still won't do anything about it. I get that they're doing their own thing, I just refuse to support it, accept it cuz I don't like it one bit, after buying it couple of times. I don't want to play Nintendo games (or just about any complext 3D games made for this thing) and look at their amazing art in bs and ancient screen resolution with downgraded visuals.
Now, I'm not a graphics whore, but I like the art, always liked it, especially when it comes to video games, but Switch ruins it with its pixelated, aliens and vaseline crap in ancient screen resolutions. Thankfully and again, you can fix the resolution problem, but you can in 99% of cases fix downgraded art and assets. Switch is not as terrible as 3DS (yet, but it's getting there when it comes to more complex 3D games) and if you ask me, I wouldn't be using it for anything but emulating 8/16/32bit 2D games cuz that's what it's best suited for, especially on a bit bigger OLED screen.
Ask yourselves, do you don't want to play Nintendo games looking like Ratchet on the PS5? Cuz that's what they should looke like and Nintendo can do it cuz they've amazing and god-like artists and art designers and I want their work to shine on a hardware where it can do that and not be compromised in any way, be it cuz of screen resolution, hardware limitations, you name it. I don't want to be negative, but Nintendo left me no choice at this point, but it won't make me don't like their games, cuz it's impossible.