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IGN: "[Wii] runs a distant second to 360 in annual profits"


PaNaMa said:
Myself and maybe 7 of my friends have all had Wii's since launch. None of us have turned them on, nor have even our girlfriends turned them on
I suggest sexy lingerie.

Sorry, I know it was bad. :(


PaNaMa said:
The OP's arguments are filled with flaws (52 million not enough, etc) however he does make some valid points as well. I will say this: Myself and maybe 7 of my friends have all had Wii's since launch. None of us have turned them on, nor have even our girlfriends turned them on, since the launch of Mario Kart. Even then, my GF played that for just a couple days.

Everyone I know with a Wii simply does not play it. No one even turns it on, let alone buys any new games for it.

You forgot to give us your 360 to Wii game ratio.


And I own about 50 Wii games and turn the thing on every day.



You know, I love Nintendo and hate them at times, but dear god here's hoping they will destroy everything during the holidays. Fun times with all the tearfull articles from journalists and analysts: "Bu-bu-but the games, the systems! The pricecuts and new models!!! It doesn't make any sense!!!"


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
John Dunbar said:
i have a wii and xbox 360 and haven't turned either of them on since punch-out!! what do i win?

An amazon 10 dollar off coupon for Punch Out!!
syllogism said:
Do you guys get this angry over NYT/WaPo/WSJ opinion/editorial/commentary pages too
Jason Marcus from the Wall Street Journal said:
After GM revealed its impressive, Toyota-challenging hybrid last month, I turned to our Automobile Editor-in-Chief Mark Caroll and asked "How's Toyota going to respond to that?" He just shook his head.

Couldn't blame him, really. I'm the guy who's been known to lead off a column by typing "Toyota sucks" several times in a row. Not because I personally believe it, but because it's fun to watch car enthusiasts get Hulk-mad (complete with humorous color changes) and the very notion raises interesting questions.

Meanwhile, Toyota's faithful core of customers almost fell by the wayside, grossly under-served in comparison to the treehuggers. And while the new Celica recently gave Toyota a new car real people drive, the only thing that's truly changed in three years is that Toyota is now only selling to costumers of Losers R Us, a.k.a. the pastel circle of hell. That's just depressing. Toyota is common. The shine is off. GM is the new hotness.

Toyota's always been borderline schizophrenic. You really can't understate what they accomplished with their Prius, but you also can't ignore that it currently runs a distant second to GM when it comes to annual profits.


I could go on to make it look like a WSJ article. No matter how you rewrite the article changing the companies while leaving the basic content the same, it's just retarded fanboyism (and factually wrong), and it would get called out on in every single serious magazine/news paper/website.

Also, I don't see anyone being mad in this thread. It's more a head shake in disbelief or a laugh.


:lol That was so ridiculous, im glad that everyone can agree that the article is a load of shit, well except for the poster that works for IGN doing some desperate damage control.


Sadist said:
You know, I love Nintendo and hate them at times, but dear god here's hoping they will destroy everything during the holidays. Fun times with all the tearfull articles from journalists and analysts: "Bu-bu-but the games, the systems! The pricecuts and new models!!! It doesn't make any sense!!!"

Hey, I always wish for the most schadenfreude-filled result. 'Gotta get my RDA of bitter tears, y'know.


For an article that was written by someone being paid and edited (I hope) it reads a lot like some forum posts I have seen.


Souldriver said:
I could go on to make it look like a WSJ article. No matter how you rewrite the article changing the companies while leaving the basic content the same, it's just retarded fanboyism (and factually wrong), and it would get called out on in every single serious magazine/news paper/website.

Also, I don't see anyone being mad in this thread. It's more a head shake in disbelief or a laugh.
Commentary pages don't really get "called out" ever


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm growing tired of the articles from butthurt fanboys stemming from the fact that Nintendo brought in the casual market. I think it's pathetic that some "hardcore" fans seem to be offended by that.

Edit: Just noticed in the article that the author gave his own game ratio :lol :lol :lol


Plinko said:
I'm growing tired of the articles from butthurt fanboys stemming from the fact that Nintendo brought in the casual market. I think it's pathetic that some "hardcore" fans seem to be offended by that.
It's just like all the "I'm moving to Canada if Bush gets reelected" hyperbole from 04. It will pass eventually.


SamBishop said:
Holy shit, aren't you a reactionary lot. Aside from the whole one-off "Nintendo fans are a third-party-cautious lot" comment, nothing about what he wrote was wrong in what is clearly an editorial. Stop harping on the knee-jerk things that offend you to the soul and concentrate on the talking points. Sorry, legend166, but you've failed as an OP:

I cringe when I see some of the stuff that goes up on IGN sometimes, but I'm not a full-time employee and I can point and laugh with the rest of you, but... seriously?

-He said the casual market is attached to Wii Fit/Play and consistently reward Nintendo with sales month after month. There was absolutely no link to it being why the system sells.
-He said the system doesn't sell hardcore software on the level of first-party, all-encompassing (or "casual" if you want to be that blind) titles, and he is absolutely right. He also specifically called out the "failure" of Wii Music as a multi-million seller to be a clear example of the fallacy of even Nintendo software somehow doing "poorly" when the poor PS3 is struggling to hit a million copies sold on some of their first-party efforts.
-He said the hardcore games sell like shit compared to the monolithic first-party efforts. He also mentioned that the hardcore efforts from Nintendo themselves sell like shit compared to their casual-friendly titles. He is correct. Though his lack of luv for HotD: Overkill makes me sad. The Conduit can eat a dick, but the other two games he mentioned are awesome and deserved better sales.
-He mentions that exact contradiction and makes a point of it being a crossover title in the article, what the hell, man? Re-read it not for bolds but for comprehension.
-The entire point of the article was that Nintendo is in a rare place to serve both segments of their fanbase: the classic hardcore that ask for multiple games a year (yes, please) and those that will happily just buy the casual Fit/Play/Resort stuff and keep those games selling on legs no title has ever enjoyed in the past aside from perhaps some first-party DS stuff and Monster Hunter in Japan.

Did you link to a different article or something?

I just want to point out that Wii Music is a multi-million seller.


Does Writing these articles, get the writer Laid..? or is it more like this:


Because I cannot see the reasoning behind this (these) articles..? or did I misunderstand the words Paid/Laid ?
syllogism said:
Commentary pages don't really get "called out" ever
It would get criticized no matter where it's from. In a way every editorial is made to create discussion. So why are you implying we are a bunch of crybabies who need to shut up?

(Edit: "called out" is indeed the wrong word. I'm not a native english speaker and always thought it just meant "being pointed out about lies", but it means the editor should respond to the criticisms.)


Actually I thought the article was fairly balanced, on the whole. Some of you may not have read beyond the thread title. For example:

I like that Nintendo tries to straddle the line on occasion, but the Wii can support two separate-but-equal customer streams. Now, finally, it will. Nintendo is leading with all its big guns, and there are plenty more franchises to follow up. Expect Kirby to get a Wii game at some point. Cassamassina insists Kid Icarus Wii is still a go, despite the recent implosion of its developer. Deep in the heart of Texas, Retro Studios is up to something and Sega isn't giving up yet, either. Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and Capcom are all looking to tap the Wii's biggest untapped market. More is coming. A lot more.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Souldriver said:
I could go on to make it look like a WSJ article. No matter how you rewrite the article changing the companies while leaving the basic content the same, it's just retarded fanboyism (and factually wrong), and it would get called out on in every single serious magazine/news paper/website.

Also, I don't see anyone being mad in this thread. It's more a head shake in disbelief or a laugh.

Excellent article change there, really puts it in to perspective. If this were any other industry people would be calling the guy a failure and he'd probably be fired, but places like IGN have no journalistic integrity anyway, so it doesn't really matter.


The hell? :lol :lol
Have there always been this many fanboy journalist or is just a wave of them posting at once? Honestly when I read the "wii is common" part I could not bother to continue with a straight face.

I await for the brilliant mod title change.


gkrykewy said:
Actually I thought the article was fairly balanced, on the whole. Some of you may not have read beyond the thread title. For example:

It's hard to continue after you see a journalist write that he purposefully publishes things he thinks are untrue in order to get a reaction from readers. It's not as if these are The Things They Carried sorts of untruths that exist to convey a deeper emotional or intellectual truth, the guy says things to annoy fanboys.
I almost hope Nintendo stays pwning in first place forever just so the butthurtness can continue. :lol

Has anyone else detected a sudden attack on the Wii lately with this kinda stuff? Have zomg sales dipped or something (I don't follow sales really)? The common defense use to be just to pretend it didn't even exist, the blocked ears "lalala I can't hear you" method.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I honestly tried to make it through the entire article, I got to the point with his own game ratio and had to stop. Hyperbole at its finest.
I sometimes feel I'm the only one who doesn't get the hype around Natal. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I would much rather have a controller ala the Wii Remote or Sony's wands. I played with Eye Toy and while it was fun for awhile, it didn't replace my gaming controllers.

I'm the guy who's been known to lead off a column by typing "the Wii is a fad" several times in a row. Not because I personally believe it, but because it's fun to watch Nintendaddicts get Hulk-mad (complete with humorous color changes) and the very notion raises interesting questions.


I can't believe I kept forgetting to cancel my subscription to these bozo's. I hate hate hate reoccurring billing. I think I had them for something like 4 years before I remembered to cancel on time. I think I used the insider stuff only for about a month.
Wow at the reactions on the first page. Aside from the goof about the 360's profits, its actually a very positive article about the Wii if you read the whole thing.

And I agree with his point about NSMB.


SamBishop said:

Sam the article is rehashed, juvenile and poorly researched. It is that simple. You can come here all you like and attempt to discredit the posters in this thread but you are only sharing the same egg on your face as the author of this tripe.

Basically, if you want your site to have some respect then stop hiring console jockeys like Rus. Otherwise, carry on poking fun at teenagers on your message board but accept the criticism and scorn it deserves in good grace.
You reap what you sow.

Btw, did anyone else get the impression that Matt may not have been shaking his head for the reasons Rus thought? After reading both those articles of his and having him come up and ask me a loaded, silly question like he did, I'd most likely be shaking my head as well.


Souldriver said:
What do you want people to say to an article like this? "Well he does have some points?"

I could write an "article" that only consists of "THE PS3 SUX THE PS3 SUX THE PS3 SUX" and somewhere in the middle I say that "there is a new slim PS3 coming for a price of 299$ that will probably spur sales", and you'd have to say that "I do have a point".

I think it's more than fair to call a journalist out on article that is pretty blatant fanboyism. And as I already stated, even if you consider it an editorial, you still have to use correct numbers and facts, which he doesn't.

Honestly? Yeah, because he does. It's not a fanboy rant, it's someone who has, by their own admission (sorry, don't read IGN AU) admitted that they post stuff that riles the Nintendo faithful, yet concedes that they're in an an amazing and (sales-wise) uncontested position of selling games to two crowds. I really don't understand how people are missing the overall point of the article. It's meant to be praising of Nintendo, not a dig.


JDSN said:
:lol That was so ridiculous, im glad that everyone can agree that the article is a load of shit, well except for the poster that works for IGN doing some desperate damage control.
I hope you're not talking about me.


SamBishop said:
Honestly? Yeah, because he does. It's not a fanboy rant, it's someone who has, by their own admission (sorry, don't read IGN AU) admitted that they post stuff that riles the Nintendo faithful, yet concedes that they're in an an amazing and (sales-wise) uncontested position of selling games to two crowds. I really don't understand how people are missing the overall point of the article. It's meant to be praising of Nintendo, not a dig.

I guess that guy isn't a good writer, because that's not the impression I got after reading it.


I think people in this thread, including the OP, have largely misread the article. The author isn't assessing the success of the Wii (as a whole) relative to other platforms; so he's not saying (as the thread title misleading indicates) that Microsoft have been more financially successful than Nintendo, or that the Microsoft's and Sony's strategies or platforms are superior.

It's not a Wii bashing article all! Rather it's a recognition of the need for a balance between hardcore and 'casual' games, on the basis that casual gamers buy relatively few titles so can be sated more easily, allowing Nintendo to drive greater volumes by properly catering to the harcore: the 'other side' of the user base. That's where the comparisons to the 360 come in as a measure of Nintendo's past failure to bank on its hardcore heritage (according to the author anyway).

However the point of the article is to acknowledge that things are changing, that Nintendo is finally in a position to redress the balance, having done what it needs to do in the 'casual' market to maintain its position. So he's being optimistic about the Wii's prospects, believing that we're about to see a new renaissance in hardcore Nintendo games, allowing the Wii to capitalise on both markets.

The thread title should have been: IGN: "Nintendo [is] already reinventing the Wii as a hardcore gaming platform. It's the smartest move it could possibly make. "
...oh man. I should have scrolled down to see how long that was. If I had known I could have read the tl;dr and save myself time and brain cells.


TheRagnCajun said:
...oh man. I should have scrolled down to see how long that was. If I had known I could have read the tl;dr and save myself time and brain cells.

Except the quick summary is completely fucking wrong.
onipex said:
I just want to point out that Wii Music is a multi-million seller.

The author notes that, and he also notes that its sales are greater than a good number of "hardcore" Wii titles combined. Seriously guys, READ the fucking thing, then post.


Scrubking said:
You forgot to give us your 360 to Wii game ratio.

Sorry. I think 4 Wii games and like 30+ 360 games. I'm not hating on Wii, I just wish my GF would play it more since I bought it mostly for her. As it turns out, she's getting real interested in PS3 now with the price drop because of the platformer type games (LBP, Ratchet Clank) so I think we're going to pick up a Slim for Christmas. Even if she doesn't play it much, at least I'll have a sweet bluray player :p Yay for finally owning all 3 consoles =p.


freddy said:
Sam the article is rehashed, juvenile and poorly researched. It is that simple. You can come here all you like and attempt to discredit the posters in this thread but you are only sharing the same egg on your face as the author of this tripe.

Basically, if you want your site to have some respect then stop hiring console jockeys like Rus. Otherwise, carry on poking fun at teenagers on your message board but accept the criticism and scorn it deserves in good grace.
You reap what you sow.

Btw, did anyone else get the impression that Matt may not have been shaking his head for the reasons Rus thought? After reading both those articles of his and having him come up and ask me a loaded, silly question like he did, I'd most likely be shaking my head as well.

Dude, I'm not trying to discredit anyone -- that's kinda the whole point. People are so fixated on the idea that this is an anti-Wii article that they can't see it's a positive appraisal of where Nintendo is now. They have a unique position: an incredibly huge hardware base and an intensely loyal fanbase that has, in relation to previous systems, been ill-served. If they can appease both markets (and the article makes the point that the casuals can be happy with just a few games with some crossover), then Nintendo can capitalize on all those installed units and rake in more from those that want something that uses the hardware in unique ways.

It's not a negative editorial at all.

For what it's worth, I'm not defending anything. I'm just trying to present my own take on things that I feel people are glossing over en masse because of the title or ultra-sensitive reactions to particular phrasings or... something. I'm honestly perplexed because I don't see this as a bashing article. The thread title is a little sensationalistic, sure, but I would think reading comprehension isn't completely lost on the GAF audience.

hamchan said:
I hope you're not talking about me.

No, he's probably talking about me.


FireFly said:
It's not a Wii bashing article all!

Of course not, it is totally mature to use babies r us, nintenthings, nintendaddicts and I dont know how many times he refereed to N-fans. It is an objective and professional piece of article with well researched facts.



Dig past the WiiGame-branded titles to the hardcore fare that hardcore gamers crave, and you find Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy made just over a third what Play and Fit each raked in and just over half Mario Kart's numbers. Nothing else comes close. Unlike Play, Fit and Mario Kart, Brawl and Galaxy aren't even in the top fifty monthly sellers anymore. They'll have to settle for being smash hits in the 8 million units sold range, as opposed to Play and Fit's mid/low 20 millions and Mario Kart's 15.5 million.
I laughed out loud when reading this. It almost sounds if 8 million in sales is a bad thing.


jay said:
It's called IGN quality.

Can someone make a jpeg stamp with 'IGN Quality' text in front of an over-the-top happy yet unrelated background image? Like a unicorn jumping over a rainbow or a first-place gold ribbon or something... So friendly, nursery-approved that it makes you nauseous?

I think it would serve us well in the future.

Edit: Meh, tried my best. A turtle riding a unicorn works, I think?


IGN said:
It's a mistake to shoehorn a PlayStation or Xbox game into the Wii. The bigger consoles do them too well.

WTF is that supposed to mean??? So now games that have guns, realistic style graphics (which were perfectly fine last gen), a story, mature themes, and or blood are "PS/Xbox games"?? What the hell kind of ignorance is that?



Hes pretty much right, I honestly dont know how the Wii has so many supporters who claim to be hardcore gamers here. Personally I feel its the worst console ive ever owned, and I mean its not even close.


Bizzyb said:
WTF is that supposed to mean??? So now games that have guns, realistic style graphics (which were perfectly fine last gen), a story, mature themes, and or blood are "PS/Xbox games"?? What the hell kind of ignorance is that?


Name an FPS on the Wii that has delivered the same level of multiplayer depth, story or, yes, visual/aural fidelity/immersion as the bigger titles on the HD systems. Now who's being ignorant? Jeezus, do you even know what that word means?

This thread is driving me nuts. Please read the article, then read my and the posters who are contesting the OP's posts and understand where the clear break in comprehension is happening. Or just keep posting hilarious .gifs. Sometimes I fucking hate this place.


ok that is a weird fanboy article for sure.. but one thing seems weird... does the wii REALLY make less profits than the 360? Doesn't sound correct since the wii always outsells it but maybe I just don't know the real numbers?
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