I've heard around 10 hours for a single run with some exploration and side activity completion. Ideally, you would run through the main story twice, to see both good and evil cutscenes and get to use both sides of the power sets.
Godspeed, I used the img of the preorder from feb 27th 2014 that I quoted earlier and explained that the release day delivery changed to next week for no reason when we both had prime shipping.
I've heard around 10 hours for a single run with some exploration and side activity completion. Ideally, you would run through the main story twice, to see both good and evil cutscenes and get to use both sides of the power sets.
There aren't really any side missions. There are side activities like collecting audio logs, shard gathering, DUP killing, etc, etc. Nothing really like Strangers and Freaks missions from GTAV.
But yes, my playthrough had a little of those side activities. I didn't just slog through.
There aren't really side missions. There are side activities like collecting audio logs, shard gathering, DUP killing, etc, etc. Nothing really like Strangers and Freaks missions from GTAV.
But yes, my playthrough had a little of those side activities. I didn't just slog through.
So amazon customer service couldnt help me so i changed my shipping speed to 1-day and tried again and got a different representative. I got this from the representative in the chat now.
For prime customers, Pre-orders will be delivered to them even though they placed the item via 2 day shipping. But in this case, this item was readily unavailable with the nearest fulfillment center. That's the reason it was originally scheduled to be delivered on March 25.
Since you've changed the shipping method to one day shipping, it will be delivered to you on march 21.
However, I can issue you a refund for your shipping charges of this order.
Me:That would be lovely
Mugeshraja:I've removed the shipping charges for your order.
You can view your revised order details in Your Account here:
Me:Thank you very much
Mugeshraja:You're welcome. Is there anything else you wish me to check for you today though?
Me:Nope thats it, thanks
Mugeshraja:You're welcome! It has been my pleasure assisting you. Thanks for contacting Amazon. We hope to see you again soon. You take care! And Have a wonderful day!
Yup, and it helps that replay-ability is good because playing evil well is different from playing good well. Evil you can sort of just eff shit up, good you have to be a bit more restrained so you don't kill everything that moves.
So I got the game on Monday and been playing it quite heavily in that time
Probably over 2/3 of the way through with being fairly completist about it
My take on it: [Might be spoilers within but anything too spoilery I'll tag]
Compared to previous Infamous Games
I cannot think of anything that Second Son fails to improve on compared to the previous games short of maybe the story and the main charecter. The secondary charecters for instance are more ingrained and part of the story. You connect with them better than in the previous games
My only real complaint was that it gets fairly easy once you get the hang of your latest power at least at the normal difficulty. Turns out there is a difficulty setting in the options menu. Never mentioned that anywhere. Expert is a bit of a challenge. I was disappointed a bit for the first 3 hours of the game mainly because I didn't feel there was any boss battles. Once you leave the first island you do get a decent mini boss battle that's quite challenging [was playing on expert/hard at this point]. Then you get some real boss challenges when you go to get your next power. This was a really good boss battle in my opinion. A bit repetitive but quite fun and challenging. Also having multiple powers is a wonderful addition. I love the 2nd and 3rd powers the most. What is amazing is that you pretty much have to adjust your play style depending on the active power. The 3rd power for instance allows for
strong stealth applications
. Every time you get a new power there is a grace period where you learn what are the right techniques to fight with. I love all 3 powers and the movement of two of them is very satisfying.
Story is actually decent. I imagine there will be an interesting plot twist near the end although it's fairly obvious. Not quite as good I would say as the first infamous's story as that one is quite creative [well I liked it anyways]
Main Character
So Delsin is a bit of a douche at least in the beginning. He becomes far more palatable the farther you get and he turns into a fine main character but its never oh my god I love this charecter at least not for me. I like Delsin less than Cole whatever that means
Secondary Characters
These are actually quite good.
Reggie [the brother] while annoying is a good secondary character. Plays off Delsin well as a sort of opposing force. He's not that interesting though.
2nd Conduit you get powers from is a decent secondary character. A bit disappointed she disappears for a while as you continue the story [not kidnapped etc. just not active within the story]. You have an affect on her future and seem to make good friends with her. Her backstory is interesting enough and very infamous-y
3rd Conduit you get powers from is also interesting although less so. Kind of less interaction with the main character. his back story is meh but whatever
Main Villain is evil enough for the purposes of the story. Intelligent, powerful, single-minded, and in some ways desperate, she makes for a fine antagonist. Not sure there's much depth but I feel something will be added when the full plan is revealed etc.
Mission Design
So there are generally two types of missions
Main missions: These are interesting enough and varied. Combat and activities are quite fun. Interaction between characters is good. Coherent plot and all that
Neighborhood Clearing Missions: So there are a couple side missions available to weaken the DUPs grip on certain neighborhoods.
Before you can do these activities you must "unlock" them by clearing a DUP base. This tends to get repetitive but at least the enemy types tend to vary as well as the geography so the battles do feel different. This is likely one of the weaker points though. I enjoy it but don't mind repetition.
Once you do that though you can do the following mission types
Chase down enemy agents - Good mission type if not a bit easy depending on chosen power, not a lot of replayablity value
Audio Log hunt - Fine, a little better than standard implementation as you use your phone to locate it which is not bad
Hidden Camera - Locate and destroy hidden surveilance cameras. This is like the audio log hunt but is also decent. Just quite light as you can do it quickly
Tagging/Spraypainting: So you have to do this via holding the controller sideways and "spraying" the paint. I thought I would hate this and it would be annoying. I actually really enjoy this activity though. Love watching the tag progress through the different steps
Once enough of a neighborhood is clear you can claim it by tagging a billboard and eliciting a large DUP response force. I've never actually found this to be difficult but I tend to amp up my powers before I do these so might just be me. These activities are pretty enjoyable
I'll edit in anything else I can remember to.
tl;dr Overall I really am enjoying this game, even more than I thought I would and I love Infamous games and this looked great to me but went above and beyond my expectations. It does suffer in some areas the usual problems of open world game design with repetitive neighborhood unlocking but it's improved over the previous infamous games quite a lot even in this regard.
I have been having trouble determining if I think people who disliked Infamous 1 and 2's gameplay will enjoy this. It is as I said much better in that regard but still suffers some repetitive play in unlocking neighborhoods. I think it is truly a good game
When they delivered my PS4 back in November they delivered it at like 2pm but in the past when I ordered Borderlands 2, my PS Vita and LEGO: Marvel, they delivered it at like 7pm. Im off from work on Friday so hopefully it comes nice an early
If you set it to expert, it's a challenge in places. Really depends how you play though. Guns a blazing doesn't work in many scenarios. I often play in guerrilla like warefare
Anyone else afraid that by getting too hype you'll be disappointed with this game?
I remember I was too hyped for Man of Steel, I came out severely disappointed. Wasn't hyped at all for Iron Man because my younger idiotic self at the time thought it was stupid cause he didn't have any superpower. Came out of the theatre blown away.
I'm trying my best to keep my expectation and hype down so I rather be blown away then be like... Ehhhhhhh.
If this game get 90% or more on Metacritic. I'm going to go nuts!
I'm treating it as an improved Infamous and a glimpse of what is to come with PS4 in the future, since it is the first current gen only open world game. Hard to over hype with that mindset.
Just chatted with jawdwkndjafjkef (Amazon support) & was told the game was in the process of shipping prep & that it was guaranteed to arrive on the 21st! ^_^
I don't really pay attention to reviews anymore, I used to, but a 6 is just ridiculous for this game. I can see some 7's some 9's and the majority in the 8's, but 6 is too low.
I don't really pay attention to reviews anymore, I used to, but a 6 is just ridiculous for this game. I can see some 7's some 9's and the majority in the 8's, but 6 is too low.