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Infamous: Second Son |OT| Smells Like Beanie Spirit


Alright so I've completely cleared the map, but I still get a 92% completed on the save. I haven't done the Paper Trails mission so could that be the remaining 8%?


Neo Member
Yeah, shit gets real. Hell, it got real before the ending.
That decision to kill him as he listened to his daughter call out though...fuck

I was lost as hell about this when I first got it for some reason lol

A bit of inside info for NeoGAF -- the Evil ending is DIFFERENT depending on what you do with Hank as well.
If you kill him in front of his daughter you get the full evil ending (with Orbital Drop). If you let him live, you don't get the Orbital Drop ending.
A bit of inside info for NeoGAF -- the Evil ending is DIFFERENT depending on what you do with Hank as well.
If you kill him in front of his daughter you get the full evil ending (with Orbital Drop). If you let him live, you don't get the Orbital Drop ending.

Really? Woah, I'm on my third playthrough with evil karma. I'm definitely going to try this out.


also there's one I neglected to pick up throughout the entire campaign because it's out in water on the map

Try checking the neighboring districts. There are a few drones with a patrol path that takes them outside of their "home" district, but they are still listed as being there on the little collectibles tally, even when they're physically in a different district.

and i still might be fucked. I've looked everywhere, including the neighboring districts and nothing. I wonder if I shot a roving one down and didn't realize it and then died and it bugged out or something.

I'm gonna keep my eyes open but i'm gonna be extra careful on my evil karma run.


I'm not too far in, but I really, really like the graffiti "mini-game".

The game itself is gorgeous, and I can't wait to get my second power. My only "complaint" with the game is that some of the animations are clunky (climbing a building is when I notice them the most), but it's nothing that pulls me out of the game.
A bit of inside info for NeoGAF -- the Evil ending is DIFFERENT depending on what you do with
as well.
If you kill him in front of his daughter you get the full evil ending (with Orbital Drop). If you let him live, you don't get the Orbital Drop ending.

Ah! Two different Evil endings. Two Good endings as well?

Also, might wanna spoiler tag that name like I did.


Junior Member
Just finished the game, ending was meh, game is phenomenal tho, it's been a long time since I finished a game and kept playing after I beat it, gameplay is so fun, if I had to give the game a score it'll be a 8.7, only thing holding this back to be a true masterpiece is the story and just bring down a notch the doucheness of delsin
Just finished the game. Really enjoyed it although I do wish they gave you concrete earlier because the city just isn't the same after doing all the side content so I don't feel as compelled to play after beating it though I will probably do an evil runthrough.
Beat the game today. I only played the first Infamous so it'd been a while since I've touched the franchise. It was a ton of fun! The surprise for me was how fun the boss fights were. I ended up liking Neon the best. I liked
but I feel like I wasn't using the powers to their best potential. Someone earlier in the thread said they could take an entire group of DUPs out with a well-coordinated
attack but all I could manage was subdue two soldiers at a time.

Didn't expect the game to end so suddenly but I enjoyed the story. I really liked almost all of the side characters, I just wish there were more opportunities to interact with them. Like, I loved Troy Baker and Travis Willingham even before I went into the game so I immediately liked their characters. But I started to wonder around
Reggie's death
just how much of their likeableness stemmed from the actors and how much was evoked from the character writing. I loved Reggie's moments like when
he ran around pretending to be a Conduit
and I wished there were more moments when he was on screen rather than talking to you through the phone.

The repetitiveness of the side stuff didn't bother me too much but I would have liked if they turned those side missions into neat things involving the other characters. But all in all I really enjoyed the game and I'm looking forward to playing the next Infamous.
Speaking of Reggie, does anyone think that maybe
there's a chance he might've survived somehow? Considering that Hank was also encased in concrete and still survived... what if Reggie had some latent Conduit ability the way Delsin did
I want to believe!!!


Am I already at the goddamn final boss?

I kinda rushed as I wanted the story so I could juggle between this, South Park (actually taking my time with that one), and Killer is Dead, plus mix in some other games I picked up... I'm on expert with about 60% but I don't think I have played any more than about six hours.
I'm here:
Hank just betrayed me and Reggie just died or maybe not. And I saw that coming from a mile away haha.
I want to believe!!!

I get that most people want to believe Reggie isn't dead because of Hank being encased with concrete and surviving, but people seem to forget Hank is a conduit and Reggie isn't. He doesn't have the luxury of fast healing or all the perks being a conduits comes with. It makes a lot more sense if Reggie died.


I get that most people want to believe Reggie isn't dead because of Hank being encased with concrete and surviving, but people seem to forget Hank is a conduit and Reggie isn't. He doesn't have the luxury of fast healing or all the perks being a conduits comes with. It makes a lot more sense if Reggie died.

Not how you do a spoiler tag bud.


A bit of inside info for NeoGAF -- the Evil ending is DIFFERENT depending on what you do with Hank as well.
If you kill him in front of his daughter you get the full evil ending (with Orbital Drop). If you let him live, you don't get the Orbital Drop ending.
Looks like a third playthrough for me. I'm excite.


Unfortunately the game is very short. IF and IF 2 were longer and had more depth.
Yeah, I beat it just a bit ago. I liked the final mission enough and at least the boss was better than the others, despite having too much health.

I'm a bit disappointed. I don't want to say the game is forgettable but man, did they sprint towards the finish line. If I hadn't done any of the of the dup deals the game would have felt super short.

I was hoping they would add more dynamic missions or something to the world. For the first half I got rid of every drug deal known to man and for the second, well, it was something less interactive but just as repetitive.

I had a decent time. I might try to write up something later.


What's wrong with it? Sorry, I'm using my phone, it looks fine to me.

You did it fine its just that you blackened all of it without giving any context so if someone who hadn't gotten to that part yet clicked on it (I know what you're thinking why would they) they wouldn't know what part you're talking about aka leading to a possible mishap with a portion of the game being spoiled for them.


Finished my good playthrough today and really enjoyed it. Started my Evil/Expert playthrough and am already having a hard time being such a blatant jerk....


I'm not a fan of MMO-style "phase repetition and transition" style boss fights. They're barely fun when you're coordinating with 10+ other people to do them, and complete tedium to me to do alone. The final boss fight was marginally better because it at least cropped down the amount of repeated phases, but the first
fight in particular was just awful.

I would have rather the "boss" events were something that stayed in the open world and actually incorporated more game elements rather than being removed out to big dumb boss "arenas" for big dumb "sequences". That's just me, though. I'd rather fight the "boss" out in the city scrounging for power source on my own and letting the situation evolve organically, in the appropriate fashion of an open world game, rather than having a painfully structured and restricted "experience" crammed into a corner of the game that exists only for that battle.

I mean, to me 90% of the game is about traversal, then you get into the boss fights and it's all, "Welcome to this 30' x 30' circle, please dash responsibly." They feel like pieces cut from another game and hastily glued on, Deus Ex: HR style.

And yeah, I found the third power dopey and the character attached to it worthy of a sound eye-rolling and nothing else. I'm glad I'd already completed all the open world stuff by that point so I could just burn through at a ridiculous pace and never use it outside of mandatory boss fight segments.

I finished the game on expert on my first play-through for reference , and no fight except the last one felt long, there are some quircks to the powers that you have to learn to defeat the bosses quickly.

For example:
The rock dude that you are supposed to fight with neon when you have no smoke recharge can be pretty quickly defeated by dodging his melee with a dash towards him and using your melee , it drains more health than just shooting.
For Agustine after Reggie's death , you have to use the shotgun smoke and then the video missile swords, you can recharge them quickly using the stealth.
Third boss can be defeated faster by shooting the angels down when it disintegrates.
you can use these same techniques until you get concrete in the last boss, then it's enduring until your full set of abilities. No really that long or repetitive.

Also, i guess i see where some people come from when they say the games it's not fun for them , because this game even if its a sandbox, it's more close to a P* game than a Rockstar game. Infamous never felt much like sandboxes to me , and thats why i love them , the only GTA i ever finished was San Andreas, they usually bore me to death.

I swear I read somewhere that the "wilderness" was going to be a full blown "area" in the game. I forgot I read that until I finished the game and I realized there was no such thing, other than for 20 minutes in the intro.

Did I hallucinate?


Finally got a chance to play more after both my older and younger brother beat it. I just now got the neon powers powered up. My goodness I was giggling like a little schoolgirl running up walls XD

Haven't had this kind of fun with a game in a while.


I swear I read somewhere that the "wilderness" was going to be a full blown "area" in the game. I forgot I read that until I finished the game and I realized there was no such thing, other than for 20 minutes in the intro.

Did I hallucinate?

I think so... How would you get any power refills there?


So, I just completed every overworld errand (which amounts to find hidden camera, destroy dpu station, find shards, showdown , find spy, spray paint, find audio log) which leaves me with a 75% completion stat.

To boot, I am only one story mission in after acquiring neon powers. That means with 75% compete, I have maybe a couple of hours of story missions and a run in with two new powers that won't stay with me for very long.

This game is very short on content and variety which, by my book, no matter how good graphics are, hardly equates to a "next gen" experience. Fun here and there but this far mindless.

Any game is mindless if you rush every side objective, AC4, GTA ect.


So, I just completed every overworld errand (which amounts to find hidden camera, destroy dpu station, find shards, showdown , find spy, spray paint, find audio log) which leaves me with a 75% completion stat.

To boot, I am only one story mission in after acquiring neon powers. That means with 75% compete, I have maybe a couple of hours of story missions and a run in with two new powers that won't stay with me for very long.

This game is very short on content and variety which, by my book, no matter how good graphics are, hardly equates to a "next gen" experience. Fun here and there but mindless.

Don't know what to tell you other than you played the game wrong. You can do what you describe in many open world games.


Any game is mindless if you rush every side objective, AC4, GTA ect.
Yeah I don't feel if you put GTA style side missions with new graphics it becomes some sort of enhanced, more "next gen" experience. To me I was happy using my powers a lot as opposed to shooting and driving and swimming for stuff in GTAV, in it's side content. That said I can understand people wanting more content, it just never stopped me from enjoying what was there.


Neon Powers are awesome. Switching out between Smoke and Neon confused me a bit when I was going for headshots with Neon and I was getting bad karma for it.
So, anyone else able to do the first mission in game for paper trail part 2 but then have nothing show up on the website?

The icon is there (on the bridge), but it won't let me do anything.

Is there something I have to do on the website for the third section of part one?


The icon is there (on the bridge), but it won't let me do anything.

Is there something I have to do on the website for the third section of part one?

Nope, I didn't and I was able to complete the bridge paper trail mission

How do you play an open game "wrong"?

To above reference of gtaV, there is a night and day difference in design quality. The world in GTA is far more immersive than what is here and actually encourages exploration.

Brute forcing all of the side content right as it becomes availiable usually isn't the best way to go about things.


How do you play an open game "wrong"?

To above reference of gtaV, there is a night and day difference in design quality. The world in GTA is far more immersive than what is here and actually encourages exploration.
Sure I'm not denying that but in Infamous I was enjoying traversal and using my powers I personally wasn't too worried about exploration as much as those aspects. I wasn't the biggest GTAV or IV fan though so maybe it's not too fair for me to compare as even with more side content I very rarely enjoyed it.


I'm not a fan of MMO-style "phase repetition and transition" style boss fights. They're barely fun when you're coordinating with 10+ other people to do them, and complete tedium to me to do alone. The final boss fight was marginally better because it at least cropped down the amount of repeated phases, but the first
fight in particular was just awful.

I would have rather the "boss" events were something that stayed in the open world and actually incorporated more game elements rather than being removed out to big dumb boss "arenas" for big dumb "sequences". That's just me, though. I'd rather fight the "boss" out in the city scrounging for power source on my own and letting the situation evolve organically, in the appropriate fashion of an open world game, rather than having a painfully structured and restricted "experience" crammed into a corner of the game that exists only for that battle.

I mean, to me 90% of the game is about traversal, then you get into the boss fights and it's all, "Welcome to this 30' x 30' circle, please dash responsibly." They feel like pieces cut from another game and hastily glued on, Deus Ex: HR style.

And yeah, I found the third power dopey and the character attached to it worthy of a sound eye-rolling and nothing else. I'm glad I'd already completed all the open world stuff by that point so I could just burn through at a ridiculous pace and never use it outside of mandatory boss fight segments.

I completely agree with you in regards to boss fights in arenas vs the open-world. I've never been a big fan of boss fights in general, but the open-world boss fights in inFamous 1 & 2 were actually quite enjoyable. They felt more like the Command Center battles or Showdowns in Second Son, in which you could try different angles/tactics and escape for a power regen.


How do you play an open game "wrong"?

To above reference of gtaV, there is a night and day difference in design quality. The world in GTA is far more immersive than what is here and actually encourages exploration.

You tired yourself out by just rushing and doing the same mindless stuff over and over again.

You mentioned yourself that you won't have long to play with the new powers once you get them. Well, if you left some districts untouched (the ones the main missions didn't really take you into), you wouldn't really have had this problem.

I know it sounds silly to say that you played the game wrong - it's not really your fault. This issue could have been avoided by simply gating some of the district sidequests by certain main missions.


Playing through my evil run after 100%ing good, I'm just before going to the new area across the bridge and have my available powers maxed and man, so far the evil powers are super lame. I feel much much weaker than I did at this point with the good versions of these powers.
The lack of slow motion on neon aiming really blows too)
I hope this changes later on because it's a bummer playing a super hero game where you feel like a wet noodle.
Still trying not to read much about this game, since I haven't finished. But the little that comes up seems like negative and I haven't really heard many positives about it. Whereas I absolutely love this game and think its the best inFamous.

I've been hearing people don't like Delson or any of the characters... but the thing I absolutely hated about infamous 1 and 2 were the characters. I actually like Delson a bit... Cole was terrible (I was team redesign) and Zeke was even worse. Everything about this game is better. No idea what people were expecting.


well not really...yet
Hey, so there's a feature in this game that I don't think ive seen mentioned or talked about by anyone.

After I cleared the game at 100%, (spoilered just in case)
there began to be DUP Raids at what used to be the DUP stations, there are big red alert icons on the map when they appear, and there is a notification of a raid happening at "so and so" district
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